Cardiac Metastasis from Carcinoma of the Cervix: Report of Two Cases., Julio F. Lemus MD; Gazi Abdulhay MD; Craig Sobolewski MD; and Victor R. Risch MD., PhD (Article)
A phase II trial of CPT-11 in recurrent squamous carcinoma of the cervix: a gynecologic oncology group study., K Y Look, J A Blessing, C Levenback, M Kohler, W Chafe, and L D Roman (Article)
The Protective Effect of Estrogen on the Cardiac Adrenergic Nervous System, Martin A. Martino MD (Presentation)
Enhancing Prenatal Education: a Wellness Basics Model., Martin A. Martino MD, I Burd, and Gloria Bachmann (Poster)
Erythropoietin therapy improves graft patency with no increased incidence of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis., Martin A. Martino MD; Kristina M. Vogel MD; Sean P. O'Brien MD; and Morris D. Kerstein MD, FACS (Article)
Oral magnesium for tocolysis: a comparison of magnesium gluconate and enteric-coated magnesium chloride., R W Martin, K G Perry, J N Martin, D P Seago, W E Roberts, and J C Morrison (Article)
Tocolytic Drug Interaction in Myometrial Tissue from Preterm and Term Sheep., Harold M. McNamara; R Bajaj; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Shyam B. Hatangadi; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Peter W. Nathanielsz MD, PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)
Do Oral Tocolytics Prevent Recurrent Preterm Labor? A Systematic Review., Natalie B. Meirowitz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)
Site-Specific Fascial Defects in the Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Enterocele., John R. Miklos MD, Neeraj Kohli MD, Vincent Lucente MD, and William B. Saye MD (Article)
The histopathology and biologic prognostic factors of Barrett's esophagus: a review., C Ortiz-Hidalgo, Guillermo De La Vega MD, and J Aguirre-García (Article)
Maternal mortality associated with adult respiratory distress syndrome., K G Perry, R W Martin, P G Blake, W E Roberts, and J N Martin (Article)
Comparison of intra-amniotic (15S)-15-methyl-PGF2 alpha and intravaginal prostaglandin E2 for second-trimester uterine evacuation., K G Perry, W E Roberts, R W Martin, E F Magann, D L Sullivan, and J C Morrison (Article)
Practical and financial considerations that affect selection and purchase of ultrasound equipment., W E Roberts (Article)
Has the use of home monitors, fetal fibronectin, and measurement of cervical length helped predict labor and/or prevent preterm delivery in twins?, W E Roberts and J C Morrison (Article)
Two-hour postprandial test versus one-hour, fifty-gram glucola test as screening tools for gestational diabetes: a critical analysis., Orion Rust MD, J A Bofill, S C Carroll, B D Cowan, R W Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)
Disorders of Hemoglobin Structure, Function and Synthesis., Orion Rust MD and Kenneth G. Perry MD (Book Chapter)
Tips in Diagnosing Fetal Skeletal Anomalies., Orion Rust MD, Kenneth G. Perry MD, and William E. Roberts MD (Article)
A comparative study of ketorolac (Toradol) and magnesium sulfate for arrest of preterm labor., S J Schorr, M H Ascarelli, Orion Rust MD, E L Ross, E L Calfee, K G Perry, and J C Morrison (Article)
The Mystery Surrounding Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: Does The Clue Lie in Placental Histopathology?., William E. Scorza MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; K Oksoy; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)
Diseases of Bone and Cartilage in Pregnancy, William E. Scorza MD and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Book Chapter)
Umbilical Vein Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor- (TNF) in Preterm Deliveries with Histologic Chorioamnionitis., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Fawaz Kashlan MD; Thomas Hegyi MD; and Susan Shen-Schwarz MD (Poster)
Clinical Chorioamnionitis: Does the Placenta Hold the Key to Diagnostic Accuracy?., John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Marian F. Lake MPH, RNC; Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; K Oksoy; K McGuire; and Susan Shen-Schwarz MD (Poster)
Fetal Hydrops in the First Trimester Associated with Maternal Parvovirus Infection, John Smulian MD, MPH; James F.X. Egan MD; and John F. Rodis MD (Article)
In Utero Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Growth Discordancy in a Quadruplet Pregnancy, John Smulian MD, MPH and Robert K. Sigman MD (Article)
Cesarean delivery for the second twin in the vertex-vertex presentation: operative indications and predictability., C A Sullivan, D Harkins, D P Seago, W E Roberts, and J C Morrison (Article)
Androgens stimulate early stages of follicular growth in the primate ovary., K A Vendola, J Zhou, O O Adesanya, S J Weil, and C A Bondy (Article)
