Review of cyanoacrylate tissue glues with emphasis on their otorhinolaryngological applications.
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Cyanoacrylates were first synthesized by Ardis in 1949. However, it was not until Coover in 1959 discovered their adhesive properties that an interest arose in using these substances in surgical procedures. Over the past two decades the use of cyanoacrylates has been varied and widespread among the surgical specialties. methyl 2-cyanoacrylate (Eastman 910 Monomer), Isobutyl-cyanoacrylate (Bucrylate), and 2-cyano-butyl-acrylate (Histoacryl) were the most widely used. Because of its tissue toxicity methyl 2-cyanoacrylate was discarded. The consensus of various investigators was that the higher homologues, in particular Histoacryl could be safely used in human applications. The authors thought it would be important to ascertain how the academic departments of Otolaryngology perceived the role of cyanoacrylates within their specialty. A questionnaire was distributed to 115 academic centers: 47% of the departments responded and, of those, 34% indicated a current working knowledge of the cyanoacrylates. This response confirmed a very active interest in these tissue adhesives despite a lack of F.D.A. approval. The otologic applications of these adhesives has been well documented, but the literature is devoid of studies using cyanoacrylates in other aspects of Otolaryngology. The authors feel that these adhesives (in particular Histoacryl) have a role as an adjunctive technique in facial reconstructive and cosmetic surgery for autogenous cartilage grafting. A study using rabbits was designed to determine if Histoacryl could be used safely to overcome the technical difficulties (graft migration during healing and cartilage fracture during suturing) often encountered when performing autogenous onlay cartilage grafting. On the left ear of each rabbit, a cartilage graft was harvested and reimplanted at a second site on the same ear by suturing the perichondrium of the graft to the perichondrium of the donor site. On the right ear the graft was secured to the donor site with Histoacryl. The histological analysis of the rabbits' ears sacrificed at weekly intervals from 1 week to 1 month failed to demonstrate cartilage damage or tissue toxicity in the ears where Histoacryl was used. In conclusion, the authors contend that a role exists for the use of Histoacryl as an adjunctive technique in facial reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. The study will be continued to assess the long-term results of using Histoacryl for autogenous onlay cartilage grafting.
2 Pt 1
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Published In/Presented At
Ronis ML, Harwick JD, Fung R, Dellavecchia M. Review of cyanoacrylate tissue glues with emphasis on their otorhinolaryngological applications. Laryngoscope. 1984 Feb;94(2 Pt 1):210-3. doi: 10.1288/00005537-198402000-00012. PMID: 6694493.
Medicine and Health Sciences
Department of Surgery, Division of Otolaryngology
Document Type