Parotid area lymph node metastases from cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: implications for diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis., Theodore S Hong, Kevin J Kriesel, Gregory K Hartig, and Paul M Harari (Article)
Treatment of vocal fold scarring: rheological and histological measures of homologous collagen matrix., Kevin J Kriesel, Susan L Thiebault, Roger W Chan, Tatsutoshi Suzuki, Patrick J VanGroll, Diane M Bless, and Charles N Ford (Article)
Computed tomography and magnetic resonance diagnosis of allergic fungal sinusitis., S C Manning, M Merkel, K Kriesel, F Vuitch, and B Marple (Article)
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid metastatic to the parapharyngeal space., J J Sirotnak, T R Loree, and R Penetrante (Article)
Airway obstruction in the Crouzon syndrome: case report and review of the literature., J Sirotnak, L Brodsky, and M Pizzuto (Article)
Anomalous facial nerve: the otologic surgeons' abyss., R C Hunsicker (Article)
Tumors of the skull base in clinical otolaryngology., R C Hunsicker, R N Pierce, and R D Herman (Article)
Actinomycotic otitis externa., B M Greenspan and H Silberman (Article)
The use of high resolution CT scanning in clinical otology., R C Hunsicker and R D Herman (Article)
Thorotrast, a continuing hazard from the past., R C Hunsicker and R D Herman (Article)
Fogarty catheter technique for removal of endobronchial foreign body., R C Hunsicker and W S Gartner (Article)
Spontaneous subcutaneous emphysema of the neck and mediastinum., R C Hunsicker, J Lopez-Rico, and B W Jafek (Article)
Metastatic melanocarcinoma presenting as a tonsil polyp., B W Jafek, R C Hunsicker, and R C Tinsley (Article)
Intestinal polyarteritis nodosa: a surgical impasse?, R C Hunsicker and P M James (Article)
Is herniogram the answer to routine bilateral hernia repair?, P M James and R Hunsicker (Article)
Findings at autopsy of 65 patients with mammary cancer correlated with clinical treatment., R C Hunsicker, P M James, and J G Strawitz (Article)