Research and Historical Works - 2021 | Lehigh Valley Health Network




Decreasing Adverse Events of Contrast Dye Administration in Patients with Decreased Kidney Function, Alexsey Bennington BSN, RN; Kristina Bertsch BSN, RN; Emelyn Cruz BSN, RN; Jack Kinst BSN, RN; and Michael Manion RN


IV Tubing Labels, Ashley Benson BSN, RN; Emily Schweitzer RN; and Sharon Yutz BSN, RN


Incorporating Fetal Pillow for Cesarean Deliveries, Reid Billing BSN, RN; Payton Boler BSN, RN; Sara Fetzer BSN, RN; Emily Ohrwaschel BSN, RN; and Hannah Woytowicz ADN, RN


EASY Insulin Drip Calculator, Taylor Bires RN; Alicia Fitzgerald ADN, RN; and Samantha Mallozzi BSN, RN


Establishing an Interprofessional Care Pathway Across the Continuum for Patients Following Implantation of Left Ventricular Assist Device, Katy Blessing DPT, Katelin Gorski, Nicholas Hoster, Joseph Paluck, Julie Patterson, Hannah Simko, Stephen Walker, and Elizabeth A. Wetzler


Rehabilitation Course of a Patient with COVID 19 Admitted to the Acute Care Hospital, Katy Blessing PT, DPT DPT; Michael Pechulis DPT; and Julie M. Skrzat PT DPT PhD CCS


Utilizing the AM-PAC to Determine Physical and Occupational Therapy Frequency of Care for Patients Admitted With Acute CVA, Lauren Blieler OTR; Caitlin Costanzo PT, DPT; Zachariah Garcia PT, DPT; Mollie Johnston PT, DPT; Nicole Moyer OTR; Tiffany Sherman OTR; Tory Thieroff OTR; and Milagros Uviles-Montalvo MSPTL


Implementing I-PASS in PEDS, Alexis Bordeaux BSN, RN and Gina Hood BSN, RN


Improving Staff Confidence in the Accuracy of Their I&O Documentation, Anita Brosnihan BSN, RN; Megan Free BSN, RN; and Olivia Fink BSN, RN


The Impact of On-Shift Evidence-Based Medicine Activity on Patient Care, Jeffrey B. Brown; Jacob Albers; Ajay Varadhan; Estelle Cervantes BA; Kashyap Kaul DO; Shreyas Kudrimoti BA; Phillip Sgobba BS, MBS; William Spinosi DO; Joseph B. Zackary MD; and Bryan G. Kane MD


To Extubate or Not to Extubate, Chelsea Budde BSN, RN; Olivia Schantz BSN, RN; Jesse Schwartz RN; Sarah Heidler BSN, RN; and Mia Baez RN


Compassion fatigue in nursing, Alexis Burd BSN, RN; Kate Hummel RN; and Britt Sady RN


Supplements with Medications, Chase Burlingame BSN, RN; Samantha Peterson BSN, RN; and Dante Vagnoni BSN, RN


Skin care bundle, Gina Carsia RN; Brianna Hischak BSN, RN; Kristina Drozda RN; and Mackenzie Jones BSN, RN


Measuring nurse perceptions of family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Kassidy Cassidy ADN, RN; Emily Bender ADN, RN; and Ziad Traboulsi RN


An Analysis of Resident Generated On-Shift Evidence-Based Medicine Questions, Estelle Cervantes BA; Phillip Sgobba BS, MBS; Shreyas Kudrimoti BA; Jacob Albers; Jeffrey B. Brown; Kashyap Kaul DO; William Spinosi DO; Ajay Varadhan; Joseph B. Zackary MD; and Bryan G. Kane MD


Impact of Fellow/Resident Involvement during Colonoscopy in a High-Volume Colorectal Surgical Practice, Zachary Chomitzky and William Sangster


Effects of Medication Therapy Management on Health Care Utilization in Medicare and Commercial Patients with Neurological Conditions at LVHN, Irene Chu MPH, MD; Mark Wendling MD; and Nina M. Taggart MD


Initiation of Medication-Assisted Treatment at a Resident Clinic Site Transitioning to a Federally Qualified Health Center, Yoonjie Chung MD; Marlene Gonzalez MD; Angela Colistra LPC, PhD, MS; and Drew Keister MD


