Utilizing EAP to Manage Burnout, Kaille White ADN, RN; Fabiola Rivera Perez ADN, RN; Sierra Ressler BSN, RN; Yadira Cancel Suarez ADN, RN; and Shar Perez BSN, RN (Poster)
Skin Integrity Time-Out (S.I.T.), Carly Winn BSN, RN; Kelsie Hilsenbeck BSN, RN; Meagan Andrews ADN, RN; and Amanda McCleary BSN, RN (Poster)
Ampushield Education, Jessica Agosto BSN, RN; Nicole Dennis BSN, RN; Paige Deprill RN; and Rebecca Jones ADN, RN (Poster)
Outcomes of Communication Board Usage Pre and Post Education, Alexandria Ahner ADN, RN; Vanessa Rodriguez Contreras BSN, RN; Courtney Stansfield BSN, RN; and Casey Benner ADN, RN (Poster)
Preventing Falls in the Emergency Department, Deanna Alban BSN, RN; Paola Flauta BSN, RN; and Sarah Manley BSN, RN (Poster)
Take the Lead in 12 Lead, Jasmine Aquino ADN, RN; Bryanyelis Jimenez ADN, RN; and Megan DeHaven ADN, RN (Poster)
Risk Factors of Unplanned Extubations, Annalise Armstrong BSN, RN; Charles Cornmesser RN; Brian Fox BSN, RN; Tessa Hyatt BSN, RN; Sarah Person RN; and Hope Sabin BSN, RN (Poster)
Pain management and breast milk, Laura Baker BSN, RN; Abigail Donnelley BSN, RN; Desiree Kannapel AND, RN; Morgan Mondschein BSN, RN; and Sadie Schlichting BSN, RN (Poster)
Assessing Reporting Standards in the Emergency Department, Joel Bartoni BSN, RN; Stacy Lee BSN, RN; Framberly Matos-Lantigua BSN, RN; and Alexandrea Miletto RN (Poster)
Central Line Assessment and Care, Gavin Bauer BSN, RN; Stephanie Orta RN; Carissa Rohrbach BSN, RN; Stacey Sakelarides ADN, RN; and Tommy Sao ADN, RN (Poster)
PPE...Do We Need it?, Camryn Beers BSN, RN; Kathryn Kiskeravage RN; and Tyler Johnson BSN, RN (Poster)
Decreasing Adverse Events of Contrast Dye Administration in Patients with Decreased Kidney Function, Alexsey Bennington BSN, RN; Kristina Bertsch BSN, RN; Emelyn Cruz BSN, RN; Jack Kinst BSN, RN; and Michael Manion RN (Poster)
IV Tubing Labels, Ashley Benson BSN, RN; Emily Schweitzer RN; and Sharon Yutz BSN, RN (Poster)
Incorporating Fetal Pillow for Cesarean Deliveries, Reid Billing BSN, RN; Payton Boler BSN, RN; Sara Fetzer BSN, RN; Emily Ohrwaschel BSN, RN; and Hannah Woytowicz ADN, RN (Poster)
EASY Insulin Drip Calculator, Taylor Bires RN; Alicia Fitzgerald ADN, RN; and Samantha Mallozzi BSN, RN (Poster)
Implementing I-PASS in PEDS, Alexis Bordeaux BSN, RN and Gina Hood BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Staff Confidence in the Accuracy of Their I&O Documentation, Anita Brosnihan BSN, RN; Megan Free BSN, RN; and Olivia Fink BSN, RN (Poster)
To Extubate or Not to Extubate, Chelsea Budde BSN, RN; Olivia Schantz BSN, RN; Jesse Schwartz RN; Sarah Heidler BSN, RN; and Mia Baez RN (Poster)
Compassion fatigue in nursing, Alexis Burd BSN, RN; Kate Hummel RN; and Britt Sady RN (Poster)
Supplements with Medications, Chase Burlingame BSN, RN; Samantha Peterson BSN, RN; and Dante Vagnoni BSN, RN (Poster)
Skin care bundle, Gina Carsia RN; Brianna Hischak BSN, RN; Kristina Drozda RN; and Mackenzie Jones BSN, RN (Poster)
Measuring nurse perceptions of family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Kassidy Cassidy ADN, RN; Emily Bender ADN, RN; and Ziad Traboulsi RN (Poster)
Evaluating Efficacy of PIOMI Implementation and Use, Abigail Conage BSN, RN; Emily Seier BSN, RN; Lexis Rettino BSN, RN; Shelby Dieter BSN, RN; and Theresa Urschel BSN, RN (Poster)
