Sex Differences in Substance Use and Misuse, Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Jennifer Carey MD; Briana Tully DO; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Andrew L. Koons DO; and Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH (Poster)


No Fly Zone: An Unregistered Insecticide Containing Dichlorvos Resulting in Cholinergic Toxicity, Nicholas P. Johnson, Derek J. Fikse DO, Ryan M Surmaitis DO, and Alexandra Amaducci (Poster)


Old and Cold: A Novel Case of Combined Secobarbital and Pentobarbital Poisoning in an Elderly Woman., Kenneth D. Katz MD, Andrew L. Koons, Gregory A. Makar DO, and Amy Wier DO (Article)


Trends of Drug Misuse and Abuse within the Transgender Community, Cody R. McWhirter BS; Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Lexis Laubach BS; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Beth Careyva M.D.; Andrew L. Koons; Matthew D. Cook DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Ryan Surmaitis DO (Poster)


Surgical Opioid Stewardship for Joint Replacement Surgery: An Orthopedic Surgery Quality Improvement Initiative, Dylan Parker; Heather Geist MD; Ali Yazdanyar DO, PhD, MMM; Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN; Matthew McCambridge MD; Victoria Chestnut DNP, MBA, RN, CCCTM; Alisa Matthews MSN, RN, CCCTM; Melinda Liptak PA-C; Eric B. Lebby MD; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Poster)


The Toxicology Investigators Consortium 2020 Annual Report., Meghan B Spyres, Kim Aldy, Lynn A Farrugia, A Min Kang, Jennifer S Love, Sharan L Campleman, Shao Li, Alexandra Amaducci, Evan Schwarz, Paul M Wax, and Jeffery Brent (Article)


The Toxicology Investigators Consortium 2020 Annual Report, Toxicology Investigators Consortium Study Group and Alexandra Amaducci DO (Article)


Establishing Consensus-based Objectives for the Creation of an Opioid Overdose Curriculum for Emergency Medical Services Clinicians., Joshua D Trebach, Matthew Levy, Fahad Ali, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Rana Biary, Christopher Everett, Asa Margolis, Philip Stuart Nawrocki, Jonathan C Wendell, John Zour, and Andrew Stolbach (Article)



Sex-specific Outcomes in a Substance Use Intervention Program., Alexandra Amaducci; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Andrew W. Sheen DO; Hanna R. Warren DO; Pratik M. Parikh DO; Paige Roth LSW; Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; David M. Richardson MD; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Jennifer Stephens DO; and Robert D. Cannon DO (Article)

Prevention, Screening and Signs of Addiction, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Presentation)


ACMT Highlights Episode 15: The Role of Medico-legal Consulting in Your Medical Toxicology Career, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Kavita Babu (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 19: From Alcohols to Acetaminophen -The Role of Fomepizole in the Treatment of Acetaminophen Toxicity, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Jeffery Brent (Podcast)


Sex Differences in Pediatric Poisonings by Age Group: a Toxicology Investigators' Consortium (ToxIC) Analysis (2010-2016)., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Jennifer L Carey; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Jennifer Yoon; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Brittany Ely DO; Emily Pollack MD; Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Article)


Sex Differences in Substance Use and Misuse: A Toxicology Investigators' Consortium (ToxIC) Registry Analysis., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Jennifer L Carey; Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Briana Tully; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Andrew L. Koons; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Article)


ACMT Highlights Episode 17: Building Logistics of Drug Testing in Sport - Perspective of the Medical Director at Large Events, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and George Chiampas (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 20: Sports and AntI-Doping - A US Anti-Doping Agency Perspective, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Matthew Fedoruk (Podcast)


Missed Opportunities Preceding Overdose Death: A Commentary on County Coroner's Overdose Data., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Scott M Grim, Eric D Minnich, Robert D. Cannon DO, and Samuel Land MD (Article)


ACMT Highlights Episode 21: The Role of Adducts in the Diagnosis of Acetaminophen Toxicity, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Kennon Heard (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 18: Pharmacogenomics of cardiovascular drugs CYP2C19 and beyond, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Will Heise (Podcast)


