
Ultrasound in obstetric decision making. How accurate are late ultrasound scans in gestational age and fetal weight assessment?, V A Catanzarite and B I Rose (Article)


A randomized trial of high dose bolus metoclopramide versus low-dose continuous infusion metoclopramide in the prevention of cisplatin-induced emesis., B W Dana, M McDermott, E Everts, and G Abdulhay (Article)


Adjuvant radiotherapy for stage I, grade 2 endometrial adenocarcinoma and adenoacanthoma with limited myometrial invasion., J Fanning, M C Evans, A J Peters, M Samuel, E R Harmon, and J S Bates (Article)


Significance of membrane thickness in the sonographic evaluation of twin gestations., B S Hertzberg, A B Kurtz, H Y Choi, J M Kaczmarczyk, W Warren, R J Wapner, L Needleman, O H Baltarowich, M E Pasto, and M D Rifkin (Article)


Risks of chorion villus sampling., L G Jackson and R J Wapner (Article)


Luteal phase defects., C S Lee (Article)


Prenatal detection of neural tube defects--a multidisciplinary approach., J N Martin, A Walker, V Read, R W Martin, L W Hess, J Y Gibson, J C Morrison, and M D Graves (Article)


A study on intrauterine fetal resuscitation with terbutaline., M S Patriarco, B M Viechnicki, Thomas A. Hutchinson MD, Stephen K. Klasko MD, and S Y Yeh (Article)


Safety of Hyskon for routine gynecologic surgery. A case report., B I Rose (Article)


Efficacy of Doppler echocardiography in the evaluation of aortic stenosis during pregnancy., B I Rose, R H Holbrook, J Wyner, S Cohen, and K Ueland (Article)


A simplified method for estimating fetal weight using ultrasound measurements., B I Rose and W D McCallum (Article)


Resolution of oliguria in a pre-eclamptic after treatment with magnesium sulfate., B I Rose, R Spencer, and P Hensleigh (Article)


Induction of urokinase-type plasminogen activator by UV light in human fetal fibroblasts is mediated through a UV-induced secreted protein., N Rotem, J H Axelrod, and R Miskin (Article)


Premenstrual syndrome: beneficial effects of periodic, low-dose danazol., Albert P. Sarno . MD, MPH; E J Miller; and E G Lundblad (Article)


Biopsy of the scalene fat pad in carcinoma of the cervix uteri metastatic to the periaortic lymph nodes., F B Stehman, B N Bundy, P Hanjani, W C Fowler, G Abdulhay, and C W Whitney (Article)


Factors affecting nursery survival of very low birth weight infants., A J Teberg, S Hotrakitya, P Y Wu, S Y Yeh, and T Hoppenbrouwers (Article)


Prepartum diagnosis of limb-shortening defects with associated hydramnios., R L Thomas, L W Hess, and T R Johnson (Article)


The fetal biophysical profile in pregnancies with grade III placentas., A M Vintzileos, W A Campbell, S J Feinstein, J G Lodeiro, P J Weinbaum, and D J Nochimson (Article)



Long-term follow-up after removal of an abdominal pregnancy: ultrasound evaluation of the involuting placenta., H L Belfar, A B Kurtz, and R J Wapner (Article)


Evaluation of new plastic envelope microbiology (PEM) methods as adjuncts in the diagnosis of Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis., W K Brady; D D Paine; L P Frye; Albert P. Sarno MD, MPH; A Purdon; K A Borchardt; and P G Engelkirk (Article)


The abnormal fetal heart rate baseline., W R Cohen and S Y Yeh (Article)


Diminished respiratory sinus arrhythmia in asphyxiated term infants., M Y Divon, H Winkler, S Y Yeh, L D Platt, O Langer, and I R Merkatz (Article)


Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern after administration of nalbuphine hydrochloride: a case report., S J Feinstein, J G Lodeiro, A M Vintzileos, W A Campbell, J T Montgomery, and D J Nochimson (Article)


Amniocentesis with premature rupture of membranes., S J Feinstein, A M Vintzileos, J G Lodeiro, W A Campbell, P J Weinbaum, and D J Nochimson (Article)