Evaluating Efficacy of PIOMI Implementation and Use, Abigail Conage BSN, RN; Emily Seier BSN, RN; Lexis Rettino BSN, RN; Shelby Dieter BSN, RN; and Theresa Urschel BSN, RN


Assessing Knowledge in the Classroom Setting: It's More than Just a Test, Jessica A. Conlin and Rachel Bareltta-Scarcella


Interdisciplinary Communication and Collaboration, Jaiden Coyne BSN, RN; Alexa D'Andrea BSN, RN; Jocelyn Foley BSN, RN; Brittney Ritchey BSN, RN; and Rebecca Roberts BSN, RN


The Impact of COVID-19 on Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes, Jessica Davis; Joanne Quiñones MD, MSCE; and Michael Young


Relationship Between Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients’ Health Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction Scores: a Retrospective Cohort Study, Patrick Davis BS; Rahul Mhaskar MPH, PhD; Amy Slenker MD; Leilani Sounders; and Marie S. O'Brien DO


Ischemic Lumbosacral Plexopathy Following Endoleak Repair of the Right Iliac Artery, Patrick Davis, Artish Patel, and Beth Stepanczuk MD

Nurse-Driven Skin Bundle to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPIs), Geangina Day MSN, RN, CWON; Shantal Seerattan BSN, RN; Veronique Milfort BSN, RN; Tamara Miller BSN, RN, PCCN; and Janet Nelson-Ford BSN, RN


Nurse-Patient Communication in the Hospitalized Pediatric Population, Jessica Deem RN and Kayleen Cassar RN


Language Access Care in all Communities, Nicholas DeFulvio and Joumana De Santiago


The Unfortunate Seeding of Testicular Choriocarcinoima Following the Fontan Procedure, Martin DelaTorre DO, Arjan Ahluwalia MD, Kaitlyn Musco MD, Alina Zhu, and Joseph Schellenberg MD


A Capnography and Transcutaneous CO2Profile of Bariatric Patients during early Postoperative Period after Opioid-Sparing Anesthesia, Jin Deng, Maha Balouch, Ashley Mooney, Christopher Ducoin, and Enrico M. Camporesi


Does providing surgeons with data about prescribed vs actual patient opioid use for postoperative pain control affect their prescribing patterns?, Pavit Deol; Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN; Matthew McCambridge MD; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD


identification and Re-Education of High Risk IV Bolus Medications, Caroline Detzi ADN, RN and Raymond Wolfe ADN, RN


Respiratory Care Bundle, Lauren Devlin BSN, RN and Abigail Roberts ADN, RN


Delayed First Bath, Yesenia Diaz ADN, RN; Olivia Jimenez BSN, RN; and Jasmine Mailler BSN, RN


“Not So ‘SWEET’” – Case of Sweet Syndrome in Patient With MDS With Excessive Blasts, Janet Digber-Williams MD, Neysa Perez Crespo MD, Taylor Jarvill MS, Leia DeRosato DO, Kirsten S. Bellucci MD, and Daniel Zinn MD


Utilizing a Patient’s Health Portal to Deliver Education in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Bari L. Diubaldo M.Ed, CCRP and Tara Encarnacion MS, ACSM-CEP


Quantifying alcohol use among Ecuadorian HIV positive individuals and assessing alcohol as an independent risk factor for HIV, Jeffrey Downen; Brianna Swendener; Adriana Bodlak; Diego Anazco; Bryan Nicolalde MD; Rahul Mhaskar; Nelson Cevallos MD; Alberto Castillo MD; David Larreategui MD; Edmundo Torres MD; Ricardo Izurieta MD, DrPH; and Enrique Teran MD, PhD


Let's Talk About it! Emotional Debriefing in the ICU, Anum Durrani BSN, RN and Kristen Kresge BSN, RN


Emergency Medicine Resident Identification of Medication Safety Issues, Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Charles A. Soares MD; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Gavin C. Barr Jr. MD; Terrence E. Goyke DO; Shawn M. Quinn DO; Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; Dawn M. Yenser C-TAGME; and Bryan G. Kane MD


Identifying and Navigating Oncology Patients Admitted Within 15 Days of Chemotherapy for Treatment-Related Toxicities, Mary Ebinger RN, BSN, OCN; Raizalie Gutierrez RN, BSN, OCN; Tracy L. Walczer RN, BSN, OCN; Laura Beaupre BSN, OCN, CBPN-IC; Kathy Sevedge RN, MA, AOCN; Alicia Afif RN, MSN; Freda Barnes; Martiza Y. Chicas RN, PCCN; Angela Miller RN; Alyssa Pauls RN, BSN, OCN; Cynthia Smith RN; and Jeanne Kenna RN, OCN


