Acute hemorrhoidal disease., E P SALVATI, W J HAMANDI, and G L KRATZER (Article)
Direct vesical and rectal dose measurement at the time of intra-uterine radium application., R M SCOTT and E W RICE (Article)
Reconstructive problems in canine liver homotransplantation with special reference to the postoperative role of hepatic venous flow., T E STARLZ, H A KAUPP, D R BROCK, R E LAZARUS, and R V JOHNSON (Article)
Dupuytren's contracture: a morphologic evaluation of the pathogenesis., A STEIN, M K WANG, W B MACOMBER, R RAJPAL, and A HEFFERNAN (Article)
A mixed "clear-cell" adenocarcinoma with mesonephroma of the ovary. Report of a case with special clinical aspects., H SUPRUN and N SOFERMAN (Article)
How queuing theory works for the hospital., J B THOMPSON, O W AVANT, and Ellwyn D. Spiker MD (Article)
Effective plan for control of pruritus ani., H D TRIMPI (Article)
Dupuytren's contracture. An analytic and etiologic study., M K WANG, W B MACOMBER, A STEIN, R RAJPAL, and A HEFFERNAN (Article)
Upper arm block with carbocain (mepivacaine); a new anesthetic agent., J A YOUNG (Article)
Unusual tumors of the nose., S F BALSHI (Article)
Paid teen-age aides pay nursing dividends., V S BOYER (Article)
Neonatal mortality with special refernce to infectious causes of death., L N BRANTON (Article)
Study of lymph lipids following administration of oleic-1-C14 acid with or without cholesterol., G E CLEMENT and J F MEAD (Article)
Fecal impaction in modern practice., K A DRESEN and G L KRATZER (Article)
[Fecaloma]., K A DRESEN and G L KRATZER (Article)
Scientific advancement program for the community hospital., J R GAY (Article)
Encephalomyelitis due to infection with Herpesvirus simiae (herpes B virus); a report of two fatal, laboratory-acquired cases., K HUMMELER, W L DAVIDSON, W HENLE, A C LABOCCETTA, and H G RUCH (Article)
Injury of the lumbar intervertebral disk: treatment by intercorporeal fusion through complete removal., R JAEGER (Article)
The results of injecting hot water into the gasserian ganglion for the relief of tic douloureux., R JAEGER (Article)
Multiple-source intracavitary radium applicator., D W KRAEMER and G C LEWIS (Article)
Relaxation of the internal anal sphincter in anorectal surgery., G L KRATZER (Article)
Hospital Bill from 1959, Lehigh Valley Health Network (Article)
Management of the incompetent cervix during pregnancy; report of three cases., G C LEWIS and T P REED (Article)
Report of the Crippled Children's Committee of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons., K M MARCKS, G B O'CONNOR, C L KIEHN, and C C SNYDER (Article)
Facial injuries and the general practitioner., K M MARCKS, ALLAN TREVASKIS, and J E KICOS (Article)
Traumatic avulsion of the right cheek, eyelid, nose and lip: case report., K M MARCKS, ALLAN TREVASKIS, and J E KICOS (Article)
Primary Hodgkin's (paragranulomatous type) disease of the bladder., J T MARCONIS (Article)
12 Acute Open Flexor Tendon Injuries of the Hand, Harry Miller MD (Article)
The lens and vitreous., W C OWENS (Article)
Sodium excretion in renal disease., A E PARRISH, N C KRAMER, M F WATT, and J S HOWE (Article)
Postmenopausal bleeding., F L PAYNE, R C WRIGHT, and H H FETTERMAN (Article)
Athletic injures of the pelvis, hip and thigh., J H RENO (Article)
Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease and pregnancy, including a case of osteomyelitis., M A SACKNER, W J DEX, and A I KAPLAN (Article)
Unusual post-partum rectal bleeding., E R SARGENT and E P SALVATI (Article)
Spontaneous pneumothorax: non-surgical management., E T SCHANTZ (Article)
Alloy steel wire as suture material for open anastomoses of the large intestine., H D TRIMPI and G L KRATZER (Article)
Surgical uses of the peroneus brevis tendon., R K WHITE and B M KRAYNICK (Article)
Primary sarcoma of the fallopian tube: Review of the literature and report of one case, J Abrams, H L. Kazal, and R E. Hobbs MD (Article)
Cardiac arrhythmias in chronic cor pulmonale., L J Corazza and B H Pastor (Article)
Primary carcinoma of the duodenum; a case report concerning a centenarian., A D DELEON, A W ULIN, and M FRIEDBERG (Article)
Treatment and rehabilitation of rheumatoid patients., D A DONIO and S HOROSCHAK (Article)
[Physical medicine & rehabilitation; their programs, scope & results]., D A DONIO and H A RUSK (Article)
The recognition and treatment of nonpenetrating abdominal trauma., W L ESTES (Article)
The responsibility of leadership., W L ESTES (Article)
Education and instruction of patients in private practice., J R GAY (Article)
Trauma of the brain caused by football accidents., J R GAY (Article)
Tic douloureux: permanent cure by injection of hot water into gasserian ganglion., R JAEGER (Article)
Vascular disorders of the brain; their diagnosis and neurosurgical treatment., R JAEGER (Article)
Anesthesia for adrenalectomy; clinical report on fifty-four procedures., B J JUNKER, W S DERRICK, N ECKLES, and E C WHITE (Article)
Alloy steel wire in colonic anastomosis., G L KRATZER (Article)
