Research and Historical Works - 2021 | Lehigh Valley Health Network




Predictors of permanent pacemaker insertion after TAVR: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis, Sugandhi Mahajan, Rahul Gupta MD, Aaqib H. Malik, Pranav Mahajan, Surya K. Aedma, Wilbert S. Aronow, Sanjay S. Mehta, and Dhanunjaya R. Lakkireddy


Influence of Age and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on Serological Test for Celiac Disease in Children., Anshu Maheshwari; Zhaoping He; Melissa Nicole Weidner; Patrick N. Lin MD, MS; Ryan Bober; and Fernando J Del Rosario


The Role of Weightbearing Computed Tomography Scan in Hallux Valgus., Karim Mahmoud, Sreenivasulu Metikala, Samir D Mehta, George W Fryhofer, Daniel C. Farber MD, and Dan Prat


Adverse events related to total ankle replacement devices: an analysis of reports to the United States Food and Drug Administration., Karim Mahmoud, Sreenivasulu Metikala, Kathryn M O'Connor, and Daniel C. Farber MD




Midterm outcomes in patients undergoing endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms and penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers using the RelayPlus stent graft, Mahmoud Malas, Satinderjit Locham, Chad Hughes, Michael Bacharach, Derek Brinster, James McKinsey, Krishna Mannava, James Wu, Saum Rahimi, and Melham Sharafuddin


Pencil impalement through mouth in a toddler., Mahdi Malekpour, Christopher Coppola MD, and Luiz Foernges


Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Patient Fulfilling the Criteria Set by the 2012 International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Consensus Conference, Aimen Malik, Arshia Akbar, Gohar Ashraf, and Hammad Akram


The Advancement in Detecting Sepsis and Its Outcome: Usefulness of Procalcitonin in Diagnosing Sepsis and Predicting Fatal Outcomes in Patients Admitted to Intensive Care Unit., Mushrin Malik, Archana Sreekantan Nair MD, Janan Illango, Nabeel Siddiqui, Rajvi Gor, Ransirini W Fernando, and Pousette Hamid


Home parenteral nutrition a life-saving therapy in a primary intestinal lymphangiectasia patient affecting the entire GI tract - 3 year follow-up case report, Dorota Mańkowska-Wierzbicka, Michal Kloska, Katarzyna Karwowska, Marcin A. Kucharski, Adrianna Wierzbicka, Katarzyna Iwanik, Katarzyna Karmelita-Katulska, Marta Stelmach-Mardas, and Agnieszka Dobrowolska


554. Clinical Impact of Monoclonal Antibody Therapy with SARS-CoV-2 Infection, Inderjit Mann MD


734. Abnormal Lipid Profiles in Human Babesiosis, Inderjit Mann MD


Peculiar Palatal Lesion in a Patient Being Treated for Diabetic Ketoacedosis, Inderjit Mann MD


Upper Respiratory Tract Symptoms: Cough, Rhinorrhea, Sore Throat? COVID Right? No! Rhinovirus!, Inderjit Mann, Aikaterini Papamanoli, Mary Creed, Monique Thorne, Zeena Lobo, and George Psevdos


Human leukocyte antigen class-I variation is associated with atopic dermatitis: A case-control study., D J Margolis, N Mitra, J L Duke, R Berna, J D Margolis, O Hoffstad, B S Kim, A C Yan, A L Zaenglein, Z Chiesa Fuxench, A Dinou, J Wasserman, N Tairis, T L Mosbruger, D Ferriola, Georgios Damianos, Ioanna Kotsopoulou, and D S Monos


Real-world experience with implantable loop recorder monitoring to detect subclinical atrial fibrillation in patients with cryptogenic stroke: The value of p wave dispersion in predicting arrhythmia occurrence., Daniel Marks, Rady Ho MD, Ryna Then, Joshua L Weinstock, Ephrem Teklemariam, Bhavika Kakadia, Jared Collins, John Andriulli, Krystal Hunter, Matthew Ortman, and Andrea M Russo