Teaching Wilderness Medicine Virtually During COVID-19, Nicole Elliott DO; Derek J. Fikse DO; Eric Schneider DO; Kevin R. Roth DO, FACOEP; Bryan G. Kane MD; Hillary Irons MD; and Michael C. Nguyen MD


Sulfasalazine-Induced Neutropenic Enterocolitis, Rajesh Essrani MD and Anastasia Shnitser MD


Outcomes of Acute Renal Failure in Clostridium difficile Infection Patients: Nationwide Inpatient Sample, Rajesh Essrani MD and Matthew Sullivan DO


Does Obesity Affect Outcomes in Acute Pancreatitis?, Rajesh Essrani MD, Muhammad Usman Zafar, and Hiral N. Shah MD


Effect of Clostridium difficile Infection on Hospita, Rajesh Essrani MD, Muhammad Usman Zafar, and Hiral N. Shah MD


Cannabinoid Use Is Associated With Better Hospital Outcome in Patients With Cirrhosis: A Study Based on Nationwide Inpatient Sample, Rajesh Essrani MD, Muhammad Usman Zafar, Zahid Tarar, Umer Farooq, and Jiten Kothadia


Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Inpatient Outcomes of Patients With Liver Cirrhosis: 2017-2018 National Inpatient Sample Database, Rajesh Essrani MD, Muhammad Usman Zafar, Zahid I. Tarar, Umer Farooq, Shiri Jai Kirshan K. Ravi, Priyanika Ravi, and Matthew Lincoln


EVALI During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Needle in the Ground Glass, Derek J. Fikse DO, Alexandra Amaducci DO, Kenneth D. Katz MD, and Matthew Nimmo DO


Duloxetine Poisoning: A Unique Case of Cardiotoxicity, Derek J. Fikse DO, Alexandra Amaducci DO, Margaret A. Vido DO, Robert D. Cannon DO, and Kenneth D. Katz MD


Sniffing Skeletal Fluorosis: A Rare Manifestation of Difluoroethane Inhalant Abuse, Derek J. Fikse DO, Andrew H F Miller DO, Danny Le, and Ryan M Surmaitis DO


EVALI During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Needle in the Ground Glass, Derek J. Fikse DO, Matthew Nimmo DO, Alexandra Amaducci DO, and Kenneth D. Katz MD


You Dropped the Bomb on Me – A Case Series of Carbon Tetrachloride Toxicity, Derek J. Fikse DO, Amanda R. Stashin, Scott Wheatley MD, Kenneth D. Katz MD, and Andrew L. Koons


Stones, Moans, Groans and Silicone: Severe Hypercalcemia Following Liquid Silicone Gluteal Augmentation, Derek J. Fikse DO, Eric Torkildsen MD, Alexandra Amaducci DO, and Ryan M Surmaitis DO


Alarm Fatigue, Taylor Fogel ADN, RN; Bree Hoffman ADN, RN; and Caroline Zaharick ADN, RN


People Living with HIV (PLWH) and COVID-19. The LVHN Experience, Jacob Frank and Marcelo Gareca MD


Medication Use Evaluation of Ceftriaxone Dosing in Pediatric Patients, Sara Frey PharmD and Kristin M. Held Wheatley PharmD, BCOP


Pressure Injury Reduction in ICUs, Abby Fritzinger RN, Nathan Jarick RN/RRT, and Caitlin McMahon RN


Uninterrupted Breaks with "Break Buddies", Katelyn Fryzol BSN, RN and Jaimie Rosentel RN


Lithium Toxicity: A Case Report of Toxicity Resulting in a Third-Degree Heart Block, Samantha L. Gaetani MD, Alexandra Amaducci, Derek J. Fikse DO, and Andrew L. Koons


Relationship Between Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Utilization and Biopsychosocial Characteristics Among Homeless Adolescents, Brittany Gaudet BS, MSPH; Nina Liu BS; Jeffrey Downen BS, MS; Taylor Jarvill BA; Cecilia E. Zemanek BS; Michele N. Karn BS; Hoonani M. Cuadrado MSPAS, PA-C; and Joanne Quiñones MD, MSCE


