The Bethesda System for reporting cervical/vaginal cytologic diagnoses: report of the 1991 Bethesda workshop. The Bethesda System Editorial Committee., R D Luff (Article)
Hypoglycemia enhances bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity in the rat., G P Lu, S S Schwalbe, G F Marx, G Batiller, and R Limjoco (Article)
Laparoscopic resection of benign stromal tumor of the stomach., J J Lukaszczyk and R J Preletz (Article)
Risk Factors for Stroke after Coronary Artery Bypass., Geoffrey M. Lynn MD; Karen E. Stefanko BA; James F. Reed III, PhD; William Gee MD, FACS; and Gary G. Nicholas MD, FACS (Article)
Measurement of amniotic fluid volume: accuracy of ultrasonography techniques., E F Magann, T E Nolan, L W Hess, R W Martin, N S Whitworth, and J C Morrison (Article)
CT evaluation of tracheobronchial tumors in children., S Mahboubi and R D Bellah (Article)
Memory in a case of bilateral thalamic infarction., B L Malamut, N Graff-Radford, John Chawluk, R I Grossman, and R C Gur (Article)
Correlation of Energy Cost of Upper Extremity Stress Testing and Crutch Walking Ambulation, Gerald A. Malanga MD, Wayne E. Dubov MD, and Angeles M. Flores MD (Article)
Protrusio acetabuli in neurofibromatosis: nondysplastic and dysplastic forms., G A Mandell, H T Harcke, C I Scott, P A Caro, Harold Einsig MD, and J R Bowen (Article)
Expression of messenger RNA for insulin-like growth factors and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins by experimental breast cancer and normal breast tissue in vivo., A Manni, L Wei, B Badger, Andrea Zaenglein MD, J Leighton, S Shimasaki, and N Ling (Article)
Sonography of the elbow in infants and children., R I Markowitz, R S Davidson, M P Harty, R D Bellah, A M Hubbard, and H K Rosenberg (Article)
Pneumatic versus hydrostatic reduction of intussusception., R I Markowitz and J S Meyer (Article)
Oral magnesium and the prevention of preterm labor in a high-risk group of patients., R W Martin, K G Perry, L W Hess, J N Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)
Role of cGMP mechanisms in response of rat pulmonary arteries to hypoxia., R Mathew, Hataim Omar, P D Cherry, M H Gewitz, and M S Wolin (Article)
Acute postinfarction septal rupture: long-term results., J B McClurken, J B Alpern, and V P Addonizio (Article)
Gallium-positive thrombophlebitis., L H McCuskey and K L McDonald (Article)
The relationship of anticoagulation level and complications after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty., T F McGarry, R S Gottlieb, J Morganroth, S L Zelenkofske, H Kasparian, P R Duca, R M Lester, and T H Kreulen (Article)
Allograft Preparation Techniques for Arthroscopic Ligament Reconstruction., Thomas D. Meade MD (Article)
Technical Pitfalls of Single Incision Arthroscopic-Assisted ACL Ligament Reconstruction., Thomas Meade MD and Thomas B. Dickson MD (Article)
Scaphoid Nonunion: An Indication for Wrist Arthrodesis., Thomas D. Meade MD and Lawrence H. Schneider MD (Article)
Radial head dislocations in children with below-elbow deficiencies., Gregory J. Menio MD and S M Wenner (Article)
Trigeminal Neuralgia as a Manifestation of Acromegaly: A Case Report., Larry N. Merkle MD; Brian W. Little MD, PhD; Robert A. Morrow MD; and Gerald Pytlewski DO (Article)
Flexible Insulin Infusion Protocol for use in Critical Care., Larry N. Merkle MD and C Marci (Article)
High energy phosphate depletion in leaflet matrix cells during processing of cryopreserved cardiac valves., R H Messier, P W Domkowski, H M Aly, A S Abd-Elfattah, D G Crescenzo, R B Wallace, and R A Hopkins (Article)
Spine fracture in ochronosis. Report of a case., T P Millea, L S Segal, R G Liss, and E S Stauffer (Article)
The early detection of nonpalpable breast carcinoma with needle localization. Experience with 500 patients in a community hospital., R S Miller, R W Adelman, M H Espinosa, S A Dorman, and D H Smith (Article)
