Current Approach to Pediatric Drowning, Diane Begany MD (Presentation)
Smile Big: Dental Care and Hygiene for Your Kids, Deborah Campbell DMD and Lehigh Valley Health Network (Podcast)
Joining the Lehigh County Medical Society: An investment in protecting in patients and physicians, Kim Corba DO (Article)
Effect of an Electronic Pill Bottle on Hydroxychloroquine Adherence in Pediatric Lupus: Results of a Novel Direct-to-Family Pilot Trial., Rachel L Randell, Laura E Schanberg, Claire Beard, Thomas Phillips, Christoph P Hornik, Michael Cohen-Wolkowiez, Stephen J Balevic, CARRA Registry investigators, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
POCUS for pediatrics., Taylor Wejkszner and Tasha Desai DO (Article)
DNA methylation patterns in umbilical cord blood from infants of methadone maintained opioid dependent mothers., Oluwatobi Adegboyega MD, Suhita Gayen Nee' Betal, Pedro Urday, Rachel Huang, Katherine Bodycot, Huda B Al-Kouatly, Kolawole Solarin, Joanna S Y Chan, Sankar Addya, Rupsa C Boelig, and Zubair H Aghai (Article)
Peace of Mind Parenting in the Age of Screens and Social Media, Anne Baum; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Katie E. Kindt DO (Podcast)
How Pediatric Rehab Can Help Your Child, Anne Baum, Tyler Lawson, Sarah Smith, and Lehigh Valley Health Network (Podcast)
How to Boost Your Kids Immune Health, Anne Baum, Tibisay Villalobos MD, and Dominique Bailey MD (Podcast)
Between Early Warning and Alert Fatigue: A Single-Institution Experience of Right-sizing CHEWS, Heather Becker MD; Anna V. Folk MSN, MSN, RN, CPN; and Claudia F. Busse MD (Poster)
Weight Management Program for Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Post Chemotherapy Treatment - Why Body Composition Matters, M Borger; Emily Jacobson; and Ann Marie Barilla RD, LDN (Article)
Coming Home., Carolyn Boscia MD (Article)
Shared Decision Making: When EBM Meets Integrative Negotiations for Patient-Centered Care, Melissa L. Brannen MD, Claudia F. Busse MD, Teresa M. Romano MD, and Susan K. Yaeger MD (Presentation)
Establishing a Collaborative Orthoplastic Approach for the Management of Primary Musculoskeletal Neoplasms: An 8-year Case Series., Yasmeen M Byrnes, Gabriel Makar, Joshua D Madera MD, Amanda E Ruffino, Katie Frank, Thomas R Bowen, and Sean M Devitt (Article)
Evaluation of amoxicillin/clavulanate formulation and dosing pre- and post-implementation of a decision support intervention in pediatric patients, Leah Castelnovo PharmD; Kyle Shaak BS; Tibisay Villalobos MD; and Kristin M. Held PharmD, BCOP (Presentation)
Implementation study of the CARRA Uveitis Consensus Treatment Plans: feasibility for clinical practice and applicability for research., Margaret H Chang, Fatima Barbar-Smiley, Shoghik Akoghlanian, Joanne Drew, Sheila T Angeles-Han, Megan Quinlan-Waters, John F Bohnsack, Ashley M Cooper, Barbara Edelheit, Jennifer Twachtman-Bassett, Melissa A Lerman, Kabita Nanda, C Egla Rabinovich, Mindy S Lo, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
The 5Cs: an assessment of residents' ability to communicate during virtual consultations., Nicole Elliott DO, Michael C. Nguyen MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Diane Begany MD, and Bryan G. Kane MD (Article)
Paroxysmal Hypertension in Congenital Hypothyroidism: An Unusual Case of Pheochromocytoma, Patrick Fagan, Conor McLaughlin, Kimberly L. Fugok DO, and Tasha Desai DO (Article)
