
Labor and membrane rupture in twin gestation. Can they affect the ability to estimate fetal weight?, W E Roberts, E C Gnam, E F Magann, J N Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)




Revisiting the short cervix detected by transvaginal ultrasound in the second trimester: why cerclage therapy may not help., Orion Rust MD, Robert O. Atlas MD, James F. Reed III PhD, Janna Van Gaalen BA, and James Balducci MD (Article)


Preinduction cervical ripening. A randomized trial of intravaginal misoprostol alone vs. a combination of transcervical Foley balloon and intravaginal misoprostol., Orion Rust MD, M Greybush, R O Atlas, K J Jones, and J Balducci (Article)

The Maternal-Fetal Medicine/Critical Care Team: Its Impact on Other Specialty Consultations During Obstetric Intensive Care Unit Admissions., William E. Scorza MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Tricia T. Gilbert MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony T. Scardella MD; and Michael P. Carson MD (Poster)


New Jersey's Electronic Birth Certificate Program: Variations in Data Sources, John Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Maryellen L. Hanley MD, MPH; Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH; Judy Donlen DNSc, RN; and Lakota Kruse MD, MPH (Article)


Revisiting Sonographic Abdominal Circumference Measurements: A Comparison of Outer Centiles with Established Nomograms, John Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and Edwin R. Guzman MD (Article)

Risk for Infant Death by Gestational Age at Delivery in Pregnancies Complicated by Preeclampsia /Eclampsia: A Population-Based Study., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Maria E. Martins; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)

Term Intrapartum Fever, Interleukin-6, Histologic Inflammation and Neonatal Sepsis Status., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Vineet Bhandari MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; Carlene Quashie MD; William E. Scorza MD; and Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN (Poster)

Cord Blood Interleukin-6 and Early Development Outcomes for Very Preterm Infants., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; A Koons; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Fawaz Kashlan MD; and Rajeev Kassal MD (Poster)

Fibril Associated Collagens with Interrupted Triple Helices (FACITs) and Fibrillar Collagens in Premature Rupture of The Fetal Membranes., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Rita A. Hahn MS; Peihong Zhou MS; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; George H. Lambert MD; Donald R. Gerecke PhD; and Marion K. Gordon PhD (Poster)


Appropriateness of Antibiotic use in the Postpartum Period, John Smulian MD, MPH; S K. Potash; Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; and William E. Scorza MD (Article)


Clinical relevance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator, its receptor, and its inhibitor type 1 in endometrial cancer., C Tecimer, D L Doering, L J Goldsmith, J S Meyer, G Abdulhay, and J L Wittliff (Article)

Defining the Relationship Between Obstetricians and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists (Poster)., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; William E. Scorza MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)

Does Prenatal Care in The United States Have an Impact on Neonatal Death?., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; William E. Scorza MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)

Does Prenatal Care in The United States Prevent Fetal Death?., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; William E. Scorza MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)


Defining the Relationship Between Obstetricians and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; William E. Scorza MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Article)


Do Maternal-Fetal Medicine Practice Characteristics Influence High-Risk Referral Decisions by General Obstetrician-Gynecologists?, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; William E. Scorza MD; and Robert A. Knuppel Md, MPH (Article)


Risk Factors for Placental Abruption in Singleton and Twin Gestations in the United States., Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Kitaw Demissie MD, PhD; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)

Timing of Infant Death by Gestational Age at Delivery in Pregnancies Complicated by Abruption: A Population-Based Study., Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)


Using a SANE Interdisciplinary Approach to Care of Sexual Assault Victims., Frances Derhammer RN, BSN; Vincent Lucente MD; James F. Reed III PhD; and Mark J. Young MD (Article)


Evaluation of basal estradiol levels in assisted reproductive technology cycles., J L Frattarelli, P A Bergh, M R Drews, F I Sharara, and R T Scott (Article)


Basal antral follicle number and mean ovarian diameter predict cycle cancellation and ovarian responsiveness in assisted reproductive technology cycles., J L Frattarelli, D F Lauria-Costab, B T Miller, P A Bergh, and R T Scott (Article)


What do adolescent females know about breast cancer and prevention?, AG Freeman, C Scott, Andrea Waxman MD, and S Arcona (Article)

Obstetric Admissions to The Intensive Care Unit: Demographic and Severity of Illness Analysis., Tricia T. Gilbert MD; R Hardie; Andrew A. Martin MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; William E. Scorza MD; and Anthony T. Scardella MD (Poster)

Cepstral and Spectral Analysis of Fetal Heart Rate., Maryellen L. Hanley MD, MPH; H Rosen; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; W Craelius; D Curcie; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and Mark Hiatt MD (Poster)


Fibrocystic Breast Disease (8th Edition), C. B. Heath and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Book Chapter)


Preterm Labor (8th Edition), C. B. Heath and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Book Chapter)


Umbilical Vein Interleukin 6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Plasma Concentrations in the Very Preterm Infant, Fawaz Kashlan MD; John Smulian MD, MPH; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; Mujahid Anwar MD; Mark Hiatt MD; and Thomas Hegyi MD (Article)

