Research and Historical Works - 2021 | Lehigh Valley Health Network




Analyzing the Medical History of Homeless Adolescents: An Opportunity to Reduce ED Visits, Michele Karn; Brittney Gaudet; Nina Liu; Taylor Jarvill; Cecilia E. Zemanek BS; Hoonani M. Cuadrado; Amy B. Smith PhD; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP


Modernizing Colorectal Cancer Screening With Cologuard, Alaynna C. Kears DO, Arjan Ahluwalia MD, and Maria Jones MD


The Undetected Myopathy: Anti-PL-12 Antisynthetase Syndrome, Alaynna C. Kears DO, Kaitlyn Musco MD, Dylan Soller DO, and Arjan Ahluwalia MD


Assessing the Clinical Characteristics and Ventilator Parameters of COVID-19 Mechanically Ventilated Patients at Lehigh Valley Health Network, Andrew Kelly and Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT-NPS


Using the Comfort-B Scale in the PICU, Taylor Kerstetter BSN, RN; Marissa Campo BSN, RN; Heather Harwin RN; and Mary Pomponio BSN, RN


Community-engaged fRAP: a Mixed Methods Approach for Policy Change and Advocacy to Reduce Cancer Disparities in Hispanic Women, Autumn Kieber-Emmons MD, MPH; William L. Miller MD, MA; and Benjamin F. Crabtree


Case of Altered Mental Status Secondary to Hypercalcemia from Granulomatous Reaction to Silicone Injections, Elizabeth Kim DO and Shanthi P. Lewis MD


The Accumulating Deficits Model For Postoperative Mortality and Readmissions: Comparison of Four Methods Over Multiple Calendar Year Cohorts, Darush Koohestani, Boris Chobrutskiy, Haroon Janjua, and Vic Velanovich MD


Current Treatment Practices for Post-Tympanostomy Tube Otorrhea at Lehigh Valley Health Network, Timothy Koo and Sri Kiran Chennupati MD


Alarm Fatigue: Improving Patient Outcomes Through Alarm Management, Anjelica Kostenbader BSN, RN; Alexander Frage BSN, RN; and Jill Berlanda RN


ABEM Content Areas of EM Resident on Shift Evidence-Based Medicine Questions, Shreyas Kudrimoti BA; Estelle Cervantes BA; Kashyap Kaul DO; Phillip Sgobba BS, MBS; William Spinosi DO; Dawn M. Yenser C-TAGME; Joseph B. Zackary MD; and Bryan G. Kane MD


Directed Simulation Intern Orientation Bootcamp Developed in Response to UME/GME COVID-19 Gap Analysis: A View from a Small Academic Community-Based Children’s Hospital, Kaitlyn Kuntzman DO, Julia Vandenheuvel MD, Melissa L. Brannen MD, Kimberly L. Fugok DO, and Kris Rooney MD


Don’t Take My Breath Away: A Case of High-Risk Pulmonary Embolism in the Setting of Patent Foramen Ovale Requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Amy Lam DO, Sonali Bishnoi, Jeffrey Wright DO, Kaitlyn Musco MD, and Scott Blumof DO


The Many Faces of COVID19 Infection: A Case of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Adults (MIS-A), Amy Lam DO, Kaitlyn Musco MD, and Nicholas Hinds MD


Right/Left Internal Jugular (R/LIJ) Removal Rates, Kristen LaPierre RN and Claire Beno BSN, RN


Implementing an Inpatient Virtual Discharge Nurse Program – Riding the Wave of Technology at the Bedside, Marjorie Lavin RN, BSN and Jaclyn Stine BS


A Survey of Blood Product Orders Throughout Lehigh Valley Health Network, Daniel Lee; Matthew M. Miller DO; and Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN

Facilitating Student Community Health Immersion during COVID-19 Crisis: The Promise Neighborhood Health Equity Fellowship and Bridging the Gaps Community Health Internship Collaboration., Abby S. Letcher MD, Hasshan Batts, Sirry Alang, and Mary Ellen Miller


Collaborative Rounding, Ashley Levin BSN, RN and Melisa Imsirovic RN


Sex-Specific Analysis of Management and Disposition of Patients With Venous Thromboembolism, Catherine V. Levitt; Matthew McCambridge MD; Beatrice Oertner; Michael Young; Andrew C. Miller DO; Timlin Glaser MD; Amanda R. Stashin; Kira Galeano; Margaret A. Vido DO; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP


Variation in Patient Satisfaction based on Clinician’s Gender, Race, Age, and Degree, Elizabeth Lieb; Grant M. Greenberg M.D., M.H.S.A., M.A.; and Melanie B. Johnson MPA


HoLEP Perioperative Outcomes Using Three Different Holmium Laser Technologies in a Community Hospital Setting, Michael Li, Nicholas Russo BS, Alexis R. Brown PA-C, and James Johannes MD


Effect of Pursuing Level-II Trauma Certification on Emergency Department Computed Tomography Turnaround Time, David Limon, Richard S. MacKenzie MD, and Kathleen E. Kane MD


Everything but the Kitchen Sink to Treat Refractory Vasospasm: Alternative Treatment Options, Alexandria Limpar BSN, RN, CNRN and Brittany Boyer BSN, RN, CCRN


Dementia, transformation, and advance directives, Benjamin Lin MS and David A. Merlie


Sex-Specific Analysis of Management and Disposition of Patients With Venous Thromboembolism, Jeffrey Liu; Catherine V. Levitt; Matthew McCambridge MD; Beatrice Oertner; Michael Young; Andrew C. Miller DO; Timlin Glaser MD; Amanda R. Stashin; Kira Galeano; Margaret A. Vido DO; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP


Substance Use Behaviors and Associated Psychosocial Characteristics of Homeless Youth, Nina Liu BS; Jeffrey Downen BS, MS; Brittany Gaudet BS, MSPH; Taylor Jarvill BA; Cecilia E. Zemanek BS; Amy B. Smith PhD; Hoonani M. Cuadrado MSPAS, PA-C; and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP


Redeployment of Potentially Furloughed Staff During a Pandemic Improves ED Operations, Richard S. MacKenzie MD; Christopher J. Kita MEd., LSSSBB; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; and Bryan G. Kane MD


Rapid Digitalization of a Psychiatry Department, Katherine B. Martin MD; Rory L. Marraccini MD; and Edward R. Norris MD, FAPA, FAPM


Secondary Prevention Among Uninsured Stroke Patients: A Free Clinic Study, Madeline McDonald, Sydney Zarriello, Justin Swanson, Noura Ayoubi, Rahul Mhaskar, and Abu-Sayeef Mirza


Top Comorbidities Associated with Patient Malnutrition on 30 Day Readmission Rate, Kaitlyn McGinley; Melissa Faura RD, LDN; Ann Flickinger MS, RD, LDN; and Kimberly Procaccino MBA, RD, LDN


Trends of Drug Misuse and Abuse within the Transgender Community, Cody R. McWhirter BS; Mikayla B. Hurwitz BS; Lexis Laubach BS; Gillian A. Beauchamp MD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Judith Sabino MPH, CDP; Beth Careyva M.D.; Andrew L. Koons; Matthew D. Cook DO; Kenneth D. Katz MD; Robert D. Cannon DO; and Ryan Surmaitis DO


Durability of Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing – Long-Term Follow Up on a New Technique, Nikhil A. Mehta MD, Syed Rafay A. Sabzwari MD, Bilal Saqi MD, Rahul Gupta MD, Apurva Vyas MD, Jeffrey Gordon MD, Talha Nazir MD, Sergio Cossu MD, Ronald S. Freudenberger MD, and Babak Bozorgnia MD


Quiet Time on Night Shift, Nicole Mejia BSN, RN; Julie Tooma BSN, RN; Aulia Smith RN; and Jackie Kim BSN, RN


The Impact of Patient Background on Swallowing Outcomes of Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19, Kasey Miller, Katelyn Clancy, Sarah Lum, and Shae Duka BS


Implementation of a Cognitive Clinical Practice Guideline for Individuals Diagnosed with COVID-19 in Acute Care, Kasey Miller, Lauren Reightler, Melissa Bornstein, Allison Hoffman, and Danielle Accordino


Music Therapy, Katelyn Moore RN, Emma Hanssen RN, Joanne Augustin RN, and Uchenna Ahaghotu RN