Using a collaborative learning health system approach to improve disease activity outcomes in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the Pediatric Rheumatology Care and Outcomes Improvement Network., Julia G Harris, Catherine April Bingham MD, Sheetal S Vora, Cagri Yildirim-Toruner, Michelle Batthish, Danielle R Bullock, Jon M Burnham, Danielle C Fair, Kerry Ferraro, Suhas Ganguli, Mileka Gilbert, Beth S Gottlieb, Olha Halyabar, Melissa M Hazen, Ronald M Laxer, Tzielan C Lee, Alice Liu, Daniel J Lovell, Melissa L Mannion, Edward J Oberle, Nancy Pan, Michael Shishov, Jennifer E Weiss, and Esi M Morgan (Article)
The Dangers of Vaping Among Kids, Kristen Hoben and Lehigh Valley Health Network (Podcast)
The effects of social media on the sleep quality and sleep duration of adolescents: a commentary, Meghan Izak DO; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Hataim Omar MD (Article)
Provider Wellness, Amy Jibilian MD (Presentation)
EM Resident Clinical and Communication Performance on Simulated Resuscitations Is Not Correlated When Stratified by Gender, Bryan G. Kane MD, Diane Begany MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Nicole Elliott DO, and Michael Nguyen MD (Poster)
Measures of Clinical Performance and Communication Skills of EM Residents on Simulated Resuscitations Are Not Correlated, Bryan G. Kane MD, Diane Begany MD, Matthew D. Cook DO, Nicole Elliott DO, and Michael Nguyen MD (Poster)
Improvement of Satisfaction of the Patients from the Caregiver in the NICU, Jackson Kondak, Kamran Ahmed MD, Jose D. Salazar MD, and Brian Repetz BS (Poster)
Improved Side Effect Profile of Alternate-Day Dosing of Lenalidomide., Ridwan A Lawal, Oluwole Banjoko, Chukwunonso Ndulue, Sodiq T Adebeshin, Arsalan Sharif, Osasumwen E Ighodaro MD, Rahman Olusoji, Bilikisu Odusanya, and Nadia S El-Hamdi (Article)
Sickle red blood cells directly activate neutrophils., Grace M Lee, Milena Batchvarova, Martha Delahunty, Lydia Boateng, Kimberly Boyle, Mark A Suggs, and Marilyn J Telen (Article)
Because They're Kids: Home Sweet Home Safety, Lehigh Valley Health Network and Teresa M. Romano MD (Podcast)
A Rare Presentation of Occipital Dermoid Cyst with Intracranial Extension and Secondary Infection: Case Report and Follow-Up., Guyu Li, Jaechoon Kim MD, Matthew Garcia, Ivy Reyes-McChesney, Ashley Hanna, and Utpal Bhalala (Article)
Cyberbullying and Its Implications as an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE): A Literature Review, Tori Lillestolen DO; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Hataim Omar MD (Article)
Health Equity and Policy Considerations for Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease Care among Minoritized Populations in the United States., Keila N Lopez, Kiona Y Allen, Carissa M Baker-Smith, Katia Bravo-Jaimes, Joseph Burns, Bianca Cherestal, Jason F Deen, Brittany K Hills, Jennifer H Huang, Ramiro W. Lizano Santamaria MD, Carlos A Lodeiro, Valentina Melo, Jasmine S Moreno, Flora Nuñez Gallegos, Harris Onugha, Tony A Pastor, Michelle C Wallace, and Deidra A Ansah (Article)
Differences in Drug Poisonings Among Those Who Identify as Transgender Compared to Cisgender: An Analysis of the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Core Registry, United States 2017-2021., Kristine Magnusson; Emily Glidden; Desiree Mustaquim; Laura E Welder; Erin K Stokes; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Kim Aldy; Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD; Beth Careyva M.D.; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Derek J. Fikse DO; Katelyn McLain; and Alexandra Amaducci DO (Article)
