Vizient/ AACN Nurse Residency Program™ EBP Projects | Patient Care Services / Nursing | Lehigh Valley Health Network



We're Not Falling For It: Dual RN Fall Assessments, Jaier Avecillas BSN, RN; Lovely Barba BSN, RN; Tamara Garcia-Bernier BSN, RN; and Ashley Guevara ADN, RN (Poster)


Implementation of Infusion Verify in EPIC, Deanna Bachman RN; Gladysbel Marrero BSN. RN; Colleen Penn BSN, RN; and Ranjodh Kaur BSN, RN (Poster)


Debriefing in the Operating Room, Brooke Bachtle, Caroline Thomson, John Stilo, Ty Bradley, Liri Hasani, and Megan Foster (Poster)


Increasing Knowledge to Help Prevent Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) on the Transitional Skill Unit, Maria Barker BSN, RN and Judelkis Cespedes Compres ASN, RN (Poster)


Type 1 Diabetes in Pediatric Patients, Christa Bezilla RN; Ana Bustamante BSN, RN; Jordyn Bruder BSN, RN; Riley Mckinnon RN; Melody Mundo BSN. RN; and Elizabeth Ofchus RN (Poster)


Virtual Triage, Melissa Boerner RN; Alana Kendig RN; Daniel Reyes BSN, RN; and Emily Wright BSN, RN (Poster)


Time to Turn, Christine Bortree ADN, RN; Katie Johnson BSN, RN; Temaris Hiraldo BSN, RN; and Kelli Favazza ADN, RN (Poster)


Educating Nurses on Ultrasound Guided IVs, Luz Burgos BSN, RN; Blessing Eluwa BSN, RN; James Thomas ADN, RN; and Morgan Yurasits BSN, RN (Poster)


Comfortability of ICU Nurses Working With the LUCAS During Cardiac Arrests, Kyle Cavanagh BSN, RN; Naomi Hawkins RN; Kaitlyn Roberto BSN. RN; Meagan Rouse BSN, RN; and Sara Zimmerman BSN, RN (Poster)


Never Lost, Always Accounted For, Marisa Damiani BSN, RN; Kayla Beidler ADN, RN; Blaze Kelley BSN, RN; Dylan Jalowiec BSN, RN; and Elizabeth Scheetz AND, RN (Poster)


ChER to PICU Standardized Handoff Report, Cassandra Dunning BSN, RN; Hayley Farrell BSN, RN; and Sarah Tichy BSN, RN (Poster)


Enhancing Patient Care: Through Accurate Intake and Output Documentation, Denise Eglesia BSN, RN; Noah Glosenger BSN, RN; Amanda O'Neill BSN, RN; Nick Pena ADN, RN; and Shannan Velez RN (Poster)


Implementing Journaling in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Beyza Eren BS, BSN, RN; Morgan Fleck BS, BSN, RN; and Aubrey Shelly BS, BSN, RN (Poster)


Alarm Fatigue Education, Jada Hale BSN, RN; Kaylyn Swoyer BSN, RN; Luke Nimeh BSN, RN; and Gage Christ BSN, RN (Poster)


How Long is Thirty Seconds?, Eric Heck ADN, RN; Mikayla Krivitski BSN, RN; Casey Miller BSN, RN; and Madeline Marron BSN, RN (Poster)


Restraint Debriefing, Madyson Lecause BSN, RN; Jenna Quigley BSN, RN; and Shayna Hilbert RN (Poster)


Loop Communication Between Triage/Charge Nurse and Primary Nurse in the Emergency Department, Anna Medvecky RN, Debra McCarthy RN, Fanny Figueroa RN, and Rachel Newman RN (Poster)


Fall Prevention, Renne Ramirez BSN, RN; Maggie Schray BSN, RN; and Maria Monica Asis ADN, RN (Poster)


IV Bundle Kits, Mikayla Shankweiler ADN, RN; Sydni Surowiec BSN RN; Jonathan Hansel ADN, RN; and Ashley Laslo ADN, RN (Poster)


