Reducing Falls in Inpatient Rehabilitation, Amy C. Miller RN; Micaela Lothian BSN, RN; and Savannah Beach RN (Poster)
Congestive Heart Failure Teaching, Courtney Moyer RN; Anne Salva BSN, RN; and Desiree Bostic RN (Poster)
Improving Triage Process in Remote Campuses, Samantha Muffley RN, Paige Barillo RN, Sean Meehan RN, and Lauren Pcikette RN (Poster)
Breakaway Bubble: Combating Healthcare Worker Stress, Rebecca Musselman BSN, RN; Tiffany Magloire ADN, RN; and Rita Sharma ADN, RN (Poster)
Prevented Medical Tape Related Skin Tears, Mia Negron RN, BSN and Josee Iyonsaba RN, BSN (Poster)
DIVA-Score, Ashley Olimpo RN; Cheyenne Cochran BSN, RN; and Emma Gustafson BSN, RN (Poster)
De-Escalation Techniques in the EDS, Kristi Ortiz, Megan Heyer, Quinn Keller, Kelly Fleming, and Hailey Gianoni (Poster)
Now We're Talking: A Study of Therapeutic Communication in the Mileu, Lauren Pague BSN, RN; Kali Reed MSN, RN; Donna Devarie Labarre RN; and Gwen Polles (Poster)
Hourly Rounding in the Emergency Department, Megan Peifer, Oscarina Pichardo, Julie Morelli, and taylor Jefferson (Poster)
Stamp Assessment Tool, Alyson Peters BSN, RN; Kali McCarty AD, RN; Nancy Rodriguez BSN, RN; Zachary Turnitza BSN, RN; and Theresa Tangradi BSN, RN (Poster)
Implementing a Rounding Tool to Improve Patient and Family Satisfaction in the PICU, Brooke Proctor BSN, RN and Yaritza Alcivar BSN, RN (Poster)
Pressure Injuries in Darker Skin Tones, Ruth Ramos, Eveyn Betances, and Samantha Manero (Poster)
Pediatric Blood Culture Contamination, Angela Rivera BSN, RN; Callie Eliza Seim BSN, RN; and Kari Yannarella BSN, RN (Poster)
Activities of Daily Living Sheet for Behavioral Health Hold Patients in the Emergency Room Setting, Emma Rokosky BSN, RN (Poster)
Sensory Room to Reduce Mood Instability in Patients, Max Samkavitz BSN, RN and Natalia Becker RN (Poster)
Implementing the Baxter Animated Retching Faces Scale in Pediatric Patients, Nicole Santaniello BSN, RN; Taylor Spell RN; Hannah Snyder BSN, RN; and Patricia Compton RN (Poster)
Did You Do Your Admission Ortho's?, Haven Snyder BSN, RN; Karla Perallon BSN, RN; Fatimah Alsalman BSN, RN; and Johanny Martinez BSN, RN (Poster)
Triage Education, Maddie Tran RN, BSN; Abigail Zettlemoyer RN, BSN; Zachary Tone RN, BSN; Gabrielle Mendonca RN, BSN; and Kaitlyn Slavick RN, BSN (Poster)
The Best Skin, Olga Volosyanko BSN, RN; Rachelle Elias BSN, RN; and Kharla Sanchez Cuesta BSN, RN (Poster)
Individual Verification of Insulin Drip, Dana Weidaw BSN, RN; Leakena Ork BSN, RN; Mackenzie Guzy RN; Michelle Groller RN; and Sam Bandle RN (Poster)
Under Pressure, Lauren Weir BSN, RN; Cameron Kieffer BSN, RN; Tyler Bailey BSN, RN; and Alex Aiken BSN, RN (Poster)
Burnout Prevention for New Graduate Nurses, Jessica Weller RN, BSN; Rita Onabanjo RN, BSN; and Germania Santamella RN, BSN (Poster)
Time to Time Out in the Operating Room, Nicole West BSN, RN and Brett Swire BSN, RN (Poster)