Comparative effectiveness of a second TNF inhibitor versus a non-TNF biologic in the treatment of polyarticular course juvenile idiopathic arthritis., Melissa L Mannion, Shahla Amin, Stephen Balevic, Min-Lee Chang, Colleen K Correll, Lianne Kearsley-Fleet, Kimme L Hyrich, Timothy Beukelman, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
A Decade of Pediatric Intubation Experience by an Advanced Prehospital Unit, Conor McLaughlin DO, Zachary Matuzsan DO, Mark Walck, Mark A. Diubaldo RN, Jeffrey M. Kuklinski DO, Andrew Ferdock, Matthew Ferdock PhD, Duy P. Tran DO, Jeanne L. Jacoby MD, and Susan K. Yaeger MD (Poster)
Prevent Acute Chest Syndrome checklist (PACScheck): A quality improvement initiative to reduce acute chest syndrome., Kerry Morrone, Kaitlin Strumph, Catherine Pisacano, Jessica Briggs, Rachelle Zipper, Bhaumik B Patel, Susanna Chang, Wen-Ling Kyon, Kristen E Ronca MD, Miranda Abyazi, Geoffrey Cheng, Leya Schwartz, Jennifer De Los Santos, Janine Keenan, Marina Reznik, Deepa Manwani, and Michael L Rinke (Article)
Hiring in the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Board Certification Era: PHM Leader Perspectives., T Shea Osburn, Patrick J McCarthy, Marie Dawlett, Liborio LaRussa MD, Stephanie DeLeon, and Heather McKnight (Article)
Agreement between intermittent glucose concentrations and continuous glucose monitoring in at-risk newborns., N S Patel, Rina P. Duke MD, Z Tian, S Zhou, and J R Kaiser (Article)
Statistical analysis of continuous glucose monitoring in at-risk newborns., N S Patel, Rina P. Duke MD, Z Tian, S Zhou, and J R Kaiser (Article)
Standardizing neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy evaluation and documentation practices., Patrick J Peebles, Lori Christ, John Flibotte, Liandra Presser MD, and Leah H Carr (Article)
An Unusual Complication of Phototherapy: Bronze Baby Syndrome, Julia Pensabene DO, Taylor Wejkszner DO, and Nachammai R. Chinnakaruppan MD (Poster)
Improvement in Patient Care: Back to Basics in Simulation Setting, Lauren Pepi DO, Erin Brown DO, and Melissa L. Brannen MD (Poster)
Shortening treatment duration for uncomplicated community acquired pneumonia to align with best practice guidelines in a large academic paediatric emergency department., Ryan E St Pierre-Hetz, Brielle Skotnicki MD, Christine R Aspiotes, Brett McAninch, and Johanna R Rosen (Article)
Mass Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Daycare: A Public Health Lesson, Christopher Popiolek, Putt Vithayaveroj, Chase Jones DO, Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO, John DelBianco MD, Alexandra Amaducci DO, Susan K. Yaeger MD, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD, and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Poster)
Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents: More Than a Last Resort, Important considerations, S Ramachandra; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Hataim Omar MD (Article)
Treatment of Functional Neurological Disorder- A Case Series, Alexandra Robbins DO; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Hataim Omar MD (Article)
Rehospitalization following Discharge from Newborn Nursery during Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Pandemic., Kristen E Ronca MD, Laura Vazquez, Eleanor Bathory, and Suhas Nafday (Article)
