Continuity of Pain Management Throughout Different Acuity Levels in the Hospital Setting, Kate Hammond BSN, RN; Theresa M. Joseph BSN, RN; Joseph Protsko BSN, RN; and Ryan Perlman BSN, RN (Poster)
Medical Device-Related Pressure Injuries in Intensive Care Units, Rachel Hams BSN, RN; Sloan S. Hawk BSN, RN; Aisha Jalloh BSN, RN; Emily Miller BSN, RN; and Stephanie Wimble BSN, RN (Poster)
ENVIRONMENTAL/ ROOM PREPARATION, Serena Hatcher RN, BSN; Kelly E. Kunsman RN; and Nathan Wynosky RN, BSN (Poster)
Utilization of the “Do Not Disturb” Order to Improve Sleep Quality in the Medical-Surgical Patient, Paula E. Heimbach BSN, RN; Rebecca Johnson BSN, RN; Jolene M. Smar BSN, RN; Eldy Guillaume ADN, RN; and Rachel Szafranski ADN, RN (Poster)
KNOW BEFORE YOU GO, Samantha Heiserman BSN, RN and Shannon Rouse RN (Poster)
Implementation of Pediatric Appendicitis Screening Tool in Children’s ED, April A. Henne BSN, RN and Christian Schroeder BSN, RN (Poster)
Relieving Handoff Hardships, Jordan Herr BSN, RN; Caitlin N. Reitmeyer BSN, RN; and Tracy L. Schaeffer ADN, RN (Poster)
PAIN REASSESSMENT CHAMPIONS, Jessica L. Hoffman BSN, RN; Luz D. Diaz ADN, RN; and Lauren E. Romanski ADN (Poster)
Pain Medication, What do you know?, Krista Holland BSN, RN; Jaclyn Mcnabb BSN, RN; Eric Radcliffe ADN, RN; and Brandy Furman ADN, RN (Poster)
Identifying the Cause of Lab Errors (M4’s), Paige Horner BSN, RN; Gabrielle Lucchese BSN, RN; Caitlin E. Thalassinos RN; and Katie Tower BSN, RN (Poster)
Fall Prevention Interventions In the Emergency Department, Christina Hough BSN, RN; Rachel E. Miller BSN, RN; Jesly Rodriguez BSN, RN, CEN; and Bryan Werner BSN, RN (Poster)
Bedside Shift Report- Don’t Sleep On This one!, Alexander Irizarri ADN, RN; Amber Martin BSN, RN; Alaina Rude BSN, RN; Christopher M. Shaffer BSN, BA, BSBA, RN; and Maura Toye ADN (Poster)
NEWBORN MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION: How to Best Use the Golden Hour, Marguerite M. Kane BSN, RN; Ruchi Patel BSN, RN; and Kirsty Patterson MSN, RN (Poster)
Quit the Sticks!, Rai-Lani Keitt ASN, RN; Jessica Kruk BSN, RN; Janae OConnell BSN, RN; Ashley Redeye ADN, RN; and Nathan Wilkinson BSN, RN (Poster)
Registered Nurse to Technical Partner Report to Improve Communication, Alexandrea M. Kier BSN, RN; Clarisse Dyan Calizo BSN, RN; Carsen E. Keel BSN, RN; and Lauren E. Hunt BSN, RN (Poster)
Can Using Color Coded Fall Risk Magnets Reduce Inpatient Falls?, Toni B. Labelle RN, BSN; Rabab Majdi RN, BSN; and Victoria A. Gurrieri RN, BSN (Poster)
Oxygen Saturation Limits, Morgan Leatherman BSN, RN; Elizabeth S. Mcgroarty BSN, RN; Krista Pipan BSN, RN; and Emily Sottolano BSN, RN-NICU (Poster)
Patient’s Excluded from Self-Identification of Lab Errors, Julisa Loftus BSN, RN; Sarah M. Place BSN, RN; Jennie Benson RN; and Orquidea Perez RN (Poster)
Reduction of Falls Utilizing a Safety Huddle at Night, Gabrielle Lopez BSN, RN; Bridget Stein BSN, RN; Tara M. Kirk ASN, RN; and Tajlynne King ASN, RN (Poster)
Early Flowtron Use In The ED, Angela N. Lubold RN, Barbara Malloy RN, and Michelle R. Rojas RN (Poster)
