DNA microarray reveals novel genes induced by mechanical forces in fetal lung type II epithelial cells., Yulian Wang, Benjamin S Maciejewski, Gaia Weissmann, Ophira Silbert MD, Hillary Han, and Juan Sanchez-Esteban (Article)
Phase II investigation of docetaxel in pediatric patients with recurrent solid tumors: a report from the Children's Oncology Group., Ted Zwerdling, Mark Krailo, Philip Monteleone MD, Rebecca Byrd, Judith Sato, Rose Dunaway, Nita Seibel, Zhengjia Chen, John Strain, and Gregory Reaman (Article)
Overweight children and adolescents: a clinical report of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition., Susan Baker, Sarah Barlow, William Cochran, George Fuchs, William Klish, Nancy Krebs, Richard Strauss, Andrew Tershakovec, and John Udall (Article)
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children., Preetam Bandla, Lee J Brooks, Tara Trimarchi, and Mark Helfaer (Article)
Evaluation of stature development during childhood and adolescence in individuals with familial hypophosphatemic rickets., Mauro M S Borghi, Veronica Coates, and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
A surgeon in your corner., Christopher Coppola MD (Article)
Trends in operative management of pediatric splenic injury in a regional trauma system., Daniela H Davis, A Russell Localio, Perry W Stafford, Mark A Helfaer, and Dennis R Durbin (Article)
A request means less., Troy E Dominguez and Joel D Portnoy (Article)
Cysts of serendipity., Nayomi K Edirisinghe, Marwan Kazimi, Marc Lessin MD, and Brian F Gilchrist (Article)
The diagnostic accuracy of serologic markers in children with IBD: the West Virginia experience., Yoram Elitsur, Zandra Lawrence, and Naser Tolaymat MD (Article)
Atypical presentation of shock from acute adrenal insufficiency in an adolescent male., Maria Y Kwok, Matthew C Scanlon, and Arnold H Slyper (Article)
You've Led the Horse to Water, Now How Do You Get Him to Drink: Managing Change and Increasing Utilization of Computerized Provider Order Entry, Donald Levick MD; Harry F. Lukens; and Paula L. Stillman MD, MBA (Article)
A patient with mosaic partial trisomy 18 resulting from dicentric chromosome breakage., Jennifer J D Morrissette, Livija Medne, Tyrone Bentley, Nancy L Owens, Elizabeth Geiger, Mary Pipan, Elaine H Zackai, Tamim Shaikh, and Nancy B Spinner (Article)
A model program for youth suicide prevention., Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA, Depo-Provera) in adolescents: what is next after the FDA black box warning., Hatim Omar MD and Sari Kives (Article)
Extended use of the oral contraceptive pill--is it an acceptable option for the adolescent?, Hatim Omar MD, Sari Kives, and Lisa Allen (Article)
Prevalence of obesity and lack of physical activity among Kentucky adolescents., Hatim Omar MD and Kristin Rager (Article)
Oncolytic herpes simplex virus mutants are more efficacious than wild-type adenovirus Type 5 for the treatment of high-risk neuroblastomas in preclinical models., Nehal S Parikh MD, Mark A Currier, Yonatan Y Mahller, Lisa C Adams, Betsy Di Pasquale, Margaret H Collins, and Timothy P Cripe (Article)
A young girl with hemolytic anemia and elevated hemoglobin F., Nehal S Parikh MD, James D Hoyer, and Timothy P Cripe (Article)
Hormonal contraception: noncontraceptive benefits and medical contraindications., Kristin M Rager and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Aripiprazole in children and adolescents: clinical experience., Thomas A Rugino and Yvette Janvier (Article)
Prothrombotic risk factors in infants of diabetic mothers., Shikha Sarkar; J. Nathan Hagstrom MD, MHCM; Charles J Ingardia; Trudy Lerer; and Victor C Herson (Article)
