Radioisotope renography improved by sequential renal scintiphotography., J A Volpe, V M Hardin, and G S Johnston (Article)
Clinical conditions associated with columnar lined esophagus., W A Burns, P A Flores, A Moshyedi, and R A Albacete (Article)
Pulmonary aspergillosis., R A Zimmerman and W T Miller (Article)
"Punched-out" lesions of the calvarium: no disease found., D Prager and C L Knecht (Article)
Parenteral therapy in the management of mechanical renal trauma., J W Jaffe, L Persky, and T D Downs (Article)
A case of spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus., M A Osborne and A Drummond (Article)
Multiple aneurysms of the abdominal aorta., S O Pais, R Steiner, J L Rosenbaum, and C Cope (Article)
Effect of transvaginal trauma on induction of bladder infection., J W Jaffe and L Persky (Article)
Steroid enema in ulcerative colitis., F J ALTOMARE and H M PERRY (Article)
The physician's responsibility in community affairs., E L DESSEN (Article)
Insertion with a guide, of multiple nails in fractures of the femoral neck., M T MODNY and H G KUNZ (Article)
Water-soluble contrast media. Their use in the diagnosis of obstructive gastrointestinal disease., R J RUBIN, B J OSTRUM, and W J DEX (Article)
Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease and pregnancy, including a case of osteomyelitis., M A SACKNER, W J DEX, and A I KAPLAN (Article)
Oral cholangiography; preliminary report., M J STAMATAKOS and K W TABER (Article)
Enlarged parietal foramina; a collection of examples from radiologic practices in Pennsylvania., W V DZUREK, L E ETTER, R M KEAGY, and M W MILLER (Article)
The physician and the chamber of commerce., E L DESSEN (Article)
Butazolidin in rheumatoid disorders; a preliminary report., C H SMITH and H G KUNZ (Article)
The roentgenologic aspects of anthracosilicosis., W J CORCORAN (Article)
Anthraco-silicosis., W J CORCORAN (Article)
The diagnosis of cancer from smear of secretions and exudates with modification of the Papanicolaou procedure., C A WALTMAN and F O ZILLESSEN (Article)