Formal Debriefings After Traumatic Events, Sarah Gibson RN, BSN; Hailey Muniz RN, BSN; and Kathryn Lehman RN, BSN


Evaluating the Correlation of Academic Pursuits and Relative Value Unit Reimbursement in Trauma Surgery, Erin Gilbert and Joseph J. Stirparo MD


Double Trouble, Elisa Giusto DO


Mechanical Circulatory Support using Impella Devices for Cardiogenic Shock, Gabriella Gormas and James K. Wu MD


A Case of Hurthle Cell Carcinoma Presenting With Malignant Pleural Effusion, Saloni Goyal DO, Cleo Z. Reyes MD, Dimitry Petrenko DO, and Joseph Schellenberg MD

Precursor B- Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, Saloni Goyal DO, Chun Siu DO, Robert V. Decker MD, Mini G. Abraham MD, Rayna Abraham, and Savitri Skandan MD


A Case of Pulmonary Amyloidosis with Progressive Systemic Involvement, Saloni Goyal DO, Chun Siu, Yasmeen Khaskia, and Joseph Schellenberg MD


Sex Specific Analysis of Management and Disposition of Patients with Venous Thromboembolism During the Covid Pandemic, Marna Greenberg, Catherine V. Levitt, Matthew McCambridge, Beatrice Oertner, Michael Young, Andrew C. Miller, Timlin Glaser MD, Amanda R. Stashin, Kira Galeano, and Margaret A. Vido


Physician Directed Smoking Cessation in the ED: Do Patients Opt-Out?, Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Ali S. Aziz BS; Natalie M. Greco MD; Timothy Batchelor MD; Andrew H F Miller DO; Theodore Doherty DO; Robert Kruklitis MD; Lauren Crowley BA; Edward W. Casey RPh, MBA; Elizabeth MacLean PharmD; and JoAnn B. Trainer PharmD


Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) – Enhanced Emergency Department Flow Process, Megan R. Greenberg BS; Shadi Jarjous MD; Zhe Chen MD; Anthony Buonanno MD, MBA; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Shuisen Li DO; and Ali Yazdanyar DO, PhD, MMM


Development of a Unique Screening Tool for Acute Care Occupational Therapy Services in Patients Following Total Joint Replacement Surgery, Stephanie Hack PT, DPT and Stacy Wentz MS, OTR/L


Development of a Unique Screening Tool for Acute Care Occupational Therapy Services in Patients Following Total Joint Replacement Surgery, Stephanie Hack PT, DPT and Stacy Wentz MS, OTR/L


GME Action Learning: GMEC Re-Design, Margaret A. Hadinger EdD, MS


Peripheral IV/IV Tubing, kelly Hallowell RN; Kathryn Mercurio BSN, RN; Stephanie Monk RN; Cassie Detweiler BSN, RN; and Sulia Szerencscits RN


Bridging the gaps: Individual and community level risk factors for non-lethal firearm injuries in the U.S., Alexander Hanisak and Mark Cipolle MD


Measuring Nursing Workload, Collen Hanvey BSN, RN; Joseph Pipolo BSN, RN; Nina Bermillo BSN, RN; and Victoria DeLeon RN


Agents of exposure in transgender patient cases managed by a toxicologist: An analysis of the toxicology investigators consortium (ToxIC) registry, Olivia A. Hardy, Alexandra Amaducci, Judith Sabino, Beth Careyva, Matthew D. Cook DO, Kenneth Katz, Marna Greenberg, Ryan Surmaitis DO, Andrew Koons, Joseph B. Zackary MD, and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD


Do Virtual Visits Have an Effect on Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing for URIs?, Sydney Harris, Eric Young, Jarrod W. Kile RPhD, and Kathryn Zaffiri MPH


Impact of Additional Staff on Reducing Nurse Burnout, Heather Hechler ADN, RN; Nathavasky Mulatre RN; Kayleigh Pokrivka BSN, RN; and Celeste Hesketh RN


ESR and CRP Testing May not be Useful in Monitoring Patients with Native Vertebral Osteomyelitis, Abigail Heilenman and Amy Slenker MD


Improving Patient Access Knowledge, Xinyi He, Krista Bott MD, and Sean Quinlan-Davidson MD


