Documentation Will Save You, Lisa Adam MSN, RN and Kai L. Bortz MSN, RN, CMSRN, CNL (Presentation)
Urinary complaints: Microscopic hematuria? Negative urine cultures? Recurrent uti symptoms?, Radhika Ailawadi MD (Presentation)
Current Approach to Pediatric Drowning, Diane Begany MD (Presentation)
Which Test, Which Patient – Assessing Chest Pain, Courtney E Bennett DO (Presentation)
It's Always Itchy, and It's Not Vaginitis?: Vulvar Skin Disorders, Christina Black MD (Presentation)
Vasomotor Symptoms of Menopause - What Can I Do for My Hot Flashes?, Christina Black MD (Presentation)
Squid Game: Perfusion Challenge, Courtney Bloss PA-C and Preet Varade MD (Presentation)
Alternatives to MHT, Emily Brophy MD (Presentation)
Update on Cervical Cancer Screening, Emily Brophy MD (Presentation)
So You Want to be Chief of Staff?, B Burns and Bryan G. Kane MD (Presentation)
Code ICH: A Call to Action, Kathryn Cheponis MD (Presentation)
Introduction to Pediatric Bioethics, Carole Dorr BS, RRT and Joshua Schulz PhD (Presentation)
Of Life and Limb: Limb Preservation in Peripheral Vascular Disease, Marissa Famularo DO (Presentation)
Breast Cancer Screening 101, Kristin Friel MD (Presentation)
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause: Estrogen Therapy and Beyond, Kristin Friel MD (Presentation)
Blood Transfusions in Trauma: Past, Present and Future, Abigail Gotsch MD (Presentation)
Beyond nimodipine: Intrathecal nicardipine and Other Therapies for Cerebral Vasospasm, Haia Hazim DO and Bilal A Darwish DO (Presentation)
THE SKIN: Common findings - to do / not to do / when to refer, Carol L Henwood DO (Presentation)
Office-Based Electrocardiogram Interpretation, Praveer Jain MD (Presentation)
Subclinical AFib and Wearable Technology, Hari Joshi MD (Presentation)
Anatomy of a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit, Kim Krupka Esq, CPHRM (Presentation)
From the Street to the Hospital: An MCI Communication Success, Jeffrey M. Kuklinski and Jason Knight (Presentation)
Doc why am I so tired? Iron deficiency in the OB/GYN practice, Bradley Lash (Presentation)
Disclosure: What is it and Why?, Matthew McCambridge MD (Presentation)
Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in the Post-Menopausal Female, Nidhi Mehta MD (Presentation)
Retinal Artery Occlusion: the Storm Before the Storm, Negar Moheb MD (Presentation)
Is leaking urine normal? Let's talk about it, Nabila Noor MD (Presentation)
Let’s Strike Out Stroke!, Veena Pawate DO (Presentation)
Endometriosis – ultrasound and medical management, Timothy M. Pellini MD (Presentation)
Lunch & Learn: Lifestyle Medicine/Managing PCOS through Culinary Medicine, Courtney Pinkham MD and Radhika Chandramouli MD (Presentation)
Monitoring Heart Failure Patients in the Outpatient Setting, Lekha Racharla DO (Presentation)
Grand Rounds with POCUS education, Kevin R. Roth DO, FACOEP; Hanna R. Warren DO; and Kristine L. Schultz MD (Presentation)
Thrombectomy in Patients with Large Core/Low ASPECTS, Sathvik Shastry MD and Ajay Menon MD (Presentation)
Fibroids – ultrasound classification and medical management/treatment, Andrew Shoemaker MD (Presentation)
Role of Lipoprotein(a), Andrew D. Sumner MD (Presentation)
Cardio-Oncology: Warning Signs in Primary Care, Deborah W Sundlof DO (Presentation)
"I’ve Fallen and Can’t Get Up” Anatomic and Physiologic Changes, Robert Tomsho DO, MS (Presentation)
Vaginitis – What You’re Itching to Know, Ann Vale MD (Presentation)
Family planning topic – Contraception for special populations, Treasure N. Walker (Presentation)
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy: An Update, Hussam A. Yacoub MD (Presentation)
Sunrise Session: Diagnosis and Management of Atypical Cases of Acute Stroke, Hussam A. Yacoub MD (Presentation)
An Interesting Etiology for Dysphagia, Lauren Altomare MD, Cody Sprague DO, and Cathya S. Olivas Michels MD (Presentation)
Propensity Matched Analysis of Contrasted vs. Noncontrasted Computed Tomography Imaging in Geriatric Injuries, Francesca Andronic MD (Presentation)
What a MESS: A story of limb salvage, Jully Araujo MD (Presentation)
Exploring Disparities in Cancer Screening among Women with Disabilities, Anam Aslam MD, Andrea Waxman MD, and Patricia L. Mara MD (Presentation)
Building a Healthcare Academy Model within a Regional Medical Campus Community, Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH and Cynthia A. Cappel DNP, MBA, NPD-BC, NE-BC (Presentation)