Metabolic effects in man of steroids with progestational activity., R L LANDAU, K LUGIBIHL, and D F DIMICK (Article)
Encephalopathy associated with trichinosis treatment with ACTH and cortisone; report of two cases., M J LEITNER and S E GRYNKEWICH (Article)
The management of secondary cleft lip deformities., K M MARCKS, Allan E. TREVASKIS, M J PAYNE, and J E KICOS (Article)
A method of hematopoietic transplantation in humans using fetal tissue (liver and spleen); a preliminary report., A N MORRISON and M MORRISON (Article)
The lens and vitreous., W C OWENS (Article)
Fractures of the hip; mortality survey., J H RENO and H BURLINGTON (Article)
International survey of clinical chemistry procedures., E W RICE (Article)
Evaluation of the Albutest technic for detection of proteinuria., E W RICE and M A CICONE (Article)
Amenorrhea., F C SCHAEFFER (Article)
Preliminary report on a combined catheter for suprapubic prostatectomy., Samuel J. Silberg MD (Article)
Ethylene oxide sterilization., E H SPOULDING, E K EMMONS, and M L GUZARA (Article)
Transverse incision in abdominal surgery of the colon and rectum., H D TRIMPI (Article)
Pain control following hemorrhoidectomy., H D TRIMPI and G L KRATZER (Article)
The value of a cancer detection center in a rural hospital., C A WALTMAN (Article)
The Pennsylvania Orthopedic Society., R K WHITE (Article)
The relationship of estrogen and of pituitary hormones to the metabolic effects of progesterone., D M BERGENSTAL, D F DIMICK, R L LANDAU, K LUGIBIHL, and E RASHID (Article)
Malignant Brenner tumor; report of a case., R E BOVARD, F C SCHAEFFER, and F R BEHRINGER (Article)
Essential hyperlipemia; report of four cases, with special reference to abdominal crises., L J CORAZZA and R M MYERSON (Article)
The influence of various clinical disorders and drugs on excretion of uropepsin., L J CORAZZA and R M MYERSON (Article)
Studies of B12Co60 absorption in malabsorption syndrome: results before and during specific therapy., J W FROST, M I GOLDWEIN, and B D KAUFMAN (Article)
Management of the patient with brain trauma and other major injuries., J R GAY (Article)
Causalgia; its etiology and treatment in traumatic conditions of the peripheral nerves and spinal cord., R JAEGER (Article)
Eye disorders associated with surgical problems of the nervous system., R JAEGER (Article)
Permanent relief of tic douloureux by Gasserian injection of hot water., R JAEGER (Article)
Simplification of anal fistulectomy based on surgical anatomic factors., G L KRATZER (Article)
The metabolic effects of progesterone in man: dose response relationships., R L LANDAU, K LUGIBIHL, D M BERGENSTAL, and D F DIMICK (Article)
The treatment of primary uterine cervical cancer., G C LEWIS (Article)
Bilateral cleft lip repair., K M MARCKS, Allan E. Trevaskis MD, and M J PAYNE (Article)
Elongation of columella by flap transfer and Z-plasty., K M MARCKS, Allan E. Trevaskis MD, and M J PAYNE (Article)
The progression and the advances of the modalities of physical medicine and rehabilitation., A J MULLER (Article)
Intrinsic glomerate astrocytoma of the cerebral hemisphere in a four year old child., A K OLSEN and B L LANDERS (Article)
The lens and the vitreous., W C OWENS (Article)
Preanesthetic medication with pentobarbital sodium., G J PASTORIUS and J A YOUNG (Article)
Improved direct mercurimetric titration of chloride in biologic fluids., E W RICE (Article)
Improved direct mercurimetric titration of chloride in biologic fluids., E W RICE (Article)
Evaluation of the Albutest technic for detection of proteinuria., E W RICE and M A CICONE (Article)
Interference of bromide in the Zak ferric chloride-sulfuric acid cholesterol method, and means of eliminating this interference., E W RICE and D B LUKASIEWICZ (Article)
Urinary retention in anorectal and colonic surgery, E Salvati and Martin Kleckner MD (Article)
Simultaneous, multiple projection of 2 by 2-inch photographic slides; the correlated demonstration of various aspects of bone lesions., G SELIN and H L JAFFE (Article)
Oral cholangiography; preliminary report., M J STAMATAKOS and K W TABER (Article)
Gastrointestinal bleeding as seen by the proctologist., B D WILKINS (Article)
Congenital paralysis of sixth and seventh nerves: congenital facial diplegia, congenital oculofacial palsy, Möbius syndrome., E H BEDROSSIAN and B E LACHMAN (Article)
Cervical and perineal lacerations; studies on the mechanics of labor in relation to cervix, vulva, and perineum., F R BEHRINGER (Article)
Uterine prolapse at term., F R BEHRINGER and M VIGILANTE (Article)
Postoperative cerebrovascular accidents., J B COUGHLIN and J A YOUNG (Article)
Septal spur cephalalgia., H L CUNIN (Article)
The rheumatoid patient; a positive approach to rehabilitation., D A DONIO (Article)
Enlarged parietal foramina; a collection of examples from radiologic practices in Pennsylvania., W V DZUREK, L E ETTER, R M KEAGY, and M W MILLER (Article)
Five year end results in the treatment of inguinal hernia., W L ESTES (Article)