Ethical Issues in Caring for Older Adults., Jarrod Marks, Iuliana Predescu MD, and Laura B Dunn


Reversing the effects of androgen-deprivation therapy in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer., Catherine H Marshall, Jessa Tunacao MD, Varun Danda, Hua-Ling Tsai, John Barber, Rakhee Gawande, Clifford R Weiss, Samuel R Denmeade, and Corinne Joshu


Digital Health Intervention in Acute Myocardial Infarction., Francoise A Marvel, Erin M Spaulding, Matthias A Lee, William E Yang, Ryan Demo, Jie Ding, Jane Wang, Helen Xun, Lochan M Shah, Daniel Weng, Jocelyn Carter, Maulik Majmudar, Eric E Elgin MD, Julie Sheidy, Renee McLin, Jennifer Flowers, Valerie Vilarino, David N Lumelsky, Vinayak Bhardwaj, William V Padula, Rongzi Shan, Pauline P Huynh, Shannon Wongvibulsin, Curtis Leung, Jerilyn K Allen, and Seth S Martin


Endovascular Therapy Versus Microsurgical Clipping of Ruptured Wide Neck Aneurysms (EVERRUN Registry): a multicenter, prospective propensity score analysis., Justin R Mascitelli, Michael T Lawton, Benjamin K Hendricks, Trevor A Hardigan, James S Yoon, Kurt A Yaeger, Christopher P Kellner, Reade A De Leacy, Johanna T Fifi, Joshua B Bederson, Felipe C Albuquerque, Andrew F Ducruet, Lee A Birnbaum, Jean Louis R Caron, Pavel Rodriguez MD, and J Mocco


Endovascular therapy versus microsurgical clipping of unruptured wide-neck aneurysms: a prospective multicenter study with propensity score analysis., Justin R Mascitelli, J Mocco, Trevor Hardigan, Benjamin K Hendricks, James S Yoon, Kurt A Yaeger, Christopher P Kellner, Reade A De Leacy, Johanna T Fifi, Joshua B Bederson, Felipe C Albuquerque, Andrew F Ducruet, Lee A Birnbaum, Jean Louis R Caron, Pavel Rodriguez MD, and Michael T Lawton


Evaluation of risk stratification using gene expression assays in patients with breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy., Sung Jun Ma, Lucas M Serra, Brian Yu, Austin J Bartl, Mark K Farrugia, Oluwadamilola T Oladeru, and Anurag K Singh


Genetic Determinants of Intrinsic Antibiotic Tolerance in Mycobacterium avium., William M Matern; Harley Parker; Carina Danchik; Leah Hoover PA-C, MHS; Joel S Bader; and Petros C Karakousis


Multidisciplinary consensus recommendations for the management of non-spine bone metastases: Results of a modified Delphi process in a community-academic partnership, N Mathis, J Yang, M Vaynrub, E S. Martin, R Kotecha, J Panoff, A L. Salner, Alyson McIntosh MD, Ranju Gupta MD, A Gulati, D Yerramilli, A Xu, M Bartelstein, D Guttmann, Y Yamada, D G. Pfister, D Lin, K Lapen, A Lipitz-Snyderman, and E F. Gillespie


The DISTANCE study: Determining the impact of social distancing on trauma epidemiology during the COVID-19 epidemic-An interrupted time-series analysis., Zachary A Matthay, Aaron E Kornblith, Ellicott C Matthay, Mahsa Sedaghati, Sue Peterson, Marissa Boeck, Tasce Bongiovanni, Andre Campbell, Lauren Chalwell, Christopher Colwell, Michael Steven Farrell MD, Woon Cho Kim, M Margaret Knudson, Robert Mackersie, Lilian Li, Brenda Nunez-Garcia, Simone Langness, Rebecca E Plevin, Amanda Sammann, Ronald Tesoriero, Deborah M Stein, and Lucy Z Kornblith


