
Popular Nutrition Practices: A Scientific Appraisal, Stephen Barrett (Article)


Should ‘nutritionists’ be licensed?, Stephen Barrett (Article)


Isolation of Corynebacterium aquaticum from spinal fluid of an infant with meningitis., D G Beckwith, J A Jahre, and S Haggerty (Article)


Long-term follow-up after removal of an abdominal pregnancy: ultrasound evaluation of the involuting placenta., H L Belfar, A B Kurtz, and R J Wapner (Article)


A solitary variant of congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis: solitary Hashimoto-Pritzker disease., T G Berger, A T Lane, J T Headington, K Hartmann, G Burrish, M W Levin, P A Disantagnese, J L Schwartz, and J S Lambert (Article)


Changing concepts of colonic polyps: clinical and radiographic implications., M A Bernstein and P J Feczko (Article)


Propranolol for the treatment of the alcoholic hangover., R M Bogin, T T Nostrant, and Mark J. Young MD (Article)


Orbital metastasis from cutaneous melanoma., J B Bond, R E Wesley, V H Reynolds, J H Elliott, and A D Glick (Article)


Hemoperfusion for treatment of N-acetylprocainamide intoxication., G L Braden, John P. Fitzgibbons, M J Germain, and H M Ledewitz (Article)


Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis in Waldenström's macroglobulinemia., G L Braden, D J Mikolich, C F White, M J Germain, and John P. Fitzgibbons (Article)


Evaluation of new plastic envelope microbiology (PEM) methods as adjuncts in the diagnosis of Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis., W K Brady; D D Paine; L P Frye; Albert P. Sarno MD, MPH; A Purdon; K A Borchardt; and P G Engelkirk (Article)


Back to basics. Restoring humanity and humility to medicine., M V Buenaflor (Article)


Infantile hemangioendothelioma: angiographic features and factors determining efficacy of hepatic artery embolization., Dana R Burke MD, A Verstandig, O Edwards, S G Meranze, G K McLean, and E J Stein (Article)


Slowly progressive aphasia without generalized dementia: studies with positron emission tomography., John B. Chawluk, M M Mesulam, H Hurtig, M Kushner, S Weintraub, A Saykin, N Rubin, A Alavi, and M Reivich (Article)


Antithrombotic therapy in patients with valvular heart disease and prosthetic heart valves., J H Chesebro, P C Adams, and V Fuster (Article)


Bilateral hearing loss after unilateral removal of an acoustic neuroma by the suboccipital approach: case report., George I. Chovanes and W A Buchheit (Article)


Effect of autonomic agents on renin release in the turtle, Pseudemys scripta., Mark Cipolle MD, J E Zehr, and G A Reinhart (Article)


Rationale for Medical or Surgical Therapy in Anal Incontinence., Martin Cohen M.D.; Lester Rosen MD, FACS; Indru Khubchandani MD; James A. Sheets MD; John J. Stasik MD; and Robert D. Riether MD (Article)


The abnormal fetal heart rate baseline., W R Cohen and S Y Yeh (Article)


Single, Sequential, and Multiple Alkylating Agent Therapy for Multiple Myeloma: a CALGB Study., M. Robert Cooper, O. Ross McIntyre, Kathleen Joy Propert, Shoul Kochwa, Kathryn F. Anderson, Morton Coleman, R Almyrde Kyle, David Prager MD, Sameer Rafla, and Benjamin A. Zimmer (Article)


Modern fluid and electrolyte management of the critically ill premature infant., A Costarino and S Baumgart (Article)


Intrathecal morphine and blood pressure in preeclampsia., C E Costas, N W Doss, S G Humayun, J Gintautas, A R Abadir, and B J Kraynack (Article)


The value of magnetic resonance imaging in treatment planning of nasopharyngeal carcinoma., W J Curran, D B Hackney, P H Blitzer, and L Bilaniuk (Article)


Multiple Anomalous Tendons of the Fourth Dorsal Compartment., Bruce J. Cusenz M.D. and Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


Wide QRS tachycardia due to AV nodal reentry and a "bystander" bypass tract with slow conduction properties., Z Deng, E S Gang, M E Rosenthal, D Oseran, W J Mandel, and T Peter (Article)


Comparing Predictive Decision Rules in Postoperative CEA Monitoring., Frederick J. Denstman MD; Lester Rosen MD, FACS; Indru T. Khubchandani MD, FACS. FRCS; James A. Sheets MD; John J. Stasik MD, FACS; and Robert D. Riether MD (Article)


Diminished respiratory sinus arrhythmia in asphyxiated term infants., M Y Divon, H Winkler, S Y Yeh, L D Platt, O Langer, and I R Merkatz (Article)


Discovery of the Rh red blood cell antigen., R E Domen (Article)


The single-unit transfusion., R E Domen (Article)


Efficacy of performing red-cell antibody elutions in patients with a positive direct antiglobulin test., R E Domen and J Grattan (Article)


Trace metals and plasma exchange., R E Domen and W H Roberts (Article)