Reduced Time of Nebulizer Treatment Administration, Aindrea Williams BSN, RN; Rashana Tompkins BSN, RN; Alexa Crossgrove BSN, RN; and Kevin Lopez BSN, RN (Poster)
Clean Lines Save Lives- Changing Central Line Tubing Every Four Days, Olivia Wood, Christopher DalFarra, and Matthew Stankiewicz (Poster)
Implementation of Turn Clocks for Prevention of Pressure Injury in the Neonate, Angelica Acosta ADN, RN; Madison Hughes BSN, RN; Sarah Mottau BSN, RN; and Trianna Ricciardi BSN, RN (Poster)
The Team Nursing Model: Decreasing Patient Safety Issues, Caitlin Alizieri BSN, RN; Kayla Shane BSN, RN; Tiffany Lopez AND, RN; Reina Cerrato-Jimenez ADN, RN; and Steph Setar BSN, RN (Poster)
Antipsychotics and Weight Gain Education, Gabrielle Altieri BSN, RN; Jennifer Bush BSN, RN; Ashley Gonzalez BSN, RN; Jessica Groelly ADN, RN; and Ruth Morales BSN, RN (Poster)
Knowledge of Hemodialysis, McKenna Amey BSN, RN; Erika Jufre ADN, RN; and Lisbeth Nunez BSN. RN (Poster)
High Level Admission Bundle, Morgan Anderson BSN, RN; Adrian Coyle ADN, RN; and Madalyn Intihar BSN, RN (Poster)
Barcode Assisted Medication Administration, Kaycie Andrew RN; Gillian Bonmer BSN, RN; Tiffany Fagan RN; Madyson Lagano BSN, RN; and Luke Talpas BSN, RN (Poster)
RN Shift Report, Nikolet Aravich BSN, RN; Griffin Maxsim BSN, RN; Serena DeAngelis BSN, RN; and Felipe Bastos BSN, RN (Poster)
CAUTI Education and Prevention, Suhani Barkley BSN, RN; Emily Berger RN; and Serena Shuler BSN, RN (Poster)
Ur-ine Trouble!, Vera Barros BSN, RN; Madison Bleiler BSN, RN; Joseph Gengarelly BSN, RN; Jackie Ni BSN, RN; and Jessie Scott RN (Poster)
Benefits of Purposeful Patient Rounding, Shristi Basnet BSN, RN; Christopher Dela Cruz BSN, RN; and Pragya Sapkota BSN, RN (Poster)
Sequential Compression Device (SCD) Compliance, Audrey Bassett BSN, RN; Victoria Bilski BSN, RN; and Tomas Pena BSN, RN (Poster)
Golden Hour: It Can't Wait!, Morgan Bauer BSN, RN; Natalie Grandinette BSN, RN; Anna Hambleton BSN, RN; and Tessa Weber BSN, RN (Poster)
Skin Breakdown Prevention, Brianna Bayly BSN, RN; Jennifer Huxta BSN, RN; Rebecca Kane BSN, RN; and Emily Tora BSN, RN (Poster)
Importance of Bedside Shift Report, Anna Beno BSN, RN; Nicholas Hanna BSN, RN; Ashleigh Luckenbill BSN, RN; Krisha Patel BSN, RN; and Lauren Stack ADN, RN (Poster)
Prevention of Heel Pressure Injuries, Sage Berghold-Boger BSN, RN; Victoria Carsia BSN, RN; Julia Klembara BSN, RN; Lauren Mensch BSN, RN; and Preston Saylor BSN, RN (Poster)
Nursing Education on Quality Feeding in the Newborn TLC Re-Education, Kayla Bishop ADN, RN; Kaitlyn Chenard BSN, RN; Kayleigh Dolan BSN, RN; Victoria Kately BSN, RN; and Charlene Weiner BSN, RN (Poster)
SPIRIT Clinic Referrals and the Use of ICU Diaries, Stephanie Bishop BSN, RN, PHRN, NRP; Adam Mellinger BSN, RN; and Elise Nash ADN, RN (Poster)
Compliance to Neonatal Hypoglycemia Protocol, Breanna Bliss BSN, RN; Madison Ryon BSN, RN; MIranda Koch BSN, RN; Linette Quezada ADN, RN; and Zara Chavdarova ADN, RN (Poster)