Routine, ceremony, or drama: an exploratory field study of the primary care clinical encounter., William L. Miller MD, MA (Article)
Exploratory study of the relationship between hypertension and diet diversity among Saba Islanders., William L. Miller MD, MA; B F Crabtree; and D K Evans (Article)
Ventricular Septal and Free Wall Rupture Complicating Acute MI., Connie Molchany MSN, RN (Article)
CD4-independent binding of HIV-1 to the B lymphocyte receptor CR2 (CD21) in the presence of complement and antibody., D C Montefiori, J Zhou, and Darryn I. Shaff MD (Article)
Hypercapnic blood flow reactivity not increased by alpha-blockade or cordotomy in piglets., L E Moore, J R Kirsch, M A Helfaer, R S Greenberg, and R J Traystman (Article)
High frequency of myelomonocytic tumors in aging E mu L-myc transgenic mice., T Möröy, Peter Fisher MD, G Lee, P Achacoso, F Wiener, and F W Alt (Article)
Detection of intra-amniotic infection by gas-liquid chromatography., J C Morrison, W E Roberts, K G Perry, A S Hume, and C A Purser (Article)
Encainide overdose in an infant., M E Mortensen, C E Bolon, M T Kelley, P D Walson, and S Cassidy (Article)
Patent foramen ovale: a nonfunctional embryological remnant or a potential cause of significant pathology?, C Movsowitz, L A Podolsky, C B Meyerowitz, Larry E. Jacobs MD, and M N Kotler (Article)
Primum non nocere., P Mucha (Article)
Cephaloceles and related malformations., T P Naidich, N R Altman, B H Braffman, D G McLone, and R A Zimmerman (Article)
Interferon-Induced Reversible Acute Renal Failure with Nephrotic Syndrome., Suresh G. Nair MD, Marc S. Ernstoff MD, Robert R. Bahnson MD, Sam Arthur MD, James Johnston MD, Mary Ann Downs RN, Julie Neuhart RN, and John M. Kirkwood MD (Article)
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in novel reproductive technologies: prevention and treatment., D Navot, P A Bergh, and N Laufer (Article)
More on epidural fentanyl analgesia., Bruce Nicholson MD and J Rowlingson (Article)
Constriction of the femoral vein after McVay inguinal hernia repair., E Y Normington, D P Franklin, and S I Brotman (Article)
Associated aortic rupture-pelvic fracture: an alert for orthopedic and general surgeons., M G Ochsner, A P Hoffman, D DiPasquale, F J Cole, G S Rozycki, D W Webster, and H R Champion (Article)
The effects of adjuvant chemotherapy on growth in children with medulloblastoma., J S Olshan, J Gubernick, R J Packer, G J D'Angio, J W Goldwein, S M Willi, and T Moshang (Article)
Hydrogen peroxide and reoxygenation cause prostaglandin-mediated contraction of human placental arteries and veins., Hataim Omar, R Figueroa, R A Omar, N Tejani, and M S Wolin (Article)
Properties of an endogenous arachidonic acid--elicited relaxing mechanism in human placental vessels., Hataim Omar, R Figueroa, R A Omar, and M S Wolin (Article)
Endothelium-dependent and independent cGMP mechanisms appear to mediate O2 responses in calf pulmonary resistance arteries., Hataim Omar and M S Wolin (Article)
Magnetization transfer of hepatic lesions: evaluation of a novel contrast technique in the abdomen., E Outwater, M D Schnall, L E Braitman, Barbara J. Dinsmore MD, and H Y Kressel (Article)
Aortic laceration: a rare complication of laparoscopy., K N Oza, N O'Donnell, and J B Fisher (Article)
Choroid plexus carcinoma of childhood., R J Packer, G Perilongo, D Johnson, L N Sutton, G Vezina, R A Zimmerman, J Ryan, G Reaman, and L Schut (Article)
Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta in the Adult: A Case Report., David A. Palanzo CCP; Geary L. Yeisley MD, FACS, FACC; Ralph M. Montesano CCP; and Norman J. Manley CCP (Article)
Systolic indentation of the left ventricular outflow tract in Eisenmenger syndrome., D K Parashara, Larry E. Jacobs MD, M N Kotler, C B Meyerowitz, A W Ioli, and G S Ledley (Article)
Groshong versus Hickman catheters., Michael D. Pasquale MD, FACS, FCCM; J M Campbell; and C M Magnant (Article)
