
Sex differences in amygdala shape: Insights from Turner syndrome., Tamar Green, Kyle C Fierro, Mira M Raman, Lara Foland-Ross, David S. Hong MD, and Allan L Reiss (Article)


Developmental venous anomaly: a rare cause of cerebellar ataxia., Ashley Griswold (Article)


Brief Report: Association of Myositis Autoantibodies, Clinical Features, and Environmental Exposures at Illness Onset With Disease Course in Juvenile Myositis., G Esther A Habers, Adam M Huber, Gulnara Mamyrova, Ira N Targoff, Terrance P O'Hanlon, Sharon Adams, Janardan P Pandey, Chantal Boonacker, Marco van Brussel, Frederick W Miller, Annet van Royen-Kerkhof, Lisa G Rider, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)

Reliability and Robust Improvement: Our Children's Hospital's Journey, J. Nathan Hagstrom MD, MHCM (Presentation)

The 5 Whys of Quality Improvement in Hemophilia, J. Nathan Hagstrom MD, MHCM (Presentation)

The Future is in Our Teams, J. Nathan Hagstrom MD, MHCM (Presentation)


Improving care delivery and outcomes in pediatric rheumatic diseases., Julia G Harris, Catherine April Bingham MD, and Esi M Morgan (Article)


Assessing High Reliability in Inpatient Pediatric Units, Rachael Hart; Brittany O'Brien; and J. Nathan Hagstrom MD, MHCM (Poster)

Pediatric Antimicrobial Stewardship - We're Going Ambulatory, Kristin M. Held PharmD, BCOP (Presentation)


Here/In This Issue and There/Abstract Thinking: The Data Revolution Has Arrived, but Are We Ready? A Call to Action for Child Psychiatry., David S. Hong MD (Article)


Here/In This Issue and There/Abstract Thinking: Wielding Weapons: The Intersection Between Firearms and Child Psychiatry., David S. Hong MD (Article)


Genetic Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Is a Determinant of Crohn's Disease Development in Chronic Granulomatous Disease., Chengrui Huang, Suk See De Ravin, Adam R Paul DO, Theo Heller, Nancy Ho, Lisa Wu Datta, Christa S Zerbe, Beatriz E Marciano, Douglas B Kuhns, Howard A Kader, Steven M Holland, Harry L Malech, and Steven R Brant (Article)


Genetic Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Is a Determinant of Crohn's Disease Development in Chronic Granulomatous Disease., Chengrui Huang PhD, Suk S. De Ravin MD, Adam R. Paul DO, Theo Heller MD, Nancy Ho MD, Lisa Wu Datta MS, Christa S. Zerbe MD, Beatriz E. Marciano MD, Douglas B. Kuhns PhD, Howard A. Kader MD, Steven M. Holland MD, Harry L. Malech MD, and Steven R. Brant MD (Article)


Screening for autism spectrum disorder in underserved communities: Early childcare providers as reporters., Yvette M Janvier, Jill F Harris, Caroline N Coffield, Barbara Louis, Ming Xie, Zuleyha Cidav, and David S. Mandell (Article)

Burnout, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Amongst Incoming Residents of Various Specialties: Are the Differences Born or Made? (Poster)., Bryan G. Kane MD; Amy B. Smith PhD; Joanne Quinn; Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Elaine A. Donoghue MD; Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH; Bernadette Glenn-Porter BS; Jennifer E. Macfarlan MPH; and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Poster)


Burnout, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Amongst Incoming Residents of Various Specialties: Are the Differences Born or Made?, Bryan G. Kane MD; Amy B. Smith PhD; Joann Quinn PhD; Kevin Weaver DO; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Elaine A. Donoghue MD; Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH; Bernadette Glenn-Porter BS; Jennifer Macfarlan; and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Article)


Impaired Brain Dopamine and Serotonin Release and Uptake in Wistar Rats Following Treatment with Carboplatin., Sam V Kaplan, Ryan A Limbocker, Rachel C Gehringer, Jenny L Divis, Gregory L Osterhaus, Maxwell Newby MD, Michael J Sofis, David P Jarmolowicz, Brooke D Newman, Tiffany A Mathews, and Michael A Johnson (Article)