Gestational trophoblastic disease with coexistent normal fetus: evaluation by ultrasound-guided chorionic villus sampling., B S Hertzberg, A B Kurtz, R J Wapner, A Blocklinger, G Davis, N Roberts, and L Needleman (Article)


Significance of opaque discolored amniotic fluid at second-trimester amniocentesis., L W Hess, R L Anderson, and M S Golbus (Article)


Plasma and amniotic fluid concentrations of fibronectin during normal pregnancy., L W Hess, W F O'Brien, J A Holmberg, C A Winkel, W P Monaghan, and V G Hemming (Article)


Use of the Greenfield filter for thromboembolic disease in pregnancy., C H Hux, R J Wapner, B Chayen, P Rattan, B Jarrell, and L Greenfield (Article)


In utero analysis of heterozygous achondroplasia: variable time of onset as detected by femur length measurements., A B Kurtz, R A Filly, R J Wapner, M S Golbus, M R Rifkin, P W Callen, and M E Pasto (Article)


Abruptio placentae: apparent thickening of the placenta caused by hyperechoic retroplacental clot., M C Mintz, A B Kurtz, R Arenson, P H Arger, B G Coleman, R J Wapner, and B B Goldberg (Article)


Immunological thrombocytopenia in pregnancy., M Patriarco and S Y Yeh (Article)


Zinc-vitamin A interaction in pregnant and fetal rats: supplemental vitamin A does not prevent zinc-deficiency-induced teratogenesis., A J Peters, C L Keen, B Lönnerdal, and L S Hurley (Article)


Phase II trials of cisplatin and piperazinedione in advanced or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study., J T Thigpen, J A Blessing, H D Homesley, and G C Lewis (Article)


Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome. Prenatal sonographic findings and review of the literature., A M Vintzileos, L I Eisenfeld, V C Herson, C J Ingardia, S J Feinstein, and J G Lodeiro (Article)


Fetal biophysical profile and the effect of premature rupture of the membranes., A M Vintzileos, S J Feinstein, J G Lodeiro, W A Campbell, P J Weinbaum, and D J Nochimson (Article)


Value of fetal ponderal index in predicting growth retardation., A M Vintzileos, J G Lodeiro, S J Feinstein, W A Campbell, P J Weinbaum, and D J Nochimson (Article)



Leukocyte esterase activity in the rapid detection of urinary tract and lower genital tract infections in obstetric patients., I A Abbasi, L W Hess, T R Johnson, E McFadden, and B Chernow (Article)


Human lymphoblastoid interferon in the treatment of advanced epithelial ovarian malignancies: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study., G Abdulhay, P J DiSaia, J A Blessing, and W T Creasman (Article)


Hypogastric artery ligation for obstetric hemorrhage., S L Clark, J P Phelan, S Y Yeh, S R Bruce, and R H Paul (Article)


Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation Under Peritoneal Lavage Anesthesia, Ramon Deeb MD and Bruce M. Viechnicki MD (Article)


Evoked fetal startle response: a possible intrauterine neurological examination., M Y Divon, L D Platt, C J Cantrell, C V Smith, S Y Yeh, and R H Paul (Article)


Autocorrelation techniques in fetal monitoring., M Y Divon, F P Torres, S Y Yeh, and R H Paul (Article)


Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in the human fetus., M Y Divon, S Y Yeh, E Z Zimmer, L D Platt, E Paldi, and R H Paul (Article)


Effect of maternal intravenous glucose administration on fetal heart rate patterns and fetal breathing., M Y Divon, E Z Zimmer, S Y Yeh, A Vilenski, Z Sarna, E Paldi, and L D Platt (Article)


Intrapartum ultrasound diagnosis of nuchal cord as a decisive factor in management., S J Feinstein, J G Lodeiro, A M Vintzileos, P J Weinbaum, W A Campbell, and D J Nochimson (Article)


Endometriosis with massive ascites., J Halme, W Chafe, and J L Currie (Article)


Rapid in vitro replication of group B streptococcus in term human amniotic fluid., V G Hemming, K Nagarajan, L W Hess, G W Fischer, S R Wilson, and L S Thomas (Article)