A Cross-Sectional Evaluation of Outcomes of Pediatric Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Excision., Jillian Mattioni, Sarah Azari, Travis Hoover, Daniel Weaver, and Sri Kiran Chennupati MD


Rigorous antibiotic stewardship in the hospitalized elderly population: saving lives and decreasing cost of inpatient care., James Mauro, Saman Kannangara, Joanne Peterson, David Livert, and Roman A Tuma


Long-term recovery of survivors of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) treated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: The next imperative., Kirby P Mayer, Sarah E Jolley, Eric W Etchill, Shoaib Fakhri, Jordan Hoffman, Carla M Sevin, Joseph B Zwischenberger, Jessica Y Rove, Outcomes and Recovery After COVID-19 Leading to ECMO (ORACLE) Group, and Chintan Ramani MD






Poor glycemic control in bariatric patients: a reason to delay or a reason to proceed?, Michael M. Mazzei MD and Michael A Edwards


DPPX autoimmune encephalitis: A short report on two patients presenting with classic features of this rare but treatable disease., Amir A Mbonde, David Gritsch, Karissa Arca, Benzion Blech, Andrew McKeon, and Jonathan Carter


Treatment of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children., Andrew J McArdle, Ortensia Vito, Harsita Patel, Eleanor G Seaby, Priyen Shah, Clare Wilson, Claire Broderick, Ruud Nijman, Adriana H Tremoulet, Daniel Munblit, Rolando Ulloa-Gutierrez, Michael J Carter, Tisham De, Clive Hoggart, Elizabeth Whittaker, Jethro A Herberg, Myrsini Kaforou, Aubrey J Cunnington, Michael Levin, and Samuel Umaru MD


Next-Day Feedback to Emergency Department Providers Improves Sepsis Bundle Compliance, Matthew McCambridge MD


A Comparison of Colectomy Outcomes Utilizing Open, Laparoscopic, and Robotic Techniques., Elizabeth McCarthy, Benjamin L Gough, Michael S Johns, Alexandra Hanlon, Sachin Vaid, and Nicholas Petrelli


The Association of Multiple Drug Allergies and Vocal Cord Dysfunction Assessed by the Pittsburgh VCD Index, Megan E McCarty MD


Omission of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Merkel Cell Carcinoma, Erin McClure and Robyn Panchaud


The combination of encorafenib and binimetinib for the treatment of patients with BRAF-mutated advanced, unresectable, or metastatic melanoma: an update, Erin McClure, Ayushi Y. Patel, M J. Carr, J Sun, and J S. Zager


FANCD2 Mutation in a Patient With Early Rectal Cancer Receiving Definitive Chemoradiation, Jordan McDonald, Chine-Yu Chuang, J Kevin Hicks, Darcy K Berry, Iman Imanirad, Anupam Rishi, Jessica M Frakes, Sarah E Hoffe, and Seth Felder


Multidisciplinary consensus recommendations for the management of non-spine bone metastases: Results of a modified Delphi process in a community-academic partnership., Alyson McIntosh MD and Ranju Gupta


Eliminating Avoidable Harm: Opioid-Induced Ventilatory Impairment, Thomas A. McLoughlin MD


Two-Year-Old Cognitive Outcomes in Children of Pregnant Women With Epilepsy in the Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs Study., Kimford J Meador, Morris J Cohen, David W Loring, Ryan C May, Carrie Brown, Chelsea P Robalino, Abigail G Matthews, Laura A Kalayjian, Elizabeth E Gerard, Evan R Gedzelman, Patricia E Penovich, Jennifer Cavitt, Sean Hwang, Maria Sam, Alison M Pack, Jacqueline French, Jeffrey J Tsai, Page B Pennell, and Paul H H. McCabe MD


A report of a retained bullet in the bladder which migrated from an extraperitoneal injury., Chintan Mehta, Matthew Loecher MD, Allison Sih, and Adam C Reese


Implantable Pulse Generator Site May Be Associated With Spinal Cord Stimulation Revision Surgeries., Shyle H Mehta, Christian M Hoelscher, Ashwini D Sharan, Sara Thalheimer, and Chengyuan Wu MD