A Cost-Effectiveness and Outcomes-Based Evaluation of Targeted Sonography for Prenatal Detection of Spina Bifida (SB) in Patients with Elevated Second Trimester Maternal Serum Alpha Feto-Protein (MSAFP), Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; and Tryfon Beazoglou PhD (Poster)
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of First-Trimester and Second-Trimester Genetic Sonography for Prenatal Detection of Down Syndrome., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Presentation)
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Prenatal Strategies for Detection of Trisomy 18., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Presentation)
A cost-effectiveness Analysis of Sonography for Prenatal Detection of Spina Bifida (SB) in Patients with Elevated Second Trimester Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Presentation)
A Cost-Effectiveness and Outcomes-Based Evaluation of Prenatal Strategies for Detection of Trisomy 18., Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Poster)
An Economic Evaluation of First-Trimester Genetic Sonography for Prenatal Detection of Down Syndrome, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; and Tryfon Beazoglou PhD (Article)
An Economic Evaluation of Prenatal Strategies for Detection of Trisomy 18, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Article)
An Economic Evaluation of Second-Trimester Genetic Ultrasonography for Prenatal Detection of Down Syndrome, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; John Smulian MD, MPH; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tryfon Beazoglou PhD; and Robert A. Knuppel MD, MPH (Article)
Research Design and Methods of Quantitative Synthesis of Medical Evidence, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Letter to the Editor)
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Prenatal Carrier Screening for Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; Allan J. Fisher MD; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; and Tryfon Beazoglou PhD (Article)
Relationship Between Cervical Colonization with Ureaplasma and Clinical/Histological Infectious Outcomes in Patients Presenting with Preterm Labor., E T. Vostrovsky; Carlos W. Benito MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Marian F. Lake MPH, RNC; and Martin A. Martino MD (Poster)
Sexual Trauma as the Only Risk Factor for Suicidality in Adolescent Females, Kerrj Wiltchik, Andrea Waxman, Carolyn Scott, John F. Campion MD, James Reed, and Elizabeth Fox (Article)
The Effect of Maternal Diabetes on Sonographic Fetal Ear Lengths., Lami Yeo MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Poster)
Isolated Fetal Renal Abnormalities: Sonographic Progression and Postnatal Pediatric Awareness., Lami Yeo MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos; R Bakshi; and Chris A. Walters MD (Poster)
Accuracy of Ultrasound in Detecting Abruptio Placenta., Lami Yeo MD; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Carlos W. Benito MD; and Chris A. Walters MD (Presentation)
Sonographic Detection of Abruptio Placenta: Dispelling the Myth That the Condition is a Diagnosis of Exclusion., Lami Yeo MD; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Carlos W. Benito MD; and Chris A. Walters MD (Poster)
Epidemiology of Antepartum Fetal Testing, Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)
The Association of Placenta Previa with History of Cesarean Delivery and Abortion: A Metaanalysis, Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)
Do incentive programs influence perinatal outcomes?, James Balducci, J M. Linnander, J Reed, M Pajarillo, E J. Sussman, and Stephen Klasko (Article)
Preeclampsia: Immunologic Alteration of Nitabuch's Membrane? Clinical Sequelae., James Balducci MD; Patrice M. Weiss MD; Robert O. Atlas MD; Marc F. Pajarillo; William B. Dupree MD; and Stephen K. Klasko MD, MBA (Article)
The perinatal partnership: Outcomes analysis of a hospital/community prenatal program, J Balducci, J M. Linnander, and J Reed (Article)
Growth factor expression by human oviduct and buffalo rat liver coculture cells., L I Barmat, K C Worrilow, and B V Paynton (Article)
Placental Morphology in Twin Gestations with Preeclampsia, Carlos W. Benito MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; and Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN (Poster)
A Randomized Trial of Two Vacuum Extraction Techniques., James A. Bofill MD, Orion Rust MD, Stephen J. Schorr MD, Robert C. Brown MD, William E. Roberts MD, and John C. Morrison MD (Article)
Neonatal cephalohematoma from vacuum extraction., J A Bofill, Orion Rust MD, M Devidas, W E Roberts, J C Morrison, and J N Martin (Article)
