Legionnaires' Disease Pneumonia: Histopathologic Features and Comparison with Microbial and Chemical Pneumonias., Gary L. Lattimer MD, Raymond A. Rachman MD, and Michael Scarlato (Article)
The liver in morbid obesity and following bypass surgery for obesity., A T Marubbio, R D Rucker, P D Schneider, J P Horstmann, R L Varco, and H Buchwald (Article)
Carbamazepine levels in pregnancy and lactation., J R Niebyl, D A Blake, J M Freeman, and R D Luff (Article)
Metastatic ductal carcinoma of the parotid gland in a patient with sarcoidosis., J L Pollock and E Catalano (Article)
Elastic cartilage choristoma of the neck., R Rachman and A H Heffernan (Article)
Torulopsis glabrata fungemia secondary to stone colonization., D G Beckwith, C D Saunders, and J R Anderson (Article)
Primary and secondary aneurysmal bone cyst: a radiological study of 75 cases., A Bonakdarpour, W M Levy, and E Aegerter (Article)
"Anemia in Pregnancy"., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)
"Bleeding Disorders and Blood Products" ., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)
Epithelial atypias associated with intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD)., P K Gupta, F Burroughs, R D Luff, J K Frost, and Y S Erozan (Article)
Camptomelic dwarfism associated with XY-gonadal dysgenesis and chromosome anomalies., D Hoefnagel, D H Wuster-Hill, W B Dupree, K Benirschke, and G L Fuld (Article)
Extensive cerebral nocardiosis cured with antibiotic therapy alone. Case report., N Kirmani, C U Tuazon, J A Ocuin, A M Thompson, N C Kramer, and G W Geelhoed (Article)
Pelvic actinomycosis and the intrauterine contraceptive device. A cyto-histomorphologic study., R D Luff, P K Gupta, M R Spence, and J K Frost (Article)
Spontaneous regression of malignant melanoma., G Manelis, S M Shasha, J Manelis, H Suprun, and E Robinson (Article)
Blood transfusions today: what you should know and should do, Michael Scarlato (Article)
Cytologic diagnosis of malignant melanoma metastatic to the endometrium., M Takeda, S M Diamond, M DeMarco, and D M Quinn (Article)
[Chylous ascites in nonmalignat diseases]., D Aderka, R Reshef, and H Suprun (Article)
Burkett Lymphoma in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis and Pheochromocytoma., Brian W. Berman MD, Richard A. Binder MD, and Dennis B. Cornfield MD (Article)
Association of Breast Cancer with Myeloproliferative Disorders., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Richard A. Binder MD, and Charles E. Rath MD (Article)
Accurate hemoglobin determination., S Eichen, J H Mandel, R D Schwenk, and D L Warfield (Article)
Spontaneous regression of pulmonary leiomyomas during pregnancy., J P Horstmann, G G Pietra, J A Harman, N G Cole, and S Grinspan (Article)
Actinomycetes-like organisms in wearers of intrauterine contraceptive devices., R D Luff and P K Gupta (Article)
Hodgkin's disease of the thymus (granulomatous thymoma) and myasthenia gravis: a unique association., J A Null, V A Livolsi, and W W Glenn (Article)
Myocardial infarction association with the Riley-Day syndrome., R Reshef, D Aderka, H Suprun, G Manelis, and J Manelis (Article)
Plasma fibrinogen, cholinesterase activity, and anemia: utility of fibrinogen in multiphasic screening and in assessing the activity of diseases., E W Rice (Article)
Hard liquor for preservative of sputum., M Takeda, W R Lang, J P Horstmann, and E W Hseih (Article)
Endodermal sinus tumor (yolk sac tumor) of the anterior mediastinum: case report., S M Diamond and J F Russo (Article)
[Esophageal peptic ulcer perforation and the Mallory-Weiss syndrome as etiologic factors in the Boerhaave syndrome]., G Manelis, D Aderka, B Shtamler, I Horn, H Suprun, and S Hasharoni (Article)
[Reccurrent pheochromocytoma]., G Manelis, S M Shasha, R Reshef, B Shtamler, and H Suprun (Article)
Erythrocyte and hemoglobin quantitation via a convenient "single-tube" combined nephelometric--cyanmethemoglobin manual technic. A reserve system for automated hemoglobinometry., E W Rice (Article)
Bone Marrow Examination: How to Make it Less Frightening for Your Patients ... and you., Michael Scarlato (Article)
Metastatic carcinoma in histologic sections of aspirated bone marrow: a comparative autopsy study., H Suprun and A M Rywlin (Article)