Effect of intrauterine antibiotic lavage after cesarean birth on postoperative morbidity., R B Kellum, W E Roberts, J B Harris, N Khansur, and J C Morrison (Article)


Recurrent adenocarcinoma in a ferret., T A Miller, D L Denman, and G C Lewis (Article)


Trial of labor in the patient with a prior cesarean birth., R H Paul, J P Phelan, and S Y Yeh (Article)


The role of ultrasound assessment of amniotic fluid volume in the management of the postdate pregnancy., J P Phelan, L D Platt, S Y Yeh, P Broussard, and R H Paul (Article)


Ultrasonic estimation of weight in the very low-birth weight fetus: a resident versus staff physician comparison., M P Tahilramaney, L D Platt, S Y Yeh, G R DeVore, L Sipos, and R H Paul (Article)


From micro to mainframe. A practical approach to perinatal data processing., S Y Yeh and T Lincoln (Article)


Changing Trends of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring in the United States, Sze-Ya Yeh (Article)



Multiple primaries among gynecologic malignancies., J H Axelrod, R Fruchter, and J G Boyce (Article)


Single-fraction palliative pelvic radiation therapy in gynecologic oncology: 1,000 rads., W Chafe, W C Fowler, J L Currie, M L Davis, L A Walton, and G Montana (Article)


Emergency hysterectomy for obstetric hemorrhage., S L Clark, S Y Yeh, J P Phelan, S Bruce, and R H Paul (Article)


ICRF-159 (razoxane) in patients with advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. For the Gynecologic Oncology Group., J F Conroy, G C Lewis, J A Blessing, C Mangan, K Hatch, and G Wilbanks (Article)


Subclinical autoimmune disease and unexplained abortion., S Cowchock, R D Dehoratius, R J Wapner, and L G Jackson (Article)


Subclinical autoimmune disease and unexplained abortion., S Cowchock, R D Dehoratius, R J Wapner, and L G Jackson (Article)


Antenatal diagnosis of hydrometrocolpos by ultrasound examination., G H Davis, R J Wapner, A B Kurtz, G Chhibber, J FitzSimmons, and A J Blocklinger (Article)


Does early diagnosis and delivery in acute fatty liver of pregnancy lead to improvement in maternal and infant survival?, E C Ebert, E A Sun, S H Wright, J P Decker, R J Librizzi, R J Bolognese, and W H Lipshutz (Article)


Your CE topic this month (no. 3). Drug abuse in pregnancy., L P Finnegan and R J Wapner (Article)


Chorionic biopsy., L G Jackson and R J Wapner (Article)


Total uterine volume: a new graph and its clinical applications., A B Kurtz, R J Kurtz, M D Rifkin, M E Pasto, C Cole-Beuglet, O H Baltarowich, R J Wapner, J Tsatalis, and B B Goldberg (Article)


The inaccuracy of total uterine volume measurements: sources of error and a proposed solution., A B Kurtz, W M Shaw, R J Kurtz, M D Rifkin, M E Pasto, C Cole-Beuglet, O H Baltarowich, R J Wapner, P M Foy, and P M Morgan (Article)


Continuing role of the nonstress test in the management of postdates pregnancy., J P Phelan, L D Platt, S Y Yeh, M Trujillo, and R H Paul (Article)


Disseminated Kaposi's sarcoma in pregnancy: a manifestation of acquired immune deficiency syndrome., K F Rawlinson, A B Zubrow, M A Harris, U C Jackson, and S Chao (Article)



Meningeal carcinomatosis complicating gynecologic malignancies: a literature review and report of a case., Y N Bakri, J H Lee, G C Lewis, F D Lublin, and B Danoff (Article)


Radical vulvectomy with use of tensor fascia lata myocutaneous flap., W Chafe, W C Fowler, L A Walton, and J L Currie (Article)


Repeated pregnancy loss., J FitzSimmons, R J Wapner, and L G Jackson (Article)


Sonographic antepartum diagnosis of dicephalus dipus dibrachius: two case reports., K J Garten, K F Rawlinson, and R P Pulliam (Article)


Ultrasonographic diagnosis of second-trimester skeletal dysplasias: a prospective analysis in a high-risk population., A B Kurtz and R J Wapner (Article)