Interleukin(IL)-1/IL-6-inhibitor-associated drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DReSS) in systemic inflammatory illnesses., Vivian E Saper, Lu Tian, Ruud Hj Verstegen, Carol K Conrad, Michal Cidon, Rachel K Hopper, Christin S Kuo, Kazutoyo Osoegawa, Kevin Baszis, Catherine April Bingham MD, Ian Ferguson, Timothy Hahn, Annacarin Horne, Eugenia A Isupova, Jordan T Jones, Özgür Kasapcopur, Marisa S Klein-Gitelman, Mikhail M Kostik, Seza Ozen, Omkar Phadke, Sampath Prahalad, Rachel L Randell, Seher Sener, Cory Stingl, Rabheh Abdul-Aziz, Shoghik Akoghlanian, Dalila Al Julandani, Marcela B Alvarez, Brigitte Bader-Meunier, Erin E Balay-Dustrude, Imelda Balboni, Sarah K Baxter, Roberta A Berard, Sagar Bhattad, Roxana Bolaria, Alexis Boneparth, Elaine A Cassidy, Dominic O Co, Kathleen P Collins, Paul Dancey, Aileen M Dickinson, Barbara S Edelheit, Graciela Espada, Elaine R Flanagan, Lisa F Imundo, Ankur K Jindal, Hyoun-Ah Kim, Günter Klaus, Carol Lake, W Blaine Lapin, Erica F Lawson, Itay Marmor, Joy Mombourquette, Benson Ogunjimi, Rebecca Olveda, Michael J Ombrello, Karen Onel, Catherine Poholek, Athimalaipet V Ramanan, Angelo Ravelli, Adam Reinhardt, Amanda D Robinson, Kelly Rouster-Stevens, Nadine Saad, Rayfel Schneider, Velma Selmanovic, Irmina Sefic Pasic, Susan Shenoi, Natalie R Shilo, Jennifer B Soep, Angela Sura, Sarah F Taber, Melissa Tesher, Jessica Tibaldi, Kathryn S Torok, Cathy Mei Tsin, Natalia Vasquez-Canizares, Diana S Villacis Nunez, Emily E Way, Benjamin Whitehead, Lawrence S Zemel, Surbhi Sharma, Marcelo A Fernández-Viña, and Elizabeth D Mellins (Article)
Success of Bone Ossification After Posterior Vault Distraction Osteogenesis in Patients With Craniosynostosis, Jamasb Sayadi, Jorge Lujan-Hernandez, Kevin Givechian, Duncan Mackay, Peter Lorenz, Gerald Grant, Kelly Mahaney, David S. Hong MD, and Rohit Khosla (Article)
Myositis-Associated Autoantibodies in Patients With Juvenile Myositis Are Associated With Refractory Disease and Mortality., Matthew A Sherman, Payam Noroozi Farhadi, Katherine Pak, Edward P Trieu, Kakali Sarkar, Ira N Targoff, Megan L Neely, Andrew L Mammen, Lisa G Rider, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
Clinical Features and Immunogenetic Risk Factors Associated With Additional Autoantibodies in Anti-Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1γ Juvenile-Onset Dermatomyositis., Matthew A Sherman, Qingyuan Yang, Laura Gutierrez-Alamillo, Katherine Pak, Willy A Flegel, Andrew L Mammen, Lisa G Rider, Livia A Casciola-Rosen, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
Letter to the Editor Response: Work-Life Integration for Women in Pediatric Emergency Medicine., Brielle Skotnicki MD, Janet M Kinnane, and Maren M Lunoe (Article)
Work-Life Integration for Women in Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Themes Identified Through Group Level Assessment., Brielle Skotnicki MD, Paria M Wilson, Traci M Kazmerski, Jonelle Prideaux, Mioara D Manole, Janet M Kinnane, and Maren M Lunoe (Article)
Creation of a Virtual Reality Telesimulation Program in Response to Mandatory COVID-19 Social Distancing During the Pandemic: A Primer for Those considering VR Simulation and Application to a Group of Physicians Naive to Virtual Reality., Nicholas Slamon, Odiraa Nwankwor, Kimberly Canter, Amanda Lewis, Anuradha Setlur, and Jennifer Lutz DO (Article)
Racial Disparities and Achievement of the Low Lupus Disease Activity State: A CARRA Registry Study., William Daniel Soulsby, Rebecca Olveda, Jie He, Laura Berbert, Edie Weller, Kamil E Barbour, Kurt J Greenlund, Laura E Schanberg, Emily von Scheven, Aimee Hersh, Mary Beth F Son, Joyce Chang, Andrea Knight, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