Parental Age Difference and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in The United States, 1996-1997., Wendy L. Kinzler MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Parental Age Difference and Pregnancy Outcomes in the United States., Wendy L. Kinzler MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Prenatally Diagnosed Unilateral Cerebral Ventriculomegaly., Wendy L. Kinzler MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Prenatally Diagnosed Unilateral Ventriculomegaly., Wendy L. Kinzler MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)


Second-trimester cervical pregnancy presenting as a failed labor induction., W L Kinzler, William E. Scorza MD, S Schen-Schwarz, and A M Vintzileos (Article)

Obstetrics, Gynecology and Family Practice: Tropical Aquarium or Kettle of Piranhas?, Stephen K. Klasko MD, FACOG, MBA and William L. Miller MD, AAFP, MA (Article)

Patterns of Postpartum Fever at a Tertiary Perinatal Medical Center., Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; Marian F. Lake MPH, RNC; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)

Chapter 2-Laparoscopic Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery., Vincent Lucente MD and John R. Miklos MD (Book Chapter)


The Predictive Value of Endometrial Thickness in Patients Receiving Tamoxifen, Vincent Lucente MD; Norman F. Navarro MD; William B. Dupree MD; Stephen K. Klasko MD, MBA; and James F. Reed III PhD (Article)


Bone mineral densitometry substantially influences health-related behaviors of postmenopausal women., C D Marci, W B Anderson, M B Viechnicki, and S L Greenspan (Article)

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Exposure and Clear Cell Carcinoma, Martin A. Martino MD (Presentation)

The Menopause, Martin A. Martino MD (Presentation)

"Understanding Osteoporosis,” A patient educational video., Martin A. Martino MD and Gloria Bachmann (Video)


Abnormal Spinal Curvature and its Relationship to Pelvic Organ Prolapse., T.Fleming Mattox MD,; Vincent Lucente MD; Patrick E. McIntyre MD,; John R. Miklos MD,; and Janet Tomezsko MD, (Article)

Evaluation of Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM) in the United States: Is Labor a Risk Factor for Adverse Neonatal Outcomes?., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Success of Induction of Labor Among Women with Eclampsia in the United States., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)


Foot Length in Fetuses with Abnormal Growth, Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)

Meconium and Fetal Gender., Myriam A.J. Mondestin MD; A Grunebaum; B Levin; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)

Intrapartum Fever as a Risk Factor of Neonatal Outcomes and Infant Death., Anna Petrova MD, PhD; Kitaw Demissie MD, PhD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; George G. Rhoads MD, MPH; Stephen W. Marcella MD, MPH; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Poster)

Maternal Fever During Labor is Associated with Increased Risk of Neonatal Mortality., Anna Petrova MD, PhD; Kitaw Demissie MD, PhD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; George G. Rhoads MD, MPH; Stephen W. Marcella MD, MPH; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Poster)

Frequency of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Multiple Gestations., Angela C. Ranzini MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)

Pregnancy Complications and Obstetrical Interventions in Women of Young Maternal age: A Population-Based Study in the United States., Angela C. Ranzini MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)

Pregnancy Complications in Women of Advanced Maternal Age: a Population-Based Study in the United States., Angela C. Ranzini MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: is It Related to Intrauterine Infection., Angela C. Ranzini MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; B Ostfeld; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)


Randomized trial of intermittent or continuous amnioinfusion for variable decelerations., B K Rinehart, D A Terrone, J H Barrow, C M Isler, P S Barrilleaux, and W E Roberts (Article)


Single umbilical artery is associated with an increased incidence of structural and chromosomal anomalies and growth restriction., B K Rinehart, D A Terrone, C W Taylor, C M Isler, J E Larmon, and W E Roberts (Article)


A Randomized Trial of Cerclage Versus no Cerclage Among Patients With Ultrasonographically Detected Second-Trimester Preterm Dilatation of the Internal Os., Orion Rust MD, Robert O. Atlas MD, Kelly J. Jones BS, Brandy B. Benham MD, and James Balducci MD (Article)


The Bloodless Blood Knot, William E. Scorza MD; Melvin Ashford MD; and John Smulian MD, MPH (Article)

The timing of Fetal Death by Pregnancy Complications: A Population-Based Study for The United States., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Timing of Infant Death by Gestational Age at Delivery after an Uncomplicated Pregnancy: A Population-Based Study in the United States., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Maria E. Martins; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)

Timing of Infant Death by Gestational Age at Delivery in Pregnancies Complicated by Intrauterine Growth Restriction: A Population-Based Study., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Maria E. Martins; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)

Intrapartum Fever at Term: What is The Evidence for Acute Inflammation?., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; Fawaz Kashlan MD; Vineet Bhandari MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Intrapartum Fever at Term: What is the Evidence for Acute Inflammation as an Etiology?., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; Fawaz Kashlan MD; Vineet Bhandari MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)


After-Hours Telephone Calls to Obstetrician-Gynecologists, John Smulian MD, MPH; Amanda D. Reeve MD; Elaine A. Donoghue MD; Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH; Thomas O. McCann MD; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Article)