Obstetric and fetal outcomes with high risk and non-reportable low fetal fraction cell-free DNA results, Jessica C. Barry CGC, MS; Amanda L. Boyer MS; Natasha Combs MS; Mikayla Deluca; and Meredith Rochon MD (Presentation)
Avoiding Rapid Sequence Execution: Intubating the Poisoned Patient, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Presentation)
Finding a Niche in Emergency Medicine: Where Purpose Meets Value, Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Presentation)
A Rare Case of Postoperative Splenic Flexure Volvulus Successfully Treated by Laparoscopic Detorsion and Colopex, Levana Berlin DO, Hassan Hashmi MD, and M Rakhmanine MD (Presentation)
Geographic Variation in Opioid Prescribing by American Board of Emergency Medicine-Certified and Other Physicians Practicing Emergency Medicine., Y Bhakta, L Tyler, K B. Joldersma, J Geddes, and Chadd K. Kraus DO (Presentation)
A Novel Case of Salmonella Infected Splenic Hematoma in a Pediatric Patient, Shivangi D Bhatt MD (Presentation)
Vasomotor Symptoms of Menopause – What are the Best Choices for Your Patient, Christina Black MD (Presentation)
Colon Cancer Metastases to Multiple Sites Without Lung or Liver Involvement: A Case Report, Eric Bradford DO and William Sangster MD (Presentation)
Shared Decision Making: When EBM Meets Integrative Negotiations for Patient-Centered Care, Melissa L. Brannen MD, Claudia F. Busse MD, Teresa M. Romano MD, and Susan K. Yaeger MD (Presentation)
Thinking Outside the Cell: Extracellular Matrix Microparticle Treatment Improves Cardiac Outcomes in a Murine Model of Myocardial Ischemia, Mark Broadwin MD (Presentation)
The Textbook Didn’t Teach Me How to Empathize: Incorporating Relationship-Building into a Clinic Setting, Emily Brophy MD and Megan Ingram BA (Presentation)
Midlife Women with PCOS: How to Manage Unique Challenges, Emily Brophy MD and Brianne Maluda PA-C, MSPAS (Presentation)
Absence of Advance Care Planning Status Medical Record Documentation in ‘at risk’ Emergency Department Patients, William Carmichael and Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP (Presentation)
Is Evidence Based Medicine Dead? Exploring the Evolution of a Philosophical Paradigm?, C Carpenter, L Beattie, Bryan G. Kane MD, K Milne, and P Wyer (Presentation)
Evaluation of amoxicillin/clavulanate formulation and dosing pre- and post-implementation of a decision support intervention in pediatric patients, Leah Castelnovo PharmD; Kyle Shaak BS; Tibisay Villalobos MD; and Kristin M. Held PharmD, BCOP (Presentation)
Tonsillitis and Indication for Surgery, Sri Kiran Chennupati MD (Presentation)
AI in Hospital Medicine: A Physician’s Guide to the Future, Zhe Chen MD (Presentation)
Healing for the healer: Facing the stigma that keeps us and our patients unwell, Angela Colistra LPC, PhD, MS (Presentation)
Going Live with ResidencyCAS: Your Super Guide to ResidencyCAS at Home, AnnaMarie Connolly, Erika Banks, Maya Hammond, Arthur Ollendorff, and Julie Gualano (Presentation)
Evaluation of Middle Meningeal Artery Embolization Outcomes at a Level One Trauma Center, Alayna Craig-Lucas MD (Presentation)
Ipsilateral Shoulder and Elbow Dislocation, Toriana R Dabkowski, Alay Parikh DO, and Cathya S. Olivas Michels MD (Presentation)
An Unusual Complication of a Peripheral Bone Marrow Transplantation, Jeannez Daniel and Kristine L. Schultz MD (Presentation)
A Rare Case of Presacral Neuroendocrine Tumor Treated with Combined Robotic Dissection and Kraske Procedure, Cesar Barros DeSousa MD, Steven J. Capece MD, John S. Park MD, and M Rakhmanine MD (Presentation)
Colorectal cancer screening and prevention presentation and roundtable discussion with members of the community, Darrin Doran DO (Presentation)
Validation of the revised MUSA criteria for sonographic detection of adenomyosis, Shekinah Dosunmu MD; Eunice Lee MD; Albert P. Sarno . MD, MPH; Cassandra Mitchell MD; Julia Ruixi Wang; and Kyle Shaak BS (Presentation)
Monitoring Postoperative Weight Changes Following Reduction Mammoplasty in Adolescents, William Nick Doyle BS; Aaron Jacobs MD; Shae Duka MPH; Randolph Wojcik MD; Robert X. Murphy JR, MD, MS; and Marshall G. Miles DO (Presentation)
Perimenopause Mood Disorders – What Options Can I Try First, Maggie Driscoll MD (Presentation)
