DEFUSE; De-escalation Techniques for Restraint Reduction, Julia Squillace RN; Madison Lichtenwalner BSN, RN; and Kelsey Smith BSN, RN
Case Report Describing Mobility of a “Happy Hypoxic” Patient With COVID-19, Courtney Stanlaw PT, DPT and James K. Miller
Differentiating the Need for Neurosurgical Interventions at a Level 1 Trauma Center in Patients with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and a Positive CT Head, Tara Stansbury, Puja Patel MD, Kamalesh T. Shah MD, and Mark Cipolle MD
Effects of Language Barriers on Clinical Outcomes in PT-Driven Proning Sessions During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sidney M. Stoddard PT, DPT
First Nurse Orders Effects on Troponin Draw Times, Cassidy Sullivan BSN, RN; Dayna Shelly BSN, RN; and Jeffrey Nutche ADN, RN
Effectiveness of Fracture Liaison Services in Osteoporosis-Associated Fracture Management, Michael Su and Ya-Yu Lee MD
Peritonsillar Abscess Management within LVHN Emergency Departments: A Quality Analysis Study, Briana Swendener, Spencer Short, and Robert M. DeDio MD
Review of COVID-19 Patient Demographics at LVHN Hospitals, Hannah Tan; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; and Renee Bryant
Evaluation of Sacubitril/Valsartan Prescribing Patterns Within an Inpatient Hospital Setting, Megan Taylor PharmD and Katie Nesbitt PharmD, BCPS
Blood Sugar Accuracy, Faith Tomino ADN, RN; Kyle Reese ADN, RN; and Sarah Jencarelli BSN, RN
Potassium for Two: Management of Refractory Electrolyte Disturbances in Gitelman Syndrome During Pregnancy, Eric Torkildsen MD, Yesha K. Shah DO, and Sharon E. Maynard MD
Video Monitoring Education on 7ANS & 7BP, Arielle Truax BSN, RN and Asher Atwood BSN, RN
Development of a GME Wellness Program at One Sponsoring Institution: One Year’s Journey, Despina Tsarouhis, BS; Margaret A. Hadinger; Joseph Patruno MD; Carmine Pellosie DO, MPH, MBA; Daniel Relles MD; Kevin M. Correll MDiv, MAPC; Richard Drabic LCSW; Johnathon Dallarosa MD; and Lekha Racharla DO
Development of a GME Wellness Program at One Sponsoring Institution: One Year’s Journey, Despina Tsarouhis BS; Margaret A. Hadinger EdD; Joseph E. Patruno MD; Carmine Pellosie DO, MPH, MBA; Daniel Relles MD; Kevin M. Correll MDiv, MAPC; Richard Drabic LCSW; Johnathon Dallarosa MD; and Lekha Racharla DO
A Decade of Induction Chemotherapy Practices at a Small Children’s Cancer Center, Julia Vandenheuvel MD and Felipe Bautista Otanez MD
Ewing Sarcoma of the 9th Rib Subsequent to Pediatric Leukemia: A Case Series, Julia Vandenheuvel MD, Leighton Elliott MD, Daniel Zinn MD, Michal Miller MD, and Jacob Troutman DO
Ischemic Volkmann Contracture From Intrauterine Compartment Syndrome, Julia Vandenheuvel MD, Robert Teixeira MD, Ethan Song BA, Scott Kozin MD, and Scott Rice MD
Music Therapy in Conjunction with Pain Medication, Kayanna Verwey RN, BSN; Jasmin Sierra RN, BSN; Peris Nyakonia ADN, RN; and Alexis Benson-Komenko BSN, RN
Overhead Sling Use for Repositioning, Natalie Voitek BSN, RN; Carissa DeSimone BSN, RN; and Lydia Fehr RN
Impact of Supportive Housing Program Services on Loneliness and Well-Being Among Previously Homeless Individuals, Michelle Wagner MPH; Ashwini Kamath Mulki MD, MPH; Hoonani M. Cuadrado MSPAS, PA-C; Autumn Kieber-Emmons MD, MPH; and Susan E. Hansen MA
Interventions to Reduce Emergency Department Demand During a Pandemic, Cynthia Wang BS, Bryan G. Kane MD, Jason L. Forgeon MD, Justin Giordano DO, Armando Orta MD, and Richard S. MacKenzie MD