Development and Implementation of a Weight Management Referral Pathway Prior to Total Joint Arthroplasty, Adrian Moy and Robin S. Schroeder MD


Clinical Staff Reports on Education Readiness for 1:1 Observation, Alyssa Muller BSN, Trang Dau BSN, and Derek Hukari BSN


Transsulcal Approach for Resection of Lesions in Intraaxial Eloquent Brain Areas: Single Institution experience and outcomes, Edinson Najera MD


Decreasing Utilization of the Comprehensive Respiratory Viral Panel in the Inpatient Setting at Lehigh Valley Health Network, Seon Kyung Nam and Amy Slenker MD


Leveraging Technology to Optimize Care: Virtual Nurse Discharge Program, Joseph J. Napolitano PhD, MPH, RN, CRNP; Tami J. Meltsch MSN, MBA, RN, CNML; Mark Lengvarsky MSN, RN, TCRN; and Marjorie Lavin RN, MS, CNRN


Role of prehospital course in determining treatment for patients with mild stroke and large vessel occlusion, Alexander Neifert, Katarina Dakay DO, Jason Machan, Mahesh Jayaraman, and Shawna Cutting


Assessing Resident Communication With Faculty from Multiple Specialties During High-Fidelity Simulation Designed to Provide Multi-Source Feedback, Michael C. Nguyen MD, Rebecca Dudley DO, Nicole Elliott DO, Bryan G. Kane MD, Katie Best RN, Matthew Nimmo DO, Matthew D. Cook DO, Jennifer E. Macfarlan MPH, and Lisa Lindauer MD


Escape this Emergency Room: Simulation Education During a Pandemic, Michael C. Nguyen MD, Nicole Elliott DO, Julie A. Fritzges DO, Louis Morolla DO, and Steven A Johnson MD


Innovation for Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity: The role of Family Medicine, Rosaline Owusu CRNP, FNP-BC; Princy Koshy MD; Marjorie Maine CRNP, FNP-C; Christine Meyer CRNP, FNP-C; Arti A. Patel DO; and Jessica Phillippy PA-C


Lung Cancer Screening Program – a Pilot Study, Berk Ozoglu, Frank Sperrazza DO, Melanie B. Johnson MPA, Kyle Shaak BS, and Nicole M. Burgess


AngioVac Outcome Analysis in Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis, Maya Parekh and James K. Wu MD


Surgical Opioid Stewardship for Joint Replacement Surgery: An Orthopedic Surgery Quality Improvement Initiative, Dylan Parker; Heather Geist MD; Ali Yazdanyar DO, PhD, MMM; Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN; Matthew McCambridge MD; Victoria Chestnut DNP, MBA, RN, CCCTM; Alisa Matthews MSN, RN, CCCTM; Melinda Liptak PA-C; Eric B. Lebby MD; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD


Differentiating the Need for Neurosurgical Interventions in Patients with a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and a Positive CT Scan, Joseph Pasquale, Justin Pasquale, and Mark Cipolle MD


Post Stroke Focal Aware Seizures Presenting as Delayed Onset Choreoathetosis, Artish Patel, Patrick Davis, and Beth Stepanczuk MD


Improving Physiatry Consultation for Ischemic Stroke Patients Admitted by the LVHN Hospital Medicine and Neurology Services, Artish Patel and Wayne E. Dubov MD


Hypoglycemia, Rishi Patel BSN, RN and Daniel Doughtery BSN, RN


Evaluating Patient Outcomes Following Redo Sternotomies in Cardiac Surgery, Sajan Patel and James K. Wu MD


Clerkship Student Perceived Educational Effectiveness of Virtual Simulation, Claire L. Paulson DO, Jamie Allen DO, Jessica Davis DO, Julie A. Fritzges DO, Deepak A. Jayant DO, Michael C. Nguyen MD, Colleen Urban DO, Charles C. Worrilow MD, Dawn M. Yenser C-TAGME, and Bryan G. Kane MD


FSS-ICU Scores Differ Across Hospital Dispositions in a Surgical Patient Population, Michael Pechulis DPT, Emily Chandler, Morgan Dianis, Kyle Leonard, and Julie Skrzat


