Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Lehigh Valley Health Network



Isolation of Corynebacterium aquaticum from spinal fluid of an infant with meningitis., D G Beckwith, J A Jahre, and S Haggerty (Article)


Discovery of the Rh red blood cell antigen., R E Domen (Article)


The single-unit transfusion., R E Domen (Article)


Efficacy of performing red-cell antibody elutions in patients with a positive direct antiglobulin test., R E Domen and J Grattan (Article)


Trace metals and plasma exchange., R E Domen and W H Roberts (Article)


Fibro-osseous pseudotumor of the digits., W B Dupree and F M Enzinger (Article)


Secretion of lysyl oxidase by cultured human skin fibroblasts and effects of monensin, nigericin, tunicamycin and colchicine., H Kuivaniemi, L Ala-Kokko, and K I Kivirikko (Article)


X-ray structure and refinement of carbon-monoxy (Fe II)-myoglobin at 1.5 A resolution., J Kuriyan, S Wilz, M Karplus, and G A Petsko (Article)


Familial myoclonic dementia masquerading as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease., B W Little, P W Brown, P Rodgers-Johnson, D P Perl, and D C Gajdusek (Article)


The predictive value of lipid studies in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery, R S. Niedbala and Gerald Clement (Article)


"Chromatolytic" neurons in lateral geniculate body in Werdnig-Hoffmann disease., N S Peress, A B Stermann, R Miller, C G Kaplan, and B W Little (Article)


Distinction Between Entamoeba Gingivalis and Entamoeba Histolytica, Revisited., Raymond A. Rachman MD and Marcelle Rosenberg CT, ASCP, CMIAC (Article)


Mixed Hyperplastic and Adenomatous Polyp Arising from Ectopic Gastric Mucosa of the Duodenum., V L. Russin, B Krevsky, D F Caroline, C K Tang, and S C Ming (Article)


Coagulation and immunology., S R Saba and R E Domen (Article)



Comparison of a latex agglutination test with five other methods for determining the presence of antibody against cytomegalovirus., D G Beckwith, D C Halstead, K Alpaugh, A Schweder, D A Blount-Fronefield, and K Toth (Article)


[Peritoneal mesotheliomas and exposure to asbestos]., G Ben-Dror, H Suprun, and T Shkolnik (Article)


IgMk monoclonal antibody directed against peripheral nerve myelin: clinical peripheral neuropathy and longterm rheumatic disease., J H Bland, B W Little, F J Gennari, W B Ershler, and N Latov (Article)

Therapeutic apheresis in hematologic and oncologic disease., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


Case for diagnosis: neurotropic melanoma of the neck., W B Dupree (Article)


Pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (Bednar tumor). A pathologic, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical study., W B Dupree, J M Langloss, and S W Weiss (Article)


Presacral myxopapillary ependymoma presenting as an abdominal mass in a child., K F Gerston, H Suprun, H Cohen, and Z Shenhav (Article)


Interobserver reproducibility of histopathological features in stage II breast cancer. An ECOG study., K W Gilchrist, L Kalish, V E Gould, S Hirschl, J E Imbriglia, W M Levy, A S Patchefsky, D W Penner, J Pickren, and J A Roth (Article)


Immunostaining for carcinoembryonic antigen does not discriminate for early recurrence in breast cancer. The ECOG experience., K W Gilchrist, L Kalish, V E Gould, S Hirschl, J E Imbriglia, W M Levy, A S Patchefsky, J Pickren, J A Roth, and R A Schinella (Article)


Determination of copper in whole blood, plasma and serum using Zeeman effect atomic absorption spectroscopy., S K Liska, J Kerkay, and K H Pearson (Article)


Determination of zinc and copper in urine using Zeeman effect flame atomic absorption spectroscopy., S K Liska, J Kerkay, and K H Pearson (Article)


Determination of zinc in whole blood, plasma and serum using Zeeman effect flame atomic absorption spectroscopy., S K Liska, J Kerkay, and K H Pearson (Article)


Microwave technology for the rapid thawing of frozen blood components., R D Luff, C M Kessler, and W R Bell (Article)


Broad ligament adenocarcinoma--its origin and clinical behavior. A literature review and report of a case., N Rojansky, E Ophir, A Sharony, H Spira, and H Suprun (Article)


Lack of specificity of brain gangliosides in the modulation of lymphocyte activation., J L Ryan, L N Inouye, L Gobran, W B Yohe, and H C Yohe (Article)


Diltiazem and granulomatous hepatitis., N S Sarachek, R L London, and T J Matulewicz (Article)


Inguinal lymph node metastases from testicular tumor., M Stein, M Steiner, H Suprun, and E Robinson (Article)


Diagnostic accuracy of lung cytology: terminology., H Z Suprun (Article)


Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and associated condylomatous lesions. A preliminary report on 4,764 women from Northern Israel., H Z Suprun, J Schwartz, and H Spira (Article)



Use of Trisodium Citrate for Regional Anticoagulation in a Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, D S. Wilkes, and R M. Finkelstein (Presentation)


Hemostatic imbalances produced by plasma exchange., R E Domen, M S Kennedy, L L Jones, and D A Senhauser (Article)

Biliary Disease and Bile Reflux Gastritis, Sherry Li MD, D L. Cai, and Z R. Shi (Article)

Cardiac Jaundice, Sherry Li MD and Z R. Shi (Article)


An Immediate Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Due To Anti-C And A Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Due To Anti-Ce+e: Hemoglobinemia, Hemoglobinuria And Transient Impaired Renal Function., Lyndall Molthan, Theodore J. Matulewicz MD, Bala Carver MD, and Edward J. Benz (Article)


Retention Indices and Dual Capillary Gas Chromatography for Rapid Identification of Sedative Hypnotic Drugs in Emergency Toxicology, Beverly Newton and Robert Foery (Article)


Changes in calcium distribution during therapeutic plasmapheresis., W H Roberts, R E Domen, and M I Walters (Article)


Pharyngitis-tonsillitis in a college population., C R Ruch and D G Beckwith (Article)


Megakaryopoiesis in chronic myeloproliferative diseases. A morphometric evaluation with special emphasis on primary thrombocythemia., J Thiele, S Funke, S Holgado, H Choritz, and A Georgii (Article)


Microcytic Anemia in Patients with Hypernephroma, Dennis B. Cornfield MD and S Labkoff (Presentation)


Intracranial Myeloid Metaplasia: Diagnosis by CT and Fe52 Scans and Treatment by Cranial Irradiation., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Paul M. Shipkin, Abass Alavi, Joseph Becker, and Robert G. Peyster (Article)


Lung tumor-associated antigens: thin layer immunoassay., A C Hollinshead, T H Stewart, R L Hamilton, and C R DiAngelo (Article)


Therapeutic apheresis. Applications and future directions., M S Kennedy and R E Domen (Article)


Massive retroperitoneal tumor in a 40-year-old man., D E Novicki, D J Confer, R V Kidd, R D Luff, and J M Yrizarry (Article)


Excisional breast biopsy and roentgenographic examination for mammographically detected microcalcification., J J Prorok, D R Trostle, M Scarlato, and R Rachman (Article)


Morphometry on the rat thyroid gland: evaluation of the apical plasma membrane (microvilli and zonula occludens) in freeze-fracture replicas under different functional conditions., J Thiele and S Funke (Article)



Anaerobic radiometric detection of facultative Gram-positive cocci in blood., D G Beckwith, W C Conyers, and D C Etowski (Article)


Evaluation of the necessity for routine terminal subculturing of blood cultures negative by radiometric methods., D G Beckwith and D C Etowski (Article)

Role of Plasmapheresis in Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)


Diethylstilbestrol-Diphosphate-Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Prostatic Carcinoma., Dennis B. Cornfield MD and Randall E. Rossman (Article)

Intracranial Myeloid Metaplasia: Diagnosis by CT and Fe52 Scans and Treatment by Cranial Irradiation, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Paul M. Shipkin, Abass Alavi, Joseph Becker, and Robert G. Peyster (Presentation)


Iron deposits surrounding multiple sclerosis plaques., W Craelius, M W Migdal, C P Luessenhop, A Sugar, and I Mihalakis (Article)


Rhabdomyosarcoma of prostate in adult. Long-term survival and problem of histologic diagnosis., W B Dupree and C Fisher (Article)

99m Tc-PI (Pyridoxylidene- Isoleucine) Test for the Measurement of Duodenogastric Reflux, Sherry Li MD and D L. Cai (Article)


Denervation modulated changes in mouse skeletal muscle RNA concentration., B W Little, R Barlow, and D P Perl (Article)


Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy. An autopsied case from the French-Canadian kindred., B W Little and D P Perl (Article)


Successful treatment of familial idiopathic lipid storage myopathy with L-carnitine and modified lipid diet., T M Snyder, B W Little, G Roman-Campos, and J B McQuillen (Article)


Unusual cutaneous carcinoma with features of small cell (oat cell-like) and squamous cell carcinomas. A variant of malignant Merkel cell neoplasm., C K Tang, C Toker, A Nedwich, and A N Zaman (Article)



Development of five-hour radiometric serum antibacterial assay for gram-positive cocci., D G Beckwith and P T Guidon (Article)


Peleopathological evidence of rheumatoid arthritis., R E Domen (Article)


Lithium carbonate., R E Domen, R E Smith, and A L Sagone (Article)


Performance of a commercial microdilution minimal inhibitory concentration procedure for aminoglycoside susceptibility testing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa., D C Etowski and D G Beckwith (Article)