Kinetic therapy improves oxygenation in critically ill pediatric patients., Theresa Ryan Schultz, Richard Lin, Barbara A Francis, Roberta L Hales, Shawn Colborn, Linda A Napoli, and Mark A Helfaer (Article)
Motor vehicle crash brain injury in infants and toddlers: a suitable model for inflicted head injury?, Mahim Shah, Monica S Vavilala, Kenneth W Feldman, and Daniel K Hallam (Article)
Recurrent lower abdominal pain in older children and adolescents: revised clinical approach., Harohalli Shashidhar and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Effective methimazole dose for childhood Graves' disease and use of free triiodothyronine combined with concurrent thyroid-stimulating hormone level to identify mild hyperthyroidism and delayed pituitary recovery., Arnold H Slyper, David Wyatt, and Christian Boudreau (Article)
Influence of glycemic load on HDL cholesterol in youth., Arnold Slyper, Jason Jurva, Joan Pleuss, Raymond Hoffmann, and David Gutterman (Article)
The influence of lipoproteins on whole-blood viscosity at multiple shear rates., Arnold Slyper, Anh Le, Jason Jurva, and David Gutterman (Article)
Nitrovasodilator responses in pulmonary arterioles from rats with nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia., Zoran Vukcevic, Christopher Coppola MD, Chris Hults, and John R Gosche (Article)
Myocardial calcification caused by secondary hyperparathyroidism due to dietary deficiency of calcium and vitamin D., A N Zaidi, G D Ceneviva, L M Phipps, M D Dettorre, C R Mart, and N J Thomas (Article)
Hemorheology, melatonin and pinealectomy. What's the relationship? An experimental study., Mustafa Berker, Neslihan Dikmenoglu, Gökhan Bozkurt, Zuhal Ergönül, and Tunçalp Ozgen (Article)
Rehabilitation of movement disorders., Ross A Bogey, Elie P Elovic, Phillip R Bryant, Carolyn C Geis, Alex Moroz, and Bryan J O'Neill (Article)
Stroke and neurodegenerative disorders. 3. Stroke: rehabilitation management., Ross A Bogey, Carolyn C Geis, Phillip R Bryant, Alex Moroz, and Bryan J O'neill (Article)
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (inflammatory pseudotumor) of the neck infiltrating the trachea., Marybeth Browne MD, Lisa P Abramson, Pauline M Chou, Robert Acton, Lauren D Holinger, and Marleta Reynolds (Article)
Sirenomelia with an angiomatous lumbosacral myelocystocele in a full-term infant., Marybeth Browne MD, Philip Fitchev, Brian Adley, and Susan E Crawford (Article)
Stroke and neurodegenerative disorders. 4. Neurodegenerative disorders., Phillip R Bryant, Carolyn C Geis, Alex Moroz, Bryan J O'neill, and Ross A Bogey (Article)
Open heart surgery in patients 85 years and older., Wellington J. Davis MD, Mikhail Vaynblat, Mario Chiavarelli, Prashant Shah, Rafael Fazylov, Zvi Zisbrod, and Joseph N Cunningham (Article)
Incident reporting in the information age., Troy E Dominguez and Joel D Portnoy (Article)
Guidelines for critical care medicine training and continuing medical education., Todd Dorman, Peter B Angood, Derek C Angus, Terry P Clemmer, Neal H Cohen, Charles G Durbin, Jay L Falk, Mark A Helfaer, Marilyn T Haupt, H Mathilda Horst, Michael E Ivy, Frederick P Ognibene, Robert N Sladen, Ake N A Grenvik, and Lena M Napolitano (Article)
Autosomal dominant transmission of congenital hypothyroidism, neonatal respiratory distress, and ataxia caused by a mutation of NKX2-1., Daniel A Doyle, Iris Gonzalez, Becky Thomas-Creskoff MD, and Mena Scavina (Article)
Using computer based data acquisition and analysis system for nasal potential difference measurement in cystic fibrosis., Zuhal Ergönül, Z Dicle Balkanci, Gökhan Yilmaz, Nural Kiper, Ebru Yalçin, Deniz Doğru, Uğur Ozçelik, and Ayhan Göçmen (Article)
Amantadine in pediatric patients with traumatic brain injury: a retrospective, case-controlled study., Liza B Green, Joseph E Hornyak, and Edward A Hurvitz (Article)
