Ulceration of primary cutaneous melanoma and the development of brain metastases: A retrospective chart review
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Published In/Presented At
Rutt, V. (2016, April 26). Ulceration of primary cutaneous melanoma and the development of brain metastases: A retrospective chart review. Presentation presented at LVHN Department of Medicine Research Day, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA.
Rutt, V. Kinney, R. Sreedhar, A. Pandya, D. Wiedersum, S, MV. Macfarlan, J. Pearson, A. Mothersele, S. Agostinho, J. Nair, S. (2016, June 3-7). Ulceration of primary cutaneous melanoma and the development of brain metastases: A retrospective chart review. Presented at: The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL.
Medical Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Medicine, Department of Medicine Fellows and Residents, Fellows and Residents
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