A great crowd at the fair: Central market hall was fairly jammed last evening, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
All for sweet charity: Names of those who will assist at the hospital fair, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
A site for the hospital: The ordinance in councils before the finance committee, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
At the council meeting: Straight party vote was held in elections [hospital lot], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Bedclothing needed, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
City fathers in session: An important meeting of the municipal legislature [hospital lot], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Diagram opens this morning [hospital benefit], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Donated the two lions, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
First regular meeting: The new municipal legislature met last evening, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
For a good cause: The Great Republic will be presented in the academy this evening, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
For a most worthy cause: The fair for the benefit of the Allentown Hospital, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
For a worthy cause [theatre benefit], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Has passed into history: The hospital fair came to a close Saturday night, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital appropriate resolution passed, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital committee appointed, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital construction- granite contract, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital fair receipts: The ladies' auxiliary will net $3890.16 through the affair, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital trustees met [finance committee appointed], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital trustees met [insurance ordered], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Hospital trustees met [review hospital specifications], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
It is for a worthy cause: The calendar fair will open in central market hall tonight, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Laboring for charity: The noble work in which Allentown women are engaged, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Mr. Ritter gets the contract to erect the Allentown hospital: It was awarded yesterday afternoon, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Progress made on the hospital, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Proposals for erecting hospital, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Proposed new Allentown Hospital building, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The fair in full sway: The governor pressed the button which illuminated the hall, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The finance committee has still further reduced the estimates, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The great hospital fair: It still continues to draw crowds for market hall, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The great hospital fair: It will open in central market hall Saturday evening, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The Great Republic: A fine entertainment for the benefit of the hospital, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital association: The annual meeting was held last evening, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital benefit, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital benefit [the Great Republic], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital chickens [Letter to the editor], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital fair [Ladies' auxiliary], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital fair: The ladies' auxiliary met yesterday and began to fix up the accounts, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital fair: The members of the ladies' auxiliary are meeting with good success, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital permit, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital [support lacking], The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The hospital trustees meet: The erection of the main building will be started at once, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The ladies' auxiliary of the hospital association took action yesterday, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The ladies' hospital auxiliary: It has done a noble work during the year which has passed, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
The ladies want aid: They will thankfully receive aid for the calendar fair for the hospital, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
To benefit our hospital, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
To push erection, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
To sell reservoir lot: The ladies' auxiliary endorse the proposition- Sufficient funds could thus be raised to build at once, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Will close this evening: The hospital fair will be a thing of the past after tonight, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Will wire the hospital buildings, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Will work for the hospital: The Lavral Societe was organized at the home of Miss Butz, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Won't get the city lot: The finance committee opposed to presenting it to the hospital association, The Morning Call (Newspaper)
Work on the hospital building, The Morning Call (Newspaper)