Molecular testing for gastrointestinal pathogens in intestinal tissue of infants with necrotizing enterocolitis or spontaneous intestinal perforation., Maria M Talavera-Barber; Pablo J Sánchez; Miriam Conces; Irina Kaptsan; Kathy Everhart; Amy Leber; Daniel T Malleske MD, MS; Mohannad Moallem; Santiago Panesso-Gómez; and Masako Shimamura (Article)
The long-lasting impact of Teen Dating Violence and the importance of addressing it at adolescent visits., Cindy Tung MD; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Hataim Omar MD (Article)
Toxocarosis in a patient with autism spectrum disorder presenting with severe hypereosinophilia and acute respiratory distress: a case report., Daniel Üblagger MD, Herbert Auer, Milina Bezakova, and Veronika Kirchlechner (Article)
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on global neurosurgery collaborations., Alvan-Emeka K Ukachukwu, Nancy Abu-Bonsrah, Andreas Seas, Zoey Petitt, Romaric Waguia-Kouam, Samantha Ramos, Alyssa Edwards, Di D Deng, Michael M Haglund, Anthony T Fuller, and David S. Hong MD (Article)
Transient Psuedohypoaldosteronism Secondary to Urinary Tract Infection in a 6-Week-Old, Aishwarya Vuppala, J Patel, Laurissa L. Kashmer MD, Andrew Ferdock, and Teresa M. Romano MD (Presentation)
How a Hard Hit Caused Hypertension: A Case of Page Kidney in a Teenage Female Athlete, Taylor Wejkszner DO, Claudia F. Busse MD, and Kristen M. Prendergast (Poster)
Peer-to-Peer Feedback During Simulation Training in the Management of High Acuity Pediatric Patients Among Junior Residents, Taylor Wejkszner DO, Julia Pensabene DO, and Melissa L. Brannen MD (Poster)
Adolescents and young adults with cancer: the clinical course of COVID-19 infections., Julie A Wolfson, Elizabeth S Davis, Aniket Saha, Isaac Martinez, David McCall, Prachi Kothari, Julienne Brackett, David S Dickens, Alissa R Kahn, Carla Schwalm, Archana Sharma, Joshua Richman, Branko Cuglievan, POCC Consortium;, Smita Bhatia, Chen Dai, Jennifer M Levine, Emily E Johnston, and Jacob Troutman DO (Article)
Pediatric Infectious Disease Update, Angela Zawisza DO (Presentation)
Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient in the Setting of Viral Infection and COVID-19 Vaccination., Avery J. Allen and Lindsey N. Kudenchak MD (Article)
A unique presentation of sepsis in a pediatric patient with acute lymphocytic leukemia, Rachel Appelbaum and Daniel Relles MD (Article)
70. Description of an Integrated Adolescent Mental Health Clinic for Inner-City Youth at a School-Based Health Center (SBHC) in Washington, DC: An Innovative Approach, María G Aramburú MD, MPH (Article)
Effects of Social Media on Adolescent’s Mood and Brain Development, Implications for the Clinician, María G Aramburú MD, MPH (Presentation)
Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection, Bacteremia, and Meningitis Among Febrile Infants Aged 8 to 60 Days With SARS-CoV-2., Paul L Aronson, Jeffrey P Louie, Ellen Kerns, Brittany Jennings, Sloane Magee, Marie E Wang, Nisha Gupta, Christopher Kovaleski, Lauren M McDaniel, Corrie E McDaniel, and Teresa M. Romano MD (Article)
Because They're Kids: Talking to Your Kids About Their Mental Health, Anne Baum, Monica Lancellotti MD, and Thespina Godshalk LPC (Podcast)