Maternal and ultrasound characteristics associated with persistence of cell-free DNA from a vanishing twin pregnancy, Lorraine Dugoff, Katherine Kothari, Tracy Adams, Jessica Scholl, Ashley S. Roman, Jill Berkin, Joseph Hurt, Jane Chueh, Samuel Wolf, Kelly Gorman, Kristy Palomares, Myra Wicks, Abdulla Al-Khan, Zeynep Alpay Savasan, Ronald J. Wapner, Jeff M. Livingston, Brittany Prigmore, Ebad Ahmed, Anastasia Butskova, Melissa Egbert, Sophia Vourthis, and Meredith Rochon MD (Presentation)
How and Why to Improve your Journal Club, C Eastin, Bryan G. Kane MD, D Mayer, L Melville, J Paxton, R Richards, and A Malik (Presentation)
Anticholinergic Delirium in a Pediatric Patient Reversed with Transdermal Rivastigmine: A Case Report, Natalie E. Ebeling-Koning DO; Natalie Burkert; Laura Koons PharmD, MSP, BCCCP; John D. Lindmark DO; A Pizon; and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Presentation)
Bounce Back to Dry Land: A Simulation-based perspective on Drowning, Nicole Elliott DO, Michael C. Nguyen MD, and Mostafa M. Meleis MD (Presentation)
Evaluation of the impact of an oral dextrose gel protocol on reduction of neonatal intensive care unit admissions, Stephen Ensor PharmD, Shae Duka MPH, and Katelin Kimler (Presentation)
How to Bounce Back from Challenging ED Patients with Trauma Informed Care, Jessica K. Eygnor DO (Presentation)
Sex Specific Differences in ED Patient Mortality Predictors and Documentation of End-of-Life Goals of Treatment., Jessica K. Eygnor DO; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Jennifer Allen MD; Katie Best RN; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Justin Stauffer PA-C; David M. Richardson MD; Courtney Moore MD; Katelyn McLain; Angelica Masullo DO; and Timothy J. Friel MD (Presentation)
An unusual diagnosis, Patrick Fagan, Conor McLaughlin DO, and Tasha Desai DO (Presentation)
Does Mean Arterial Pressure Augmentation Improve Neurological Recovery of Blunt Spinal Cord Injuries: An EAST Multicenter Trial. Scientific Session I - Raymond H. Alexander, MD Resident Paper Competition, Paper #1, Michael Steven Farrell (Presentation)
Impact of Catastrophic Brain Injury Protocols on Organ Donation Rates: Results of an EAST Multicenter Trial. Scientific Session VII, Paper #43, Michael Steven Farrell MD (Presentation)
Vitamin B12 Supplementation for NO-Induced Psychosis., David Finch MD and Maggie Driscoll MD (Presentation)
Bouncing Back to Sea Level from the 17,598 ft. View of Everest Base Camp, Greg Fischer DO (Presentation)
Lipoma Intussusception, Sarah Fish DO, George Angelakakis, and Kenneth D. Katz MD (Presentation)
Evaluation of safety and efficacy of direct oral anticoagulants in obese patients compared to non-obese patients, Shannon Fitzpatrick PharmD; Hope Kincaid MPH, CPH; and Katie Nesbitt PharmD, BCPS (Presentation)
Importance of Advocacy in Today’s World: How Can I Increase My Awareness to Keep All Women Healthy, Amanda B. Flicker MD (Presentation)
Sexual Health Menopause – When Vaginal Estrogen Cream Doesn’t Work, Kristin Friel MD (Presentation)
Adult Immunizations, Grant M. Greenberg M.D., M.H.S.A., M.A. (Presentation)
Superior Patient Experience is your Differentiator., Grant M. Greenberg M.D., M.H.S.A., M.A. (Presentation)
LVHN Healthcare Academy Model: Community Engagement & Impact, Kerri Green Ed.D, Jeanne M. Reilly M.Ed., and Lisa Keller MEd (Presentation)
The Use of Simulation for Future Health Care Professionals at the PASC 2024 Forging the Future of Simulation: Embracing Transformation and Innovation at the Center for Healthcare Education, Kerri Green Ed.D, M.S.; Jeanne M. Reilly M.Ed.; Lisa Keller MEd; and Gillian A. Beauchamp MD (Presentation)
Adaptability. New Program Manager Workshop presentation, Julie Gualano (Presentation)
APMOG Update, Julie Gualano (Presentation)
Invited faculty planner: New Program Managers Workshop and Panel Participant for the last day Q&A session for APMOG, Julie Gualano (Presentation)
Cerebrovascular Accidents and Mortality Following Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion in Patients with Moderate and Severe Chronic Renal Impairment, Rahul Gupta MD and Nainesh C. Patel MD (Presentation)
Chest Pain Guidelines – Updates You Need to Know, Justin L. Guthier (Presentation)
Trauma in the Geriatric Patient, Marah Hamdan MD (Presentation)
. Streamlining Communication between Internal Medicine & Surgical Specialties, Marah Hamdan MD, Timothy Graziano DO, Jason Weinberger DO, Amy Slenker MD, Kathryn Zaffiri MPH, and Terri Vian (Presentation)