Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Lehigh Valley Health Network



Molecular analysis of the RhD genotype in fetuses at risk for RhD hemolytic disease., W C Spence, A Maddalena, D B Demers, and D P Bick (Article)


DNA-based prenatal determination of the RhEe genotype., W C Spence, P Potter, A Maddalena, D B Demers, and D P Bick (Article)


APC Binds To The Novel Protein EB1., Lio-Kuo Su, Marilee Burrell, David E. Hill, Jenö Gyuris, Roger Brent, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Jeffrey M. Trent, Bert Vogelstein, and Kenneth W. Kinzler (Article)


Vanilloid (capsaicin) receptors in the rat: distribution in the brain, regional differences in the spinal cord, axonal transport to the periphery, and depletion by systemic vanilloid treatment., A Szallasi, S Nilsson, Tunde Farkas MD, P M Blumberg, T Hökfelt, and J M Lundberg (Article)


Aberrant splicing of the type III procollagen mRNA leads to intracellular degradation of the protein in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos type IV., S Thakker-Varia, D W Anderson, H Kuivaniemi, G Tromp, H G Shin, M van der Rest, F H Glorieux, L Ala-Kokko, and C A Stolle (Article)


The Gene For The APC-Binding Protein Beta-Catenin (CTNNB1) Maps To Chromosome 3p22, A Region Frequently Altered In Human Malignancies., Jeffrey M. Trent, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Lio-Kuo Su, Nicholas C. Nicolaides, Bert Vogelstein, and Kenneth W. Kinzler (Article)


Diabetic glomerulopathy in the SHR/N-corpulent rat: role of dietary carbohydrate in a model of NIDDM., M T Velasquez, A A Abraham, P L Kimmel, Tunde Farkas MD, and O E Michaelis (Article)


The human COL11A2 gene structure indicates that the gene has not evolved with the genes for the major fibrillar collagens., M M Vuristo, T Pihlajamaa, P Vandenberg, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


Direct Visualization Of The Clonal Progression Of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma: Application Of Tissue Microdissection And Comparative Genomic Hybridization., Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Paul Duray, Michael L. Bittner, Tapio Visakorpi, Paul S. Meltzer, Ralph J. Tuthill, Lance A. Liotta, and Jeffrey M. Trent (Article)


Prospective longitudinal assessment of hepatitis C virus infection after renal transplantation., K Zucker, R Cirocco, D Roth, G Burke, J Nery, V Esquenazi, and J Miller (Article)



[Gene errors as a cause of rare and common connective tissue diseases]., L Ala-Kokko and H Kuivaniemi (Article)

Acute Lung Reaction: Case Presentation and Discussion., Annette Basile-Borgia MS, CCP; Norman J. Manley CCP; and Bala B. Carver MD (Presentation)


Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma with Multiple Site Involvement. Literature Review and Observations., Barbara K. Bollinger MD, William B. Laskin MD, and Clement B. Knight MD (Article)


Rejection in HLA-identical living related donor kidney transplants: lack of predictive immunologic parameters., G W Burke, M Allouch, R Cirocco, M Markou, C Gomez, N Contreras, V Esquenazi, D Roth, J Nery, and J Miller (Article)


Effect of cyclosporine A on serum tumor necrosis factor alpha in new-onset type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus., G W Burke, R Cirocco, M Markou, R F Agramonte, A Rabinovitch, J Miller, and J S Skyler (Article)


Synthesis of recombinant human procollagen II in a stably transfected tumour cell line (HT1080)., A Fertala, A L Sieron, A Ganguly, S W Li, L Ala-Kokko, K R Anumula, and D J Prockop (Article)


Mutation in the COL2A1 gene in a patient with hypochondrogenesis. Expression of mutated COL2A1 gene is accompanied by expression of genes for type I procollagen in chondrocytes., P Freisinger, L Ala-Kokko, D LeGuellec, S Franc, R Bouvier, P Ritvaniemi, D J Prockop, and J Bonaventure (Article)


[HLA-DQ gene and susceptibility of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in Chinese population]., L N Ji, T S Mao, and Jihong Sun MD (Article)

Application of PCR-SSCP in Genetic Detection, L Ji and Jihong Sun MD (Book Chapter)


Sensitive Reverse Hybridization Method: Enzyme Linked Fluorescence Assay, L Ji, Jihong Sun MD, H Wang, and T Mao (Article)


Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Portal Hypertension in a Child with Williams Syndrome--a case report., Samuel Land MD, Mahendra D. Shah, and Wallace F. Berman (Article)


Manometric Determination of Esophageal Length., Sherry Li MD, June A. Castell, and Donald O. Castell (Article)

Evaluation and Treatment of the Atypical Pap Smear as Defined by the System., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)


Benign cellular changes: have we inadvertently reinvented the class II cytology sign-out?, R D Luff (Article)


Hepatitis C in liver transplantation: preliminary study of prognostic factors., J Nery, V Esquenazi, D Weppler, C Gomez, R Cirocco, H Gharagozloo, K Zucker, R Reddy, J Casella, I Parker, W Faria, L Jeffers, M Carreno, J Smith, M Markow, M Allouch, S Babischkin, G Bourke, M Hill, E Schiff, S LaRue, and J Miller (Article)


Analytical evaluation and comparison of Dupont aca lactate dehydrogenase-1 (LD1) isoenzyme assay diagnostic efficiency for acute myocardial infarction detection with other LD1 methods and aca CK-MB. A two-site study., P C Painter, S Van Meter, R L Dabbs, and G E Clement (Article)


A single base mutation in the type II procollagen gene (COL2A1) that converts glycine alpha 1-247 to serine in a family with late-onset spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia., P Ritvaniemi, B P Sokolov, C J Williams, E Considine, L Yurgenev, E M Meerson, L Ala-Kokko, and D J Prockop (Article)


The impact of hepatitis C virus infection on renal allograft recipients., D Roth, K Zucker, R Cirocco, A DeMattos, G W Burke, J Nery, V Esquenazi, S Babischkin, and J Miller (Article)


Late Effects of Intraoperative Radiation therapy on Retroperitoneal Tissues, Intestine, and Bile Duct in a Large Animal Model., William F. Sindelar MD, PhD; Joel E. Tepper; Timothy J. Kinsella MD; Margaret Barnes MD; Anne Marie DeLuca BS; Richard Terrill; Donna Matthews; William J. Anderson PhD; Barbara K. Bollinger MD; and Peter A S Johnstone MD (Article)


Molecular analysis of the Rh locus in a person with the Du phenotype., W C Spence, A Maddalena, D B Demers, and D P Bick (Article)


Experience with Endopap endometrial sampling in the cytodiagnosis of endometrial carcinoma and its precursor lesions. I. A correlative cytologic-histologic-hysteroscopic diagnostic pilot study., H Z Suprun, R Taendler-Stolero, J Schwartz, and M Ettinger (Article)


Type II collagen mutations in rare and common cartilage diseases., M Vikkula, M Metsäranta, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


Interobserver variability of cervical smears with squamous-cell abnormalities: a Philadelphia study., N A Young, S Naryshkin, B F Atkinson, H Ehya, P K Gupta, T S Kline, and R D Luff (Article)


Depletion of hepatitis C virus from procured kidneys using pulsatile perfusion preservation., K Zucker, R Cirocco, D Roth, L Olson, G W Burke, J Nery, V Esquenazi, and J Miller (Article)



Activated cytokine pattern in hepatorenal syndrome: fall in levels after successful orthotopic liver transplantation., G W Burke, R Cirocco, D Roth, J Fernandez, M Allouche, M Markou, R Reddy, L Jeffers, E Schiff, and J Nery (Article)

Nucleic Acid Sequences and Microbial Species, Concepts, George E. Fox, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, J Seifert, and Peter Jurtshuk Jr. (Presentation)


A new (two-repeat) octapeptide coding insert mutation in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease., L G Goldfarb, P Brown, B W Little, L Cervenáková, K Kenney, C J Gibbs, and D C Gajdusek (Article)


An inbred line of transgenic mice expressing an internally deleted gene for type II procollagen (COL2A1). Young mice have a variable phenotype of a chondrodysplasia and older mice have osteoarthritic changes in joints., H J Helminen, K Kiraly, A Pelttari, M I Tammi, P Vandenberg, R Pereira, R Dhulipala, J S Khillan, L Ala-Kokko, and E L Hume (Article)

Serologic and Sequence Analysis of a Lymphoma-Derived Autoanti-A Blood Group Antibody,, L Jefferies, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, and L Silberstein (Presentation)