Pediatric Rheumatology Care and Outcomes Improvement Network's Quality Measure Set to Improve Care of Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis., Catherine April Bingham MD, Julia G Harris, Tingting Qiu, Mileka Gilbert, Sheetal S Vora, Cagri Yildirim-Toruner, Kerry Ferraro, Daniel J Lovell, Janalee Taylor, Melissa L Mannion, Jennifer E Weiss, Ronald M Laxer, Michael Shishov, Edward J Oberle, Beth S Gottlieb, Tzielan C Lee, Nancy Pan, Jon M Burnham, Danielle C Fair, Michelle Batthish, Melissa M Hazen, Charles H Spencer, and Esi M Morgan (Article)
Phylogenomics of nontuberculous mycobacteria respiratory infections in people with cystic fibrosis., Nicholas Bolden; Joshua Chang Mell; Jennifer Bouso Logan MD, MSPH; and Paul J Planet (Article)
Medication Use Evaluation of Neonatal Starter Total Parenteral Nutrition, Allexa Buckingham PharmD; Heather Kistler RD, CSP, LDN; Ophira Silbert MD; Nisha Vyas RPh; Sharyn Jones RPh; and Laura Hayn PharmD (Poster)
Immunoglobulin, glucocorticoid, or combination therapy for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: a propensity-weighted cohort study., Samuel Channon-Wells, Ortensia Vito, Andrew J McArdle, Eleanor G Seaby, Harsita Patel, Priyen Shah, Ekaterina Pazukhina, Clare Wilson, Claire Broderick, Giselle D'Souza, Ilana Keren, Ruud G Nijman, Adriana Tremoulet, Daniel Munblit, Rolando Ulloa-Gutierrez, Michael J Carter, Padmanabhan Ramnarayan, Tisham De, Clive Hoggart, Elizabeth Whittaker, Jethro A Herberg, Myrsini Kaforou, Aubrey J Cunnington, Oleg Blyuss, Michael Levin, and Samuel Umaru MD (Article)
Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Reduce Unplanned Extubations in the NICU: Going Back to Basics, Jessica M. Dalton BSN, RN, CCRN; Andrea Konno MSN, RN, C-ELBW, RNC-NIC; and Dolores T. Suzansky MSN, RNC-NIC (Poster)
Storied reflections: Development of a longitudinal interdisciplinary curriculum to improve patient-provider communication., Nicole Defenbaugh, Lorraine A Dickey, Vivian C Foulke, and James P Orlando (Article)
Agents of Exposure among Pediatric Transgender Patients: An Analysis of the Toxicology Investigator’s Consortium (ToxIC) Registry, William Nick Doyle BS; Derek J. Fikse DO; Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Tasha Desai DO; Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Katelyn McLain; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Beth Careyva M.D.; and Alexandra Amaducci DO (Presentation)
The Effect of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on Substance Use During Pregnancy., Shae Duka MPH, Sadeea Rahman, Susan E. Hansen MA, and Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Article)
Anticholinergic Delirium in a Pediatric Patient Reversed with Transdermal Rivastigmine: A Case Report, Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Sarah Rand DO; Laura Koons PharmD, MSP, BCCCP; John D. Lindmark DO; A F. Pizon; and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Article)
Anticholinergic Delirium in a Pediatric Patient Reversed With Transdermal Rivastigmine: A Case Report, Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Sarah Rand DO; Laura Koons PharmD, MSP, BCCCP; John D. Lindmark DO; Anthony F. Pizon; and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Poster)
Exploring Associations Between Abnormal Weight Classifications and Child Maltreatment Diagnoses., Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD; Alfred Morrobel MD; Susan E. Hansen MA; and Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH (Article)
The impact of obstructive sleep apnea in children with sickle cell disease and asthma., Lance Feld, Anita Bhandari, Julian Allen, Shikha Saxena, Darko Stefanovski, and Olufunke O. Afolabi-Brown MD (Article)