Implementation of a Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) and Linkage Program by Leveraging Community Partnerships and Medical Toxicology Expertise., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Lexis Laubach BS; Samantha B. Esposito BS; Ali Yazdanyar DO; Paige Roth LSW; Priyanka Lauber DO; Jamie Allen DO; Nathan Boateng BA; Samantha A. Shaak PhD; and David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE (Article)


A theoretical framework and nomenclature to characterize the iatrogenic contribution of therapeutic opioid exposure to opioid induced hyperalgesia, physical dependence, and opioid use disorder., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Lewis S Nelson, Jeanmarie Perrone, and Michael S Lyons (Article)


Surgical Opioid Stewardship for Orthopedic Surgery: A Quality Improvement Initiative, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Dylan Parker; Heather Geist; Ali Yazdanyar; Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN; Matthew McCambridge MD; Victoria Chestnut DNP, MBA, RN, CCCTM; Melinda E. Liptak; and Eric B. Lebby MD (Poster)


Implementation of an emergency department discharge opioid taper protocol., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Joshua Rosentel BSn, RN; Ali R. Yazdanyar DO; Erin Farber DO; Joseph Levi DO, DPT; Lexis Laubach BS; Samantha B. Esposito BS; Sarah Iqbal; Richard S. MacKenzie MD; and David M. Richardson MD (Article)


ACMT Highlights Episode 14: Debunking Myths: Bystander Reactions to Chemical Incidents, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Monica Schoch-Spana (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 16: Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Military, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Daniel Sessions (Podcast)


Endotracheal Intubation in the Pharmaceutical-Poisoned Patient: a Narrative Review of the Literature., Glenn Burket DO, B Zane Horowitz, Robert G Hendrickson, and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Article)


Self-harm Poisonings Among Transgender Patients: Analysis of Toxicology Investigator’s Consortium Registry, Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Cody R. McWhirter BS; Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Lexis T. Laubach BS; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Beth Careyva M.D.; Andrew L. Koons; Matthew D. Cook DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Ryan M Surmaitis DO (Poster)


Agents of Exposure in Transgender Patient Cases Managed by a Toxicologist: An Analysis of the Toxicology Investigator’s Consortium (ToxIC) Registry, Phillip M. Grenz DO; Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Cody R. McWhirter BS; Lexis Laubach BS; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Beth Careyva M.D.; Matthew D. Cook DO; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Ryan M Surmaitis DO (Poster)


Altered Mental Status and Cyanosis in a Pediatric Patient with Methemoglobinemia., Phillip M. Grenz DO, Robert N. Ray DO, Olivia A. Hardy, Andrew L. Koons, Kenneth D. Katz MD, and Teresa M. Romano MD (Article)


Opioid-induced Sickle Cell Crisis with Multiple, Life-threatening Complications., Ashley Griswold Haggerty, Andrew L. Koons, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Robert D. Cannon DO, and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Article)


A Case of Cocaine-Induced Uvular Edema., Matthew Heard, Kathleen McMahon, and Thomas M Nappe DO (Article)


Chapter 328: Irritant Gases and Other Toxic Inhalants., Kenneth D. Katz MD, Robert D. Cannon, and Andrew L. Koons (Book Chapter)


Second Degree AV Heart Block after Candlenut Ingestion, Andrew L. Koons DO, Lexis Laubach BS, Alexandra Amaducci DO, Robert D. Cannon DO, Kenneth D. Katz MD, Ryan M. Surmaitis DO, Matthew D. Cook DO, and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Poster)


Mobitz Type II Atrioventricular Heart Block After Candlenut Ingestion., Andrew L. Koons, Lexis Laubach BS, Kenneth D. Katz MD, and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Article)

Coordinated Medicated Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Collaborative Care between Community Organizations and Health Care Access Points., Abby S. Letcher MD; Angela Colistra LPC, PhD, MS; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Kevin Mcneill MD; Paige Roth MSW; Regina Hills; and Jazmine Irizarry (Presentation)