Viral DNA in microdissected renal biopsy tissue from HIV infected patients with nephrotic syndrome., P L Kimmel, A Ferreira-Centeno, Tunde Farkas MD, A A Abraham, and C T Garrett (Article)


HIV-associated immune-mediated renal disease., P L Kimmel, T M Phillips, A Ferreira-Centeno, Tunde Farkas MD, A A Abraham, and C T Garrett (Article)


Mutation in type II procollagen (COL2A1) that substitutes aspartate for glycine alpha 1-67 and that causes cataracts and retinal detachment: evidence for molecular heterogeneity in the Wagner syndrome and the Stickler syndrome (arthro-ophthalmopathy)., J Körkkö, P Ritvaniemi, L Haataja, H Kääriäinen, K I Kivirikko, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


Human non-secretory ribonucleases. II. Structural characterization of the N-glycans of the kidney, liver and spleen enzymes by NMR spectroscopy and electrospray mass spectrometry., C W Lawrence, P A Little, B W Little, J Glushka, H van Halbeek, and J A Alhadeff (Article)


Human non-secretory ribonucleases. I. Purification, peptide mapping and lectin blotting analysis of the kidney, liver and spleen enzymes., C W Lawrence, P A Little, B W Little, M J Miller, S Bazel, and J A Alhadeff (Article)

Predictive Value of Flow Cytometry Analysis in Intraductal Carcinoma of The Breast, Victoria A. Loven MD, Dahlia M. Sataloff MD, M Sohn, Ursula L. Seinige MD, and C P. Leiber (Article)


Fine-Needle Aspiration of Dermoid Cyst of the Pancreas: A Case Report., Valentina Markovsky MD and Victoria A. Loven (Article)


Renal Tubular Dysgenesis: A Description of Early Renal Maldevelopment in Siblings., Ross A. Metzman, Michael A. Husson MD, and Elizabeth A. Dellers MD (Article)

Mercurialism in an Infant: Negligence? Abuse? Infanticide?., Robert Middleberg PhD, JoAnn Sell MT, and Wayne K. Ross MD (Presentation)


The effects of X monosomy on brain development: monozygotic twins discordant for Turner's syndrome., A L Reiss, L Freund, L Plotnick, T Baumgardner, K Green, A C Sozer, M Reader, C Boehm, and M B Denckla (Article)


A fourth example suggests that premature termination codons in the COL2A1 gene are a common cause of the Stickler syndrome: analysis of the COL2A1 gene by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis., P Ritvaniemi, J Hyland, J Ignatius, K I Kivirikko, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)

16S rRNA Sequence Analysis on Round-Spore Forming Bacillus Species and Related Non-Spore Forming Bacteria., J L. Seifert, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Peter Jurtshuk Jr., and George E. Fox (Presentation)


Necrotic Orbital Melanoma Arising de Novo., Jerry A. Shields MD; Carol L. Shields MD; Ralph C. Eagle Jr MD; Patrick De Potter; and Glen L. Oliver MD, FRCSC, NR (Article)


Deletion of a large domain in recombinant human procollagen II does not alter the thermal stability of the triple helix., A L Sieron, A Fertala, L Ala-Kokko, and D J Prockop (Article)


The Human Gastrin/Cholecystokinin Type B Receptor Gene: Alternative Splice Donor Site In Exon 4 Generates Two Variant mRNAs., IL Song, David R. Brown, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Ira Gantz, Jeffrey M. Trent, and Tadataka Yamada (Article)

“Mapping Molecular Loci Near the Mouse Gunmetal Gene: A Gene that Causes Thrombocytopenia.”, Richard T. Swank PhD and Kirsten S. Bellucci MD (Poster)


Early-onset osteoarthritis linked to the type II procollagen gene. Detailed clinical phenotype and further analyses of the gene., M Vikkula, A Palotie, P Ritvaniemi, J Ott, L Ala-Kokko, U Sievers, K Aho, and L Peltonen (Article)


A mutation in the amino-terminal end of the triple helix of type II collagen causing severe osteochondrodysplasia., M Vikkula, P Ritvaniemi, A F Vuorio, I Kaitila, L Ala-Kokko, and L Peltonen (Article)