Evaluation of Pediatric Patients Diagnosed with Lyme Disease in the Lehigh Valley, Jessica Phan; Katiemarie Vottero DO; Tibisay Villalobos MD; Kristin M. Held Wheatley PharmD, BCOP; Farina Klocksieben; and Kris Rooney MD


Patient and Provider Preferences for Spanish Interpretation Modality in the Inpatient Pediatric Setting, Kristen M. Prendergast MD, Brian C. Alloway, Sarah Bauch, Taylor Goldman, and Mario Lavelanet


Mepilex Use in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Patients, Yeuying Qiu and Sean Quinlan-Davidson MD


Practice-Based Vaccine Initiative to Increase Vaccination Rates in Immunocompromised Patients, Victor Quach; Zaina Shahid MD; Nabila Zamir MD; Amy Slenker MD; James Ross MD, FACP; Rahul Mhaskar; and Marie S. O'Brien DO


Rising Above the Challenge: Using an Enhanced Staffing Model to Improve Care for COVID-19 Patients, Anne Rabert MHSA, RN, CCRN, NE-BC; Sandra Derbyshire RN, CCRN; and Pamela Sellars BSN, RN, CCRN


What’s in the LV? A Story of SCAD Leading to Anterior Apical Aneurysm with Left Ventricular Thrombus, Lekha Racharla DO, Zeel Patel DO, Tyler Boozel DO, Rahul Gupta MD, Sagar Vadhar DO, Akhil Kher MD, Ellina C. Feiner MD, Yasotha Rajeswaran MD, and Daniel J. Makowski DO


Nutritional recommendations for healthy patients undergoing elective surgery, Sadeea A. Rahman and Peter Henderson


GYN Prep Using Chlorhexidine vs Iodine, Bridgette Ramos ADN, RN; Gricelda Acevedo BSN, RN; and Jenna Demko ADN, RN


Improving Wound Care Documentation, Kayla Ramos BSN, RN; Melissa Swisher ADN, RN; and Brittney Noraka ADN, RN


Handwashing, Richelle Reber ADN, RN; Vanessa Golden RN; and Katy Petrushonis BSN, RN


Creating a Medical Humanities Mini-Course for Third Year Medical Students, Kate Reming and Judith Sabino MPH, CDP


Development of the master adaptive learner in residency training, Soukaina Rezqui, Susan Hansen MA, Nyann Biery, and Drew Keister MD


Supply, Demand and the OR Internship, Vickie Ripkey MSN, MBA/HCM, RN, CNOR


Obtaining a Weight and Initiation of Sepsis Orders, Amanda Rivera BSN, RN; Brittany Welsh BSN, RN; Cailey Maxwell BSN, RN; Danielle Menszak BSN, RN; Madison Myers BSN, RN; and Niko Santiago Silfies BSN, RN


Improving RN Telemetry Monitoring Compliance on Medical Surgical Units, Alyssa Rizzo-Berg RN; Autumn Klucsarits RN; Brianna Phillips BSN, RN; and Cohlmia Caracio BSN, RN


Resident Involvement in Orthopedic Surgery: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review, Avi Robinson, Carolyn A. Ardizzone, Anne D. Strong, Hytham S. Salem MD, Stephen Thon MD, Andres Barandiaran, and Rachel Frank MD


Uniting Physical Therapy and Emergency Medicine to Reduce Admissions, Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN and Daniel Sawyer PT, DPT


Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients with and without Preexisting Chronic Liver Disease: A Retrospective Study, Esha Roy; Frank Lee; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Kyle Shaak BS; and She-Yan Wong MD


Unusual Teenage Growing Pains: If the Genes Fit, Kourtney Rudzinski DO and Rebecca Sharim MD


A Scoring Tool and Predictive Model to Detect Risk of Hospitalization from COVID-19, Nicholas Russo BS; Zhe Chen MD; Matthew M. Miller DO; Robert X. Murphy JR, MD, MS; and David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE


Med/Surg Registered Nurse Burnout, Madison Rutkowski BSN, RN; Erin Corcoran ADN, RN; and Johann Gabriel Tantoco BSN, RN


Analysis of Risk Factors and Outcomes for Obstetric Trauma Patients, Lauren Salbinski, Matthew D. Painter MD, and Danielle L. Hashmi DO


