Improved photometric determination of carbon monoxide by means of palladious chloride., E W RICE (Article)
The action of ultraviolet light on the pentose moiety of nucleic acids and related compounds., E W RICE (Article)
Failure to observe pentolysis by the serum of rats bearing malignant tumors., J H ROE, J W CASSIDY, A C TATUM, and E W RICE (Article)
Tumors of bones and joints., H L JAFFE and G SELIN (Article)
The effects of brucellergen skin test on brucella agglutinin titer in patients with brucellosis and other diseases., H S KRAKAUER, R RACHMAN, and E NETER (Article)
Endometriosis of the lower bowel., M J LEITNER and E C REESE (Article)
A study of D-arabinose in the rabbit., E W RICE and J H ROE (Article)
Pulmonary hemangioma with pulmonary artery-aortic septal defect; attempted roentgen visualization by catheterization of brachial artery and basilic veins., L A ERF and J FOLDES (Article)
Schmincke's tumor; lympho-epithelioma; case report., F V PICCIONE and J FOLDES (Article)
A photometric method for the determination of free pentoses in animal tissues., J H ROE and E W RICE (Article)
Acute systemic lupus erythematosis., J FOLDES (Article)
Case histories of patients with aspiration biopsies., G K HIGGINS and G SELIN (Article)
A Systematic Study of the Proteus Group of Bacteria., J J Wenner and L F Rettger (Article)