The Just-In-Case IV Catheter: Assessing Peripheral IV Management, Moriah Smith RN, Darryn Agosti RN, and John-Christian Adams RN (Poster)


Improving Postpartum Depression Screening, Kathleen Stapleton MEd. BSN, RN; Melanie Reyes BSN, RN; Lauren Wilkins BSN, RN; Samantha Mokshefsky BSN, RN; and Christina Quillen ADN, RN (Poster)


Assigned Break Partner, Concepcion Valdez BSN, RN; Jamie Cassarello AND, RN; Joseph Campbell ADN, RN; and Yves-Laure J. Gaspard BSN, RN (Poster)



Take it to the Core, Elizabeth Alexander BSN, RN; Matthew Bourdon BSN, RN; Debra Day BSN, RN; Binh Nguyen BSN, RN; Tiffany Pexton BSN, RN; Ashley Sabol BSN, RN; and Malik Talib RN (Poster)


Creating Successful Stickers, Sidoine Amani BSN, RN; Hellen Nyakundi ASN, RN; and Lindsey White ASN, RN (Poster)


Newborn Discharge Education, Megan Archer RN, Sheena Vaidian RN, Katlyn Sostak RN, and Victoria Albritton RN (Poster)


Hand Hygiene Compliance, Rachel Armellino BSN, RN; Jennel Ishara Barthley ADN, RN; Guerline Pierre-Felix ADN, RN; and Michelle Beverly Medina BSN, RN (Poster)


Orthostatic Blood Pressure Related to Falls, Brooke Arriaga ADN, RN; Karisa Lash RN; and Brooke Bensinger BSN, RN (Poster)


Nonpharmacological Pain Interventions For Labor, Brielle Artis BSN, RN; Kaylee Conrad ADN, RN; Nicole Krepps BSN, RN; Macie McGaughran ADN, RN; Mariah Moorehouse ADN, RN; and Kristine Ulshafer BSN, RN (Poster)


Newborn Fall Prevention, Ashlynn Ashmore RN; Omotola Oduwole BSN, RN; and Victoria Wieruszewski BSN, RN (Poster)


Boarders in the Emergency Department, Samantha Atcavage BSN, RN; Dominique Boyd BSN, RN; Alexis Cabrera BSN, RN; and Payton Lesher BSN, RN (Poster)


Increasing Awareness Among Cardiac ICU Nurses Regarding Oral Care in Ventilated Patients, Ariadae Baettcher BSN, RN; Morgan Frantz BSN, RN; Melissa Jackle BSN, RN; Tuyen Pham BSN, RN; and Alexis Thompson ADN, RN (Poster)


Ticket to the OR: for our friends on the floor, Bernadine Bangyay RN; Ethan Idler BSN, RN; and Craig Zuccolotto BSN, RN (Poster)


Building Nurse Resilience, Emilee Barnhardt BSN, RN; Nadira Kaleen BSN, RN; Brooke Stempel BSN, RN; and Anthony Palonis BSN, RN (Poster)


Mobility Magnets: Fall Prevention & Increased Communicatiom, Samantha Behler RN; Paige Hinton RN; Marc Merryman BSN, RN; and Gabrielle Sacks BSN, RN (Poster)


Blood Culture Contamination, Amy Beltz ADN, RN; Weston Cummings BSN, RN; Sydney Pfeiffer BSN, RN; Natalie VanHorn BSN, RN; and Haley Zimerofsky BSN, RN (Poster)


SCD Compliance, Megan Belzner BSN, Jennifer Bowlby ADN, and Amy Scott BSN (Poster)


Improving Spirometer Use, Christina Bender RN, BSN; Jessica Yargeau RN; and Michael Galassi RN, BSN (Poster)


Provider in Triage, Emma Blades BSN, RN; Grace Gilmore BSN, RN; Katelyn McMurtrie RN; and Skylar Treat BSN, RN (Poster)