Physical Therapy Evaluations in the Emergency Department Can Reduce Costs for Patients Presenting With Dizziness, Daniel Sawyer PT, DPT; Nicholas Boyd; and Arielle Burris


THE SECRET SAUCE IS AN ENGAGED STAFF...HOW A REHABILITATION DEPARTMENT MET THE CHALLENGES OF COVID 19, Daniel Sawyer PT, DPT; Michael Pechulis DPT; Ryan Vetter MS-OTR/L; Elizabeth Wetzler,PT; Mary Loose PT; Matthew Nelson PT, DPT, CEEAA; Lee Ann Phillips MS, OTR/L; and Julie M. Skrzat PT DPT PhD CCS


Heparin: A guide to Comfort, Kyle Schaeffer RN; Kali Wilkinson BSN, RN; and Jaynie Moran RN


Transient Leukopenia, Thrombocytopenia, and Severe Neutropenia Associated with Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Austin Schatzman, Julia Vandenheuvel MD, Tibisay Villalobos MD, and Kris Rooney MD


Breastfeeding Confidence, Alexandra Sciacca RN, Amanda Morgan RN, Chelsea Diorio RN, and Karleigh Williams RN


A Retrospective Review of LVHN Compliance With Diagnostic Workup For Pancreatic Cancer Per NCCN Guidelines, Caitlin Scialla; Dennis Sopka MD; Savitri Skandan MD; and Melissa Kratz RN, MSN, AOCN


Pediatric Mental Health Resources, Corey Screven BSN, RN and Emily Rupert BSN, RN


Infective Endocarditis-Associated Glomerulonephritis versus Cryoglobulinemic Glomerulonephritis: An Unfortunate Clinical Overlap, Yesha K. Shah DO, Emilee E. Kurtz DO, Sharon E. Maynard MD, and Mohammad Saqib MD


Six-Month Health Outcomes in Elderly Patients Post COVID-19 (SHOE-P), Nikhil Sharma and Neti N. Vora MD


A Clinical Guideline for the Endoscopic and Medical Management in Children with Recurrent Croup, Harry Shi, Susan K. Yaeger MD, and Sri Kiran Chennupati MD


Heart Failure Education for Nurses, Candy Shillinder BSN, RN; Lauren McClure BSN, RN; and Zachary Filloy ADN, RN


The impact of anticoagulation on length of stay of epistaxis patients: a quality improvement study., Spencer Short, Briana Swendener, Rahul Mhaskar, and Robert M. DeDio MD


Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Severe Maternal Morbidity during Delivery at a Pennsylvania Hospital System, Vanessa Singh, Kay Young, and Obianuju Egwuowu


Evaluation of Opioid Prescribing Behaviors and Consumption following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Joseph Sipko; Marysue Rother CCRN; Joshua Rosentel BSN, RN; Matthew McCambridge MD; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD


Code Blue Competency, Rebecca Sitler BSN, RN and Cheryl Campbell ADN, RN


Severe Iron Deficiency Anemia Causing Pericardial Effusion, Emily C. Skutnik DO, Anita Fei MD, Alisha Hossain DO, Desire G. Guthier DO, Andrew Viscusi DO, Bradley Lash MD, and Ali Yazdanyar DO


The Difficulty of Post-Operative Surveillance of Calcitonin Negative Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Emily C. Skutnik DO, Rachel Kinney DO, Rebecca A. Lopes DO, Chun Siu DO, Angela Magdaleno DO, and Gretchen A. Perilli MD


Nurse Driven Palliative Care Consults, Madison Slackish BSN, RN; Samantha Murmello BSN, RN; and Cassandra Reed RN


Reduction in Unnecessary Blood Transfusions in Hospitalized Patients, Amy Slenker MD and Warren Behr MBA


Identifying Attributes of Success: A case study of SELECT Coaches and LVHN Physician Leadership Training, Madison Smith and Kerri Green MS, MEd.


Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Cautionary Tale to Treating Delirium and Agitation, Maureen T. Smith MSN, RN, CNRN


Developing A Novel Radiation Oncology Resident Leadership Curriculum: Attitudes of Past and Current Residents, Ethan Y. Song, Jessica Chuang, Jessica Frakes, Thomas Dilling, Joann Quinn, Stephen Rosenberg, Peter Johnstone, Louis Harrison, and Sarah Hoffe