Advising parents about children's participation in clinical research., K Sarah Hoehn and Robert M Nelson (Article)
Role of intracardiac ultrasound in interventional electrophysiology., B John Hynes, Chris Mart, Steve Artman, Min Pu, and Gerald V Naccarelli (Article)
An evidence-based review of important issues concerning neonatal hyperbilirubinemia., Stanley Ip, Mei Chung, John Kulig, Rebecca O'Brien, Robert Sege, Stephan Glicken, M Jeffrey Maisels, and Joseph Lau (Article)
Hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus: 50 years later., Stanley Ip, Joseph Lau, Mei Chung, John Kulig, Robert Sege, Stephan Glicken, and Rebecca O'Brien (Article)
Distinct activation signals determine whether IL-21 induces B cell costimulation, growth arrest, or Bim-dependent apoptosis., Haoli Jin, Roberto Carrio, Aixin Yu, and Thomas R Malek (Article)
Successful treatment of encrusted cystitis and pyelitis with preservation of renal graft., Richard Lee, Michele R. Clement MD, Michael C Carr, Douglas A Canning, and Kenneth L Brayman (Article)
An evaluation of a noninvasive cardiac output measurement using partial carbon dioxide rebreathing in children., Richard J Levy, Rosetta M Chiavacci, Susan C Nicolson, Jonathan J Rome, Richard J Lin, Mark A Helfaer, and Vinay M Nadkarni (Article)
Long-term evaluation of the use of the transdermal contraceptive patch in adolescents., Stephanie Logsdon, Jessica Richards, and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Optimization of protein production in mammalian cells with a coexpressed fluorescent marker., Filippo Mancia, Saurabh D Patel, Michael W Rajala, Philipp E Scherer, Adriana Nemes, Ira Schieren, Wayne A Hendrickson, and Lawrence Shapiro (Article)
Spontaneous breathing through an inspiratory impedance threshold device augments cardiac index and stroke volume index in a pediatric porcine model of hemorrhagic hypovolemia., Bradley S Marino, Demetris Yannopoulos, Gardar Sigurdsson, Lillian Lai, Catherine Cho, Andrew Redington, Susan Nicolson, Vinay Nadkarni, and Keith G Lurie (Article)
Sensation seeking and symptoms of disruptive disorder: association with nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana use in early and mid-adolescence., Catherine A Martin, Thomas H Kelly, Mary Kay Rayens, Bethanie Brogli, Kathryn Himelreich, Allen Brenzel, Christopher M Bingcang, and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Parvalbumin gene delivery improves diastolic function in the aged myocardium in vivo., Daniel E Michele, Michael L Szatkowski MD, Faris P Albayya, and Joseph M Metzger (Article)
Shaken baby syndrome without intracranial hemorrhage on initial computed tomography, Yair Morad, Isaac Avni, Louise Capra, Mary E. Case, Kenneth Feldman, Sylvia R. Kodsi, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD, James L. Lukefahr, and Alex V. Levin (Article)
Stroke and neurodegenerative disorders. 2. Stroke: comorbidities and complications., Alex Moroz, Ross A Bogey, Phillip R Bryant, Carolyn C Geis, and Bryan J O'Neill (Article)
Risk factors for mortality in 137 pediatric cardiac intensive care unit patients managed with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation., Marilyn C Morris, Richard F Ittenbach, Rodolfo I Godinez, Joel D Portnoy, Sarah Tabbutt, Brian D Hanna, Timothy M Hoffman, J William Gaynor, James T Connelly, Mark A Helfaer, Thomas L Spray, and Gil Wernovsky (Article)
The growing teratoma syndrome., Katherine Nimkin, Punita Gupta, Roy McCauley, Brian F Gilchrist, and Marc Lessin MD (Article)
Screening for dating violence: should we screen or not?, Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Clinical profiles, occurrence, and management of adolescent patients with HAIR-AN syndrome., Hatim Omar MD, Stephanie Logsdon, and Jessica Richards (Article)
