A vicious cycle of bisretinoid formation and oxidation relevant to recessive Stargardt disease.
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The ability of iron to transfer electrons enables the contribution of this metal to a variety of cellular activities even as the redox properties of iron are also responsible for the generation of hydroxyl radicals (•OH), the most destructive of the reactive oxygen species. We previously showed that iron can promote the oxidation of bisretinoid by generating highly reactive hydroxyl radical (•OH). Now we report that preservation of iron regulation in the retina is not sufficient to prevent iron-induced bisretinoid oxidative degradation when blood iron levels are elevated in liver-specific hepcidin knock-out mice. We obtained evidence for the perpetuation of Fenton reactions in the presence of the bisretinoid A2E and visible light. On the other hand, iron chelation by deferiprone was not associated with changes in post-bleaching recovery of 11-
Published In/Presented At
Zhao, J., Kim, H. J., Ueda, K., Zhang, K., Montenegro, D., Dunaief, J. L., & Sparrow, J. R. (2021). A vicious cycle of bisretinoid formation and oxidation relevant to recessive Stargardt disease. The Journal of biological chemistry, jbc.RA120.015890. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.RA120.015890
Medicine and Health Sciences
Fellows and Residents
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