With no replacement for OCM on horizon, oncology practices ask: what now?, Gianna Melillo


The Modified Fisher Scale Lacks Interrater Reliability., Christopher Melinosky MD; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; Jan Claassen; Gunjan Parikh; Neeraj Badjatia; and Nicholas A Morris


Real-World Practice Patterns Favor Minimally Invasive Methods over Ureteral Reconstruction in the Initial Treatment of Severe Blunt Ureteral Trauma: A National Trauma Data Bank Analysis., Shawn J. Mendonca MD, Sun-Ming Jessica Pan, Gen Li, and Steven B Brandes


Impact of Student-Run Clinics on Students' Attitudes Toward People Experiencing Homelessness., Sophia F Mercadante, Leah A Goldberg, V Laavanya Divakaruni, Ryan Erwin, Margot Savoy, and David T. O'Gurek MD


Impact of Student-Run Clinics on Students' Attitudes Toward People Experiencing Homelessness., Sophia F Mercadante, Leah A Goldberg, V Laavanya Divakaruni, Ryan Erwin, Margot Savoy, and David T. O'Gurek MD


Financial relationships between industry and principal investigators of US cooperative group randomized cancer clinical trials., April L Metzger MD, Adams Kusi Appiah, Christopher M Wright, Vikram Jairam, Arya Amini, Henry S Park, James W Welsh, Charles R Thomas, Vivek Verma, and Ethan B Ludmir


Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Becoming an Editor-In-Chief, Nara Miriam Michaelson, Ashley Elimar Aaroe, Steven L. Lewis MD, and Joseph E. Safdieh


International Consensus Statement on Nomenclature and Classification of the Congenital Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Its Aortopathy, for Clinical, Surgical, Interventional and Research Purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkaar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


International consensus statement on nomenclature and classification of the congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy, for clinical, surgical, interventional and research purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


International consensus statement on nomenclature and classification of the congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy, for clinical, surgical, interventional and research purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


International Consensus Statement on Nomenclature and Classification of the Congenital Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Its Aortopathy, for Clinical, Surgical, Interventional and Research Purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


Summary: International Consensus Statement on Nomenclature and Classification of the Congenital Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Its Aortopathy, for Clinical, Surgical, Interventional and Research Purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


Summary: international consensus statement on nomenclature and classification of the congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy, for clinical, surgical, interventional and research purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


Summary: International consensus statement on nomenclature and classification of the congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy, for clinical, surgical, interventional, and research purposes., Hector I Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J Maleszewski, William D Edwards, Mary J Roman, Richard B Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M Asch, Alex J Barker, Lilia M Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M Fernandes, Paul W M Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K Prakash, Malenka M Bissell, Bogdan A Popescu, Michael D Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A Borger, John K Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M Milewicz, Raj Makkar, Martin B Leon, Stephen P Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A Ferrari, William C Roberts, Jae-Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S White, Samuel Siu, Lars G Svensson, Alan C Braverman, Joseph E. Bavaria MD, Thoralf M Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J Bax, Catherine M Otto, and Hans-Joachim Schäfers


Reply to "Skin of color representation in medical education: An analysis of popular preparatory materials used for United States Medical Licensing Examinations": Underrepresentation in additional popular resources., Michelle Militello, Colby L. Presley DO, Abigail L Meckley, Mindy D Szeto, and Robert P Dellavalle


Response to "Assessing a Paradigm Shift: Perceptions of the USMLE Step 1 Scoring Change to Pass/Fail"., Michelle Militello, Colby L. Presley, Chandler W Rundle, Kayd J Pulsipher, and Robert P Dellavalle


A quantitative analysis of research publications focused on skin of color: Representation in academic dermatology journals., Michelle Militello, Mindy D Szeto, Colby L. Presley DO, Kayd J Pulsipher, Chandler W Rundle, Kristen H Ward, Ezra Hoover, and Robert P Dellavalle


