Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | Lehigh Valley Health Network


Mixed Ductal-Endocrine Carcinoma of the Pancreas is Composed of Two Immunohistochemical Distinct Cell Types (Poster), Gary A. Stopyra MD (Poster)

Effect of B-5 Fixation on Immunohistochemical Detection of CD79a and CD13 8 in Plasma Cell Neoplasms., Gary A. Stopyra MD and S Nussen-Lee (Article)

Mixed Ductal-Endocrine Carcinoma of the Pancreas is Composed of Two Immunohistochemically Distinct Types, Gary A. Stopyra MD and S Nussen-Lee (Article)

Analysis of p53 Codon 72 Genotype in High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix, Leslie Hunter Tolerico and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)

Validation of New Methods for Identifying Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in a Community Hospital, Vijaya Tummala; R Kahl; Marie Smith; J Gibbs; Arthur E. Crist, Jr.; J Manzella; and Jeffrey Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)

Validation of New Methods for Identifying Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus in a Community Hospital, Vijaya Tummala; R Kahl; Marie Smith; J Gibbs; Arthur E. Crist, Jr.; J Manzella; and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)


Down-regulation of pan-T-cell antigens, particularly CD7, in acute infectious mononucleosis., James Weisberger, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Wojciech Gorczyca, and Zach Liu (Article)

Relationship of Genetic Risk Factors and Thromboembolic events in Trauma Patients, Jeffrey Wisotzkey PhD, Kristie Chiscano, Roberta Hill, Candy Lint-Kessler, Theodore D. Bell BS, Michael Najarian, John Monk MD, and Nikhilesh Agarwal MD (Presentation)

Identifying Microorganisms Using 16S rDNA and HSP65 Sequence Analysis in a Community Hospital, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD; Divya Ahuja; Arthur E. Crist, Jr.; David Bankert; and Roberta Hill (Presentation)



Genetic risk factors for lumbar disc disease., Leena Ala-Kokko (Article)


Comprehensive Molecular Cytogenetic Investigation of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Human Medulloblastoma Cell Lines and Xenograft., Naji Aldosari, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Amalia Dutra, Evelin Schrock, Roger E. McLendon, Henry S. Friedman, Darell D. Bigner MD, and Sandra H. Bigner MD (Article)


Successful treatment of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disease with prolonged rituximab treatment in intestinal transplant recipients., Thierry Berney, Spiros Delis, Tomoaki Kato, Seigo Nishida, Naveen K Mittal, Juan Madariaga, David Levi, Jose R Nery, Robert E Cirocco, Barry Gelman, Philip Ruiz, and Andreas G Tzakis (Article)


The Brain Autopsy., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA (Article)


Down-regulation of human type II collagen gene expression by transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) in articular chondrocytes involves SP3/SP1 ratio., Christos Chadjichristos, Chafik Ghayor, Jean-Francois Herrouin, Leena Ala-Kokko, Gunthram Suske, Jean-Pierre Pujol, and Philippe Galéra (Article)


Oral fluid testing for drugs of abuse: positive prevalence rates by Intercept immunoassay screening and GC-MS-MS confirmation and suggested cutoff concentrations., Edward J Cone, Lance Presley, Michael Lehrer, William Seiter, Melissa Smith, Keith W Kardos, Dean Fritch, Sal Salamone, and R Sam Niedbala (Article)

The Potential Role Of Flow Cytometry In The Diagnosis Of Small Cell Carcinoma (Poster), Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Wojciech Gorczyca, James Weisberger, and Zach Liu (Poster)


Natural Killer-Like T-Cell Lymphoma of the Parotid in a Patient Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Joseph S. Papiez, James T. Lynch, and Lisa M. Rimsza (Article)

Down-regulation of CD7 in T cells in Acute Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)- Induced Infectious Mononucleosis, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, James Weisberger, and Zach Liu (Poster)


Mapping the ligand-binding sites and disease-associated mutations on the most abundant protein in the human, type I collagen., Gloria A Di Lullo, Shawn M Sweeney, Jarmo Korkko, Leena Ala-Kokko, and James D San Antonio (Article)