Cultural sensitivity in providing reproductive care to adolescents., Hatim Omar MD and Jessica Richard (Article)
Stroke and neurodegenerative disorders. 1. Acute stroke evaluation, management, risks, prevention, and prognosis., Bryan J O'Neill, Carolyn C Geis, Ross A Bogey, Alex Moroz, and Phillip R Bryant (Article)
Disulfide-dependent multimeric assembly of resistin family hormones., Saurabh D Patel, Michael W Rajala, Luciano Rossetti, Philipp E Scherer, and Lawrence Shapiro (Article)
He/she has fallen, but we can't come up with an approach to evaluate him/her: the role of computed tomography scans and physical findings in minor head injury., Jill C Posner and Mark Helfaer (Article)
Approaches in the management of acute respiratory failure in children., Margaret A Priestley and Mark A Helfaer (Article)
Traumatic axonal injury is exacerbated following repetitive closed head injury in the neonatal pig., Ramesh Raghupathi, Mehrdad F Mehr, Mark A Helfaer, and Susan S Margulies (Article)
S-100beta protein--serum levels in children with brain neoplasms and its potential as a tumor marker., Anil Rajendra, Philip C Spinella, Henry R Drott, Troy E Dominguez, Leslie Sutton, and Mark Helfaer (Article)
Comparison of low-flow cardiopulmonary bypass and circulatory arrest on brain oxygen and metabolism., Steven Schultz, Jennifer Creed, Gregory Schears, Tatiana Zaitseva, William Greeley, David F Wilson, and Anna Pastuszko (Article)
Evidence based treatment of bronchiolitis., G R Sethi and Gaurav Nagar MD (Article)
Clinical review 168: What vascular ultrasound testing has revealed about pediatric atherogenesis, and a potential clinical role for ultrasound in pediatric risk assessment., Arnold H Slyper (Article)
The pediatric obesity epidemic: causes and controversies., Arnold H Slyper (Article)
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of S-100beta in children and its elevation in pediatric meningitis., Philip C Spinella, Aaron Donoghue, Anil Rajendra, Henry R Drott, Troy E Dominguez, and Mark Helfaer (Article)
Association of timing, duration, and intensity of hyperglycemia with intensive care unit mortality in critically ill children., Vijay Srinivasan, Philip C Spinella, Henry R Drott, Carey L Roth, Mark A Helfaer, and Vinay Nadkarni (Article)
Association of lipid peroxidation with antenatal betamethasone and oxygen radial disorders in preterm infants., Barry Weinberger, Mujahid Anwar, Samir Henien, Ana Sosnovsky, Mark Hiatt, Nina Jochnowitz, Gisela Witz, and Thomas Hegyi (Article)
The effect of a thyroid hormone infusion on vasopressor support in critically ill children with cessation of neurologic function., Athena F Zuppa, Vinay Nadkarni, Lauren Davis, Peter C Adamson, Mark A Helfaer, Michael R Elliott, John Abrams, and Dennis Durbin (Article)
Validation of the Perkins Adolescent Risk Screen (PARS)., Christina D Adams, Kathaleen C Perkins, Vicki Lumley, Christine Hughes, James J Burns, and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Methylene blue: dangerous dye for neonates., Matthew Albert, Marc Lessin MD, and Brian F Gilchrist (Article)
Autosomal dominant pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib is associated with a heterozygous microdeletion that likely disrupts a putative imprinting control element of GNAS., Murat Bastepe, Leopold F Fröhlich, Geoffrey N Hendy, Olafur S Indridason, Robert G Josse, Hiroyuki Koshiyama, Jarmo Körkkö, Jon M Nakamoto, Arlan L Rosenbloom, Arnold H Slyper, Toshitsugu Sugimoto, Agathocles Tsatsoulis, John D Crawford, and Harald Jüppner (Article)
Chylothorax following apparently spontaneous central venous thrombosis in a patient with septic shock., John W Berkenbosch, Philip M Monteleone, and Joseph D Tobias (Article)