Social Media and Ethical Challenges for the Dermatologist, Michelle Militello, Ronald A. Yang, Jaclyn B. Anderson, Mindy D. Szeto, Colby L. Presley, and Melissa R. Laughter

Editorial- COVID-19: A Respiratory Care Department's Response to the Pandemic, Kenneth Miller MEd, RRT-NPS


Fascial and peri-incision cutaneous meshing for complex soft tissue closure, K Millonig; A Ali; and Christopher Bibbo DO, DPM


The prevalence of luminal B subtype is higher in older postmenopausal women with ER+/HER2- breast cancer and is associated with inferior outcomes., Matthew Mills, Casey Liveringhouse, Frank Lee, Ronica H Nanda, Kamran A Ahmed, Iman R Washington, Ram Thapa, Brooke L Fridley, Peter Blumencranz, Martine Extermann, Loretta Loftus, Lodovico Balducci, and Roberto Diaz


Capecitabine and stereotactic radiation in the management of breast cancer brain metastases., Matthew N Mills, Afrin Naz, Chetna Thawani, Chelsea Walker, Nicholas B Figura, Sergiy Kushchayev, Daniel E Oliver, Arnold B Etame, Hsiang-Hsuan Michael Yu, Timothy J Robinson, James K C Liu, Michael A Vogelbaum, Peter A Forsyth, Brian J Czerniecki, Hatem H Soliman, Hyo S Han, and Kamran A Ahmed


Increased Risk for Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma after Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Brachytherapy., Matthew N Mills, Nicholas W Russo, Matthew Fahey, Ronica H Nanda, Sunny Raiker, Jessica Jastrzebski, Lisa L Stout, Jason P Wilson, Taghrid A Altoos, Kathleen G Allen, Peter W Blumencranz, and Roberto Diaz


Management of ductal carcinoma in situ with accelerated partial breast irradiation brachytherapy: Implications for guideline expansion., Matthew N Mills, Nicholas W Russo, Ronica H Nanda, Jason P Wilson, Taghrid A Altoos, Debra L Caldwell, Lisa L Stout, Scott Dube, Peter W Blumencranz, Kathleen G Allen, and Roberto Diaz


Breast cancer subtype predicts clinical outcomes after stereotactic radiation for brain metastases., Matthew N Mills, Chetna Thawani, Nicholas B Figura, Daniel E Oliver, Aixa E Soyano, Arnold Etame, Timothy J Robinson, James K Liu, Michael A Vogelbaum, Peter A Forsyth, Brian J Czerniecki, Hatem H Soliman, Hyo S Han, Hsiang-Hsuan Michael Yu, and Kamran A Ahmed


Trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1) and stereotactic radiation in the management of HER2+ breast cancer brain metastases., Matthew N Mills, Chelsea Walker, Chetna Thawani, Afrin Naz, Nicholas B Figura, Sergiy Kushchayev, Arnold Etame, Hsiang-Hsuan Michael Yu, Timothy J Robinson, James Liu, Michael A Vogelbaum, Peter A Forsyth, Brian J Czerniecki, Hatem H Soliman, Hyo S Han, and Kamran A Ahmed


832 Does BMI influence the impact of an educational video module on gestational weight gain?, G Milone, M Tiwari, H McInerney, B Franz, K Patkin, Malini D. Persad MD, and K Herrera


835 Does use of a gestational weight gain video module decrease postpartum weight retention?, G Milone, M Tiwari, H McInerney, B Franz, K Potkin, Malini D. Persad MD, and K Herrera


Utility of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Immune Profiling for the Clinician at the Bedside., Samuel J Minkove and Parizad Torabi-Parizi


Loperamide-Induced Cardiac Events: Case Reports and Review., Vivek Modi, Matthew Krinock, Ravi V. Desai MD, Steven Stevens, and Sudip Nanda


Implementing effective test utilization via team-based evaluation and revision of a family medicine laboratory test requisition., Zahraa Mohammed-Ali, Seema Bhandarkar, Shafqat Tahir, Curtis Handford, Drake Yip, Daniel Beriault, and Lisa K Hicks