T and B Lymphocytes in Pregnancy, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Richard A. Binder MD, Judith Jencks BS, and Charles E. Rath MD (Presentation)
Lipoate Effect on Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism and Gastric H+ Secretion., John B. Harris, David E. Alonso, O H Park, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, and Jose A. Chacin (Article)
Lingual ascorbic acid test: poor correlation with blood and tissue levels of ascorbic acid in guinea pigs., L Inouye, S A Miller, and M C Alfano (Article)
Aneurysmal bone cyst secondary to other osseous lesions. Report of 57 cases., W M Levy, A S Miller, A Bonakdarpour, and E Aegerter (Article)
Acute renal failure in transverse myelitis., R D Luff, P A Tumulty, and J H Yardly (Article)
Systemic Endotheliomatosis: A Case Report., James L. Madara, John M. Shane, and Michael Scarlato MD (Article)
Disseminated aspergillosis in a renal transplant patient: Diagnostic difficulties re-emphasized., H W Murray, J O Moore, and R D Luff (Article)
Improved biuret procedure for routine determination of urinary total proteins in clinical proteinuria., E W Rice (Article)
Proceedings: Cytoplasmic and mitochondrial redox state of free nicotinamide-adenide-adenine dinucleotide in rat striated muscle., D J Splain, J Crawford, and H B Markus (Article)
A correlative cytohistologic study on the interrelationship between exfoliated urinary bladder carcinoma cell types and the staging and grading of these tumors., H Suprun and W Bitterman (Article)
Subcutaneous metastasis following needle biopsy of the pleura., T W Allen and C C Honeckman (Article)
The effect of thyroid function on experimental cutaneous calcification in the rat., R A Gatter, C R Schott, and A Nedwich (Article)
Giant cell tumor of the jaws associated with Paget disease of bone. Report of two cases and review of the literature., A S Miller, C L Cuttino, R P Elzay, W M Levy, and R D Harwick (Article)
Soft-tissue injury by mercury from a broken thermometer. A case report and review of the literature., R Rachman (Article)
Accurate Nephelometric Enumeration of Erythrocytes in Human Blood, Eugene W. Rice PhD (Article)
Accurate nephelometric enumeration of erythrocytes in human blood., E W Rice (Article)
Clinical nephelometry: 2. Accurate nephelometric ultramicro method for determination of total proteins in cerebrospinal fluid., E W Rice and L H Arnold (Article)
Study of the ICSH proposed reference method for serum iron assay: obtaining optically clear filtrates and substitution of ferrozine., E W Rice and H E Fenner (Article)
A comparative filter technique study and the relative efficiency of these sieves as applied in sputum cytology for pulmonary cancer cytodiagnosis., H Suprun (Article)
The Hughes-Stovin syndrome. Case report., J G Teplick, M E Haskin, and A Nedwich (Article)
Smoker's wrinkles?, H B Allen, B L Johnson, and S M Diamond (Article)
Radiation therapy in transitional cloacogenic carcinoma of the anorectal junction., J Antioniades, J J Shane, J P Cossa, and W Brady (Article)
Mammary silicone granuloma. Migration of silicone fluid to abdominal wall and inguinal region., C Delage, J J Shane, and F B Johnson (Article)
Mucinous adventitial cysts of the popliteal artery in an 11-year-old girl., D A DeLaurentis, C C Wolferth, F M Wolf, D Naide, and A Nedwich (Article)
Carcinoma of mammary crease "simulating basal cell epithelioma"., Y Dowlati and A Nedwich (Article)
Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford)., R Fleischmajer and A Nedwich (Article)
Werner's syndrome., R Fleischmajer and A Nedwich (Article)
Juvenile fibromatoses., R Fleischmajer, A Nedwich, and J R Reeves (Article)
Burkitt's lymphoma in an Israeli child., E Freundlich, H Suprun, L Braunstein, B Stamler, J Yarom, and J Levy (Article)
Regionalization of laboratory services., S H Katz, B Diamond, J E Prier, T A Lukaszczyk, and J B Kegerreis (Article)
Accelerated hypertension due to intramural dissection of accessory renal artery., O P Khanna, A Nedwich, and P Gonick (Article)
Pigmented villonodular synovitis of the temperomandibular joint., M S Lapayowker, W T Miller, W M Levy, and R D Harwick (Article)
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia presenting as a pulmonary mass., D Major, M H Meltzer, A Nedwich, B Hayes, and W W Oaks (Article)