Bedside Shift Report, Stephanie Martinez BSN, RN and Rebecca L. Schippang RN (Poster)
IMPACTING PATIENT SLEEP QUALITY, Clarissa Masdar BSN, RN and Sara Piper RN (Poster)
Improving Comfort and Development with Maternal Voice, Ashley Mauger BSN, RN; Ashley L. Sapen BSN, RN; Brandy F. Thompson BSN, RN; and Logan Wieziolowski BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Delegation & Communication Between RNs and TPs, Alyssa Mcdougall BSN, RN; Melissa A. Petragnani ADN, RN; and Stephanie E. Smilgis BSN, RN (Poster)
Stop & Check: Reducing Specimen Labeling Errors, Megan A. McGonagle ADN, RN and Faith Sisson ADN, RN (Poster)
Developing a Pediatric Functional Screen, Kerri E. Mcintyre BSN, RN (Poster)
Rock-A-Bye Baby, This Baby Won't Fall, Hannah K. Moyer BA, BSN, RN and Megan Sorensen BSN, RN (Poster)
CONFUSION ASSESSMENT METHOD for the ICU (CAM-ICU), Michael J. Neidlinger RN and Christopher G. Paroby RN (Poster)
Nursing Re-Education on Pain Management in Post-Operative Cardiothoracic Surgery Patients, Duyen Nguyen BSN, RN and Michael Valenti RN (Poster)
To Pee or Not to Pee, Tolulope Oladugbewo BSN, RN and Yeraliz Pares BSN, RN (Poster)
PREVENTION OF FALLS IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, Jade Oldt BSN, RN; Rachel E. Stone BSN, RN; Gabrialla Peruzzi BSN, RN; and Jessica A. Faustner BSN, RN (Poster)
An Educational Intervention To Improve CAM-ICU Documentation, Madison Pleasants BSN, RN and Daniel Strouse BSN, RN (Poster)
MEWS or Lose Labor and Delivery Cedar Crest, Morgan Pollock BSN, RN, CCE; Diana Gutierrez RN; and Jeanine A. Marinelli RN (Poster)
Designated Turn Teams in the ICU, Richard A. Pugh BSN, RN; Tara C. Reade ADN, RN; and Nouhad S. Salim BSN, RN (Poster)
Pediatric Coping Education in the LVHN ChER, Nicole Reichert RN, BSN and Sarah Moyer RN (Poster)
“Time” To Turn, Samantha Rhinesmith BSN, RN and Rachael Bell BS, RN (Poster)
UTILIZATION OF A FUNCTIONAL PAIN ASSESSMENT SCALE, Brittany J. Rice BSN, RN; Athena Barwick BSN, RN; Miranda E. Schaeffer BSN, RN; Kristin L. Torres BSN, RN; and Nicole A. Parry BSN, RN (Poster)
Educating Nurses In Regards To DVT Prophylaxis, Cayla Schaffer RN, BSN; Abigail N. High RN, BSN; and Anastasia Clare RN, BSN (Poster)
Visual Aids & Their Effect on Pressure Injuries, Brian Stickle BSN, RN; Clara J. Saternos ADN, RN; Kellie J. Stevens BSN, RN; and Sarah Dutton ADN, RN (Poster)
Glucose Gel Treatment for Neonatal Hypoglycemia, Juliette Stilley ASN, RN; Ericka E. Clayton BSN, RN; Iyanuoluwa Adegbite ASN, RN; and Tori Ackley BSN, RN (Poster)
Be In The Know With I & O, Amanda P. Youse RN; Jessica Nguyen RN; and Jessica L. Zobel BSN, RN (Poster)
Just Breathe…, Natilie Altimare ADN, RN; Stephanie Passanante BSN, RN; and Madeline Williams ADN, RN (Poster)
To Push or Not to Push? Use of IV Dextrose vs. Oral Dex4 for Treatment of Hypoglycemia., Lauren Amiano BSN RN, Mia Martinez BSN RN, Emma Morasco BSN RN, and Lauren Wolfe BSN RN (Poster)
