Irma Matos: A 66‐Year‐Old Ecuadorian Woman with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension

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How does this patient's social situation impact the care provided by Dr. Bowman?What additional social history is needed about Mrs. Matos' travel schedule to best manage her medical condition?What might be done to prevent Mrs. Matos from running out of her medications during future trips to Ecuador?What are some of the reasons for why these tests may have been ordered?What might Dr. Bowman do to minimize the likelihood that Mrs. Matos will seek unnecessary diagnostic studies while abroad?How do changes in the diet and lifestyle of Mrs. Matos while in Ecuador affect her diabetes and hypertension management?How should Dr. Bowman approach Mrs. Matos' request to prescribe a steroid combination pill for her back pain which she self-prescribed in Ecuador?How can the medical care of patients living in the U.S. and abroad, such as Mrs. Matos, be improved?References

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Case 15.

Book Editor(s): Lisa Hark PhD, RD Horace DeLisser MD

Book is available for purchase at Amazon


Department of Medicine, Department of Medicine Faculty

Document Type

Book Chapter
