Implant Placement In The Maxillary Anterior Region — A Staged Approach
Publication/Presentation Date
Dentists placing implants are often faced with the dilemma of whether to place an immediate implant or not in the anterior maxilla. This article illustrates a step-by-step case where a decision to proceed with a staged approach was taken in light of the anatomy. Consideration of esthetic parameters allows us to make decisions that are predictable and lead to a highly esthetic result with harmony of the gingiva and teeth. As a technique the guided bone regeneration (GBR) method is shown to safely develop bone in areas where it was deficient and finally the prosthetic outcome using a UCLA abutment and crown has been illustrated.
Published In/Presented At
Qayyum, A. Saad, M. Crawford, C. (2009, August). Implant Placement In The Maxillary Anterior Region — A Staged Approach. Oral Health. Magazines.
Department of Dental Medicine, Department of Dental Medicine Faculty
Document Type