Building Brand Loyalty, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
For Your Heart, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
Connect and Control: Your Online Action Guide, S Mescher and Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
Building Relationships with Customers, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
One Of a Kind, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
The American Heart Association's Personalized Disease Management Program, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
Health Promotion Excellence in the New Century: Ascending New Heights, Amy B. Smith PhD and M D. Hawkins (Presentation)
Technological Innovations for Women's Health, Amy B. Smith PhD and S Haynes (Presentation)
National athletic trainers' association position statement: lightning safety for athletics and recreation., Katie M. Walsh EdD, Brian Bennett M.Ed, Mary A. Cooper MD, Ronal L. Holle MS, Richard Kithil MBA, and Raul E. López PhD (Article)
Lightning Safety for Athletics and Recreation., Brian Bennett M.Ed (Presentation)
Providing Computer Assistance and Teaching Through “Quick Guides.” (Poster)., Kristine A. Petre MLS, CM, AHIP; Carole Reese; and Frances Levengood MLS (Poster)
A Consortium Developed Poster to Teach Evidence-Based Health Care. (Poster), Kristine A. Petre MLS, CM, AHIP and Linda M. Schwartz MDE, AHIP, CM (Poster)
Intergrating Behavioral Medicine Into Health Through Product Development, Amy B. Smith PhD (Poster)
Message Tailoring, Amy B. Smith PhD (Article)
On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics (2nd Edition), Stephen E. Lammers and Allen Verhey (Book)
Student Assessment of Educational Materials, Amy B. Smith PhD, D Harvey, and J Bedford (Poster)
A Model Lightning Safety Policy for Athletics., Brian Bennett M.Ed (Article)
Evolution of a Patient Education Curriculum, D Harvey and Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
Educating Students to Educate Their Patients, Amy B. Smith PhD and D Harvey (Presentation)
Integrating Patient Education into Medical School Curriculum, Amy B. Smith PhD and D Harvey (Presentation)
Piloting a First-Year Introduction to Clinical Medicine Course, Amy B. Smith PhD and D Harvey (Presentation)
Continuing Medical Education: Actually Learning Rather Than Simply Listening., Martyn O. Hotvedt PhD (Letter to the Editor)
The Marginalization of Religious Voices in Bioethics., Stephen E. Lammers PhD (Book Chapter)
The Medical Futility Discussion: Some Theological Suggestions., Stephen E. Lammers PhD (Book Chapter)
Medical Education in a Community Model of Care: The Future of Medical Education in a Large Academic Community Hospital., Robert J. Laskowski MD., MBA; Judith Calhoun PhD; and Molly McKaughan BA (Article)
Factors that Facilitate Effective Tumor Boards, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
Meaningful Tumor Boards, Amy B. Smith PhD (Presentation)
On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics, Stephen E. Lammers and Allen Verhey (Book)
Online LATCH., Carolyn C. Nippert (Article)
Improving CME Lectures., M O Hotvedt (Article)
Tailoring continuing medical education to the individual needs of practicing physicians., M O Hotvedt and W W Schottstaedt (Article)
Individualizing your continuing education., M O Hotvedt (Article)
Distribution and utilization of mid-level health care professionals., M O Hotvedt, C E Fasser, L E Heller, and J L Middleton (Article)
The effects of educational intervention & parental support on dental health., E J Hart and M T Behr (Article)
Mastery of performance objectives during residency training: faculty vs resident ratings., M L Russell, M O Hotvedt, and A A O'Donell (Article)
A framework for health education in school settings., E J Hart and M T Behr (Article)
Comparison of faculty and resident expectations for residency training in hypertension., M L Russell, M O Hotvedt, and A A O'Donell (Article)
The role of formative evaluation in a continuing education program: basic rehabilitation nursing techniques., P A Repicky and M O Hotvedt (Article)
Survey of continuing medical education in Iowa., R M Caplan and T Yarcheski (Article)