Shoulder dystocia and operative vaginal delivery., J A Bofill, Orion Rust MD, M Devidas, W E Roberts, J C Morrison, and J N Martin (Article)
Long-term intravenous tocolytic therapy., J P Bruner; T A Bruner; and Albert P. Sarno MD, MPH (Article)
The Effects of Method of Placental Delivery and Intraoperative Glove Changing on Post-Cesarean Febrile Morbidity, Maureen Cernadas MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Gregg Giannina MD; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Poster)
Internet survey of colposcopy practices., M J Chmielewski and C J Dunton (Article)
Antiphospholipid antibodies and pregnancy rates and outcome in in vitro fertilization patients., A L Denis, M Guido, R D Adler, P A Bergh, C Brenner, and R T Scott (Article)
A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Evaluation of Terbutaline for External Cephalic Version, Carlos O. Fernandez MD; Steven L. Bloom MD; John Smulian MD; Cande V. Ananth Phd, MPH; and George D. Wendel JR, MD (Article)
The natural history of a positive response to transfundal pressure in women at risk for cervical incompetence., E R Guzman, A M Vintzileos, D A McLean, M E Martins, C W Benito, and M L Hanley (Article)
Placental Cord Insertion in Relation to Birth Weight and Placental Weight Discordancy in Twin Gestations, Maryellen L. Hanley MD, MPH; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; Yu-Ling Lai-Lin RNC, MSN; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)
Primary and Repeat Cesarean Indications: A Comparative Analysis, Maryellen L. Hanley MD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Presentation)
Umbilical Vein Interleukin-6 (cIL-6) Levels and Infection in Very Low Birth Weight Infants, Fawaz Kashlan MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Mujahid Anwar MD; Mark Hiatt MD; and Thomas Hegyi MD (Presentation)
Umbilical Vein Interleukin-6 (cIL-6) Levels and Intracranial Events in Very Low Birth Weight Infants, Fawaz Kashlan MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Mujahid Anwar MD; Mark Hiatt MD; and Thomas Hegyi MD (Presentation)
Evidence that oligoasthenozoospermia may be an etiologic factor for spontaneous abortion after in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer., D Kiefer, J H Check, and D Katsoff (Article)
Lowering the incidence of cesarean section with active management of labor, Julio Lemus, James Balducci, Robert O. Atlas MD, and Stephen Klasko (Article)
The use of intrauterine pressure catheters in active management of labor, Julio Lemus, James Balducci, Robert O. Atlas MD, and Stephen Klasko (Article)
The case for trial of labor in the patient with a prior low-segment vertical cesarean incision., J N Martin, K G Perry, W E Roberts, and E F Meydrech (Article)
Granular cell tumor (Abrikossoff tumor) of the clitoris., C Ortiz-Hidalgo, Guillermo De La Vega MD, and C Moreno-Collado (Article)
Prenatal diagnosis of de Lange syndrome., A C Ranzini, D Day-Salvatore, D Farren-Chavez, D A McLean, and R Greco (Article)
Intrauterine Growth and Ultrasound Findings in Fetuses with Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, Angela C. Razini MD; Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD; Tena Turner RN; John Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)
Confidentiality and Minors, C William Riede, Carolyn Scott, and Andrea Waxman (Article)
Are obstetric interventions such as cervical ripening, induction of labor, amnioinfusion, or amniotomy associated with umbilical cord prolapse?, W E Roberts, R W Martin, H H Roach, K G Perry, J N Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)
A Comparison of Three Different Sonographic Circumference Measuring Techniques to Predict Fetal Birth Weight, Joanne C. Rosenberg RDMS; Angela C. Ranzini MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Regina Waldron; K Gipson; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)
The Origin of Endothelin-1 in Patients with Severe Preeclampsia., Orion Rust MD, James A. Bofill MD, Dion H. Zappe PhD, John E. Hall PhD, John C. Burnett MD, and James N. Martin Jr. MD (Article)
Twins and Preterm Labor., Orion Rust MD; Kenneth G. Perry Jr., MD; Michael E. Andrew PhD; William E. Roberts MD; Rick W. Martin MD; and John C. Morrison MD (Article)
A randomized trial of epidural anesthesia to improve external cephalic version success., S J Schorr, S E Speights, E L Ross, J A Bofill, Orion Rust MD, P F Norman, and J C Morrison (Article)
Umbilical Cord Twist Patterns in Twin Gestations, Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Poster)
Value of Umbilical Artery and Vein Levels of Interleukin-6 and Soluble Intracellular Adhesion Molecule-1 as Predictors of Neonatal Hematologic Indices and Suspected Early Sepsis, John Smulian MD, MPH; Vineet Bhandari MD; Winston A. Campbell MD; John F. Rodis MD; and Anthony M. Vintzileos MD (Article)