Interdisciplinary Communication and Collaboration, Jaiden Coyne BSN, RN; Alexa D'Andrea BSN, RN; Jocelyn Foley BSN, RN; Brittney Ritchey BSN, RN; and Rebecca Roberts BSN, RN (Poster)
Nurse-Patient Communication in the Hospitalized Pediatric Population, Jessica Deem RN and Kayleen Cassar RN (Poster)
identification and Re-Education of High Risk IV Bolus Medications, Caroline Detzi ADN, RN and Raymond Wolfe ADN, RN (Poster)
Respiratory Care Bundle, Lauren Devlin BSN, RN and Abigail Roberts ADN, RN (Poster)
Delayed First Bath, Yesenia Diaz ADN, RN; Olivia Jimenez BSN, RN; and Jasmine Mailler BSN, RN (Poster)
Let's Talk About it! Emotional Debriefing in the ICU, Anum Durrani BSN, RN and Kristen Kresge BSN, RN (Poster)
Alarm Fatigue, Taylor Fogel ADN, RN; Bree Hoffman ADN, RN; and Caroline Zaharick ADN, RN (Poster)
Pressure Injury Reduction in ICUs, Abby Fritzinger RN, Nathan Jarick RN/RRT, and Caitlin McMahon RN (Poster)
Uninterrupted Breaks with "Break Buddies", Katelyn Fryzol BSN, RN and Jaimie Rosentel RN (Poster)
Formal Debriefings After Traumatic Events, Sarah Gibson RN, BSN; Hailey Muniz RN, BSN; and Kathryn Lehman RN, BSN (Poster)
Peripheral IV/IV Tubing, kelly Hallowell RN; Kathryn Mercurio BSN, RN; Stephanie Monk RN; Cassie Detweiler BSN, RN; and Sulia Szerencscits RN (Poster)
Measuring Nursing Workload, Collen Hanvey BSN, RN; Joseph Pipolo BSN, RN; Nina Bermillo BSN, RN; and Victoria DeLeon RN (Poster)
Impact of Additional Staff on Reducing Nurse Burnout, Heather Hechler ADN, RN; Nathavasky Mulatre RN; Kayleigh Pokrivka BSN, RN; and Celeste Hesketh RN (Poster)
Aromatherapy with Soothing Scents, Lauren Hoch ADN, RN and Madison Hess BSN, RN (Poster)
Pre-Made Swan Kits, Kaylen Hostetter BSN, RN; Vaness Stenulis BSN, RN; and Sabrina Trampel BSN, RN (Poster)
Blood Culture Contamination, Erick Castillo Jimenez RN; Brianna Delpiano BSN, RN; Jenelle Maehrer RN; Sabrina Simpson BSN, RN; and Alyssa Villani BSN, RN (Poster)
Scrubbing vs. Rubbing in the Operating Room, Gabriella Kaiafas BSN, RN; Robin Erb BSN, RN; Nam Truong RN; Ester Henderson BSN, RN; and Kelly Snyder BSN, RN (Poster)
Using the Comfort-B Scale in the PICU, Taylor Kerstetter BSN, RN; Marissa Campo BSN, RN; Heather Harwin RN; and Mary Pomponio BSN, RN (Poster)
Alarm Fatigue: Improving Patient Outcomes Through Alarm Management, Anjelica Kostenbader BSN, RN; Alexander Frage BSN, RN; and Jill Berlanda RN (Poster)
Right/Left Internal Jugular (R/LIJ) Removal Rates, Kristen LaPierre RN and Claire Beno BSN, RN (Poster)
Collaborative Rounding, Ashley Levin BSN, RN and Melisa Imsirovic RN (Poster)
Quiet Time on Night Shift, Nicole Mejia BSN, RN; Julie Tooma BSN, RN; Aulia Smith RN; and Jackie Kim BSN, RN (Poster)
Music Therapy, Katelyn Moore RN, Emma Hanssen RN, Joanne Augustin RN, and Uchenna Ahaghotu RN (Poster)
Clinical Staff Reports on Education Readiness for 1:1 Observation, Alyssa Muller BSN, Trang Dau BSN, and Derek Hukari BSN (Poster)
Hypoglycemia, Rishi Patel BSN, RN and Daniel Doughtery BSN, RN (Poster)
GYN Prep Using Chlorhexidine vs Iodine, Bridgette Ramos ADN, RN; Gricelda Acevedo BSN, RN; and Jenna Demko ADN, RN (Poster)
Improving Wound Care Documentation, Kayla Ramos BSN, RN; Melissa Swisher ADN, RN; and Brittney Noraka ADN, RN (Poster)
Handwashing, Richelle Reber ADN, RN; Vanessa Golden RN; and Katy Petrushonis BSN, RN (Poster)