Piloting a Social Needs Screener in a Pediatric Clinic, Madeleine Kapushy, Kimberly C. Brown MD, Samantha A. Goodrich, and Preethi Rajan (Poster)


Case Series of Synthetic Cannabinoid Intoxication from One Toxicology Center., Kenneth D. Katz MD, Adam Leonetti DO, Blake C Bailey, Ryan M Surmaitis DO, Eric R Eustice, Sherri Kacinko, and Scott Wheatley MD (Article)


Hand Edema and Erythema in an Infant, Karoline Korah DO, Kris Rooney MD, and Catherine April Bingham MD (Article)

The NICU's Top Ten List, Wendy J. Kowalski MD (Presentation)

Children's Community Acquired Pneumonia Pathway, Liborio LaRussa MD (Presentation)

The RIME Method of Assessment, Liborio LaRussa MD (Presentation)

Blood Clots: a Case of an Adolescent with a Pulmonary Embolism, Liborio LaRussa MD, Sheila Aseto DO, and Kai Turner (Report)

Case: 3 week intermittent fever, non-productive cough and dyspnea in a previously healthy 17 year old boy, Liborio LaRussa MD, Sheila Aseto DO, and Kai Turner (Report)


Black Adolescent Females' Perceptions of Racial Discrimination When Accessing Reproductive and General Health Care, Valerie J. Lewis M.D. (Article)

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Pediatrics, John D. Lindmark DO (Presentation)

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) in Children, Sabrina Logan MD (Presentation)


Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease: initial experience with ferumoxytol., Aarti Luhar, Sarah Khan, J Paul Finn, Shahnaz Ghahremani, Rachel Griggs, Joshua Zaritsky, Isidro Salusky, and Theodore R Hall (Article)


Rate of Detection of Multiple Organisms with Multiplex PCR Gastrointestinal Panel in Pediatrics, Saisho Mangla DO, Tibisay Villalobos MD, and Kristin M. Held Wheatley PharmD (Poster)


A Milestone-Based System of Pediatric Faculty Evaluation: They Aren’t Just for Residents Anymore, Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD, Kris Rooney MD, and Elaine A. Donoghue MD (Poster)


A mixed methods study of clinical information availability in obstetric triage and prenatal offices., Chad D. Meyerhoefer PhD, Susan A. Sherer PhD, Mary E. Deily, Shin-Yi Chou PhD, Lizhong Peng, Tianyan Hu, Marion B. Nihen MD, Michael Sheinberg MD, and Donald L. Levick MD (Article)


Bursting the Information Bubble: Identifying Opportunities for Pediatric Patient-Centered Technology., Andrew D. Miller PhD, Ari H. Pollack MD, and Wanda Pratt PhD (Article)

Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Issues :Update, Philip Monteleone (Presentation)


A Sanitary Pad for Self-Assessment of Rupture of Membranes., Amir Mor, Shoshana Haberman, Bharati Kalgi MD, and Howard Minkoff (Article)


Small Bowel Congenital Anomalies: a Review and Update., Grant Morris, Alfred Kennedy, and William Cochran (Article)


Using Focus Groups to Identify Characteristics of an Ideal Working Environment for Advanced Practice Clinicians, Robert Motley MD; Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD; David B. Burmeister DO, FACEP, CPE; Samuel Land MD; Richard Boulay MD; Heiwon Chung MD, FACS; Lynn M. Deitrick RN, PhD; and Andrew D. Sumner MD (Article)


Effect of Phototherapy on the Reliability of Transcutaneous Bilirubin Devices in Term and Near-Term Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., Gaurav Nagar MD, Ben Vandermeer, Sandy Campbell, and Manoj Kumar (Article)


Integrating Pediatric Burn Patients, Less Than 12 Years Old, Into an Adult Burn ICU Setting, Jennifer A. Nagle RN; Jessica Ayers RN; and Nancy Humes BSN, RN (Poster)


Intra-procedural Bronchoscopy to Prevent Bronchial Compression During Pulmonary Artery Stent Angioplasty., Michael L O'Byrne, Nita Rome, Ramiro Castro-Apolo MD, Anna Hallbergson, Andrew C Glatz, Yoav Dori, Matthew J Gillespie, Samuel Goldfarb, Andrew R Haas, and Jonathan J Rome (Article)


Forward., Hatim Omar MD (Article)