[Metastasis of a testicular tumor to a fetal adenoma of the thyroid]., G Manelis, S Sasha, and H Suprun (Article)
Pancreatic changes in maturity onset diabetes mellitus., J Null, R L Tillman, A L Shelton, and C C Sampson (Article)
Observations on the transport mechanism of colloidal gold., S Prasasvinichai, T Honda, A Nedwich, S Lam, and L W Brady (Article)
Letter: Further statistics and commentary on research by clinical chemists in the United States., E W Rice (Article)
[Symptomatic inflammatory polyp of Vater's ampulla]., B Shtamler, H Suprun, and D Keret (Article)
An aspiration cytodiagnostic test for gouty arthritis: a case report., H Suprun and I Mansoor (Article)
Xanthofibroma of the stomach--neoplasm or pseudotumor?, H Suprun, B Stamler, and G Manelis (Article)
Roentgenographic features of thymolipoma., J G Teplick, A Nedwich, and M E Haskin (Article)
The rennin catalyzed hydrolysis of a tripeptide. Evidence for catalysis by two carboxyl groups., G E Clement and G S Cashell (Article)
Alteration of subcutaneous tissue in systemic scleroderma., R Fleischmajer, V Damiano, and A Nedwich (Article)
Generalized morphea. I. Histology of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue., R Fleischmajer and A Nedwich (Article)
Familial occurrence of Letterer-Siwe disease., E Freundlich, S Amit, Y Montag, H Suprun, and S Nevo (Article)
Inflammatory carcinoma of the breast in a 12-year-old girl., F M Nichini, L Goldman, M S Lapayowker, W M Levy, W Maier, and G P Rosemond (Article)
Clinical Nephelometry: 1. New, Accurate, Heat-Precipitation Nephelometric Method for Rapid Determination of Plasma Fibrinogen, Eugene W. Rice and D E R Muesse (Article)
Furfural: exogenous precursor of certain urinary furans and possible toxicologic agent in humans., E W Rice (Article)
[Malignant nonfunctional islet cell tumor of the pancreas]., B Shtamler, H Suprun, and G Manelis (Article)
Wilms' tumor associated with venous thrombosis and consumption coagulopathy., A H Wang, I S Gibbons, A Nedwich, and G J Barbero (Article)
Determination of the microscopic ionization constants of cysteine., G E Clement and T P Hartz (Article)
Enzymatic resolution. An organic-biochemical laboratory experiment., G E Clement and R Potter (Article)
Sodium ion binding to pepsin and other proteins., G E Clement, A Siegel, and R Potter (Article)
Scleroderma and the subcutaneous tissue., R Fleischmajer, V Damiano, and A Nedwich (Article)
Correlation of the histologic observations and operative findings in patients with chronic pancreatitis., J M Howard and A Nedwich (Article)
Inflammatory disease of the lower gastrointestinal tract in children., P M James, F Hightower, R T Myers, and A Nedwich (Article)
Unusual congenital anomaly, proboscis-like structure arising from mandible., K Kaufmann-Friedman and H Suprun (Article)
Comparative histological changes in the normal lymph node following ethiodol lymphography and colloidal gold-198 lymphscanning., I Kazem, A Nedwich, R Mortel, and T Honda (Article)
Asphyxia from pacifier., I Mihalakis (Article)
Giant ulcers of the transverse colon., V S Naiken and R Rachman (Article)
Biliary cystadenoma. Report of a case and review of the literature., W F Short, A Nedwich, H A Levy, and J M Howard (Article)
The pH dependence of the dephosphorylated pepsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of N-acetyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-tyrosine methyl ester., G E Clement, J Rooney, D Zakheim, and J Eastman (Article)
Ribonuclease-inhibitor system abnormality in dystrophic mouse skeletal muscle., B W Little and W L Meyer (Article)
Malignant mixed müllerian tumors of the uterine corpus., R Mortel, A Nedwich, G C Lewis, and L W Brady (Article)
Research by clinical chemists in the United States. A statistical analysis., E W Rice (Article)
Entameba gingivalis in sputum. Its distinction from Entameba histolytica., M Rosenberg and R Rachman (Article)
Oxidation of beta-hydroxybutyrate infused into the cortical subarachnoid space., J J Spitzer, J A Spitzer, and T Matulewicz (Article)
[Recurrent clear cell hidradenoma (malignant sweat gland tumor) and sebaceous carcinoma (epithelioma) of the skin and the multi-potential reserve cell theory]., H Suprun and K Kaufman (Article)