Clinical relevance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator, its receptor and inhibitor type 1 in ovarian cancer., C. Tecimer, D. L. Doering, L. J. Goldsmith, J. S. Meyer, G. Abdulhay, and J. L. Wittliff (Article)


Routine Second-Trimester Ultrasonography in the United States: A Cost-Benefit Analysis, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD (Article)

Do Maternal-Fetal Medicine Practice Characteristics Influence High-Risk Referral Decisions by General Obstetrician-Gynecologists? (Poster)., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, PHD (Poster)


Cost-Benefit Analysis of Prenatal Diagnosis for Down Syndrome Using the British or the American Approach, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Article)


Complications of lower extremity arteriovenous grafts in patients with end-stage renal disease., Kristina M. Vogel MD; Martin A. Martino MD; Sean P. O'Brien MD; and Morris D. Kerstein MD, FACS (Article)



Incidence of Placental Abruption in Relation to Cigarette Smoking and Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies, Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)


Maternal hypoglycemia: is it associated with adverse perinatal outcome?, E F Calfee, Orion Rust MD, J A Bofill, E L Ross, and J C Morrison (Article)


Amniotic fluid index in normal pregnancy: a longitudinal study., S P Chauhan, W E Roberts, J N Martin, E F Magann, and J C Morrison (Article)


Monozygotic twinning associated with mechanical assisted hatching., A Hershlag, T Paine, G W Cooper, G M Scholl, K Rawlinson, and G Kvapil (Article)


Oligoasthenozoospermia is not associated with spontaneous abortions following in vivo pregnancies contrasting with in vitro fertilization data., D Katsoff, D Kiefer, M Check, and J H Check (Article)


Cisplatin, radiation, and adjuvant hysterectomy compared with radiation and adjuvant hysterectomy for bulky stage IB cervical carcinoma., H M Keys, B N Bundy, F B Stehman, L I Muderspach, W E Chafe, C L Suggs, J L Walker, and D Gersell (Article)


Hydrophobic forces drive spontaneous membrane insertion of the bacteriophage Pf3 coat protein without topological control., D Kiefer and A Kuhn (Article)


The Phantom Stethoscope: A Field Manual for Finding an Optimistic Future in Medicine, Stephen K. Klasko MD, MBA and Gregori P. Shea PhD (Book)


Tension-Free Vaginal Tape: A Minimally Invasive Technique for Treating Female SUI., Neeraj Kohli MD, John R. Miklos MD, and Vincent Lucente MD (Article)

Antibiotic Use in The Postpartum Patient., Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; S K. Potash; Marian F. Lake MPH, RNC; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)


Group A Streptococcus causing PID from an initial pharyngeal infection. A case report., E K Lamb, J N Anasti, and H B Leonetti (Article)


Transdermal progesterone cream for vasomotor symptoms and postmenopausal bone loss., H B Leonetti, S Longo, and J N Anasti (Article)

“Our Clinic, A Video Tour,” A bilingual educational video for patients in our community., Martin A. Martino MD (Video)

Foot Length in Fetuses with Skeletal Dysplasias., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Presentation)

Fetal foot length versus bicerebellar diameter: Which is Least Affected in the Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetus?, Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Foot Length in Fetuses with Skeletal Dysplasias., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Foot Length in Fetuses with Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 21., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Presentation)

Foot Length in the Large for Gestational Age Fetus., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Foot Length in the Large-for-Gestational-Age Fetus., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Presentation)

Is the Foot Small in the Small for Gestational Age Fetus?., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)

Is the Foot Small in the Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetus?, Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Presentation)


Value of Maintenance Therapy with Oral Tocolytics: A Systematic Review, Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)


Laparoscopic management of recurrent vesicovaginal fistula., John R. Miklos MD, Craig Sobolewski MD, and Vincent Lucente MD (Article)

Meconium and Fetal Gender., Myriam A.J. Mondestin MD; A Grunebaum; B Levin; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Presentation)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Placental Pathology., B M. Ostfeld; Angela C. Ranzini MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Mark Hiatt MD; and Thomas Hegyi MD (Poster)


Second-trimester uterine evacuation: A comparison of intra-amniotic (15S)-15-methyl-prostaglandin F2alpha and intravaginal misoprostol., K G Perry, B K Rinehart, D A Terrone, R W Martin, W L May, and W E Roberts (Article)

Prevention Strategies for Group B Streptococcal Infection in Neonates: Survey of New Jersey Obstetricians., Anna Petrova MD, PhD and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)


Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of uterine rupture following open fetal surgery., A C Ranzini, M White, E R Guzman, and William E. Scorza MD (Article)


Modern obstetric management and outcome of infants with gastroschisis., B K Rinehart, D A Terrone, C M Isler, J E Larmon, K G Perry, and W E Roberts (Article)


The impact of leiomyomas on pregnancy, W E. Roberts, K S. Fulp, J C. Morrison, and J N. Martin (Article)

Prenatal Diagnosis of Duplication 4p Mosaicism., C Rodriguez; T Cimaroli; L Sciorra; Edwin R. Guzman MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD (Poster)


Familial inheritance of mandibular arch malformations affecting three individuals in one family., Orion Rust MD, J A Bofill, H G Boch, and W E Roberts (Article)