Impact of Ketorolac on Reoperation for Hemorrhage After Pediatric Tonsillectomy: A Single-Center Retrospective Propensity-Matched Study., Rachel M Feldman, Vikas O'Reilly Shah, John P Dahl, Jennifer Siu, Maxwell Newby MD, Tori N Sutherland, Sanjay R Parikh, Teresa Jiang, and Amber Franz (Article)
The Effect of COVID-19 Isolation on Mental Health in the Pediatric Population, Danielle Fregoni, Kimberly C. Brown MD, Austin Schatzman, Erin Brown DO, Julia Vandenheuvel MD, Taylor Goldman, and Audrey Hughes (Poster)
Keystone Case Competition: Coarctation of the Aorta, Samantha L. Gaetani MD and Samuel Umaru MD (Presentation)
Examining the use of Antibiotics in Pediatric Cases of Community Acquired Pneumonia at LVHN, Meghana Ganapathiraju, Kristen M. Prendergast MD, and Wesley Dean MD (Poster)
Severe Group A Streptococcus Infections Among Pediatric Patients in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania Following the COVID-19 Pandemic, Stormie Gough DO; Jonathan T. Berback MPH, CIC; and Tibisay Villalobos MD (Poster)
The American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology workforce, productivity, and fellowship assessment: Current state of the workforce., Caroline Hastings; Scott C Borinstein; D John Bergsagel; J. Nathan Hagstrom MD, MHCM; Ryan Hooker; Diane J Nugent; and Michelle Hudspeth (Article)
The Impact of Social Media on Disordered Eating in Adolescents, Caitlin Hoeing; Kelsey Smith BSN, RN; María G Aramburú MD, MPH; and Hataim Omar MD (Article)
Pediatric Organ Donation and Transplantation: Across the Care Continuum., Benson Hsu, Alexander Bondoc, Alex G Cuenca, Kristin Hittle Gigli, Naomi Laventhal, Thomas Nakagawa, and Marybeth Browne MD (Article)
Neurosurgical management of vertebral lesions in pediatric chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: patient series., Nicholas F Hug, David A Purger, Daphne Li, Lawrence Rinsky, and David S. Hong MD (Article)
Demographics of Patient No-Show Rates in Pediatric Surgical Specialties, Isabella Joyce and Sarah A. Jones Sapienza MD (Poster)
Inculcating the Joy in Work Framework Within a Regional Children’s Hospital, Helen Julia MHA and Karen Clark DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC (Poster)
Inculcating the Joy in Work Framework Within a Regional Children’s Hospital, Helen Julia MHA and Karen Clark DNP, MBA, RN, NEA-BC (Poster)
Hypertension: An Important But Reversible Cause of Systolic Dysfunction in a Cohort of Pediatric Patients., Alicia M Kamsheh, Kevin E Meyers, Robert A. Palermo DO, Lezhou Wu, Danielle S Burstein, Jonathan B Edelson, Kimberly Y Lin, Katsuhide Maeda, Joseph W Rossano, Carol A Wittlieb-Weber, and Matthew J O'Connor (Article)
Kawasaki Disease and MIS-C at a Community Children’s Hospital in Pennsylvania: A Five-and-a-Half Year Retrospective Study, Kelsey Kaplan DO, Kayle Barndt DO, Ruchi Gupta MD, Kris Rooney MD, and Kyle Shaak MPH (Poster)
Association of anti-TPM4 autoantibodies with vasculopathic cutaneous manifestations in juvenile dermatomyositis., Rie Karasawa, Kazuo Yudoh, Toshiko Sato, Megumi Tanaka, Sara E Sabbagh, Willy A Flegel, Andrew L Mammen, James N Jarvis, Lisa G Rider, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)
Assessment and Management of Inguinal Hernias in Children., Faraz A Khan, Tim Jancelewicz, Kathleen Kieran, Saleem Islam, and Marybeth Browne MD (Article)
All About Me, Emily Kiska BSN, RN; Anna Neamand BSN, RN; Tianna Popstein BSN, RN; Danalyn Roncolato BSN, RN; and Jade Zamadics BSN, RN (Poster)