Positive Youth Development, Part 3. Youth Suicide Prevention Is Everybody's Business., Hatim Omar MD (Article)


High-throughput small molecule screen identifies inhibitors of aberrant chromatin accessibility., Samantha G Pattenden, Jeremy M Simon, Aminah Wali, Chatura N Jayakody, Jacob Troutman DO, Andrew W McFadden, Joshua Wooten, Cameron C Wood, Stephen V Frye, William P Janzen, and Ian J Davis (Article)


Celiac Disease Presenting as Intussusception From Giardia Lamblia, Adam R. Paul DO (Poster)

Hyperbilirubinemia Caused by SSRIs, Adam R. Paul DO (Presentation)


The Use of Ibuprofen in Posttonsillectomy Analgesia and Its Effect on Posttonsillectomy Hemorrhage Rate., Julia A Pfaff, Kevin Hsu, and Sri Kiran Chennupati MD (Article)

CMV: An Update in Neonates and Young Infants, Patrick Philpot DO (Presentation)

Diagnostic Dilemma in a 9 Year Old Boy with a Limp, Kristen M. Prendergast MD (Presentation)

Systematic Review of Emotional Intelligence in Surgical Education, Gina Provenzano MD, Rachel D. Appelbaum MD, Alisha Bonaroti MS, Mary Kate Erdman MS, and Marybeth Browne MD (Poster)

Baby Come Back! An In-Depth Evaluation of Pediatric Emergency Room Return Visits, Timothy Roach DO (Presentation)

Management of Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Kris Rooney MD (Presentation)

Primary Care Behavioral Health Service Delivery: A Psychologist-Delivered Training Curricula for Pediatric Residency Programs, Kris Rooney MD (Poster)


Procedure Documentation and Checklists in the Palm of Your Hand, Kris Rooney MD, Richard J. Mazzaccaro MD, Liborio LaRussa MD, and Katherine Adams PC (Poster)


Colitis as the Sole Initial Presentation of Chronic Granulomatous Disease: Histopathologic Clues to Diagnosis., Brooke E Rosenbaum, Rivfka Shenoy, Sharon Vuppula, Kristen Thomas, Libia Moy, and Aditya Kaul (Article)


Pediatric Residents' Attitudes, Knowledge and Skills in Primary Care Behavioral Health Service Delivery, Jeffrey D. Shahidullah PhD, Paul W. Kettlewell PhD, Kathryn A. DeHart MD, Ilene Ladd MA, Tyler Bogaczyk BS, Kris Rooney MD, Amy Signore PhD, and Sharon Larson PhD (Research)


Weight Trajectory in Refugee Children after Resettling in the United States: A Pilot Study., Akhila Shapiro; George A Datto; Jobayer Hossain; Sandra G Hassink; Christopher P. Raab MD, MS; and Thao-Ly T Phan (Article)


Medication Reconciliation Discrepancies in Emr and Transitions of Care in Inpatient Pediatrics, Jennifer Shields MS; Ajay Koti MS; Danielle Carr; Thanhnga T. Doan MS; Tiana Guillaume; Catherine Lee; Ryan Lutz; Veniamin Mayevskiy; and Scott Brenner MD, FAAP (Poster)

Measures of Resident Burnout, Empathy, and Emotional Intelligence across pecialties, Amy B. Smith PhD; Bryan G. Kane MD; Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Elaine A. Donoghue MD; Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH; Bernadette Glenn-Porter BS; Anita Kurt PhD, RN; Jennifer E. Macfarlan MPH; Joann Quinn PhD; and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Presentation)


Evaluating the Impact of a Pediatric Asthma Clinical Pathway, Joseph Stidham MS and Liborio LaRussa MD (Poster)