Missed Care Events: A Way to Enhance Communication and Decrease Missed Care Between Registered Nurse and Technical Partner., Audrey Amoroso BSN, RN and Ashley Cocchimiglio BSN, RN (Poster)
Urinary Retention in Postoperative Patients with Scopolamine Patches, Jamie Apa BSN, RN; Erin Hill BSN, RN; and Michaela Strunk ADN, RN (Poster)
The Implementation of Skin to Skin Standardization in the OR Post Cesarean Section, Tess R. Apgar RN; Olivia Greis BSN, RN; Sha Li Mcwilliams BSN, RN; Victoria J. Meinhart BSN, RN; and Brittany M. Seal BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Nurse Confidence in Using the CAM Tool to Identify Delirium., Christina Aquino BSN, RN and Nancy Peacock BSN, RN (Poster)
CODE BLUE, Do You Know What to do?, Kathya Arias BSN, RN; Dora Osei-Bonsu BSN, RN; Izabela Dzimira BSN, RN; Heather Hidalgo BSN, RN; and Ashley Weaver BSN, RN (Poster)
Overcoming Nursing Barriers to Utilizing Kangaroo Care in the NICU, Margaret A. Atkins BSN, RN; Alexandria Barut BSN, RN; Eva F. Bellenoit BSN, RN; Shalyn Houser BSN, RN; and Neema P. Patel BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Thermoregulation in Infants by Delaying the First Bath., Chelsea Avron BSN, RN; Courtney Krahling BSN, RN; and Gina Toomey BSN, RN (Poster)
ROHO Cushion, Tina Azandegbe RN and Meghan Menagh RN, BSN (Poster)
Opioid Education and Nursing Knowledge, Katelyn Ball BSN, RN; Amira Mahmoud BSN, RN; and Katelyn Reed BSN, RN (Poster)
It’s 3am, “Excuse me Sir, Is this you?”, Cinthia Batista BSN, RN; Ismaela Cholula Lopez BSN, RN; Jenna Marburger BSN, RN; and Amber Trexler BSN, RN (Poster)
Can Hand Washing Champions Increase Hand Hygiene Compliance (HHC)?, Kadie Bechtel BSN, RN; Jon Carlos Gonzalez BSN, RN; and Megan Toro RN (Poster)
Teach 3 –Ask 3 Medication Education, Jailene Benitez BSN, RN; Joycemarie Gearhart BSN, RN; Cassidy Koren RN; Samantha Napoli BSN, RN; and Regina Reyes BSN, RN (Poster)
Implementing an Oral-Care Protocol at LVHN, Molly Bernstein BSN, RN; Ryan Gunderman BSN, RN; and Molly Tkacik RN (Poster)
Addressing Lateral Violence through Cognitive Rehearsal, Samantha Bertasavage RN; Glenda Fevrier BSN, RN; Charles Hartzel RN; Shannon Simkins RN; and Claire Seide RN (Poster)
STAFF's PERCEPTION OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHODS TO LEARN NEW INFORMATION., Juliette Blanchard BSN, RN; Juliana Eichenberg BSN, RN; Michael Fang BSN, RN; and Gelissa Lombard BSN, RN (Poster)
Critical Care Nurses’ Awareness and Ability to Assess Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation to Provide Culturally Competent Patient Care, Troy Boulden BSN, RN; Abigail L. Green BSN, RN; Joseph Lahovski BSN, RN; Alexandria D. Pisani; and Kasey Ro BSN, RN (Poster)
Does the Use of a Wireless Monitor Decrease the Time From Admission to Complete Dilation?, Lauren Bozilesky BSN, RN; Jennifer Cleffi BSN, RN; Stacey Soto BSN, RN; and Christy Trexler BSN, RN (Poster)
Just Breathe...The Importance of the Incentive Spirometer (IS), Katlyn Bradley BSN, RN and Rachael Cloud BSN, RN (Poster)
