"Congenital salivary gland anlage tumor of the nasopharynx." by Erik G Cohen, Michael Yoder MD et al.

Congenital salivary gland anlage tumor of the nasopharynx.

Erik G Cohen
Michael Yoder MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
Rebecca M Thomas
Denise Salerno
Glenn Isaacson


OBJECTIVE: Nasal and upper respiratory tract obstruction in the neonatal period can result from a variety of conditions, and may present with variable symptoms. In the absence of dysmorphic features or other abnormalities, causes of nasal obstruction may be difficult to differentiate on initial examination. We report an unexpected and potentially life-threatening condition arising during the work-up of this common neonatal complaint.

DESIGN: Case report with literature review.

RESULTS: A male neonate presented with complaints of nasal obstruction and feeding difficulties. A common diagnostic approach to neonatal nasal obstruction was performed, resulting in an unexpected and potentially life-threatening, albeit curative, result. Cannulation of the nasal cavity to rule out choanal atresia resulted in a burst of bleeding from the nose and mouth. A finger sweep of the oropharynx produced a dislodged mass lesion. Pathology revealed a salivary gland anlage tumor of the nasopharynx.

CONCLUSIONS: The diagnosis of a nasopharyngeal mass lesion should be considered in neonates with nasal obstructive symptoms. It is wise to place an index finger in the oropharynx when passing catheters to rule out choanal atresia to feel a dislodged mass lesion before it can become an airway foreign body. Should passage of nasal catheters result in bleeding and/or respiratory distress, the possibility of a displaced mass lesion must be considered immediately to institute prompt intervention.