A 16-year-old boy with purpura and leg pain., Catherine April Bingham MD, Yukiko Kimura, and Lisa Imundo (Article)
Neo-aortic root dilation and valve regurgitation up to 21 years after staged reconstruction for hypoplastic left heart syndrome., Meryl S Cohen, Bradley S Marino, Doff B McElhinney, Daniëlle Robbers-Visser, Wendy van der Woerd, J William Gaynor, Thomas L Spray, and Gil Wernovsky (Article)
Targeting diastolic dysfunction by genetic engineering of calcium handling proteins., Pierre Coutu, Jennifer C Hirsch, Michael L Szatkowski MD, and Joseph M Metzger (Article)
Parenting adolescents., Sandra L D'Angelo and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Tissue oxygen tension during regional low-flow perfusion in neonates., William M DeCampli, Gregory Schears, Richard Myung, Steven Schultz, Jennifer Creed, Anna Pastuszko, and David F Wilson (Article)
Shigatoxin-1 binding and receptor expression in human kidneys do not change with age., Zuhal Ergonul, Frederic Clayton, Agnes B Fogo, and Donald E Kohan (Article)
Induction of apoptosis of human brain microvascular endothelial cells by shiga toxin 1., Zuhal Ergonul, Alisa K Hughes, and Donald E Kohan (Article)
Eating disorders in adolescents: position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine., Neville H Golden; Debra K Katzman; Richard E Kreipe; Sarah Stevens MD, MPH; Susan M Sawyer; Jane Rees; Dasha Nicholls; and Ellen S Rome (Article)
Association between vegetarian diet and menstrual problems in young women: a case presentation and brief review., Joan Griffith and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Transient loss of microtubule-associated protein 2 immunoreactivity after moderate brain injury in mice., Jimmy W Huh, Ramesh Raghupathi, Helmut L Laurer, Mark A Helfaer, and Kathryn E Saatman (Article)
Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography in a 1.4-kg infant with complex congenital heart disease., C R Mart, D M Fehr, J L Myers, and K L Rosen (Article)
A new on-line method for predicting aortic root dilatation during two-dimensional echocardiography in pediatric patients with Marfan syndrome using the sinus of valsalva to annulus ratio., C R Mart, S A Khan, F C Smith, and R E W Kavey (Article)
Sex education in the schools: what role does it play?, Darby H McElderry and Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Our adolescents--our future., Hatim Omar MD (Article)
Adolescent violence prevention: a case presentation., Hatim Omar MD and Joan Griffith (Article)
Educating adolescents about puberty: what are we missing?, Hatim Omar MD, Darby McElderry, and Rana Zakharia (Article)
Cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion: sticking together as a family., Saurabh D Patel, Chien Peter Chen, Fabiana Bahna, Barry Honig, and Lawrence Shapiro (Article)
Criteria for determining disability in infants and children: failure to thrive., E C Perrin, C H Cole, D A Frank, S R Glicken, N Guerina, K Petit, R Sege, M V Volpe, J Lau, C A McFadden, P Chew, D DeVine, and K Miller (Article)
Hypoalbuminemia with valproic acid administration., Thomas A Rugino, Yvette Janvier, Janice M Baunach, and Carol A Bilat (Article)
Effect of perfusion flow rate on tissue oxygenation in newborn piglets during cardiopulmonary bypass., Gregory Schears, Steven E Schultz, Jennifer Creed, William J Greeley, David F Wilson, and Anna Pastuszko (Article)
S-100beta protein-serum levels in healthy children and its association with outcome in pediatric traumatic brain injury., Philip C Spinella, Troy Dominguez, Henry R Drott, Jimmy Huh, Lisa McCormick, Anil Rajendra, Jesse Argon, Tracy McIntosh, and Mark Helfaer (Article)