Diversity Matters: A 21-Year Review of Trends in Resident Recruitment into Surgical Specialties., Anita T Mohan, Joseph Banuelos, Omar Cespedes-Gomez, Trishul Kapoor MD, Steven L Moran, Stephanie F Heller, Eric J Dozois, Heidi Nelson, John M Stulak, and Jorys Martinez-Jorge


Eclampsia Resulting in Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome with Spinal Cord and Optic Nerve Involvement (4971), Negar Moheb MD, Erafat Rehim, Casey Judge DO, Ramiro Castro-Apolo MD, and Adam Edwards MD


Eclampsia Resulting in Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome with Spinal Cord and Optic Nerve Involvement (4971), Negar Moheb MD, Erafat Rehim, Casey Judge DO, Ramiro Castro-Apolo MD, and Adam Edwards MD


Intravenous alteplase has different effects on the efficacy of aspiration and stent retriever thrombectomy: analysis of the COMPASS trial, Maxim Mokin, Muhammad Waqas, Johanna T. Fifi, Reade De Leacy, David Fiorella, Elad I. Levy, Kenneth Snyder, Ricardo A. Hanel, Keith Woodward, Imran Chaudry, Ansaar T. Rai, Donald Frei, Josser E. Delgado Almandoz, Michael Kelly, Adam S. Arthur, Blaise W. Baxter MD, Joey English, Italo Linfante, Kyle M. Fargen, and Aquilla Turk


Symptoms of gluten ingestion in patients with non-celiac gluten sensitivity: A randomized clinical trial., Stephanie M Moleski, Apeksha Shah, Philip Durney, Michael Matthews, Gagan Kaushal, Colin Smith, Katelyn C Koons, Emily Rubin, Patrick Casey, Robin Miller, Cynthia Miller, Mahreema Jawairia MD, Ahmed Hasan, and Anthony J DiMarino


Aminoalkoxycarbonyloxymethyl Ether Prodrugs with a pH-Triggered Release Mechanism: A Case Study Improving the Solubility, Bioavailability, and Efficacy of Antimalarial 4(1, Andrii Monastyrskyi, Fabian Brockmeyer, Alexis N LaCrue, Yingzhao Zhao, Steven P Maher, Jordany R Maignan, Vivian Padin-Irizarry, Yana I Sakhno, Prakash T Parvatkar, Ami H Asakawa, Lili Huang, Debora Casandra, Sherwin Mashkouri MD, Dennis E Kyle, and Roman Manetsch


Aminoalkoxycarbonyloxymethyl Ether Prodrugs with a pH-Triggered Release Mechanism: A Case Study Improving the Solubility, Bioavailability, and Efficacy of Antimalarial 4(1, Andrii Monastyrskyi, Fabian Brockmeyer, Alexis N LaCrue, Yingzhao Zhao, Steven P Maher, Jordany R Maignan, Vivian Padin-Irizarry, Yana I Sakhno, Prakash T Parvatkar, Ami H Asakawa, Lili Huang, Debora Casandra, Sherwin Mashkouri MD, Dennis E Kyle, and Roman Manetsch


Independent Predictors of Revision Lumbar Fusion Outcomes and the Impact of Spine Surgeon Variability: Does It Matter Whether the Primary Surgeon Revises?, Thiago Scharth Montenegro, Akash Singh, Christopher Elia, Caio M Matias, Glenn A Gonzalez, Fadi Al Saiegh, Lucas Philipp, Ellina Hattar, Kevin Hines, Umma Fatema, Sara Thalheimer, Chengyuan Wu MD, Srinivas K Prasad, Jack Jallo, Joshua E Heller, Ashwini Sharan, and James Harrop