Coronary artery bypass surgery during pregnancy., J F Majdan, P Walinsky, S F Cowchock, R J Wapner, and L Plzak (Article)


Ultrasonographic findings in placenta increta., M E Pasto, A B Kurtz, M D Rifkin, C Cole-Beuglet, R J Wapner, and B B Goldberg (Article)


Comments on the use of cord-blood mononuclear cells in screening for DR specific maternal antibodies., M S Pollack, N Flomenberg, P Henderson, C Callaway, D LeBlanc, K Rawlinson, and S Chao (Article)


Heterotopic pregnancy: a case report., Peter Yaswinski MD, J I Komins, and L Rosenbaum (Article)


Plasma unconjugated estriol as an indicator of fetal dysmaturity in postterm pregnancy., S Y Yeh and J A Read (Article)



Uterine choriocarcinoma with negative specific serum radioimmunoassay for human chorionic gonadotropins., Y Bakri, J H Lee, A E Jahshan, and G C Lewis (Article)


Brief clinical report: not all cystic hygromas occur in the Ullrich-Turner syndrome., F S Cowchock, R J Wapner, A Kurtz, S Chatzkel, J S Barnhart, and D C Lesnick (Article)


Meperidine-induced sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern and reversal with naloxone., H Epstein, Andrea Waxman MD, N Gleicher, and N H Lauersen (Article)


Problem of abnormal fetal position., A B Kurtz, P A Dubbins, R J Wapner, and B B Goldberg (Article)


Real-time ultrasonographic evaluation of normal fetal adrenal glands., E Lewis, A B Kurtz, P A Dubbins, R J Wapner, and B B Goldberg (Article)


Therapeutic alternatives in oncology. Presidential address., G C Lewis (Article)


Carcinoid tumors of the uterine cervix: response to combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy., M H Louka, B Danoff, H S Brodovsky, and A E Jahshan (Article)


Chronic pelvic pain: intrapelvic fluid as possible etiologic factor., J S Missanelli (Article)


Phase II studies in advanced, recurrent pelvic malignancies: conducted by the Gynecologic Oncology Group, Experimental Design and Experience., M Slavik, J C Arsenau, J Blessing, and G C Lewis (Article)


Antepartum fetal heart rate testing and the post-term gestation., Y S Thornton, S Y Yeh, and R H Petrie (Article)


Intrapartum monitoring and management of the postdate fetus., S Y Yeh, S L Bruce, and Y S Thornton (Article)


Ten-year experience of intrapartum fetal monitoring in Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Medical Center., S Y Yeh, F Diaz, and R H Paul (Article)


Management of post-term pregnancy in a large obstetric population., S Y Yeh and J A Read (Article)



Treatment of cervical carcinoma with methotrexate, bleomycin and vincristine., K Behnam, G C Lewis, J H Lee, and M H Looka (Article)


Response of ovine uterine blood flow to angiotensin II: effect on the fetus., S L Bruce, H O Morishima, R H Petrie, K Sakuma, S S Daniel, and S Y Yeh (Article)


Pelvic exenteration: a 7-year experience., S L Curry, W A Nahhas, A E Jahshan, C W Whitney, and R Mortel (Article)


Second-look laparotomy for ovarian cancer., S L Curry, M M Zembo, W A Nahhas, A E Jahshan, C W Whitney, and R Mortel (Article)


Ongoing clinical trials in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia by the Gynecologic Oncology Group., P J DiSaia, J Blessing, and G C Lewis (Article)


Renal agenesis: spectrum in utero findings., P A Dubbins, A B Kurtz, R J Wapner, and B B Goldberg (Article)


Antepartum fetal surveillance in diabetic pregnant patients., C S Jorge, R Artal, R H Paul, U Goebelsmann, J Gratacós, S Y Yeh, S H Golde, and J H Mestman (Article)


Fetal Ultrasound findings in alpha-thalassemia major., A B Kurtz, P M Foy, R J Wapner, C S Rubin, P A Dubbins, and C Cole-Beuglet (Article)


Antenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of the prune-belly syndrome., J Lebed, S Weiner, R J Librizzi, and R J Bolognese (Article)