Frequently Asked Questions | LVHN Scholarly Works

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can submit documents to Scholarly Works?

Colleagues at Lehigh Valley Health Network may submit documents to Scholarly Works. Colleagues include but are not limited to members of the medical staff, employees, faculty, residents, fellows, research scholars, and affiliates. For more information, see the Scholarly Works Policy Manual.

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Who can view documents in Scholarly Works?

Scholarly Works is an open repository and most of the content is accessible to anyone on the Internet. For some collections, access may be restricted to Lehigh Valley Health Network.

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What can I find in Scholarly Works?

Examples of content include, but are not limited to, the following: articles (pre-prints and post-prints), books and book chapters, conference proceedings, posters, datasets, abstracts, reports, working papers and more. Where copyright permits, the full text of the document will be included.

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Can I find items in Scholarly Works using Google or other search engines?

Yes. Once an item is submitted into Scholarly Works, it will be made available to search engines.

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Why should I submit my research to Scholarly Works?

Scholarly Works will help to maximize the visibility and accessibility of your research, and hence the usage and impact of your work. Wider exposure will potentially lead to earlier and increased citation of your work. The system creates permanent links for all records which makes it easier to distribute them to your colleagues.

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What copyright issues should I be concerned about?

The library staff will assist authors in determining if materials are eligible to be deposited. See the Scholarly Works Policy Manual for more information.

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How do I negotiate with a publisher to retain the right the put the full text of a published article in Scholarly Works?

Publishers often permit an author to place their article in their organization’s institutional repository. Read the author agreement carefully. If the agreement does not state this right or any other rights that should be kept (e.g. right to use in teaching, etc.) you may use this addendum to help in negotiation. Library Services can assist you in the negotiation with publishers. Training in author rights negotiation will be offered in the future.

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Can I see usage statistics for my publications?

You can sign up to receive monthly usage statistics. Contact Library Services for more details.

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Do I need to register or log-in to use Scholarly Works?

You do not need to create an account to search or review content. Accounts are required to submit a paper or receive usage statistics. Contact Library Services for more information.

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How do I search Scholarly Works?

You can search by keyword in the text of the record and full text of the document. You can also browse by Author, Collection, or Department.

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What if I want to update my work?

Authors may request to post updated versions of documents. Library Services may require that updated documents be posted along with the original version. The Scholarly Works repository is meant to be a permanent scholarly record.

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What is an author portfolio page?

An author portfolio page displays all of your research into one web page which may include a personal statement, photo, and curriculum vitae.

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How do I know when new content is added?

You can use the “Notify me via email or RSS” link located in the left-hand yellow navigation bar of Scholarly Works site.

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How do I find a specific author’s content?

Select the “Authors” link in the Browse area. You can select the first letter of the author’s last name. All listings are in alphabetical order. If the author has a personal portfolio page you may also find them by going through our author portfolio gallery.

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What if I cannot get the full-text of an article?

Contact your school, public, or university library. Often you can purchase the full-text of an article directly from the publisher’s website.

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What does search "across all repositories" mean?

Searching across all repositories is an option you can select in a search that allows you to search for your selected search terms through a nationwide network of digital repositories including but not limited to LVHN Scholarly Works.

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Additional questions?

If you have further questions or need help, contact Library Services.

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If you are an LVHN author, click here for more help.

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