Biochemical and morphologic changes in hepatocytes from the shock injured liver., M J Donohoe, B F Rush, G W Machiedo, D J Barillo, and T F Murphy (Article)


Cardiac transplantation: first year experience at Hartford Hospital., J E Dougherty; A F Nino; Michael A. Rossi MD, MBA; H B Low; R T Schweizer; S A Bartus; H Takata; A D Drezner; and J J Gallagher (Article)


Diagnostic techniques in prostatic cancer., J R Drago (Article)


The Nb rat transitional cell bladder carcinoma model: dose response to methotrexate and adriamycin., J R Drago and J A Nesbitt (Article)


Spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage secondary to a renal cause., J R Drago, J P York, J E Dagen, and T J Rohner (Article)


MRI in children with postinfectious disseminated encephalomyelitis., V Dun, J F Bale, R A Zimmerman, Z Perdue, and W E Bell (Article)


Fibro-osseous pseudotumor of the digits., W B Dupree and F M Enzinger (Article)


Predicting treatment response in depressed and non-depressed chronic pain patients., Robert H Dworkin, David M Richlin, David S Handlin, and Leonard Brand (Article)


Childhood Lyme arthritis: experience in an endemic area., A H Eichenfield, D P Goldsmith, J L Benach, A H Ross, F X Loeb, R A Doughty, and B H Athreya (Article)


Echocardiographic evaluation of patients with blunt chest injury: correlation with perioperative hypotension., J C Eisenach, M Nugent, F A Miller, and P Mucha (Article)


Cellular uptake, cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of insoluble chromic oxide in V79 Chinese hamster cells., Z Elias, O Poirot, O Schneider, M C Danière, F Terzetti, J C Guedenet, and C Cavelier (Article)


Closure of abdominal incisions with subcutaneous catheters. A prospective randomized trial., M B Farnell, S Worthington-Self, P Mucha, D M Ilstrup, and D C McIlrath (Article)


Reassessing the role of radiology in Hemoccult screening., P J Feczko and R D Halpert (Article)


Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern after administration of nalbuphine hydrochloride: a case report., S J Feinstein, J G Lodeiro, A M Vintzileos, W A Campbell, J T Montgomery, and D J Nochimson (Article)


Amniocentesis with premature rupture of membranes., S J Feinstein, A M Vintzileos, J G Lodeiro, W A Campbell, P J Weinbaum, and D J Nochimson (Article)


Look beyond your state for your standards of care., J Fiesta (Article)


You have the right to protect your civil rights., J Fiesta (Article)


Authors' Response, Walter J. Finnegan (Article)


Assessment and Management of Carotid Artery Trauma Associated with Mild Head Injury., Eleanor Z. Franges RN, MAN, CCRN (Article)


Objective evaluation of blunt cardiac trauma., R C Frazee, P Mucha, M B Farnell, and F A Miller (Article)


Reactivity of monoclonal antibody DF3 with a high molecular weight antigen expressed in human ovarian carcinomas., Eliot L. Friedman MD, D F Hayes, and D W Kufe (Article)


Late effects after treatment of twenty children with soft tissue sarcomas of the head and neck. Experience at a single institution with a review of the literature., M Fromm, P Littman, R B Raney, L Nelson, S Handler, G Diamond, and C Stanley (Article)


(+)-Naloxone: antagonism of pentobarbital-induced narcosis., D Frost, A R Abadir, J Gintautas, and B J Kraynack (Article)


Hyposialylation of differentiation-inducer-resistant HL-60 cells., R E Gallagher, D A Giangiulio, C S Chang, C J Glover, and R L Felsted (Article)


Detection of late potentials on the surface electrocardiogram in unexplained syncope., E S Gang, T Peter, M E Rosenthal, W J Mandel, and Y Lass (Article)


Nuclear War and Abortion: Inseparable Issues?, William Gee MD, FACS (Article)


Ophthalmomanometry-Doppler and Ocular Pneumoplethysmography., William Gee MD, FACS (Article)


The Ultimate Angel, William Gee MD, FACS (Article)


Reappraisal of Ocular Pneumoplethysmography After Carotid Endarterectomy., William Gee MD, FACS; Joseph F. Lucke PhD; and Alice E. Madden RN (Article)


Physiology of carotid endarterectomy with ocular pneumoplethysmography., William Gee MD, FACS; Richard K. Perline PhD; and Alice E. Madden R.N. (Article)


Assessment of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping by Ocular Pneumoplethysmography., William Gee MD, FACS; Robert L. Smith B.S.E.E.; Richard L. Perline PhD; and Hugh S. Gallagher MD (Article)


Evaluation of a peer educator stroke education program for the elderly, K Glanz, S M. Marger, and Edward Meehan (Article)


Communicative gestures in aphasia., G Glosser, M Wiener, and E Kaplan (Article)


Phase I/II trials of WR-2721 and cis-platinum., D Glover, J H Glick, C Weiler, K Fox, A Turrisi, and M M Kligerman (Article)