Leveraging Mobile Documentation to Improve Access to Therapy Services in Acute Care, Jessica S. Watson PT, DPT; Amanda Fox PT, DPT; and Ryan Vetter MS-OTR/L
Intravenous Education, Emily Wentz BSN, RN; Alyssa Irizarry BSN, RN; and Amanda Yoder ADN, RN
Abate the Stress! The Development and Implementation of a New Medication Exam for Newly Hired Nurses, Nicole Wiswesser RN
Integrated Onboarding: Synchronous Teaching to Prepare Learners for Successful Orientation, Nicole Wiswesser MSN, RN, CMSRN; Kathleen L. Chenard MSN, RNC-OB; and Elizabeth A. Posasinski
Tools to Promote Hand Expression in Postpartum Mothers, Rebecca Wright BSN, RN; Katlyn Haydt BSN, RN; Grace Hamilton BSN, RN; Alexandra Rodier BSN, RN; and Yaileen Baez-Giron RN
Consistent Documentation Among Emergency Behavioral Health Patients, Madisyn Yakscoe BSN, RN; Andrea Snyder BSN, RN; Taylar Velten BSN, RN; Brody Hydro BSN, RN; and Katarzyna Kalyta BSN, RN
Sex Differences in Response to Smoking Cessation Resources Offered in the Emergency Department (ED), Stephanie Z. Yee BS; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Natalie M. Greco MD; Timothy Batchelor; Andrew H F Miller DO; Theodore Doherty DO; Ali S. Aziz BS; Faiza Arif BA; Lauren Crowley BA; Edward Casey; and Robert Kruklitis MD
Treatment of Postpartum Depression With Updated Pharmacotherapy, Jennifer Yoon, Jason Gu MD, and Katherine B. Martin MD
The Effect of Patient Age in Progression to a Hemorrhoidectomy, Justin Yoon and William Sangster
Management and Disposition of Patients With Venous Thromboembolism in Academic vs. Rural Hospital Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Michael Young; Matthew McCambridge MD, MS, CPHQ, CPPS; Beatrice Oertner BSN, RN, CPHQ; Catherine V. Levitt; Andrew C. Miller DO; Kira Galeano; Timlin Glaser MD; Amanda R. Stashin DO; Margaret A. Vido DO; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP
Effect of Acute Kidney Injury on Hospital-Based Outcomes in Patients Admitted for Variceal Hemorrhage in the Years 2017-18, Muhammad Usman Zafar MD
Assessing for Clinical Trends Over the First Year of a Psychiatric Electronic Consult Service, Cecilia E. Zemanek BS and Katherine B. Martin MD
The Journey of Implementing a Video Sitter Monitoring System, Lee Bowman BSN, RN
Contingency Management Implementation: Strengthening MAT in Primary Care, Angela Colistra LPC, PhD, MS; Sophia Harbove MS, CTP; Yamelisa Taveras MA, CAADC, CCS; Abby S. Letcher MD; and Nyann Biery MS
Using What You Have, Finding What You Need: A Leadership Competency and Case-Based Approach to Leading During Crises and Beyond, Samanth Elwood; Margot Savoy; Anthony Catinella; Grant M. Greenberg M.D., M.H.S.A., M.A.; and Jeffrey Borkan
Using what you have, finding what you need: A leadership competencies & case-based approach to leading during crises and beyond, Grant Greenberg MD, Jeffrey Borkan, Peter Catinella, and Margot Savoy
Using fRAP to uncover barriers and facilitators of diabetes care in the Lehigh Valley: A mixed-method geospatial mapping and rapid qualitative analysis approach, Susan Hansen MA; Autumn Kieber-Emmons MD, MPH; Kyle Shaak BS; Melanie Johnson; and Elaine Banerjee MD, MPH
Why we Choose CHEWS,, Paige Harrold BSN, RN and Allison Charles BSN, RN
Continuing to Learn From Developing Countries: Modified Global Health Education During COVID-19 Pandemic, Sweety Jain MD and Rachel Bernini
Reflective Practice to Immunize New FM Residents Against the Toxic Culture of Medicine, Drew Keister MD, Mackenzie Mady DO, Veronica Brohm DO, and Nuha Cebeci MD