Discharge From NICU with Home Nasogastric Tube, Brianna Bowman, Ashley Chi, John Sparacino, and Georgia Traynor (Poster)


Increasing Confidence in New Graduate Nurses on Giving Report to ICU/LLM, Kyra Bruns BSN, RN; Melissa Crenko BSN, RN; Catie Kittle BSN, RN; Courtney Roberson BSN, RN; Tyra Santos BSN, RN; and Kelsea Snyder BSN, RN (Poster)


Use of QR Codes to Access Frequently Used Protocols, Vannesa Bunsee RN and Olivia Frawley ADN, RN (Poster)


New Graduate Nurses/Staff Retention, Lakaia Burgess BSN. RN; Alexandria Castro RN; and Tanzilya Seisekenova BSN, RN (Poster)


Bridging Communication Gaps: Translation Cards, Grei Cadiz ADN, RN; Connie Hernandez BSN, RN; Akeem Oliphant BSN, RN; and Chrisvely Urbanski BSN, RN (Poster)


How Does Compliance with Antiseptic Barrier Caps Affect CLABSI Rates on Adult ICU Units, Annabelle Callis, Crystal Schaffer, Alyssa Hawksworth, Kayla Gillespie, and Fengxue Lie (Poster)


Tiny Feet Taking Big Steps, Jen Carrillo RN, Jenna Grosko RN, Emily Hoven RN, Kayla Kulp RN, Alanna Lee RN, and Jenna Rogers RN (Poster)


Feel The Burn: CAUTI Product Effectiveness, Kaitlyn Carroll BSN, RN and Krista Bell BSN, RN (Poster)


Let Your NICU Nurses Put Your Mind At EASE, Victoria Carter RN; Charity Mokaya BSN, RN; Caroline Spugnardi BSN, RN; and Kiauna Graham RN (Poster)


Reinforcing Standard of Practice in Blood Culture Collection, Caytie Castells RN; Deiry Contreras BSN, RN; Marilourdes Fontanez RN; Jasmine Kline RN; and Jacob Rudy BSN, RN (Poster)


Staff Education: Ventilator Alarm Fatigue and Management For Nurses in the Adult Medical/Surgical ICU, Joanie Cheng ADN, RN; Nicholas Price ABSN, RN; and Jiwoong Yoo MSN, RN (Poster)


Nurse-Led Fall Mat Utilization, Amber Cieri, Amber Buck, and Kaitlyn Hardgrovew (Poster)


Implementing the DASA Protocol & Behavioral Health and Safety Cart, Colin Coggins BSN, RN; Brandi Creagh BSN, RN; and Megan Kuhlman BSN, RN (Poster)


Heel Warmer Effectiveness, Karina Collazo-Lopez BSN, RN and Amber Guzman ADN, RN (Poster)


Barrier Breakers, Logan Collins BSN, RN; Elise Keeney BSN, RN; and Rebecca Volk ADN, RN (Poster)


Hand-off or Hand-on? Utilizing a Standardized Report Sheet, Jessica Coyler BSN, RN; Renecca Panagakos BSN, RN; and Steven Schwartz BSN, RN, CBRN (Poster)


How Water-Soluble Lubricants Effects Perineal Tears, Jordan Crospeno BSN, RN; Daria Maggio RN; and Madison Muller BSN, RN (Poster)


Music Therapy for Pain, Alyson Crothers BSN, RN; Victoria DeCarlo BSN, RN; and Anna Rivera ADN, RN (Poster)


90-90 Gulp: Stop Aspiration, Allison Davis BSN. RN; Kristine Griffith ADN, RN; Charlotte Cherry ADN, RN; Jacquelin Tankersley BSN, RN; and Debra Rose BSN, RN (Poster)


Non-Pharmacological Pain Intervention: Music Therapy, Dianna Depalma BSN, RN; Dina Chebbi BSN, RN; Sonia Babar BSN, RN; Dan Deshler BSN, RN; and Samantha Christian ADN, RN (Poster)