Value of mucin detection in distinguishing mucoepidermoid carcinoma from Warthin's tumor on fine needle aspiration., Shanth A. Goonewardene and Joseph F Nasuti (Article)


Biphasic Malignant Meningioma: A Comparative Genomic Hybridization Study., Amy B. Heimberger, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, R Bronec, Roger E. McLendon, and Thomas J. Cummings (Article)


The coiled-coil domain and Tyr177 of bcr are required to induce a murine chronic myelogenous leukemia-like disease by bcr/abl., Yiping He, Jason A Wertheim, Lanwei Xu, Juli P Miller, Fredrick G Karnell, John K Choi, Ruibao Ren, and Warren S Pear (Article)


Angiomyolipoma of the bladder., Youming Huan MD, Robert W Dillon, and Pamela D Unger (Article)


Interpretation of atypical patterns encountered when using a flow cytometry-based method to detect residual leukocytes in leukoreduced red blood cell components., K Janatpour, T G Paglieroni, L Schuller, K Foley, T Rizzardo, and P V Holland (Article)


Ezrin and Moesin Expression Within the Developing Human Cerebrum and Tuberous Sclerosis-Associated Cortical Tubers., Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Hajime Miyata; and Harry V. Vinters MD (Article)

Pathologic Findings in Sentinel Node Surgery in a Community Hospital Setting, D B. Jones, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Theodore D. Bell BS, and T B. Bauer (Presentation)


Reproductive options for individuals at risk for transmission of a genetic disorder., Shirley L Jones and Lee A Fallon (Article)


Sensitivity of detection of B-cell lymphoma in bone marrow by fluorescence in situ hybridization., Christopher Juenger and Wayne S Stanley (Article)


Magnetic resonance imaging findings in relation to the COL9A2 tryptophan allele among patients with sciatica., Jaro Karppinen, Eija Pääkkö, Susanna Räinä, Osmo Tervonen, Mauno Kurunlahti, Pentti Nieminen, Leena Ala-Kokko, Antti Malmivaara, and Heikki Vanharanta (Article)


Sensitivity of conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis in detecting mutations in Marfan syndrome and related conditions., J Körkkö, I Kaitila, L Lönnqvist, L Peltonen, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


Aggressive outpatient treatment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome with ascites using transvaginal culdocentesis and intravenous albumin minimizes hospitalization., Stephen R Lincoln, Michael S Opsahl, Keith L Blauer, Susan H Black, and Joseph D Schulman (Article)


Finer linkage mapping of a primary hip osteoarthritis susceptibility locus on chromosome 6., John Loughlin, Zehra Mustafa, Barbara Dowling, Lorraine Southam, Lucy Marcelline, S Susanna Räinä, Leena Ala-Kokko, and Kay Chapman (Article)


Halophilic reactions of a stable silylene with chloro and bromocarbons., Daniel F Moser, Todd Bosse, Jordan E Olson MD, Jessica L Moser, Ilia A Guzei, and Robert West (Article)


Immunogenicity of recombinant type IX collagen in murine collagen-induced arthritis., L K Myers, T Pihlajamaa, D D Brand, M A Cremer, M Bodo, L Ala-Kokko, and A H Kang (Article)


Donor oocyte cytoplasmic transfer did not enhance implantation of embryos of women with poor ovarian reserve., M S Opsahl, L P Thorsell, M E Geltinger, M A Iwaszko, K L Blauer, and R J Sherins (Article)


Radial perivascular retinal degeneration: a key to the clinical diagnosis of an ocular variant of Stickler syndrome with minimal or no systemic manifestations., Edward S Parma, Jarmo Körkkö, William S Hagler, and Leena Ala-Kokko (Article)

Bone Morphogenetic Protein-5: A Novel Marker for Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia., Hina A. Sheikh MD and R Dhir (Poster)


Detection of hTERT mRNA in Colonic Brush Specimens as an Adjunct to Cytopathologic Diagnosis of Colonic Adenocarcinoma., Zong-Mei Sheng MD; YuJing Baili; Yener S. Erozan MD, FIAC; Timothy J. O'Leary MD, PhD; and Sherry Li MD (Article)