Retention and Support of FM Community Preceptors Through Burnout Mitigation, Drew Keister MD and Katerina C. Valavanis MD
The focused Rapid Assessment Process (fRAP): Utilizing geospatial mapping and rapid qualitative analysis to impact cancer survivorship disparities, Autumn Kieber-Emmons MD, MPH
Using fRAP: A mixed method geospatial mapping and rapid qualitative analysis approach, to uncover barriers and facilitators of diabetes care in the Lehigh Valley., Autumn Kieber-Emmons MD, MPH; Kyle Shaak BS; Melanie B. Johnson MPA; Susan E. Hansen MA; and Elaine Banerjee MD, MPH
Treating Substance Use Disorders with Medication and Counseling, Miriam S. Komaromy MD, FACP, DFASAM and Angela Colistra PhD, LPC, CAADC, CCS
Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine Workshop, Miriam S. Komaromy MD, FACP, DFASAM; J. Paul P. Seale MD; Elizabeth M. Salisbury-Afshar MD, MPH, FAAFP, DFASAM, FACPM; Peter Selby MBBS,CCFP, FCFP, DFASAM; Angela Colistra LPC, PhD, MS; and Abby S. Letcher MD, FASAM
Identifying Unhealthy Substance Use: Assessment, Abby S. Letcher MD
LVHN and MAT, Abby S. Letcher MD
Asthma 2021, Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT-NPS
Mechanical Ventilation Outcomes Post Extended Duration of Maximized High Flow Oxygen Administration in COVID-19 Patients, Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT-NPS
Rebound Hypoxemia Post Inhalation Nitric Oxide Administration in COVID-19, Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT-NPS
Reducing Pressure Injuries During Invasive and Non-invasive Ventilation, Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT-NPS
The Benefits of Team Nursing, Diana Nguyen BSN, RN
Health Equity – Identification and Treatment of Disease in Patients of Color. Poster. STFM Annual Spring Conference 2021, Matthew Nguyen, Tiffany Cheng, Radhika Chandramouli MD, and Katerina C. Valavanis MD
Building Confidence in Emergency Department Nurses Caring for Patients Who Identify as Transgender, Fernando Rodriguez BSN, RN
The Keys to Higher Match Rates in Family Medicine: What Our Departments of Family Medicine Do Well to Achieve 25% by 2030, Michelle Roett, Kim Ian, Drew Keister MD, Amanda Weidner, and Alexa Mieses Malchuk
Bee Continent - A Team Approach to Continence, Tina Roma Fisher MSN, RN, CRRN
Barriers to Botulinum Toxin Injection for Laryngeal Dystonias (n=29), Babak Sadri MD, Mausumi Syamal MD, and Kyle Shaak BS
Just in Time Education, Masiel Sanchez BSN, RN; Melissa Tilson RN; and Christy Tomaszfski RN
When Your Patient Says, “Yes But!” A “Taste” of Motivational Interviewing, Peter Selby MBBS, CCFP, FCFP, DFASAM and Angela Colistra LPC, PhD, MS
Combating Nursing Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tara Weber BSN, RN
Future Forward: Top Opportunities and Nursing Challenges in a Post-Pandemic World, Janice Wilson MS, RN, CPHIMS
The Impact of Nurse Documentation Location on Charting Time, Janice Wilson MS, RN, CPHIMS
Approaching Difficult Topics with Patients Panel Discussion, Lynn M. Wilson DO, Jeremy Fischer, S Carter, and Rob Danoff
Dale and Frances Hughes Cancer Center Lehigh Valley Hospital–Pocono: 2021 Statistical Report, Lehigh Valley Health Network
Department of Education: FY2021 Annual Report, Lehigh Valley Health Network
Lehigh Valley Topper Cancer Institute: 2021 Statistical Report, Lehigh Valley Health Network
Acute Interstitial Nephritis Secondary to Lamotrigine: A Case Report, Breanna S. Goldner DO, Megan Fisher MD, and Alaynna C. Kears DO