When It Comes to Snakebites, Kids Are Little Adults: a Comparison of Adults and Children with Rattlesnake Bites., Michael Levine, Anne-Michelle Ruha, Brian Wolk, Martin Caravati, Jeffrey Brent, Sharan Campleman, Paul Wax, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Robert D. Cannon DO, Matthew D. Cook DO, Kenneth D. Katz MD, Andrew L. Koons, and Ryan Surmaitis DO (Article)


The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry-the 2019 Annual Report., Meghan B Spyres, Lynn A Farrugia, A Min Kang, Kim Aldy, Diane P Calello, Sharan L Campleman, Shao Li, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Timothy Wiegand, Paul M Wax, and Jeffery Brent (Article)


Characteristics of Transgender Patient Cases Managed by a Toxicologist: an Analysis of the Toxicology Investigator's Consortium (ToxIC) Registry: January 2017-June 2019., Ryan M Surmaitis DO; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Phillip M. Grenz DO; Cody R. McWhirter BS; Beth Careyva M.D.; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Andrew L. Koons; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Lexis Laubach BS; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Article)



Brief Motivational Interviewing for Substance Use by Medical Students Is Effective in the Emergency Department., Alanna Balbi BS; Anthony E. Gak MS; Esther S. Kim BA; Tennessee Park BA; Joann F. Quinn PhD, MBA; Manuel F. Colón BS; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Paige Roth LSW; Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; David M. Richardson MD; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Stephen W. Dusza DrPH; and Robert D. Cannon DO (Article)


Adverse Drug Events and Reactions Managed by Medical Toxicologists: an Analysis of the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Registry, 2010-2016., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Alexandra Amaducci; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Matthew Meyers BS; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; and Yaron Finkelstein (Article)


ACMT Highlights Episode 10: Advances in the Management of Cyanide Toxicity, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Vik Bebarta (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 13: Access to Antidotes on the Dark Web and Digital Pills, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Pter Chai (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 12: Vaping Trends and Associated Toxicity, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Fiona Farlich (Podcast)


Sex differences in patients with suicidal intent that are managed by toxicologists: An analysis of the Toxicology Investigators’ Consortium (ToxIC) Registry, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Jacob Fishbein; Gregory A. Makar; Rita Pechulis MD, FCCP; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Jennifer L. Carey MD; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Article)


Exposures Through Breast Milk: An Analysis of Exposure and Information Calls to U.S. Poison Centers, 2001-2017., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Robert G. Hendrickson, B Zane Horowitz, and Daniel A. Spyker (Article)


ACMT Highlights Episode 11: The Great US Cannabis Experiment: Short and Long Term Consequences, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Marilyn Huestis (Podcast)


Overcoming Brick and Mortar: Feasibility of Implementation of a MAT and Linkage to Treatment Program by Leveraging Community Partnerships, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Priyanka Lauber DO; Jamie Allen DO; Nathan Boateng BA; Samantha A. Shaak PhD; Paige Roth MSW, LSW, CRS; Lexis Laubach BS; Lauren M. Crowley BA; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Poster)


ACMT Highlights Episode 9: Naloxone Gone Wrong with Dr. Lewis Nelson, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Lewis Nelson (Podcast)


Feasibility of Implementation of an Emergency Department Discharge Opioid Taper Protocol, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Joshua Rosentel BSn, RN; Erin Farber DO; Joseph Levi DO, DPT; Lexis Laubach BS; Lauren Crowley BA; Richard S. MacKenzie MD, MBOE; David M. Richardson MD; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Poster)


ACMT Highlights Episode 7: Death by Methadone with Dr. Timothy Wiegand, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Timothy Wiegand (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 8: Buprenorphine With Dr. Timothy Wiegand, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Timothy Wiegand (Podcast)


Lamotrigine ODT-Induced Seizure in a 3-Year-Old Child after Accidental Ingestion, Ashley Griswold DO, Briana Tully, Kenneth D. Katz MD, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, and Robert D. Cannon DO (Article)


Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Use of Narcan, Jeanne L. Jacoby MD, Lauren Crowley BA, Robert D. Cannon DO, Kira D. Weaver DO, Tara K. Henry-Morrow EMT-P, Katherine G. Henry DO, Allison N. Kayne BS, Colleen Urban DO, Robert A. Gyory MD, and John F. Mccarthy DO (Research Data)


A Case Report of Massive Acetaminophen Poisoning Treated with a Novel “Triple Therapy”: N-Acetylcysteine, 4-Methylpyrazole, and Hemodialysis, Emily A. Kiernan DO, Julie A. Fritzges DO, Kathryn Henry DO, and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Article)


HOUR Prediction Rule - Letter to the Editor., Andrew L. Koons DO; Robert D. Cannon DO, FACMT; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Matthew D. Cook DO; and Ryan M. Surmaitis DO (Letter to the Editor)


Acute Fondaparinux (Arixtra) Intentional Overdose via Self-injection: A Case Report, Andrew L. Koons DO, Kenneth D. Katz MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Robert D. Cannon DO, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, and Ryan M. Surmaitis DO (Poster)


Beware of Barbiturates: Coma and Hypothermia in a 94-year-old Woman Due to Combined Secobarbital and Pentobarbital Toxicity, Andrew L. Koons DO, Amy Wier DO, Kenneth D. Katz MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Robert D. Cannon DO, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, and Ryan M. Surmaitis DO (Poster)


Thoracic Aortic Dissection Associated with Marijuana Use., Erica K. Mason DO; Anthony E. Gak MS; Joan G. Finno CRNP, MSN; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Article)


Police Use of Naloxone after Statewide Legislation Enabling First-Responder Administration, John F. Mccarthy DO, Kathryn A. Henry DO, Lauren Crowley BA, David M. Sassa AAS, Kira D. Weaver DO, Robert D. Cannon DO, Tara K. Henry-Morrow EMT-P, Jennifer E. Macfarlan MPH, and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Poster)


Adolescent Intentional Abuse Ingestions: Overall 10-Year Trends and Regional Variation., David C. Sheridan MD, Robert G. Hendrickson MD, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Amber Laurie MS, Rongwei Fu PhD, and B Zane Horowitz MD (Article)


The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry-the 2018 Annual Report, Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Study Group and Alexandra Amaducci DO (Article)



Sex Specific Outcomes in a Substance Use Intervention Program, Alexandra M. Amaducci DO; Ryan A. Anderson DO; Aaron S. Frey DO; Andrew W. Sheen DO; Manuel F. Colón BS; Paige Roth MSW, LSW, CRS; Jennifer Stephens DO, FACP; Kevin R. Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; David B. Burmeister DO, MBA, CPE, FACEP; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Robert D. Cannon DO (Poster)


Medical Student Brief Motivational Interviewing for Substance Use in the Emergency Department, Alanna M. Balbi BS; Anthony E. Gak MS; Esther S. Kim BA; Tennessee D. Park BA; Joann F. Quinn PhD, MBA; Manuel F. Colón BS; Paige Roth MSW, LSW, CRS; Kevin R. Weaver DO,FACOEP; David M. Richardson MD; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Poster)


Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine: A Simulation Experience, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Poster)


Tox in Ten ACMT Highlights Episode 3: IV Lipid Emulsion Therapy with Dr. Diane Calello, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Diane Calello (Podcast)


Sex Differences in Poisonings Among Older Adults: An Analysis of the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Registry, 2010 to 2016., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Jennifer L. Carey MD; Tyler Adams BS; Amy Wier; Manuel F. Colón BS; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Article)

Sex differences in pediatric poisonings: an analysis of the Toxicology Investigators' Consortium (ToxIC) Registry: 2010 - 2016, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Brittany Ely; Emily Pollack MD; Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Presentation)


ACMT Highlights Episode 6: Dead Men Do Tell Tales - Opioid Related Deaths with Dr. James Gill, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and James Gill (Podcast)