Obtaining a Weight and Initiation of Sepsis Orders, Amanda Rivera BSN, RN; Brittany Welsh BSN, RN; Cailey Maxwell BSN, RN; Danielle Menszak BSN, RN; Madison Myers BSN, RN; and Niko Santiago Silfies BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving RN Telemetry Monitoring Compliance on Medical Surgical Units, Alyssa Rizzo-Berg RN; Autumn Klucsarits RN; Brianna Phillips BSN, RN; and Cohlmia Caracio BSN, RN (Poster)
Med/Surg Registered Nurse Burnout, Madison Rutkowski BSN, RN; Erin Corcoran ADN, RN; and Johann Gabriel Tantoco BSN, RN (Poster)
Heparin: A guide to Comfort, Kyle Schaeffer RN; Kali Wilkinson BSN, RN; and Jaynie Moran RN (Poster)
RN/LPN Team Nursing, Amanda Schreiber RN; Katriel Chehade BSN, RN; and Danice Moyer BSN, RN (Article)
Breastfeeding Confidence, Alexandra Sciacca RN, Amanda Morgan RN, Chelsea Diorio RN, and Karleigh Williams RN (Poster)
Pediatric Mental Health Resources, Corey Screven BSN, RN and Emily Rupert BSN, RN (Poster)
Heart Failure Education for Nurses, Candy Shillinder BSN, RN; Lauren McClure BSN, RN; and Zachary Filloy ADN, RN (Poster)
Code Blue Competency, Rebecca Sitler BSN, RN and Cheryl Campbell ADN, RN (Poster)
Nurse Driven Palliative Care Consults, Madison Slackish BSN, RN; Samantha Murmello BSN, RN; and Cassandra Reed RN (Poster)
DEFUSE; De-escalation Techniques for Restraint Reduction, Julia Squillace RN; Madison Lichtenwalner BSN, RN; and Kelsey Smith BSN, RN (Poster)
First Nurse Orders Effects on Troponin Draw Times, Cassidy Sullivan BSN, RN; Dayna Shelly BSN, RN; and Jeffrey Nutche ADN, RN (Poster)
Blood Sugar Accuracy, Faith Tomino ADN, RN; Kyle Reese ADN, RN; and Sarah Jencarelli BSN, RN (Poster)
Video Monitoring Education on 7ANS & 7BP, Arielle Truax BSN, RN and Asher Atwood BSN, RN (Poster)
Music Therapy in Conjunction with Pain Medication, Kayanna Verwey RN, BSN; Jasmin Sierra RN, BSN; Peris Nyakonia ADN, RN; and Alexis Benson-Komenko BSN, RN (Poster)
Overhead Sling Use for Repositioning, Natalie Voitek BSN, RN; Carissa DeSimone BSN, RN; and Lydia Fehr RN (Poster)
Intravenous Education, Emily Wentz BSN, RN; Alyssa Irizarry BSN, RN; and Amanda Yoder ADN, RN (Poster)
Tools to Promote Hand Expression in Postpartum Mothers, Rebecca Wright BSN, RN; Katlyn Haydt BSN, RN; Grace Hamilton BSN, RN; Alexandra Rodier BSN, RN; and Yaileen Baez-Giron RN (Poster)
Consistent Documentation Among Emergency Behavioral Health Patients, Madisyn Yakscoe BSN, RN; Andrea Snyder BSN, RN; Taylar Velten BSN, RN; Brody Hydro BSN, RN; and Katarzyna Kalyta BSN, RN (Poster)
Bladder Retention Protocol, Alyssa Abrachinsky RN, Samantha Pruce RN, and Stacey Symons RN (Poster)
Child Abuse Screening as a Triage Nurse in the Emergency Department, Yaranis Abud BSN, RN; Thomas Antenuci BSN, RN; Katahdin Brown RN; Jaclyn Hammill BSN, RN; Anna Kellaher BSN, RN; and Cassandra Miller RN (Poster)
Continuous Lateral Rotation—Time to Turn, Steven Adoff BSN, RN; Nicole Compano RN; Ariel Danziger RN; and Allison Bunk BSN, RN (Poster)
Purposeful Patient Rounding, Kristen Ahner ADN, RN; Charlotte Connors BSN, RN; Sarah Fryberger ADN, RN; and Rosa Yepez-Lozano ADN, RN (Poster)
Flushing Policy Compliance on Central Lines, Nicole Ahrens BSN, RN; Erin Ginther BSN, RN; and Emily Naugler BSN, RN (Poster)
IF YOU’RE HAPI AND YOU KNOW IT CLAP YOUR HANDS!, Zaida Alba BSN, RN; Jennifer Mazzanti AD, RN; Norbert Kaminski RN; Jay Almodovar RN; and Nicole Youngcourt BSN, RN (Poster)