Cervical internal carotid artery dissecting hemorrhage: diagnosis using MR., H I Goldberg, R I Grossman, J M Gomori, A K Asbury, L T Bilaniuk, and R A Zimmerman (Article)


High field magnetic resonance evaluation of acoustic neurinomas., H I Goldberg, M V Spagnoli, R I Grossman, D B Hackney, R A Zimmerman, and L T Bilaniuk (Article)


Occult cerebral vascular malformations: high-field MR imaging., J M Gomori, R I Grossman, H I Goldberg, D B Hackney, R A Zimmerman, and L T Bilaniuk (Article)


Immunocytochemical localization and immunological characterization of vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein in the bullfrog cerebellum., A G Gona, T K Pendurthi, S Al-Rabiai, O Gona, and S Christakos (Article)


Perceptions of Ethical Problems by Nurses and Doctors., G P Gramelspacher, J D Howell, and Mark J. Young MD (Article)


The Quadriplegia Index of Function (QIF): sensitivity and reliability demonstrated in a study of thirty quadriplegic patients., G E Gresham, M L Labi, S S Dittmar, J T Hicks, S Z Joyce, and M A Stehlik (Article)


Magnetic resonance imaging of hemorrhagic conditions., R I Grossman, J M Gomori, H I Goldberg, D B Hackney, P J Macchi, C Hecht-Leavitt, R A Zimmerman, and L T Bilaniuk (Article)


Effect of panretinal photocoagulation on retinal blood flow in proliferative diabetic retinopathy., J E Grunwald, C E Riva, A J Brucker, S H Sinclair, and B L Petrig (Article)


Laser Doppler velocimetry study of retinal circulation in diabetes mellitus., J E Grunwald, C E Riva, S H Sinclair, A J Brucker, and B L Petrig (Article)


Marketing a hepatitis B vaccine program., R Haas and M E Beideman (Article)


Effects of barium on isolated frog spinal cord., J C Hackman, G P Ryan, C J Wohlberg, and R A Davidoff (Article)


MR characteristics of iophendylate (Pantopaque)., D B Hackney, R I Grossman, R A Zimmerman, P M Joseph, H I Goldberg, and L T Bilaniuk (Article)


MR identification of bleeding site in subarachnoid hemorrhage with multiple intracranial aneurysms., D B Hackney, J E Lesnick, R A Zimmerman, R I Grossman, H I Goldberg, and L T Bilaniuk (Article)

Caution in Using the Chinese Radial Forearm Flap, Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


Caution in Using the Chinese Radial Forearm Flap., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)

Fat Suctioning, Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


Island Forearm Flap for Coverage of the Antecubital Fossa., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


Liposuction for Debulking Free Flaps., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


Severe Lower-Extremity Injury. The Rationale for Microsurgical Reconstruction., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


The Ascent of the Plastic Surgeon., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


The Radial Forearm Flap in Burn Reconstruction, Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)

Tissue Expansion, Geoffrey G. Hallock MD (Article)


Salvage of the Congested Nipple During Reduction Mammoplasty., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD and Bruce J. Cusenz MD (Article)


Objective Monitoring for Safe Tissue Expansion., Geoffrey G. Hallock MD and David C. Rice BS (Article)


Metered-dose aerosolized bronchodilators in prehospital care: a feasibility study, J Hawkins, K Hakala, M B. Heller, R M. Kaplan, S Schneider, and R D. Stewart (Article)


High-field MRI of hemorrhagic cortical infarction., C Hecht-Leavitt, J M Gomori, R I Grossman, H I Goldberg, D B Hackney, R A Zimmerman, and L T Bilaniuk (Article)


Management of Anorectal Horseshoe Abscess and Fistula., Douglas Held MD; Indru Khubchandani MD; James A. Sheets MD; John Stasik MD; Lester Rosen MD, FACS; and Robert D. Riether MD (Article)


Magnetic resonance imaging of the child's brain., B L Hershey and R A Zimmerman (Article)


Gestational trophoblastic disease with coexistent normal fetus: evaluation by ultrasound-guided chorionic villus sampling., B S Hertzberg, A B Kurtz, R J Wapner, A Blocklinger, G Davis, N Roberts, and L Needleman (Article)


Significance of opaque discolored amniotic fluid at second-trimester amniocentesis., L W Hess, R L Anderson, and M S Golbus (Article)


Plasma and amniotic fluid concentrations of fibronectin during normal pregnancy., L W Hess, W F O'Brien, J A Holmberg, C A Winkel, W P Monaghan, and V G Hemming (Article)


Loss of blood isoantigens in exfoliated cells during the progression of CIN demonstrated by monoclonal antibody staining., T R Himes, C S Ernst, and I Koprowska (Article)


The endocrine control of growth in children with chronic renal failure., M A Holliday, H E Kulin, D H Lockwood, and R G Rosenfeld (Article)


DF-2 septicemia following whirlpool spa immersion., R L Holmes and W P Kozinn (Article)


Characterization of noncholinergic nicotine receptors on human granulocytes., W Hoss, J P Lin, Stephen C. Matchett MD, and B D Davies (Article)