Increasing Efficiency and Confidence of Nurse in Admission of Burn Patient, Tanisha Boodie BSN, MPH and Jessica Campbell BSN (Poster)
Blood Culture Contamination, Erin Boyle RN; Shaneah Cozze RN; Nicole Costello BSN, RN; and Kaitlyn O'Brien BSN, RN (Poster)
Pets Alleviating Workplace Stress (PAWS)- The PAWS Project, Colin Brisbois ADN, RN; Miranda Fettes BSN, RN; Lauren House ADN, RN; Maddison Lawrence ADN, RN; and Sara Siemiatkowski BSN, RN (Poster)
Fall Prevention in the Emergency Department, Janel Bullard ADN, RN; Emily Clouse BSN, RN; Ashleigh Falcione BSN, RN; and Tristan Heim BSN, RN (Poster)
Education for ED Clinical Staff for EBH Protocol, Danielle Burger BSN, RN; Bianca Carrera ADN, RN; Makenna Case BSN, RN; Jessica Smith BSN, RN; and Veline Smith BSN, RN (Poster)
Standardization of Provider in Triage Process in an Emergency Department, Amber Busher BSN, RN; Ludis Caraballo ADN, RN; Sheyla Martinez BSN, RN; and Sarah Pfenning ADN, RN (Poster)
Tiger Text Report, Jena Castanhinha ADN, RN; Kathryn Heilfurth BSN, RN; Skylas Nelson BSN, RN; and Alize Soto BSN, RN (Poster)
CHG Bathing: Re-Enforcing a Standard of Care, Jessica Chirico RN; Kirstin Dorney RN; Princess Enriquez RN; Krissten Kramer RN, OCN; Ashley Loiseau RN; and Patricia Schulte RN, OCN (Poster)
The Impact of Orthostatic Vital Signs on Patient Fall Risk, Rachael Christy BSN, RN; Mike Joseph BSN, RN; Emily Lunny BSN, RN; and Samantha Razzi BSN, RN (Poster)
Perioperative nursing: Investigating intraoperative normothermia, Autumn Ciesielski RN; Clara Stiner RN; Emily Pinnix BSN, RN; Marie Johnson BSN, RN; and Taylor Samsel BSN, RN (Poster)
Reducing Missed Hygiene Care Opportunities, Bridget Clark BSN, RN; Steven Clark RN; Victoria Kelly BSN, RN; Sarah Madrid ADN, RN; Darnel Sanchez BSN, RN; and Denise Torres RN (Poster)
Improving Knowledge on the Team Nursing Model, Maggie Classen BSN, RN; Cassidy Fernandez BSN, RN; and Teji Wang BSN, RN (Poster)
Sepsis Bundle Compliance, Kelsey Cronauer AND, RN; Steven Matukonis AND, RN; Austin McLaughlin BSN, RN; and Stephanie Heffelfinger AND, RN (Poster)
Swaddled Immersion Baths Vs Traditional Sponge Baths, Anastasia Dalja RN, BSN; Kimberly Fawcett BSN, RN; Kaylee Hoffman BSN, RN; Victoria Kocher RN; and Samantha Miller RN (Poster)
Respectful Maternity Care, Alyssa Deschler BSN, RN; Alyssa Guthrie BSN, RN; Margaret Hessling BSN, RN; Brianna McGowan BSN, RN; Jordan Nielsen BSN, RN; and Madelyn Suida BSN, RN (Poster)
Improved Discharge Teaching, Amanda Dickison BSN, RN; Yea Jin Jang BSN, RN; Brianna Argenziano ADN, RN; Amanda Peters ADN, RN; and Lyndsey DelliSanti BSN, RN (Poster)
Maintaining Heparin Drips in the Emergency Department, Erin Druding BSN, RN; Hannah Johnson BSN, RN; Rebecca Nothstein BSN, RN; and Brooke Woomer BSN, RN (Poster)
ED-Specific Registered Nurse Preceptor Course, Hannah Farkus BSN, RN; Rhianna Scholl BSN, RN; and Sydney Weise BSN, RN (Poster)