Corrigendum: The genomic landscape of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia., Elliot Stieglitz, Amaro N Taylor-Weiner, Tiffany Y Chang, Laura C Gelston, Yong-Dong Wang, Tali Mazor, Emilio Esquivel, Ariel Yu, Sara Seepo, Scott R Olsen, Mara Rosenberg, Sophie L Archambeault, Ghada Abusin, Kyle Beckman, Patrick A Brown, Michael Briones, Benjamin Carcamo, Todd Cooper, Gary V Dahl, Peter D Emanuel, Mark N Fluchel, Rakesh K Goyal, Robert J Hayashi, Johann Hitzler, Christopher Hugge, Y Lucy Liu, Yoav H Messinger, Donald H Mahoney, Philip Monteleone, Eneida R Nemecek, Philip A Roehrs, Reuven J Schore, Kimo C Stine, Clifford M Takemoto, Jeffrey A Toretsky, Joseph F Costello, Adam B Olshen, Chip Stewart, Yongjin Li, Jing Ma, Robert B Gerbing, Todd A Alonzo, Gad Getz, Tanja A Gruber, Todd R Golub, Kimberly Stegmaier, and Mignon L Loh (Article)

Blunt Abdominal Trauma, Keith A. Thatch MD (Presentation)


Hydrocephalus associated with childhood nonaccidental head trauma., Sudhakar Vadivelu, Harold L Rekate, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD, Mark A Mittler, and Steven J Schneider (Article)

The Other Side of Food Allergies, Kathleen Ververeli MD (Presentation)

Red Book Update, Tibisay Villalobos MD (Presentation)

Measures of Resident Burnout, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence as a Function of Years in Post-Graduate Training (Poster)., Kevin Weaver D.O.,FACOEP; Amy B. Smith PhD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Elaine A. Donoghue MD; Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH; Joanne Quinn; Jennifer E. Macfarlan MPH; Bernadette Glenn-Porter BS; Bryan G. Kane MD; and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Poster)


Measures of Resident Burnout, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence as a Function of Years in Post-Graduate Training, Kevin Weaver DO; Amy B. Smith PhD; Marna R. Greenberg DO, MPH, FACEP; Elaine A. Donoghue MD; Robert D. Barraco MD, MPH; Joann Quinn PhD; Jennifer Macfarlan; Bernadette Glenn-Porter BS; Bryan G. Kane MD; and Jeanne L. Jacoby MD (Presentation)

In Too Deep: An Overview of Pediatric Drowning, Alisha Williams MD (Presentation)

Developmental Concerns of the NICU Graduate, Marijo Zelinka MD (Presentation)


Stop the Radiation! Decreasing CT Scan Utilization in Pediatric Trauma Patients, Catherine Zimel, Taylor Iobst, Carly Crowder, Heather Geist, Keith A. Thatch MD, and Marybeth Browne MD (Poster)


Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Emerging Insights and Clinical Implications., Daniel J. Zinn MD, Rikhia Chakraborty, and Carl E Allen (Article)


Hydroxyurea: a new old therapy for Langerhans cell histiocytosis., Daniel J. Zinn MD, Amanda B Grimes, Howard Lin, Olive Eckstein, Carl E Allen, and Kenneth L McClain (Article)



Nephrotic syndrome., Tecile Prince Andolino and Jessica Reid-Adam (Article)

Fever of Unknown Origin, Sheila Aseto DO (Presentation)


Proceedings from the Turner Resource Network symposium: the crossroads of health care research and health care delivery., Philippe F Backeljauw, Carolyn Bondy, Steven D Chernausek, Joseph T Cernich, David A Cole, Laura P Fasciano, Joan Foodim, Scott Hawley, David S. Hong MD, Rebecca C Knickmeyer, Paul Kruszka, Angela E Lin, Barbara M Lippe, Gary A Lorigan, Cheryl L Maslen, Nelly Mauras, David C Page, Victoria L Pemberton, Siddharth K Prakash, Charmian A Quigley, Kelly C Ranallo, Allan L Reiss, David E Sandberg, Cindy Scurlock, and Michael Silberbach (Article)


Innovation in abutment-free bone-anchored hearing devices in children: Updated results and experience., Shaun Baker, Aaron Centric, and Sri Kiran Chennupati MD (Article)


Safety of deep sedation in young children with sickle cell disease: a retrospective cohort study., Ami P Belmont, Fadi F Nossair MD, Donald Brambilla, Marjorie Friedman, Jan Boswinkel, Andrea B Bradford, and Janet L Kwiatkowski (Article)