Diversionary Activities for Behavioral Health Patients in the Emergency Department, Morgan Branden BSN, RN; Van T. Devitis BSN, RN; and Peter J. Cosgrove BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving SCD Compliance, Natasha Bull BSN, RN; Lisa Grant ADN, RN; and Ashley Kriens ADN, RN (Poster)
Assessing the Efficacy of Utilizing the 6-Minute Walk Test as a Method to Standardize Ambulatory Pulse Oximetry Measurement, Jaycee Cahill RN; Alexandra K. Cawley BSN, RN; Victoria Giannone BSN, RN; Stephanie Gioia BSN, RN; and Robin E. Hartung BSN, RN (Poster)
Implementation of Dual Neurological Assessments at Bedside Shift Reporting, Kristen Campbell BSN, RN and Jeury Mejia Pena ADN, RN (Poster)
Ensuring Proper Utilization of Interpreter Services in the Emergency Department., Kirsten Cassidy BSN, RN; Elizabeth Dobo BSN, RN; Meggy Fernandez BSN, RN; Marissa Johnson BSN, RN; Madeline Trego BSN, RN; and Jen Weimer BSN, RN (Poster)
Non-InvasiveETCO2 Monitoring: IsIt a SurrogateforthePaCO2?, Precious Noel Chishti BSN, RN; Jennifer Hoffstadt BSN, RN; and Christina Krut BSN, RN (Poster)
INDICATIONS FOR URINARY CATHETER INSERTION, Lucyle Ciarlone BSN, RN; Gunnar Houseknecht BSN, RN; Rachel Lala BSN, RN, CEN; Elizabeth Peters BSN, RN; and Rachel Ruggeri BSN, RN (Poster)
Clean Ears: Increasing Stethoscope Hygiene Compliance, Joseph Ciminelli ADN, RN; Liezl Raposas BSN, RN; Kaitlyn Riva BSN, RN; and Emily Stockmal BSN, RN (Poster)
To Stick or Not to Stick: Peripheral IV Insertion in the Pediatric Population, Laura Coffey BSN, RN; Megan Finnegan BSN, RN; Karen Kalucki BSN, RN; and Lauren Shoemaker BSN, RN (Poster)
Monitoring Sedation in Non-ventilated ICU Patients Receiving Opioid Analgesia, Julie Coley BSN, RN; Katrina Larsen BSN, RN; Sarah Rodriguez BSN, RN; and Melissa Tucker BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Filing of CY47 Cases in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Samantha Connell BSN, RN and Christy E. Knipe BSN, RN (Poster)
Changing the Culture of Blood Culture Contamination, Victoria Conner BSN, RN; Victoria Hynes BS, BSN, RN; and Alyssa Kahr BSN, RN (Poster)
Use of Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Device in the ICU, Halley Contreras BSN, RN; Abigail R. Metzger BSN, RN; and Jeremiah Mensah BSN, RN (Poster)
Stress Reduction with Mindful Breathing Exercises, Danielle Crane BSN, RN and Crystal Prince BSN, RN (Poster)
Early Enteral Nutrition in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: Does it Decrease Length of Stay?, Taylor Crofoot BSN, RN; Brian Hoffstadt BSN, RN; and Amanda Witt BSN, RN (Poster)
An Evidence Based Look at Fall Risk Assessment and Management in Inpatient Pediatrics Using a Customized Collaborative Tool, Alyssa R. Czap ADN, RN; Kaitlyn J. Meuleners ADN, RN; Caitlin M. Stear BSN, RN; and Sara M. Orzel BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Pain Documentation, Tehya Daneker BSN, RN; Artoria Fox BSN, RN; and Damaris Ramos ADN, RN (Poster)
Effects of Virtual Reality on Perceived Pain, Jana Defilippo RN, BSN; Sierra Wagner RN, BSN; and Lauren White RN, BSN (Poster)