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube placement. Use of balloon tamponade to control bleeding varices., Michael D. Pasquale MD, FACS, FCCM and F B Cerra (Article)
Seizures in a fetal lamb after cocaine exposure: a case report., A J Peters, R M Abrams, D J Burchfield, and R L Gilmore (Article)
Sperm antibodies., A J Peters and C B Coulam (Article)
Prevalence of out-of-phase endometrial biopsy specimens., A J Peters, R P Lloyd, and C B Coulam (Article)
Endometrial receptivity and the luteal phase., A J Peters and A C Wentz (Article)
Clinical Activities and Satisfaction of General Internists, Cardiologists, and Ophthalmologists., Mariana C. Petrozzi, Howard S. Rosman MD, David R. Nerenz, and Mark J. Young MD (Article)
Transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis of the persistent left superior vena cava., L A Podolsky, Larry E. Jacobs MD, M Schwartz, M N Kotler, and A Ioli (Article)
Visual dysfunction without retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome., J I Quiceno, E Capparelli, A A Sadun, D Munguia, I Grant, A Listhaus, J Crapotta, B Lambert, and W R Freeman (Article)
An intravaginal controlled-release prostaglandin E2 pessary for cervical ripening and initiation of labor at term., W F Rayburn, R J Wapner, V A Barss, E Spitzberg, R D Molina, N Mandsager, and M L Yonekura (Article)
Concordance of familial characteristics in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis., James F. Reed III, PhD; Beverly M. Calkins DHSc; and Lester Rosen MD, FACS (Article)
Data Management of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease Registry., James F. Reed III, PhD; Kathleen A. Moser; Linda A. Faust MPA; and Sharon Mills (Article)
Cohen's Weighted Kappa with Turbo Pascal (FORTRAN)., James F. Reed III, PhD and J J. Reed (Article)
An evaluation of two activated clotting time monitors during cardiac surgery., D L Reich, Kenneth Zahl MD, M H Perucho, and D M Thys (Article)
Unusual articular manifestations in chronic renal disease., C S Resnik, B I Reiner, and J W Young (Article)
Rectovaginal Fistula: Complication of Low Anterior Resection., James C. Rex Jr and Indru Khubchandani MD (Article)
Intraoperative epinephrine-induced torsades de pointes in a child with long QT syndrome., M G Richardson, G L Roark, and M A Helfaer (Article)
Differences Between Aortic and Radial Artery Pressure Associated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass, George F. Rich MD, PhD; Robert E. Lubanski Jr, MD; and Thomas M. McLoughlin Jr, MD (Article)
A Conservative, Low-Cost Superovulation Regimen., Bruce I. Rose MD, PhD (Article)
CT differentiation of benign and malignant lung nodules in children., N S Rosenfield, M S Keller, R I Markowitz, R Touloukian, and J Seashore (Article)
Practice Parameters for the Detection of Colorectal Neoplasms--Supporting Documentation. The Standards Task Force. AmericanSociety of Colon and Rectal Surgeons., Lester Rosen MD, FACS; Michael E. Abel; Philip H. Gordon; Frederick J. Denstman MD; James W. Fleshman; Terry C. Hicks; Philip J. Huber; Harold L. Kennedy; Stuart E. Levin; and John D. Nicholson (Article)
Practice Parameters for the Management of Anal Fissure. The Standards Task Force American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons., Lester Rosen MD, FACS; Michael E. Abel; Philip H. Gordon; Frederick J. Denstman MD; James W. Fleshman; Terry C. Hicks; Philip J. Huber; Harold L. Kennedy; Stuart E. Levin; and John D. Nicholson (Article)
Clozapine-induced priapism., Scott I. Rosen MD and P M Hanno (Article)
Identification for High Cardiac Risk in Patients Referred for Vascular Surgery Using Adenosine Thallium Scintigraphy., Michael A. Rossi MD, MBA; C L. Hansen; J M. Fitzpatrick; A Maurer; and Anthony J. Comerota MD (Article)
