"A Case Study Exploring the Current Issues Faced by Diploma-Prepared Nu" by Amy E. Droskinis MSN, RN, CCRN

A Case Study Exploring the Current Issues Faced by Diploma-Prepared Nurses

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Nursing is a dynamic and rapidly progressing field. As the profession changes over time, it is vital to the nursing population to study how these transformations influence the workforce. In this study the aim was to explore how nurses are functioning in the acute care setting and how modifications in educational requirements and technological advancement have affected their nursing practice. A case study method involving phenomenological electronic mail interviews was completed to explore one nurse’s perspective and experience. This information was then compared to most recent research and applied to the modern nursing arena.

The findings of this project have been organized into two main themes: progressive transformation and technological innovation. The progressive transformation theme focuses on the culture transition that the nursing profession has transpired into, which includes the requirement for advanced education and an enhanced knowledge base. Additionally, this cluster reveals that with great knowledge comes superior responsibility, and that more tasks beyond direct bedside care are being taken on by nurses. The technological innovation cluster explores the role of technology within nursing education and how delivery methods have influenced learning. Lastly, this cluster provides a reflection of how bedside technology is being incorporated into patient care and how nurses should weave technology into their practice.

An intimate view through this case study has shed light on one participant’s experience, thereby providing the possible impetus for further research on the subject. Findings are significant to educators and nursing staff development professionals due to the sensitive and personal experiences revealed. Now that these issues have surfaced, it is the responsibility of nursing leaders to assess if nurses within their environment are experiencing similar situations and to then remedy and rectify the circumstances.






This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in:

Droskinis, A. (2013). A case study exploring the current issues faced by diploma-prepared nurses. Journal For Nurses In Staff Development: JNSD: Official Journal Of The National Nursing Staff Development Organization, 29(1), 30-34. doi:10.1097/NND.0b013e31827d0ab1



Education | Medical Education




Department of Education, Clinical Staff Development

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