Microlearning Impact on Arterial Line Set-Up and Management, Michaeleen Farley RN, ADN (Poster)
Aromatherapy to Decrease Nausea and Anxiety in the Pediatric Population, Riley Gaita BSN, RN; Angela Fridman BSN, RN; and Colleen Lyons RN (Poster)
Wound Warriors, Victoria Gordon BSPH, ADN, RN; Krystal Nelson BSN, RN; Angela Knight-Williams ADN, RN; and Taylor Rinaldi BSN, RN (Poster)
Safety Huddles to Reduce Inpatient Falls, Ngan Ha ADN, RN; Ana Fagundes dos Reis ADN, RN; Marie Dongmo ADN, RN; and Nicole McKewen ADN, RN (Poster)
Central Points to Central Lines, Amalia Haupt BSN, RN; Sara Hagan BSN, RN; Keturah Antoine BSN, RN; Antonia Jabbour BSN, RN; Jake Caserta BSN, RN; and Alisha Miller ADN, RN (Poster)
Reducing Stress Levels in Healthcare, Brooke Hunsberger ADN, RN; Wangmo Gurung BSN, RN; Breanna Halter MSN, RN; and Elizabeth Clemmer BSN, RN (Poster)
Reducing Time from Door to CT in Stroke Alert Patients, Jennifer Kelso RN, Nicole Stong RN, and Dakoha Zelinsky RN (Poster)
Childbirth Narrative, Charissa Kent BSN, RN; Miranda Kramer BSN, RN; Rachel Medlar BSN, RN; and Chelsea Stevenson BSN, RN (Poster)
Timing of Insulin Administration, Brianna Kirkner BSN, RN; Amanda Trotter BSN, RN; Sydney Sanders BSN, RN; and Erin Cliver BSN, RN (Poster)
All About Me, Emily Kiska BSN, RN; Anna Neamand BSN, RN; Tianna Popstein BSN, RN; Danalyn Roncolato BSN, RN; and Jade Zamadics BSN, RN (Poster)
Initiating Consistent Bedside Shift Report, Amanda McLean Listopad ADN, RN; Jacquelin Campbell ADN, RN; Bruse Ogilvie ADN, RN; and Stephanie Kunkle ADN, RN (Poster)
Re-Education for RNs on CLABSI Prevention and the Use of CHG Wipes, Everlyn Sauzo Lopez BSN, RN; Niloufar Hobbollahi RN, BSN; Samantha Johnson BSN, RN; and Victoria Delande RN (Poster)
Low Volume-High Risk: Pulmonary Artery Catheter Care, Tamia Lopez BSN, RN; Christopher Morton BSN, RN; and Ashley Strouphauer BSN, RN (Poster)
Central Line Compliance, Alexandra McGinley BSN, RN; Gabriela Roman BSN, RN; Chantell Bobak BSN, RN; and Isabelle Colon ADN, RN (Poster)
Improving Interdepartmental Critical Patient Report, Jessica Milligan BSN, RN; Kelsey Mack BSN, RN; and Kathryn Spence BSN, RN (Poster)
creasing Awareness Through Education: Lateral Violence in the Operating Room, Jillian Morgan BSN, RN; Michele Seddon ADN, RN; and Rebecca Trevouledes ADN, RN (Poster)
Breastfeeding and Supplementation Documentation, Amanda Nicholls BSN, RN; Emily Aickey BSN, RN; Miranda Blough BSN, RN; and Rachel Ziegler BSN, RN (Poster)
The Power of Poop, Kerry Phillips BSN, RN; Samantha Hopkins ADN, RN; Shayna Murdock BSN, RN; Mary Appiah BSN, RN; and Mary Kusik BSN, RN (Poster)
Early Mobilization In Open Heart Patients, Jon Platia BSN, RN; Morgan Kreider BSN, RN; and Jie Min Lee BSN, RN (Poster)
Education for ED Nursing Staff on Diagnostic Glucose Checks on Higher Acuity Patients, Morgan Reiss BSN, RN; Victoria Kraus BSN, RN; Rachel Moser BSN, RN; and Fazia Khan BSN, RN (Poster)