It's Your "Turn" to Prevent Pressure Injuries, Susanna Derstine BSN, RN; Julie Hager RN; and Michelle Sears BSN, RN (Poster)


Benefits of Delayed Rupture of Membranes During a Normally Progressing Labor, Denise Dewey-Loftus RN; Jenna Myers RN; Cynthia Rodriguez RN; and Sharae Stull BSN, RN (Poster)


Team Nursing to Decrease Pressure Injuries, Bridget Diaz RN, Summer Server RN, and Nicky Wong RN (Poster)


Withdrawal Assessment Tool-1, Liz Durand BSN, RN and Taylor Morley ADN, RN (Poster)


Reducing the Incidence of Falls for High Fall Risk Patients in the Emergency Room, Abigail Eckert BSN, RN; Erin Chlebove BSN, RN; Kelsey Kaintz BSN, RN; and Jordyn Kalp ADN, RN (Poster)


Prevention of Workplace Violence Towards Emergency Nurses, Allison Enke BSN, RN; Anna Darling BSN, RN; Jason Hoch RN; Jacqulyn Lukens RN; and Melissa Merlo RN (Poster)


Positioning to Promote Vaginal Deliveries, Angela Fezza BSN, RN; Sarah Hann BSN, RN; and Nikki Perez BSN, RN (Poster)


Report Sheet for ED Hold Patients, Macarena Figuero-Sanchez ADN, RN; Michael Howell ADN, RN; Keara Farley BSN, RN; and Kasey Fox BSN, RN (Poster)


Positive Pooping Practices, Megan Fink BSN, RN; Meagan Moffit ADN, RN; Lauren Reineke BSN, RN; and Sarah Schwartz BSN, RN (Poster)


Flushing Peripheral Intravenous Catheters, Anthony Foy, Libby Diefenderfer, Sharon Michels, Ines Brito, Liya Wegayehu, and Anna Vernacchia (Poster)


Falls? Not on My Watch!, Branden Franelli RN, Adam Tophoney RN, and Myles Manjone RN (Poster)


Bedside Shift Report Checklist, Dominic Fresoli BSN, RN; Fernando Ramirez BSN, RN; and Rachel Smith BSN, RN (Poster)


Reducing Restraint Use in Adult Patients in the ED, Irene Ganesh-Figueroa RN and Sharon Clowney RN (Poster)


VAP Bundles, Samantha Gillespie, Abigail Gober, Mckenna Pagotto, Emily Harman, and Elizabeth Pulice (Poster)


Increasing Hand Hygiene Compliance Amongst Emergency Department Nurses, Emily Glass ADN, RN; Kristina Latsch RN; Nicole Pitosky ADN, RN; Elizabeth Polchin ADN, RN; Ashley Rodney BSN, RN; and Mitchell Solt RN (Poster)


Tweaking the Lateral Turn, Morgan Grimm BSN, RN; Liah Kim BSN, RN; Alexandra Lynott BSN, RN; Richard Pagan ADN, RN; Makenna Russo ADN, RN; and Jessica Szemiako BSN, RN (Poster)


Improving Shift to Shift Communication, Mia Groetsch, Alex Washington, and Joshua Skibiel (Poster)


Life is a Box of Chocolate, Kayle Grohotolski BSN, RN; Natalie Echeverry BSN, RN; and Haley Donnerstag RN (Poster)


Chewing Gum for C-Section Gas Relief, Nichole Grover RN, Isis Darby RN, Amelia Cesanek BSN, and Jillian Wiswesser BSN (Poster)


Comfy Care at Lehigh Valley Reilly Children's Hospital, Emma Gundrum BSN, RN; Olivia Radcliffe BSN, RN; Shauna Maggio RN; and Campbell Power BSN, RN (Poster)