Methotrexate, Doxorubicin, and Cisplatin (MAP) Plus Maintenance Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b Versus MAP Alone in Patients With Resectable High-Grade Osteosarcoma and Good Histologic Response to Preoperative MAP: First Results of the EURAMOS-1 Good Response Randomized Controlled Trial., Stefan S Bielack, Sigbjørn Smeland, Jeremy S Whelan, Neyssa Marina, Gordana Jovic, Jane M Hook, Mark D Krailo, Mark Gebhardt, Zsuzsanna Pápai, James Meyer, Helen Nadel, R Lor Randall, Claudia Deffenbaugh, Rajaram Nagarajan, Bernadette Brennan, G Douglas Letson, Lisa A Teot, Allen Goorin, Daniel Baumhoer, Leo Kager, Mathias Werner, Ching C Lau, Kirsten Sundby Hall, Hans Gelderblom, Paul Meyers, Richard Gorlick, Reinhard Windhager, Knut Helmke, Mikael Eriksson, Peter M Hoogerbrugge, Paula Schomberg, Per-Ulf Tunn, Thomas Kühne, Heribert Jürgens, Henk van den Berg, Tom Böhling, Susan Picton, Marleen Renard, Peter Reichardt, Joachim Gerss, Trude Butterfass-Bahloul, Carol Morris, Pancras C W Hogendoorn, Beatrice Seddon, Gabriele Calaminus, Maria Michelagnoli, Catharina Dhooge, Matthew R Sydes, Mark Bernstein, and Philip Monteleone (Article)


An assessment of variables affecting transition readiness in pediatric rheumatology patients., Catherine April Bingham MD, Lisabeth Scalzi, Brandt Groh, Susan Boehmer, and Sharon Banks (Article)

Common Questions on Lab Assessment and Management of Thrombophilia, Lydia A. Boateng MD (Presentation)

Debriefing for Time Efficient Formative Assessment, Melissa L. Brannen MD (Presentation)


Primary Care Pediatricians' Perceived Prevalence and Surveillance of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Low-Income Children., Melissa A Bright, Lindsay Thompson, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD, Shannon Alford, and Elizabeth Shenkman (Article)

E.P.I.C. C.A.R.E. for Infants and Children, Marybeth Browne MD (Presentation)

Improving Safety Culture and Patient Outcomes Using the Surgical Safety Checklist, Marybeth Browne MD (Poster)

Hypoglycemia in the Newborn, Elizabeth Chacko MD (Presentation)

Cystic Fibrosis in the Neonate, Nachammai R. Chinnakaruppan MD (Presentation)

A Primer in Newborn Clamp Circumcision, Michele R. Clement MD (Presentation)


A Novel β-Globin Chain Hemoglobin Variant, Hb Allentown [β137(H15)Val→Trp (GTG>TGG) HBB: c.412_413delinsTG, p.Val138Trp], Associated with Low Oxygen Saturation, Intermittent Aplastic Crises and Splenomegaly, Anderson B. Collier, Lea M. Coon, Philip Monteleone MD, Samuel Umaru MD, Kenneth C. Swanson, James D. Hoyer, and Jennifer L. Oliveira (Article)

Cyanotic Infants: Review and Management of Cardio-Respiratory Complications, Tasha Desai DO and Patrick Philpot DO (Presentation)


When Mumps is Not the Diagnosis: Acute Sialadenitis During Influenza Season, Tasha Desai DO and Tibisay Villalobos MD (Poster)


Health Care Issues for Children and Adolescents in Foster Care and Kinship Care., Elaine A. Donoghue MD (Article)

Managing Children with Special Health Care Needs in Child Care, Elaine A. Donoghue MD (Podcast)

Seven Top Recent Pediatric Achievements: Lessons and Inspiration, Elaine A. Donoghue MD, Felipe Bautista-Otanez MD, Wendy J. Kowalski MD, Tibisay Villalobos MD, and Katelyn Lindner DO (Presentation)

Abnormal Liver Function Tests in Children, Dalya El Tawil MD (Presentation)

Abusive Head Trauma: The Work of a Child Abuse Pediatrician in the Courtroom and Beyond, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Presentation)

Child Abuse: What EMS Needs to Know, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Presentation)

Examination Findings in Child Sexual Abuse, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Presentation)

Family Violence, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Presentation)

Family Violence Threatens Child, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Presentation)

In the Belly of the Whale: Surviving Thoracoabdominal Trauma, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Presentation)

Photo Case, Debra Esernio-Jenssen MD (Article)