Improving Mutuality in the ICU: Getting to Know You, Katie Stutzman BSN, RN; Jessica Indelicato BSN, RN; Autumn Doerr BSN, RN; and Grace Murphy BSN, RN (Poster)
Promoting Rest, Megan Sulzer; Shana Howell ADN, RN; Stephanie Brewer ADN, RN; Fatima Riza ADN, RN; and Kendra Siegfried BSN, RN (Poster)
S.T.I.C.K. It, Jessica Turnitza BSN, RN; Molly Burton BSN, RN; Briana Dilger BSN, RN; Angela Plazola ADN, RN; Meghan Chan BSN, RN; and Simran Gurung BSN, RN (Poster)
Rover Wound Care Documentation, Pooja Vachhani ADN, RN; Rebecca Matz ADN, RN; Caitlin Coffman ADN, RN; Kristen Regni ADN, RN; and Kayley Fry BSN, RN (Poster)
Curos Caps in Reducing CLABSIs, Daniel Waweru ADN, RN and Lindsey Waite RN (Poster)
Behavioral Health Patient Contraband/Belongings Checklist Use at Schuylkill Emergency Department, Luciano Yourey BSN, RN and Tess Spitler BSN, RN (Poster)
Trauma Debriefing in Pediatric Critical Care Nurses, Caitlin Brittenburg BSN, RN; Savannah Buday ADN, RN; Mary Kate Fahy BSN, RN; Brittany Meschonat ADN, RN; Tara Ordemann BSN, RN; and Matthew Turner ADN, RN (Poster)
Proper IV Line Reconciliation, Jennifer Byrne BSN, RN; Danielle Hill ADN, RN; Janet Johnson BSN, RN; and Nevada Kardos BSN, RN (Poster)
Standardized Emergency Behavioral Health Education Amongst Staff, Moriba Camara ADN, RN; Nava Reed ADN, RN; Stacy Long ADN, RN; and Alice Rivera ADN, RN (Poster)
The Effects of Preceptor Ratios During Orientation, Alyssa Danner ADN, RN; Bonnie Neary BSN, RN; Trang Le BSN, RN; and Rachel Smith ADN, RN (Poster)
The Effectiveness of Peanut Ball Education for L&D Nurses, Brianna Diefenbach BSN, RN; Olivia Gallo BSN, RN; Audrey Mercer RN; Jennifer Szerencsits BSN, RN; and Stephanie Zagorianakos RN (Poster)
Combatting Delirium in the ICU, Brittany Ehret ADN, RN; Samuel Anthony BSN, RN; Stephanie Huff BSN, RN; Wohbenyi Betrand BSN, RN; and Michelle Nyarko BSN, RN (Poster)
Teaching Methods for Postpartum Mothers, Kristy Ernst ADN, RN; Alyssa Golomb BSN, RN; and Megan Melapioni BSN, RN (Poster)
Consistent Nurse Mentoring, Madison Hoak BSN, RN; Fariba Nikfard ADN, RN; Hannah Jones ADN, RN; Jailene Juan ADN, RN; and Melissa Ream RN (Poster)
Education on De-Escalation Techniques with Dementia Patients, Bryan Mowery BSN, RN; Miranda Anitga BSN, RN; Angelica Balili BSN, RN; Megan Crouthamel RN; Nancy Paniagua Mendez ADN, RN; and Rodaina Khushid BSN, RN (Poster)
Using the DASA Tool to Reduce Incidence of Patient Violence, Ashley Paranich BSN, RN (Poster)
Implementing Interprofessional Nurse and Provider Rounding, Maria Petrillo BSN, RN; Noah Hankee BSN, RN; Nathaniel Kresge BSN, RN; and Laurie Kirkpatrick RN (Poster)
Anxiety Reduction Through Music, Samantha Schrader BSN, RN; Megan Sudol; Jennifer Gorant BSN, RN; and Siri Amungwa RN (Poster)
Utilizing Professional Interpreter Services in Assessing Head-Injured Patients, Kelly Spanitz BSN, RN; Abagail Wuttke BSN, RN; Brittany Weaver BSN, RN; and Aaron Wagner BSN, RN (Poster)