Cytogenetic Analysis Of Posterior Uveal Melanoma., Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Victor M. Elner, Thomas Dennis, Andrew K. Vine, and Jeffrey M. Trent (Article)


T lymphocyte responses to antigens of gram-negative bacteria in pyelonephritis., S W Wilz, J T Kurnick, F Pandolfi, R H Rubin, H S Warren, R Goldstein, C M Kersten, and R T McCluskey (Article)

Ribozymes as Potential Therapeutic Agents in Papillomavirus Infections, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)


Cleavage of Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus E7 RNA With An Anti-E7 Ribozyme., Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Ann Krizenoskas, Susan L. DiAngelo, and John W. Kreider (Article)



Hepatic fibrosis in rats produced by carbon tetrachloride and dimethylnitrosamine: observations suggesting immunoassays of serum for the 7S fragment of type IV collagen are a more sensitive index of liver damage than immunoassays for the NH2-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen., L Ala-Kokko, V Günzler, J B Hoek, E Rubin, and D J Prockop (Article)


The Short-Term Effect of Low-Dose Radiation on Intracranial Germinoma. A Pathologic Study., Faruk Aydin MD; Nitya R. Ghatak MD; Kathy Radie-Keane MD; James Kinard MD, PhD; and Samuel D. Land MD (Article)


Regional cytokine changes following OKT3 induction for islet cell transplantation in humans: early increase in portal and systemic levels of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factors., G W Burke, R Alejandro, R Cirocco, J Nery, D Mintz, and J Miller (Article)


Liver transplantation for cirrhosis following jejuno-ileal bypass--regional cytokine differences associated with pathological changes in the transplant liver., G W Burke, R Cirocco, G Hensley, D Ranjan, R Reddy, L Jeffers, E Schiff, and J Miller (Article)


The rapid development of a fatal, disseminated B cell lymphoma following liver transplantation--serial changes in levels of soluble serum interleukin 2 and interleukin 4 (B cell growth factor)., G W Burke, R Cirocco, G Hensley, R Reddy, L Jeffers, E Schiff, and J Miller (Article)


A novel POU homeodomain gene specifically expressed in cells of the developing mammalian nervous system., R G Collum, Peter Fisher MD, M Datta, S Mellis, C Thiele, K Huebner, C M Croce, M A Israel, T Theil, and T Moroy (Article)

A Lymphoma-Associated IgM-k Paraprotein of anti-A Specificity, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, A Church, K Bayer, Marjorie Williams, A Czulewicz, and L Silberstein (Presentation)


Identification of Blastocystis Hominis by Colonic Brush Cytology. A Case Report., Elizabeth A. Dellers MD, J C Dunn, P DeSantis, and C A Aronchick (Article)


The antiquity and origins of rheumatoid arthritis., R E Domen (Article)


Vancomycin-induced cytopenias., R E Domen (Article)


Autologous blood donation by patients with cardiovascular disease., R E Domen, H Hnat, and M Panasiuk (Article)


How Close Is Close: 16S rRNA Sequence Identity May Not Be Sufficient to Guarantee Species Identity., George E. Fox, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, and Peter Jurtshuk Jr (Article)


Cocaine and some of its products in hair by RIA and GC/MS., D Fritch, Y Groce, and F Rieders (Article)


Oxidative Tryptophan Metabolism in Renal Allograft Recipients: Increased Kynurenine Synthesis is Associated with Inflammation and OKT3 Therapy., Earle W. Holmes, Parvathy M. Russell, Gordon J. Kinzler, Craig R. Reckard MD, Robert C. Flanigan, Kenneth D. Thompson, and Edward W. Bermes Jr. (Article)


A homozygous stop codon in the lysyl hydroxylase gene in two siblings with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VI., J Hyland, L Ala-Kokko, P Royce, B Steinmann, K I Kivirikko, and R Myllylä (Article)

Proposal for a New Genus: Alicyclobacillus gen. nov., Based on 16S rRNA (rDNA) Phylogenetic Analyses on the Bacillus Group IV Thermoacidophiles, Peter Jurtshuk, Jr.; Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD; George E. Fox; Gabriele Deinhard; and Karl Poralla (Presentation)


Brief report: idiotypic IgA nephropathy in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection., P L Kimmel, T M Phillips, A Ferreira-Centeno, Tunde Farkas MD, A A Abraham, and C T Garrett (Article)