Second-Trimester Ultrasound Markers for Detection of Trisomy 21: Which Markers Are Best?, John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)
The Association of Placenta Previa with History of Cesarean Delivery and Abortion: A Metaanalysis, John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)
Correlation Between Umbilical Artery and Vein Levels of Interleukin-6 and Soluble Intracellular Adhesion Molecule-1, John Smulian MD, MPH; Winston A. Campbell MD; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and John F. Rodis MD (Article)
Prediction of Early Neonatal Sepsis by Clinical Chorioamnionitis Versus Umbilical Vein Interleukin-6 Levels, John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Jennifer R. Santiago MD; Yu-Ling Lay; Marian F. Lake RNC, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and Winston A. Campbell MD (Presentation)
Placental Pathology Findings in Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Low Platelets (HELLP) Syndrome Versus Severe Preeclampsia, John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Susan Shen-Schwarz MD; and K C. Dixon (Poster)
Transabdominal Versus Transvaginal Sonographic Measurement of Fetal Nuchal Translucency in the First Trimester: A Comparison of Methodologies, John Smulian MD, MPH; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; David A. McLean MD; Joanne C. Rosenberg RDMS; and Debra L. Day-Salvatore MD, PhD (Article)
Alarming Incidence of Sexual Assault Among Suicidal Female Adolescents, Elizabeth Temole, Andrea Waxman, Carolyn Scott, John F. Campion MD, and James Reed (Article)
Second-Trimester Ultrasound Markers for Detection of Trisomy 21: Which Markers Are Best?, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Winston A. Campbell MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; John Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; and Cande V. Ananth Phd, MPH (Article)
The Use of Second Trimester Genetic Sonogram for Prenatal Detection of Trisomy 21: An Update, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Winston A. Campbell MD; John F. Rodis MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; and David A. McLean MD (Presentation)
Utility of Second Trimester Genetic Sonogram for Detection of Fetal Trisomy 21, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Presentation)
Utilization of Second Trimester Genetic Sonogram for Detection of Trisomy 21 and Its Role in Influencing Women's Decision to Undergo Amniocentesis, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Poster)
Choice of Second-Trimester Genetic Sonogram for Detection of Trisomy 21, Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; Edwin R. Guzman MD; John Smulian MD, MPH; David A. McLean MD; and Cande V. Ananth PhD, MPH (Article)
Chemotaxis of macrophages by a peritoneal fluid protein in women with endometriosis., S J Weil, S Wang, M C Perez, and C R Lyttle (Article)
Does Centralized Monitoring Affect Perinatal Outcome?, Patrice M. Weiss MD; James Balducci MD; James F. Reed III PhD; Stephen K. Klasko MD, MBA; and Orion Rust MD (Article)
Unique Prenatal Sonographic Features of Mosaic Tetraploidy: Three Case Histories, Lami Yeo MD; Allan J. Fisher MD; Angela C. Ranzini MD; Debra L. Day-Salvatroe MD, PhD; Anthony M. Vintzileos MD; and John C. Smulian MD, MPH (Poster)
Fetal Seizures: a Case Study., Lori A. Abrams DO and James Balducci MD (Article)
A Case Control Study of Uterine Rupture During Pregnancy, Carlos W. Benito MD; John C. Smulian MD, MPH; Scott E. Gray MD; and William E. Scorza MD (Poster)
Vaginal versus abdominal reconstructive surgery for the treatment of pelvic support defects: a prospective randomized study with long-term outcome evaluation., J T Benson, Vincent Lucente, and E McClellan (Article)
Forceps and vacuum delivery: a survey of North American residency programs., J A Bofill, Orion Rust MD, K G Perry, W E Roberts, R W Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)
Operative vaginal delivery: a survey of fellows of ACOG., J A Bofill, Orion Rust MD, K G Perry, W E Roberts, R W Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)
A randomized prospective trial of the obstetric forceps versus the M-cup vacuum extractor., J A Bofill, Orion Rust MD, S J Schorr, R C Brown, R W Martin, J N Martin, and J C Morrison (Article)
Intrapartum amniotic fluid index. A poor diagnostic test for adverse perinatal outcome., S P Chauhan, B D Cowan, E F Magann, W E Roberts, J C Morrison, and J N Martin (Article)
Diabetic ketoacidosis complicating pregnancy., S P Chauhan, K G Perry, B N McLaughlin, W E Roberts, C A Sullivan, and J C Morrison (Article)