Fatal childhood pulmonary aspergillosis from contact with pigeons., Z Greif, M Moscuna, H Suprun, E Hahn, and E Freundlich (Article)


Carcinosarcoma of the uterine cervix: a light and electron microscopic study., M Hall-Craggs, C Toker, and A Nedwich (Article)


Partial purification and characterization of the components of the neutral ribonuclease II-inhibitor system of normal and distrophic mouse skeletal muscle., B W Little and W L Meyer (Article)


Giant cell pneumonia associated with parainfluenza virus type 3 infection., B W Little, W S Tihen, J D Dickerman, and J E Craighead (Article)


Heterogeneity of neutral ribonuclease II and ribonuclease II-inhibitor complex from mouse skeletal muscle., B W Little and L S Whittingham (Article)


The efficacy of type and screen to reduce unnecessary cross matches for obstetric patients., P M Ness, M E Rosche, C Barrasso, R D Luff, and J W Johnson (Article)


[Myocardial infarction in an infant due to periarteritis nodosa or Kawasaki disease]., J Shmuel, H Suprun, J F Gerston, and E Freundlich (Article)


Fatal familial steatosis of myocardium, liver and kidneys in three siblings., H Suprun and E Freundlich (Article)


Menaquinone Bosynthesis in Bacillus Subtilis: Isolation of Men Mutants and Evidence for Clustering of Men Genes., Harry W. Taber, Elizabeth A. Dellers MD, and Linda Rivoire Lombardo (Article)


Benign spindle cell breast tumor., C Toker, C K Tang, J F Whitely, S W Berkheiser, and R Rachman (Article)



Tuberculosis of the subdeltoid bursa. A case report., I Alkalay, T Kaufman, and H Suprun (Article)


Simultaneous recovery of ampicillin-sensitive and ampicillin-resistant H. influenzae from blood., D G Beckwith (Article)

Medical Payment Mode of Volunteers in a Clinical Research Program., G E. Bergman, B Daley, and Bala B. Carver MD (Presentation)

Electrophoresis of Human Serum., Barbara Bollinger MD (Article)

Meckel Diverticulum., Barbara Bollinger MD (Presentation)

"Transfusion: New Developments"., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)

Suppessor Lymphocytes in Familial Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, P D. Utsinger, and W Strimel (Presentation)


Pseudomelanosis of the duodenum. Endoscopic and histologic observations on a unique case of pigmentation in the duodenum., M L Cowen and T J Humphries (Article)


The glucagonoma syndrome. Report of a case., R E Domen, M B Shaffer, J Finke, W K Sterin, and C B Hurst (Article)

Manual of Medical Therapeutics, Sherry Li MD (Presentation)


Stromal reaction to neoplasia: colonic carcinomas., A Martinez-Hernandez and E Catalano (Article)


Acridine orange-nucleic acid fluorescence. Its use in routine diagnostic muscle biopsies., D P Perl and B W Little (Article)


Colon tumor specific nuclear antigen with potential as a pre-tumor diagnostic probe., D E Pumo, D Gootnick, B W Little, and J F Chiu (Article)


Lymphomatoid papulosis. Ultrastructural study with demonstration of intranuclear and intracytoplasmic viruslike particles., A K Shamsuddin, A Nedwich, and C Toker (Article)


[Bilateral torsion of the spermatic cord in a newborn]., Z Shenhav, J Lunsky, J Montag, J Kellner, and H Suprun (Article)


The diagnostic reliability of cytologic typing in primary lung cancer with a review of the literature., H Suprun, G Pedio, and J R Ruttner (Article)


Activation of nevi in patients with malignant melanoma., S B Tucker, J P Horstmann, B Hertel, G Aranha, and J Rosai (Article)



Detection of group D and viridans streptococci in blood by radiometric methods., D G Beckwith (Article)


Microbiology problem: beta-hemolytic streptococcus., D G Beckwith (Article)


Immunospecificity of nuclear nonhistone protein-DNA complexes in colon adenocarcinoma., J F Chiu, W Decha-Umphal, C Markert, and B W Little (Article)


T and B Lymphocytes in Pregnant Women., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Judith Jencks BS, Richard A. Binder MD, and Charles E. Rath MD (Article)


Myelolipoma in a heterotopic adrenal gland: light and electron microscopic findings., I Damjanov, S M Katz, E Catalano, D Mason, and A B Schwartz (Article)


Granular cell myoblastoma of the esophagus after irradiation for carcinoma., R E Domen, P Tang, and K V Harshman (Article)


Receptor for the Fc portion of IgG on the plasma membrane of the hepatocyte., D Frommel and R Rachman (Article)


Occupational acroosteolysis in vinyl chloride workers in Israel., E Hahn, D Aderka, H Suprun, and B Shtamler (Article)