Incubator Humidification and Microbial Growth, Natalie Alegant BSN, RN; Lisa Dorflinger RN; Sharita Jackson BSN, RN; Ariana Jacoby BS, BSN, RN; and Carissa Thompson BSN, RN (Poster)
“The Pause", Krystal Alimenti RN; Julianne Hill BSN, RN; and Lou Luther BSN, RN (Poster)
Aromatherapy Effects on Anxiety and Pain, Amber Anthony BSN, RN; Emily Stanilious BSN, RN; and Katherine Derstine BSN, RN (Poster)
Visual Cues & the Effect on Nursing HCAHPS Scores, Jacqueline Anthony RN, Ashley Hummer RN, Marlee Madriz Paulino RN, Kelly Nelson RN, and Jana Oliver RN (Poster)
Nursing Readiness to Teach Patients with Heart Failure, Irina Arroaga RN, BSN; Kayla Hossler RN; Shamari Stewart RN; and Marissa Yorke RN, BSN (Poster)
BURN BUDDIES: A teamwork approach, Joshua Ashmar BSN, RN; Julie Gardner RN; Andrea Santiago RN; and Amanda Wills BSN, RN (Poster)
Managing Pain and Sedation in the Ventilated Patient Population, Lauryn Ashmon BSN, RN; Leslie Carmona BSN, RN; George Paplambacharo BSN, RN; Trevor Phelps BSN, RN; Deborah Santos BSN, RN; and Ashley Sodke RN (Poster)
Pain Assessments in the Non-verbal Hospice Patient, Victoria Avelar BSN, RN; Ibrahima Diallo BSN, RN; and Anna-Kay Foreste RN (Poster)
The Skin Bundle, Jordan Bagby ADN, RN; Ahema Mensah BSN, RN; Melanie Mosiniak BSN, RN; Katelyn Muraski BSN, RN; and Shantel Sosa BSN, RN (Poster)
The Affect of Cleaning Mobile Equipment After Every Use on Infection Rates, Kyley Bandholz RN, BSN; Erum Khurshid RN, BSN; and Jill Kula RN, BSN (Poster)
RN Competency of Various Pain Scales in the ED, Abigail Barnaby BSN, RN; Matthew Boccella BSN, RN; Sarah Davenport BSN, RN; Danielle Martin BSN, RN; and Madelynn Myers BSN, RN (Poster)
Education and Implementation of Bedside Shift Report, Madeline Barnes RN; Chloe Eggert BSN, RN; and Nikhita Karnam RN (Poster)
The Impact of Purposeful Rounding, Teara Barnes BSN, RN; Carla Kramer BSN, RN; Katherine Kumi-Atiemo RN; Kamil Loj BSN, BS, RN; and Ariane Roometua RN (Poster)
Donning and Doffing PPE: Reducing Self Contamination, Holly Barrett BSN, RN; Lauren McDermott BSN, RN; and Sarah Quigley BSN, RN (Poster)
Nurse Satisfaction Based on the Use of an Acuity Tool, Justin Barr BSN, RN; Allison Clinard BSN, RN; Zenon R. Jimenez MSN, RN; Alicia Llewellyn BSN, RN; and Maddie Nasir BSN, RN (Poster)
Birth Trauma Education, Jenna Bartel BSN, RN; Jessica Chomo BSN, RN; and Rebecca Osborne BSN, RN (Poster)
DESIGNATED TURN TEAMS FOR Q2 TURNS IN THE ICU, Abigail Bauer RN and Emily Clowes RN (Poster)
Fluid Tracking, Tynisha Beasley RN; Jahmae Dent BSN, RN; Jaimie Hanna BSN, RN; and Rozani Pagan BSN. RN (Poster)
Nonpharmacological De-escalation Method Education, Chelsy Bechtold ADN, RN and Abbie McCall BSN, RN (Poster)
Effect of Visual Reminders on Compliance of Repositioning, Caryn Becker BSN, RN; Madison Fling BSN, RN; Jessica Hartner BSN, RN; and Jen Park BSN, RN (Poster)
Physician Driven Time Outs in Operating Room, Jenna Benfield RN; Ashley Scanlan RN; Lauren Knock RN; Kelli Stillwell BSN, RN; and Christina Thomas BSN, RN (Poster)
Screening of Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Katie Bergan ADN, RN; Eva Marte ADN, RN; and Ashley Young ADN, RN (Poster)
Oral Care in Intubated Patients, Haley Bergstrom BSN, RN; Siobhan Perry BSN, RN; and Alyssa Risi BSN, RN (Poster)
Standardized Reporting for ED to CC Unit Transfers, Alexandria Berkhimer BSN, RN; Jasmyn Butryn BSN, RN; Carlos Fernandez BSN, RN; Melinda Kriebel BSN, RN; and Sarah Malinowski BSN, RN (Poster)