Safety and Value of Maximal Predischarge Exercise Stress Testing Early After Myocardial Infarction., Michael A. Rossi MD, Joel Morganroth MD, Bruce C. Berger MD, Robert M. Lester MD, and Thomas H. Kreulen MD (Article)
Monitoring rejection in heart transplant recipients: the Temple University experience., P Russo, J Alpern, R Donner, and D A Davis (Article)
Macular capillary hemodynamic changes associated with Raynaud's phenomenon., B D Salmenson, J Reisman, S H Sinclair, and D Burge (Article)
Sustained-release ganciclovir therapy for treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis. Use of an intravitreal device., G E Sanborn, R Anand, R E Torti, S D Nightingale, S X Cal, B Yates, P Ashton, and T Smith (Article)
Coronal transcerebellar diameter: an alternate view., Albert P. Sarno MD, MPH; G S Rose; and R A Harrington (Article)
A Lisfranc's Fracture-Dislocation in a Collegiate Football Player., R J Sauers, E J Diiorio, and Carl B Weiss MD (Article)
Effectiveness of Coping Strategies Among Critical Care Nurses., Karen M. Schaefer DNSc, RN and Karen A. Peterson RN, MS, CS (Article)
The female cardiac patient: caring for the new majority., K M Schaefer (Article)
Stump the experts. Apocrine hidrocystoma., S M Schleicher, H J Milstein, and B J Abrams (Article)
Resolution of disseminated granuloma annulare with isotretinoin., S M Schleicher, H J Milstein, S J Lim, and C D Stanton (Article)
Assessing Physicians' Estimates of the Probability of Coronary Artery Disease: The Influence of Patient Characteristics., Kevin A. Schulman, Jose J. Escarce, John M. Eisenberg MD, John C. Hershey PhD, Mark J. Young MD, David M. McCarthy, and Sankey V. Williams MD (Article)
Anterior ankle dislocation with associated trigonal process fracture. A case report and literature review., L S Segal, C J Lynch, and E S Stauffer (Article)
Acute myocardial infarction. An updated protocol for thrombolytic therapy., M B Selig (Article)
Lesion protection during fixed-wire balloon angioplasty: use of the "buddy wire" technique and access catheters., M B Selig (Article)
Lesion protection during fixed-wire balloon angioplasty: use of the "buddy wire" technique and access catheters., M B Selig (Article)
Electrocardiographic features of restrictive pulmonary disease, and comparison with those of obstructive pulmonary disease., N S Shah, S Velury, D Mascarenhas, and D H Spodick (Article)
Coordination of Deglutition and Phases of Respiration: Effect of Aging, Tachypnea, Bolus Volume, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease., Reza Shaker, Sherry Li MD, Junlong Ren, William F. Townsend, Wylie J. Dodds, Bonnie J. Martin, Mark K. Kern, and Audrey Rynders (Article)
Mechanisms of Airway Protection and Upper Esophageal Sphincter Opening During Belching., Reza Shaker, Junlong F. Ren, Mark K. Kern, Wylie J. Dodds, Walter J. Hogan, and Sherry Li MD (Article)
Lower motor neuron dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis., J M Shefner; Glenn Mackin MD, FAAN, FACP; and D M Dawson (Article)
Is Anorectal Surgery on Chronic Dialysis Patients Risky?, Feroz A. Sheikh; Indru Khubchandani MD; Lester Rosen MD, FACS; James A. Sheets MD; and John J. Stasik MD (Article)
Scanning acoustic microscopy for the evaluation of bone remodeling, S Shieh, M C. Zimmerman, J R. Parsons, Maurizo Cibischino MD, and N Langrana (Article)
Usefulness of computed tomographic scan in the evaluation of sensorineural hearing loss in children., D Shusterman, S D Handler, R R Marsh, L Bilaniuk, and L W Tom (Article)
Recovery of native liver after heterotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure: MR studies., E S Siegelman, D G Mitchell, R Rubin, Michael J. Moritz MD, S J Munoz, J P Palazzo, and M D Rifkin (Article)
Evacuation of an injured climber through the Khumbu Ice fall using a lightweight, collapsible litter, Michael Sinclair, Kurt Papenfus, and K S. Chong (Article)
Idiopathic choriovitreal membrane--a case report., S H Sinclair and B D Salmenson (Article)