Tox in Ten ACMT Highlights Episode 4: Flumazenil and Physostigmine with Dr. Spencer Greene, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Spencer Greene (Podcast)


Tox in Ten: ACMT Highlights Episode 1: Naloxone with Dr. Rob Hendrickson - Slow and Steady Wins the Race., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Robert Hendrickson (Podcast)


Exposures through Breastmilk: An Analysis of Exposure and Information Calls to US Poison Centers, 2001-2017, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Robert G. Hendrickson MD; B. Zane Horowitz MD; and Daniel A. Spyker MD, PhD (Poster)


Impact of Legalizing Recreational Cannabis Sales on Cannabis Exposure Calls to Poison Centers 2008-2017, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Robert G. Hendrickson MD; B. Zane Horowitz MD; and Daniel A. Spyker MD, PhD (Poster)


Tox in Ten ACMT Highlights Episode 2: Renal Replacement Therapy with Dr. Josh King, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Josh King (Article)


Intubation and the Salicylate Toxic Patient, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Elissa Moore (Podcast)


ACMT Highlights Episode 5: The Opioid Epidemic and How We Got Here with Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone, MD, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Jeanmarie Perrone (Podcast)


Sex Differences in Prevalence of Emergency Department Patient Substance Use, Robert D. Cannon DO; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Paige Roth LSW; Jennifer Stephens DO; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; David M. Richardson MD; Alanna Balbi BS; Tennessee Park BA; Stephen W. Dusza DrPH; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Article)


Clonidine Overdose in a Toddler Due to Accidental Ingestion of a Compounding Cream., Alexis L. Cates OMS IV, Scott Wheatley MD, and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Article)


Correction to: The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry-The 2017 Annual Report., Lynn A Farrugia, Sean H Rhyee, Sharan L Campleman, Bryan Judge, Louise Kao, Anthony Pizon, Lauren Porter, Anne M Riederer, Timothy Wiegand, Diane P Calello, Paul M Wax, Jeffrey Brent, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Kenneth D. Katz MD, and Robert D. Cannon DO (Article)


Reducing Substance Use by an Emergency Department Intervention, Rachel Fieman MS4; Matthew D. Marschall DO; Smeet Bhimani DO; Derek J. Fikse DO; Ryan A. Anderson DO; Paige Roth LSW; David M. Richardson MD; Jennifer Stephens DO; Manuel Colon; Kevin R. Roth DO, FACOEP; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Robert D. Cannon (Article)


Envenomation’s-- Non-marine: Arachnids, Hymenoptera, and Scorpions, Derek J. Fikse DO and Gerald Coleman DO (Book Chapter)


Multifactorial Approach to Opioid Abuse Within the Emergency Department, Alec Freling MS4 and Robert D. Cannon DO (Poster)


EMRA and ACMT Medical Toxicology Guide, Kenneth D. Katz MD and Ayrin D. O'Connor (Book)


C-terminal proline deletions in KCNC3 cause delayed channel inactivation and an adult-onset progressive SCA13 with spasticity., Swati Khare, Kira Galeano MD, Yalan Zhang, Jerelyn A Nick, Harry S Nick, S H Subramony, Jacinda Sampson, Leonard K Kaczmarek, and Michael F Waters (Article)


Cadmium Toxicity, Andrew L. Koons (Book Chapter)


Women and the Experience of Pain and Opioid Use Disorder: A Literature-based Commentary, Andrew L. Koons; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Article)


Reducing Substance Use by an Emergency Department Intervention, Matthew D. Marschall DO; Smeet Bhimani DO; Rachel Fieman MD; Derek J. Fikse DO; Paige Roth LSW; Jennifer Stephens DO; Manuel F. Colón BS; Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; David M. Richardson MD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Robert D. Cannon DO (Poster)


Comparative Success of a Substance Use Intervention between Providers, Pratik M. Parikh DO; Erica K. Mason DO; Hillary H. Ward DO; Hanna R. Warren DO; Paige Roth MSW, LSW, CRS; Manuel F. Colón BS; David B. Burmeister DO, MBA, CPE, FACEP; Jennifer Stephens DO, FACP; David M. Richardson MD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Robert D. Cannon DO (Poster)