Aromatherapy with Soothing Scents, Lauren Hoch ADN, RN and Madison Hess BSN, RN


A Rare Case of a Plurihormonal Pituitary Adenoma, Alisha Hossain DO, Lindor Gelin DO, Arjan Ahluwalia MD, Emily C. Skutnik DO, Sonum Singh MD, Gretchen A. Perilli MD, and Sharmila C. Koshy MD


Pre-Made Swan Kits, Kaylen Hostetter BSN, RN; Vaness Stenulis BSN, RN; and Sabrina Trampel BSN, RN


Utilizing the AM-PAC “6-Clicks” Basic Mobility Functional Assessment to Determine a Standard of Care for the Utilization of Occupational Therapy Services Status Post Elective Spine Surgery, Megan Howard PT, MPT and Deanna Stinner OTR/L


Integration of Racial Bias Curriculum in Medical School Training, Jessica Huang and Shirley Smith


Peripheral Intravenous Replacement in Adults: Routine vs. Clinically Indicated, Carol A. Hunt


Sex Differences in Substance Use and Misuse, Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Jennifer Carey MD; Briana Tully DO; Matthew D. Cook DO; Robert D. Cannon DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Andrew L. Koons DO; and Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH


Comparing Completion of Early Childhood Vaccines to Late Childhood Vaccines in Adolescent Emergency Shelter Residents, Taylor Jarvill; Jeffrey Downen; Brittany Gaudet BS, MSPH; Nina Liu; Cecilia E. Zemanek BS; Ceyda H. Sablak BS; Allison N. Kayne BS; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Amy B. Smith PhD; Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH; Hoonani M. Cuadrado; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP


Improving Pediatric Sepsis in the Emergency Department Using an Electronic Triage Tool, Stephen Jaworski MD, Matthew Palilonis DO, and Susan K. Yaeger MD


Opportunistic Infections Continue to be the Leading Cause of Hospitalization in People Living with HIV/AIDS in India, Amyeo Afroz Jereen, Celia Vitale Kucera, Saniya Safder, Muralidhar Verma, Radhakrishnan Rajesh, Ambuj Kumar, Seetha Lakshmi, and Lynette Menezes


Blood Culture Contamination, Erick Castillo Jimenez RN; Brianna Delpiano BSN, RN; Jenelle Maehrer RN; Sabrina Simpson BSN, RN; and Alyssa Villani BSN, RN


Identifying and Addressing a Gap in Coverage for the Trauma Service Line of a Community Hospital, Hayley JoDoin PT, DPT; Annemarie Erdman Ms, OTR/L; Jeffrey Halbert MS, OTR/L, CSRS; Veronica Croesus MS, CCC-SLP; and Jamie Francisco PT, DPT


An Outpatient Total Knee Protocol for Optimizing Outcomes and Reducing Variability of Care, Christopher Johns PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. MDT and Kimberly Fritts DPT


A Predictive Model to Determine the Effectiveness of Intervention on Low Back Pain, Christopher Johns PT, DPT, OCS, Cert. MDT and Kimberly Fritts DPT


No Fly Zone: An Unregistered Insecticide Containing Dichlorvos Resulting in Cholinergic Toxicity, Nicholas P. Johnson, Derek J. Fikse DO, Ryan M Surmaitis DO, and Alexandra Amaducci


Utilizing the Magnet Model to Lead Nursing Practice During COVID-19, Kim Jordan MHA, BSN, RN, NE-BC; Luis Puentes BSN, MA, MBA, PHRN; and Janice Wilson MS, RN, CPHIMS


Scrubbing vs. Rubbing in the Operating Room, Gabriella Kaiafas BSN, RN; Robin Erb BSN, RN; Nam Truong RN; Ester Henderson BSN, RN; and Kelly Snyder BSN, RN


Proton Pump Inhibitors do not Increase the Risk of Colorectal Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Faisal Kamal, Muhammed Ali Khan, Sachit Sharma, Zaid Imam, Dawit Jowhar, Collin Henry, Muhammad Usman Zafar MD, Ellen Petryna, Khadija Sami, Umair Iqbal, Julia Esswein, and Collin W. Howden


An Unusual Case of Abdominal Pain and Weight Loss in a Patient With Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis, Yasin Kanakrieh DO; Kaitlyn L. Buzard DO; Kourtney Rudzinski DO; James Ross MD, FACP; and Kristin M. Ingraham DO