Delirium in Elderly Patients, Isabel Demartino BSN, RN; Lee Holden BSN, RN; and Rachel Bennicoff BSN, RN (Poster)
Operational Failures in the Acute Care Setting, Alexandra Dipace BSN, RN; Alexandra Giannone BSN, RN; and Lauren Orehowsky BSN, RN (Poster)
Chest Tube Removal Performed by RN's., Robert Ealey BSN, RN; Ashley Hunter BSN, RN; and Ryan Stuart BSN, RN (Poster)
Breaking the Language Barriers in the Delivery Room, Kristin Fabey BSN, RN; Abby Gruver BSN, RN; Kelly Haberern BSN, RN; Kaitlyn Jurewicz BSN, RN; and Toiya Stello ADN, RN (Poster)
Ringing Or Not… Here I Come!, Paige Freeman BSN, RN; Mary Catherine Gavin BSN, RN; Patrick Starr BSN, RN; Kayli Reily BSN, RN; and Alexis Smith RN (Poster)
Nurse Mentorship Program, Sarah Freyman BSN, RN; Taylor A. Kauterman BSN, RN; Elizabeth M. Onica BSN, RN; Franchesca Reyes RN; and Jeanine L. Subbenaik BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Pain Documentation Through Education, Amanda Gallop RN and Andrea Hornbaker BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Hand Hygiene in the Emergency Department with Environmental Interventions, Sara Golia BSN, Lauren Larkin BSN, Molly Mclean Lidz BSN, Kate Newland BSN, Hannah Reed BSN, and Amber Skworzow BSN (Poster)
Necessity for Focused Assessments, Melissa Gopaulsingh ADN, RN; Lien Hoang BSN, RN; and Mackenzie Woodbridge BSN, RN (Poster)
The Wonder of Wedges, Kelsey Gray BSN, RN; Rachel Hough BSN, RN; Jenna Jakielaszek BSN, RN; Hannah Lafronz BSN, RN; Hannah Parker BSN, RN; and Hannah Stevens BSN, RN (Poster)
Education to Increase Nurse Knowledge on Amputee Support Group (ASG) Consults, Katelyn Hann BSN, RN; Rachel Norbuts BSN, RN; and Simone Tukeva ADN, RN (Poster)
Moving and Grooving, Christina Hess ADN, RN; Samantha Flynn BSN, RN; and Samantha Wessner ADN, RN (Poster)
PennsylvaniaDebriefing After Critical Events, Jessica Hudoka BSN, RN; Samantha Myles BSN, RN; and Angelica Ragni BSN, RN (Poster)
Healthcare Heroes: Perceptions of Colleague Recognition, Laura Hydro BSN, RN; Amanda Billig BSN, RN; Kimberly Bartos BSN, RN; Morgan Olexson BSN, RN; and Alexandria Quinn BSN, RN (Poster)
Implementing a Nurse-Driven Mobility Assessment Tool to Facilitate Earlier Patient Mobilization, Zara A. Jakubas BSN, RN; Katrina Mills BSN, RN; and Toni Lynn Weinsteiger BSN, RN (Poster)
"Transition to Night Shift-Learning from the Experts: Night Shift RN Concil Sharing Best Practices with Nurse Residents", Patricia Karo MSEd, BSN, RN-BC (Article)
"Transition to Night Shift-Learning from the Experts: Night Shift RN Council Sharing Best Practices With Nurse Residents", Patricia Karo MSEd, BSN, RN-BC (Poster)
Open the Door to Small Bore., Christina Leinweber, Carly Hoskins, Jenna Wyncoll, Ryan Fuller, and Gabrielle Matyus (Poster)
Promoting a Family Centered NICU using Empathy Training for RNs., Bethany Leonard BSN, RN; Amel Moussa BSN, RN; Katie Scully BSN, RN; and Amanda Strohl BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Compliance with Bedside Shift Report, Melissa Lippincott BSN, rn; Paul V. Mussillami BSN, RN; and Amanda R. Quaglia BSN, RN (Poster)