Pre-Intravenous Insertion Education and Patient Satisfaction, Shelby Hafler BSN, RN; Deanna Ingeno BSN, RN; and Emma Whiteley BSN, RN (Poster)


Self-Care Resources in Healthcare, Kateryna Heard RN; Taysha Rivera RN; and Madeline Silfani BSN, RN (Poster)


Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting, Sarah Heckman, Victoria Dutz, and Jen Pinto (Poster)


Educating RN's on Proper Use of Pulse Oximetry to Improve Patient Safety, Juleeanna Held BSN, RN; Briana Kenton BSN, RN; Genevieve Ashley BSN, RN; Alex Colon BSN, RN; Faith Steffanic RN; and Sebasthian Malave Santos BSN, RN (Poster)


CAP-D Tool, Mackenzie Hunsicker BSN, RN and Emma Lenthe BSN, RN (Poster)


Stop the Fall, Plug It in, Carol Hunt RN, Sarah Snibbe RN, and Cassidy Shomper RN (Poster)


Nurse Buddies, Breaks, and Burnouts, Mackenzie Hutchison ADN, Kelly Landt BSN, and Elizabeth Lucchese BSN (Poster)


Use of Parafilm to Prevent CLABSIs in Pediatric Patients, Ashley Joshi BSN, RN; Caitlyn Grodzicki BSN, RN; Erin Hilkert BSN, RN; and Megan Zartman BSN, RN (Poster)


Appropriate Use of External Catheters in Female Patients, Reagan Kennedy ADN, RN; Marley Printz BSN, RN; Rebekah Swire ADN, RN; Bichelande Refuse BSN, RN; and Alexandra Lugo BSN, RN (Poster)


Increasing Patient Satisfaction with the Implementation of Bedside Shift Report, Brittany Kenton RN, BSN and Chase Mazalusky RN (Poster)


Nurse and PCP Perceptions of Altered Mental Status Patients After the Use of a Patient Profile Tool, Anisha Knight BSN, RN; Jenna Kruger BSN, RN; Madison Cummons BSN, RN; and Victoria Schultz BSN, RN (Poster)


Q2hr Turn Compliance, Kaylie Konish RN, BSN; Megan Hess RN; and Olivia Pennie RN, BSN (Poster)


Let's Huddle Up, Viktoriia Kozlova ADN, RN; Katie Kresge BSN, RN; and Cheyenna Weasner BSN, RN (Poster)


Handoff Reporting Using the Professional Exchange Report, Juliann Kuehner BSN, RN; Madison Nika BSN, RN; and Amanda Cornell AND, RN (Poster)


Pain Management, Peter Lantin BSN, RN; Sierra Miley BSN, RN; and Kristin Dennihy BSN, RN (Poster)


CLABSI Reduction, Maricela LeBlanc BSN, RN; Chisomnazu Nwigwe BSN, RN; Jasmine Morningstar BSN, RN; and Gloria Torres ASN, RN (Poster)


Soft Non-Violent Restraints, Kaitlyn Lomino RN and Dan Scheuer RN (Poster)


Among Inpatient Nurses, Would the Use of a Patient Handoff Template Affect Nurses' Satisfaction and Confidence in Shift Report?, Marissa Lothian RN, BSN; Bridget Carter-Colman RN; and Katelynn Bampton RN (Poster)


Fall Prevention, Amy M, Nika Crisostomo, Amanda V, and Taniyah Preux (Poster)


Pre-Diabetes Screening—Early Detection of Pre-Diabetes, Haley McMynne BSN, RN; Vivian Ortiz RN; Bernadette Dacosta RN; and Emily Mancaster RN (Poster)


Decreasing Quantity of Telemetry Alarms, Kari Meehan ADN, RN; Kate Hess BSN, RN; and Susanna Santos BSN, RN (Poster)


Isopropyl Alcohol vs. Antiemetic Medications for Nausea and Vomiting, Alexis Milander BSN, RN; Tara Orrison BSN, RN; and Jesse Wiscovitch BSN, RN (Poster)