Peripheral Intravenous Replacement in Adults: Routine vs. Clinically Indicated, Carol A. Hunt (Poster)
Integrated Onboarding: Synchronous Teaching to Prepare Learners for Successful Orientation, Nicole Wiswesser MSN, RN, CMSRN; Kathleen L. Chenard MSN, RNC-OB; and Elizabeth A. Posasinski (Poster)
Better Teaching Means Better Learning: 45 Minutes, 100 Years of Educational Psychology, and 4 Concepts You Can Apply Today, Cheryl Arndt (Presentation)
Aspiring and Inquiring Minds Want to Know: How to Incorporate Lean Methodologies Into Orientation Programs to Meet Organizational and Learner Needs, Jill Hinnershitz MSN, RN and Tiffany C. Epting (Presentation)
Debriefing for Time Efficient Formative Assessment, Melissa L. Brannen MD (Presentation)
Leadership – STEP Up the Consultant in You, Charlene D. Bergstresser BSN, RN and Cynthia A. Cappel MSN, RN-BC, NE-BC (Presentation)
Using a Mobile Web Application for a Full Day Conference to Enhance Learner Participation and Content Discussion, Mark A. Butsavage MSN, RN, CCRN (Poster)
A Case Study Exploring the Current Issues Faced by Diploma-Prepared Nurses, Amy E. Droskinis MSN, RN, CCRN (Article)
Standardized Patient Hybrid Simulation and the Non-Licensed Clinical Staff Curriculum: The Learning Comes Alive!, Patricia Karo MSEd, BSN, RN-BC (Presentation)
Assessing Learners, Liborio LaRussa MD and Kris Rooney MD (Presentation)
Navigations: The Road to a Better Orientation, Heather Rizzo MSN, RN (Presentation)
Coordination of Care Transition, Jennifer Schlegel BS, RN-BC; MaryAnne K. Peifer MD; Michael Sheinberg MD; Barbara Salvadore MSN; Debra E. Smith-Madeira MSN, ED, RN; Roxann E. Wagner MSN, RN, RNC-NIC; and Sarah D. Creswell BS, RN-BC (Article)
Professional Development – I’m Done! – or Am I?: Managing Manuscript Submission, Linda M. Schwartz MDE, AHIP, CM (Presentation)
It’s Only 30 Minutes: Empowering Clinical Support Staff Through Nurturing and Education, Carol Sorrentino MSN, PMHCNS, BC (Poster)
It's Only 30 Minutes: Empowering Clinical Support Staff through Nuturing and Education, Carol Sorrentino MSN, PMHCNS, BC (Poster)
Using Mindfulness to Enhance Your Strengths, Susan Wiley MD (Presentation)
The Use of an Advanced Medical-Surgical Course for the Retention and Professional Development of Medical-Surgical Nurses in an Acute Care Hospital, Marie-Claude Gutekunst MSN, RN, PCCN; Jeanine DeLucca MSN, RN-BC; and Beth A. Kessler BSN, RN, BC (Article)
An Advanced Medical Surgical Course: Fostering Bedside Leadership and Excellence in Medical Surgical Nursing., Jeanine DeLucca MSN, RN-BC and Christine Marakovits BSN, RN (Poster)