Gynecologic Cytopathology: The Spectrum of the Atypia., Victoria A. Loven M.D., FCAP (Presentation)

Review of Guides to Clinical Aspiration Biopsy Flow Cytometry, Victoria A. Loven (Book Review)


A Woman With Lung and Brain Masses, Victoria A. Loven; Charles H. Adler MD, PhD; Howard I. Hurting MD; Mercedes P. Jacobson MD; and Michael L. Brooks MD (Article)


The Bethesda System for reporting cervical/vaginal cytologic diagnoses. Report of the 1991 Bethesda workshop., R D Luff (Article)


The Bethesda System for reporting cervical/vaginal cytologic diagnoses: report of the 1991 Bethesda workshop. The Bethesda System Editorial Committee., R D Luff (Article)


High frequency of myelomonocytic tumors in aging E mu L-myc transgenic mice., T Möröy, Peter Fisher MD, G Lee, P Achacoso, F Wiener, and F W Alt (Article)


Coordination of Deglutition and Phases of Respiration: Effect of Aging, Tachypnea, Bolus Volume, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease., Reza Shaker, Sherry Li MD, Junlong Ren, William F. Townsend, Wylie J. Dodds, Bonnie J. Martin, Mark K. Kern, and Audrey Rynders (Article)


Mechanisms of Airway Protection and Upper Esophageal Sphincter Opening During Belching., Reza Shaker, Junlong F. Ren, Mark K. Kern, Wylie J. Dodds, Walter J. Hogan, and Sherry Li MD (Article)


Subacute (Acute, Persistent) Thrombotic Microangiopathy., Edwin G. Taft MD and Bala Carver MD (Article)


Structural analysis of the regulatory elements of the type-II procollagen gene. Conservation of promoter and first intron sequences between human and mouse., M Vikkula, M Metsäranta, A C Syvänen, L Ala-Kokko, E Vuorio, and L Peltonen (Article)


Detection of sequence variants in the gene for human type II procollagen (COL2A1) by direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction-amplified genomic DNA., C J Williams, D A Harrison, I Hopkinson, C T Baldwin, N N Ahmad, L Ala-Kokko, R M Korn, P G Buxton, J Dimascio, and E L Considine (Article)


Comparative Sequence Analyses on the 16S rRNA (rDNA) of Bacillus Acidocaldarius, Bacillus Acidoterrestris, and Bacillus Cycloheptanicus and Proposal For Creation of a New Genus, Alicyclobacillus Gen. Nov., Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Peter Jurtshuk Jr, George E. Fox, Gabriele Deinhard, and Karl Poralla (Article)



Stop codon in the procollagen II gene (COL2A1) in a family with the Stickler syndrome (arthro-ophthalmopathy)., N N Ahmad, L Ala-Kokko, R G Knowlton, S A Jimenez, E J Weaver, J I Maguire, W Tasman, and D J Prockop (Article)


Expression of a human cartilage procollagen gene (COL2A1) in mouse 3T3 cells., L Ala-Kokko, J Hyland, C Smith, K I Kivirikko, S A Jimenez, and D J Prockop (Article)


Interference of serum mercury with the Abbott TDx., C A Berne, L A Zubey, and L M Demers (Article)

Overview of Organ and Marrow Transplantation., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


Extrauterine Mixed Mesodermal Tumors. An immunohistochemical Study., Elizabeth A. Dellers MD, Philip T. Valente, Pamela R. Edmonds, and G Balsara (Article)


Case reports: red blood cell autoantibodies mimicking alloantibodies., R E Domen and A Clarke (Article)


Exaggerated Venous Mural Hypertrophy in Association with Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Of The Prostate., Walter L. Gerber, Elizabeth A. Dellers MD, and Paul B. Putong (Article)


Evaluation of different mixing study reagents and dilution effect in lupus anticoagulant testing., Daniel A. Kaczor MT(ASCP); Nancy N. Bickford MT(ASCP); and Douglas A. Triplett MD, FACP (Article)

Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy-like T-cell Lymphoma and Gamma Heavy Chain Disease., Samuel Land MD and M J. Kornstein (Article)


Cocaine in decomposed human remains., D T Manhoff, I Hood, F Caputo, J Perry, S Rosen, and H G Mirchandani (Article)