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy associated with buprenorphine precipitated withdrawal., Ryan Surmaitis DO, Muhammad Masood Khalid, David Vearrier, and Michael I Greenberg (Article)


Perception and Practice Among Emergency Medicine Health Care Providers Regarding Discharging Patients After Opioid Administration, Ryan M. Surmaitis DO; Alexandra Amaducci DO; Kathryn Henry DO; Michael Jong MD; Emily A. Kiernan DO; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Lindsa Houck MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CEN, CPEN, PHRN; Sandra Sabbatini BSN, RN; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Article)


EMRA Medical Toxicology Fellowship Guide, Ryan M Surmaitis DO, Maricel Dela Cruz, Asaad Alsufyani, and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Book)



Caffeine Toxicity: A Brief Review and Update., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Alexandra Amaducci, and Matthew D. Cook DO (Article)


Delayed Salicylate Toxicity in a 17-Year-Old Girl With Initially Undetectable Salicylate Concentration 3.9 Hours After Ingestion., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD and Robert G Hendrickson (Article)


Sex Differences in Adverse Drug Reactions and Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults: A Retrospective Review of National Poison Data System Cases 2007-2016., Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; B Zane Horowitz MD; Esther K. Choo MD, MPH; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Daniel A. Spyker MD, PhD (Poster)


Sex Differences in Intentional Exposures among Adolescents and Adults: A Retrospective Review of National Poison Data System (NPDS) Pharmaceutical Exposures 2007-2016, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; B Zane Horowitz MD; Esther K. Choo MD, MPH; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Daniel A. Spyker MD, PhD (Poster)


Sex Differences in Pediatric Exploratory Exposures: A Retrospective Review of National Poison Data System (NPDS) Exposures 2007-2016, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; B Zane Horowitz MD; Esther K. Choo MD, MPH; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Daniel A. Spyker MD, PhD (Poster)


The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry-the 2016 Experience., Lynn A Farrugia, Sean H Rhyee, Diane P Calello, Sharan L Campleman, Anne M Riederer, Hannah R Malashock, Anthony Pizon, Timothy Wiegand, Paul M Wax, Jeffrey Brent, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, Robert D. Cannon DO, and Matthew D. Cook DO (Article)


Common marijuana-related cases encountered in the emergency department., Kennon Heard, Michael B Marlin, Thomas Nappe, and Christopher O Hoyte (Article)


Loperamide-Induced Torsades de Pointes: A Case Series, Kenneth D. Katz MD; Robert D. Cannon DO; Matthew D. Cook DO; Alexandra Amaducci; Ryan Day; Joshua Enyart DO; Glenn Burket; Jennifer Janssen MS; and Karl E. Williams MD, MPH (Presentation)


Loperamide-Induced Torsades de Pointes: A Case Series (Poster)., Kenneth D. Katz MD; Robert D. Cannon DO; Matthew D. Cook DO; Alexandra Amaducci; Ryan Day; Joshua Enyart DO; Glenn Burket; Jennifer Janssen MS; and Karl E. Williams MD, MPH (Poster)


A KCNC3 mutation causes a neurodevelopmental, non-progressive SCA13 subtype associated with dominant negative effects and aberrant EGFR trafficking., Swati Khare, Jerelyn A Nick, Yalan Zhang, Kira Galeano MD, Brittany Butler, Habibeh Khoshbouei, Sruti Rayaprolu, Tyisha Hathorn, Laura P W Ranum, Lisa Smithson, Todd E Golde, Martin Paucar, Richard Morse, Michael Raff, Julie Simon, Magnus Nordenskjöld, Karin Wirdefeldt, Diego E Rincon-Limas, Jada Lewis, Leonard K Kaczmarek, Pedro Fernandez-Funez, Harry S Nick, and Michael F Waters (Article)