Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Faculty | Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Lehigh Valley Health Network



Pencil impalement through mouth in a toddler., Mahdi Malekpour, Christopher Coppola MD, and Luiz Foernges (Article)



Evaluation of Mothers and Infants with Presumed Exposure to Zika Virus: A Look into the Lehigh Valley Experience, Jeanette Taveras DO, Michelle Maron RN, and Tibisay Villalobos MD (Article)


Diagnostic Considerations of Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma in Biopsy Specimens., Heba Y. Durra MD (Presentation)


C3 Glomerulonephritis Manifesting as Recurrent Episodes of Acute Kidney Injury During Times of Infection, Sharif A. Ali MD, Myriam Vela-Ortiz, and Shawn Hazlett (Presentation)


Pulmonary hernia in a two-year-old child., Jenna Fine, Bryan S Walters, Alysia A Agnoni, Christopher Coppola MD, Ronald J Scorpio, and Alfred P Kennedy (Article)


Soccer injuries in children requiring trauma center admission., Bryan S Walters, Mary Wolf, Carol Hanson, Niv Mor, Ronald J Scorpio, Alfred P Kennedy, Jordan O Meyers, and Christopher Coppola MD (Article)


Updates in Pulmonary Hypertension. Pathology of Pulmonary Hypertension., Heba Y. Durra MD (Presentation)


Thyroid Crystal Disease., D A. Arabadjief and Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD (Presentation)

Case 20: Congenital Leukemia Cutis., Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Book Chapter)

“To Test or Not to Test: That is the Question: Appropriate Utilization of Lab Diagnostics.”, Bala Carver MD (Presentation)

Morphologic and Immunohistochemical Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Peripheral Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma., Heba Y. Durra MD (Presentation)

Thymic Pathology: Clarifying the Misunderstandings., Heba Y. Durra MD (Presentation)

Paraneoplastic Limbic Encephalitis: an Autopsy Case Report., Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD (Presentation)

"Results of MelanoSITE Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Assay in Histologically Ambiguous Melanocytic Lesions: Experience in a Private Lab.", Hina A. Sheikh and Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Presentation)


South American blastomycosis (paracoccidioidomycosis)., Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Book Chapter)

Pathology of the Placenta., Lisa E.A. Dwyer-Joyce MD (Presentation)


A 49-year-old woman with several year history of vulvar irritation, now with thickened white plaque between urethra and periclitoral area., Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Book Chapter)

Difficulties in Classifying Pediatric CNS Tumors., Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD and Peter C. Burger (Presentation)


Massive Localized Lymphedema., Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Book Chapter)

Massive Localized Lymphedema., Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Presentation)


Disseminated Herpes Zoster., Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Book Chapter)

Cervical Cancer Screening in a World with HPV Vaccines., Victoria A. Loven MD, FCAP (Presentation)

The Impact of Imaged-Based Cytology on Cervical Cancer Screening., Victoria A. Loven MD, FCAP (Presentation)

The Impact of New Pap Technologies on Clinical Management., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)


Blue-Black Patches Over the Bilateral Pretibial Areas of an 83-Year-Old Man: Minocycline-Induced Pigmentation., Arni K. Kristjansson, Kirsten S. Bellucci MD, Mark Barbeck, and Vincent Liu (Book Chapter)


The Changing Role of the Pap Test in the Age of HPV Testing., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)


Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Analysis of p53 and HPV Status in 46 Cases., Hina A. Sheikh MD, M Fishera, and J L. Fishera (Poster)

p63 Expression in Assessment of Bronchioloalveolar Proliferations of the Lung., Hina A. Sheikh MD, Kimberly Fuhrer, Kathleen Cieply, and Samuel Yousem (Poster)


Molecular Genotyping of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Can Predict Tumor Recurrence., Michael Tometsko, Laura Niehouse, Dalal Aldeeb, Patricia Swalsky, Sydney Finkelstein, E Leon Barnes, Jennifer L. Hunt MD, and Hina A. Sheikh MD (Article)


Histologic Findings in Core Biopsies and Resection Specimens of Papillomas of the Breast., Hina A. Sheikh MD and D Dabbs (Poster)


Pathology of the Breast., Lisa E.A. Dwyer-Joyce MD (Presentation)


Renal Transplantation: An Update., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


FNA of Lung, Liver and Pancreas: A Practical Approach with Clinical Correlation., Victoria A. Loven (Presentation)



Thalidomide-Resistant HIV-Associated Aphthae Successfully Treated With Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor., Steven M. Manders MD, Jay R. Kostman MD, Leonardo Mendez MD, and Victoria A. Loven (Article)


Evaluation and Treatment of the Atypical Pap Smear as Defined by the System., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)



Fine-Needle Aspiration of Dermoid Cyst of the Pancreas: A Case Report., Valentina Markovsky MD and Victoria A. Loven (Article)

“Mapping Molecular Loci Near the Mouse Gunmetal Gene: A Gene that Causes Thrombocytopenia.”, Richard T. Swank PhD and Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Poster)


Gynecologic Cytopathology: The Spectrum of the Atypia., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)

Review of Guides to Clinical Aspiration Biopsy Flow Cytometry, Victoria A. Loven (Book Review)


Overview of Organ and Marrow Transplantation., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)

Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy-like T-cell Lymphoma and Gamma Heavy Chain Disease., Samuel Land MD and M J. Kornstein (Article)


"Talk with Your Doctor"., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)

Hickman Catheter Sepsis Caused by Yersinia Enterocolitica, Dennis B. Cornfield MD and I H. Lichtenstein (Letter to the Editor)

Implementing Flow Cytometry-DNA Analysis., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)


Heat-Induced Firing of a Revolver, Isidore Mihalakis (Article)


"Tissue Typing" in Transplantation: Beginning, Current State, and a Look into the Future., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)



Comparison of the Ortho Cultureset (Vero cells) and Difco Cellmatics System (Mink Lung and Primary Rabbit Kidney Cells) for the Detection of Herpes Simplex Virus from Clinical Specimens., David G. Beckwith; Diane C. Halstead PhD, ABMM; and Carol H. Beckwith (Article)

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


Therapeutic apheresis in hematologic and oncologic disease., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


Microcytic Anemia in Patients with Hypernephroma, Dennis B. Cornfield MD and S Labkoff (Presentation)


Role of Plasmapheresis in Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


Medical Payment Mode of Volunteers in a Clinical Research Program., G E. Bergman, B Daley, and Bala B. Carver MD (Presentation)

Electrophoresis of Human Serum., Barbara Bollinger MD (Article)

Meckel Diverticulum., Barbara Bollinger MD (Presentation)

"Transfusion: New Developments"., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)

Suppessor Lymphocytes in Familial Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, P D. Utsinger, and W Strimel (Presentation)


"Anemia in Pregnancy"., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)

"Bleeding Disorders and Blood Products" ., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)



Bone Marrow Examination: How to Make it Less Frightening for Your Patients ... and you., Michael Scarlato (Article)