Clinical outcomes in revision lumbar spine fusions: an observational cohort study., Thiago S Montenegro, Glenn A Gonzalez, Fadi Al Saiegh, Lucas Philipp, Kevin Hines, Ellina Hattar, Daniel Franco, Aria Mahtabfar, Kavantissa M Keppetipola, Adam Leibold, Elias Atallah, Umma Fatema, Sara Thalheimer, Chengyuan Wu MD, Srinivas K Prasad, Jack Jallo, Joshua Heller, Ashwini Sharan, and James Harrop


Once-daily Dapsone 7.5% Gel for the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris in Preadolescent Patients: A Phase IV, Open-label, 12-week Study., Angela Yen Moore, Edward L Lain, Amy McMichael, Leon Kircik, Andrea L Zaenglein, Adelaide A Hebert, and Ayman Grada


The Family Update: An Underappreciated Challenge in Treating Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19, Joseph Moran DO


The Risks Associated with Acute Organ Rejection Compared to Preeclampsia in Pregnancies after Liver Transplantation, Michael J. Moritz MD


W-087 Delivery Outside of a Transplant Center Is Associated with Emergent Cesarean and Increased Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity in Kidney and Liver Transplant Recipients, Michael J. Moritz MD


A 16-Year-Old Male With Frequent Nocturnal Events During Slow Wave Sleep on a Polysomnogram, Sameh Morkous MD, FAAN


A Pediatric Patient With Seizures and Vagus Nerve Stimulation With Worsening Snoring and Apneas, Sameh Morkous MD, FAAN


DNA methylation-based signatures classify sporadic pituitary tumors according to clinicopathological features., Maritza S Mosella, Thais S Sabedot, Tiago C Silva, Tathiane M Malta, Felipe Segato Dezem, Karam P Asmaro, Michael Wells, Abir Mukherjee MD, Laila M Poisson, James Snyder, Ana C deCarvalho, Tobias Walbert, Todd Aho, Steven Kalkanis, Paula C Elias, Sonir R Antonini, Jack Rock, Houtan Noushmehr, Margaret Castro, and Ana Valeria Castro


A Cross-Cultural Examination of Parental Knowledge of Concussion in Three Countries, Rosemarie Scolaro Moser, Sarah Friedman, Gustav Luke Hensel, Gal Dubnov-Raz, and Philip Schatz


Isolated Scaphoid Dislocation From Low-Energy Wrist Trauma, Adrian Moy, Ethan Song, Sean J. Wallace MD, Robert Teixeira MD, Yee-Cheng Low MD, and Lawrence Weiss




Human Papilloma Virus self-sampling performance in low- and middle-income countries., Ashwini Kamath Mulki MD and Mellissa Withers


Hybrid diffusion imaging reveals altered white matter tract integrity and associations with symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in chronic traumatic brain injury., Jennifer Muller, Devon Middleton, Mahdi Alizadeh, George Zabrecky, Nancy Wintering, Anthony J Bazzan, Ji Lang, Chengyuan Wu MD, Daniel A Monti, Qianhong Wu, Andrew B Newberg, and Feroze B Mohamed


Classification accuracy of the word memory test genuine memory impairment index., Ryan Mulligan PhD, Michael R Basso, Jordan Hoffmeister, Lily Lau, Douglas M Whiteside, and Dennis Combs


Single cell biomass tracking allows identification and isolation of rare targeted therapy-resistant DLBCL cells within a mixed population., Graeme F Murray, Daniel Guest, Andrey Mikheykin, Amir Toor MD, and Jason Reed


The Cigar Enthusiast’s Last Puff: A Case of Disseminated Histoplasmosis in a Young, Immunocompromised Cigar Smoker, Kaitlyn Musco MD, J Wright, Arjan Ahluwalia MD, and Alaynna C. Kears DO


Outcomes with Natural Killer Cells Infusion after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Muhammad Umair Mushtaq, Moazzam Shahzad, Amna Y. Shah, Muhammad Usman Zafar MD, Ezza Tariq, Anam Hamid, Ayna Serwat, Iqra Anwar, Sibgha Gull Chaudhary, Nausheen Ahmed, Sunil Abhyankar, Natalie S. Callander, Peiman Hematti, and Joseph P. McGuirk