Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord disease of childhood.
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Correct diagnosis of spinal cord disease in childhood is often delayed, resulting in irreversible neurologic deficits. A major reason for this delay is the lack of a reliable means to noninvasively visualize the spinal cord. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be useful in the evaluation of diseases of the spinal cord. A 1.5 Tesla MRI unit with a surface coil was used to study 41 children, including eight patients with intrinsic spinal cord lesions, eight patients with masses compressing the cord, 12 patients with congenital anomalies of the cord or surrounding bony structures, three patients with syrinxes, and three patients with vertebral body abnormalities. Intrinsic lesions of the cord were well seen in all cases as intrinsic irregularly widened, abnormally intense cord regions. MRI was helpful in following the course of disease in patients with primary spinal cord tumors. Areas of tumor were separable from syrinx cavities. Extrinsic lesions compressing the cord and vertebral body disease were also well visualized. Congenital anomalies of the spinal cord, including tethering and lipomatous tissue, were better seen on MRI than by any other radiographic technique. MRI is an excellent noninvasive "screening" technique for children with suspected spinal cord disease and may be the only study needed in many patients with congenital spinal cord anomalies. It is also an excellent means to diagnose and follow patients with other forms of intra- and extraspinal pathology.
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Packer, R. J., Zimmerman, R. A., Sutton, L. N., Bilaniuk, L. T., Bruce, D. A., & Schut, L. (1986). Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord disease of childhood. Pediatrics, 78(2), 251–256.
Medicine and Health Sciences | Pediatrics
Department of Pediatrics
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