COL9A3 gene polymorphism and obesity in intervertebral disc degeneration of the lumbar spine: evidence of gene-environment interaction., Svetlana Solovieva, Jaana Lohiniva, Päivi Leino-Arjas, Raili Raininko, Katariina Luoma, Leena Ala-Kokko, and Hilkka Riihimäki (Article)


Unusually Indolent T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia Associated with a Complex Karyotype: Is This T-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia?, Lorinda Soma, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, David Prager MD, Peter Nowell, and Adam Bagg (Article)


Non-disclosing preimplantation genetic diagnosis for Huntington disease., Harvey J Stern, Gary L Harton, Michael E Sisson, Shirley L Jones, Lee A Fallon, Lilli P Thorsell, Michael E Getlinger, Susan H Black, and Joseph D Schulman (Article)


CARD15 genetic variation in a Quebec population: prevalence, genotype-phenotype relationship, and haplotype structure., Severine Vermeire, Gary Wild, Kerry K Brown PhD, Josee Cousineau, Line Dufresne, Alain Bitton, Diane Langelier, Pierre Pare, Gilles Lapointe, Albert Cohen, Mark J Daly, and John D Rioux (Article)


Analysis of the COL3A1 gene in patients with spontaneous cervical artery dissections., Florian von Pein, Merja Välkkilä, Ralf Schwarz, Marion Morcher, Bernhard Klima, Armin Grau, Leena Ala-Kokko, Ingrid Hausser, Tobias Brandt, and Caspar Grond-Ginsbach (Article)


Using a genome-wide scan and meta-analysis to identify a novel IBD locus and confirm previously identified IBD loci., C Noel Williams, Kerry K Brown PhD, Eric S Lander, Mark J Daly, and John D Rioux (Article)


Defective insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells lacking type 1 IGF receptor., Shouhong Xuan, Tadahiro Kitamura, Jun Nakae, Katerina Politi, Yoshiaki Kido, Peter E Fisher MD, Manrico Morroni, Saverio Cinti, Morris F White, Pedro L Herrera, Domenico Accili, and Argiris Efstratiadis (Article)

“Cellular Nodules in Congenital Melanocytic Nevi” (Poster)., Xiaowei Xu MD, PhD; Kirsten S. Bellucci MD; Rosalie Elenitsas; and David E. Elder (Poster)


Sudden Cardiac Death: Insights From Post Mortem Analysis, Mini G. Abraham MD,FCAP; S Croul; and Billie Fyfe (Article)

Mannose Binding Protein Gene Mutations in Children With Recurrent Otitis Media, Theodore D. Bell BS, S S. Moyer, B Flowers, A Delp, and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)


Death due to bioterrorism-related inhalational anthrax: report of 2 patients., L Borio, D Frank, V Mani, C Chiriboga, M Pollanen, M Ripple, S Ali, C DiAngelo, J Lee, J Arden, J Titus, D Fowler, T O'Toole, H Masur, J Bartlett, and T Inglesby (Article)


Hamartin Expression and Interaction with Tuberin in Tumor Cell Lines and Primary Cultures., Michael G. Catania; Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Linda M. Liau; Thomas J. Kremen; Jean S. deVellis; and Harry V. Vinters MD (Article)

Factor V Leiden Genotype and the Occurence of Post-Traumatic Thromboembolic Complications, Kristie Chiscano, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, and Theodore D. Bell BS (Presentation)

Review of the Association Between Factor V Leiden Genotype and Occurrence of Post-Traumatic Thromboembolic Complications, Kristie Chiscano, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Theodore D. Bell BS, Nikhilesh Agarwal MD, and John Monk MD (Presentation)


Donor bone marrow infusions are tolerogenic in human renal transplantation., G Ciancio, R Garcia-Morales, J Mathew, M Carreno, G W Burke, C Ricordi, N Kenyon, V Esquenazi, R Cirocco, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)


Polyomavirus PCR monitoring in renal transplant recipients: detection in blood is associated with higher creatinine values., R Cirocco, M Markou, A Rosen, L Goldsmith, G Cianco, D Roth, W Kupin, G Burke, V Esquenazi, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)


The Diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukemia Can Be Established By Flow Cytometric Analysis of Peripheral Blood, Even in Patients With Low Levels of Circulating Malignant Cells., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Debra M. Mitchell Nelson, Lisa M. Rimsza, Danielle Moller-Patti, and Raul C. Braylan (Article)


A mutation in COL9A1 causes multiple epiphyseal dysplasia: further evidence for locus heterogeneity., M Czarny-Ratajczak, J Lohiniva, P Rogala, K Kozlowski, M Perälä, L Carter, T D Spector, L Kolodziej, U Seppänen, R Glazar, J Królewski, A Latos-Bielenska, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)

Pathology of the Breast., Lisa E.A. Dwyer-Joyce MD (Presentation)


Atypical Hemangioma of The Breast: a Diagnostic Pitfall in Breast Fine-Needle Aspiration., Lorenzo M. Galindo MD, Alan J. Shienbaum DO, Lisa E.A. Dwyer-Joyce MD, and Fernando U. Garcia MD (Article)


Sp3 represses the Sp1-mediated transactivation of the human COL2A1 gene in primary and de-differentiated chondrocytes., C Ghayor, C Chadjichristos, J F Herrouin, L Ala-Kokko, G Suske, J P Pujol, and P Galera (Article)

Regulation of Multiple Insulin-Like Growth Factor I transcripts by Exogenous Growth Hormone in Human Bone Cells, R Jackson and Jihong Sun MD (Poster)


Hamartin and Tuberin Expression in Human Tissues., Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Christopher Kerfoot PhD; Theodore Bushnell MD; Marissa Li MD; and Harry V. Vinters MD (Article)


Painful myopathy and end-stage renal disease., C L Kunis, G S Markowitz, X Liu-Jarin, Peter Fisher MD, G L Frei, and V D D'Agati (Article)


Altered Myelopoiesis and the Development of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Cyclin A1., Ching Liao, Xiang Yuan Wang, Hong Quan Wei, Taha Merghoub, Pier Paolo Pandolfi, Debra J. Wolgemuth, and Sherry Q. Li MD (Article)


Fine Needle Aspiration of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors., Sherry Q. Li MD; Timothy J. O'Leary MD, PhD; Sally- Beth Buchner C.T.(IAC); Ronald M. Przygodzki MD; Leslie H. Sobin MD; Yener S. Erozan MD, FIAC; and Dorothy L. Rosenthal MD, FIAC (Article)


Simulation and modelling of the effect of small inoculum size on time to spoilage by Bacillus stearothermophilus, Maximo Llaudes, Lihui Zhao, Siobain Duffy, and Donald W. Schaffner (Article)


Technical standards and guidelines for fragile X: the first of a series of disease-specific supplements to the Standards and Guidelines for Clinical Genetics Laboratories of the American College of Medical Genetics. Quality Assurance Subcommittee of the Laboratory Practice Committee., A Maddalena, C S Richards, M J McGinniss, A Brothman, R J Desnick, R E Grier, B Hirsch, P Jacky, G A McDowell, B Popovich, M Watson, and D J Wolff (Article)


Diversity and heterogeneity in mitochondrial DNA of North American populations., T Melton, S Clifford, M Kayser, I Nasidze, M Batzer, and M Stoneking (Article)


Forensic mitochondrial DNA analysis: two years of commercial casework experience in the United States., T Melton and K Nelson (Article)

The Mannose Binding Protein Gene Mutations in Children With Recurrent Otitis Media, S S. Moyer, B Flowers, A Delp, Theodore D. Bell BS, and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)

The Mannose Binding Protein Gene Mutations in Children With Recurrent Otitis Media, S S. Moyer, B Flowers, A Delp, Theodore D. Bell BS, and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)


Laboratory analysis of remotely collected oral fluid specimens for opiates by immunoassay., R S Niedbala, K Kardos, J Waga, D Fritch, L Yeager, S Doddamane, and E Schoener (Article)


Detection of marijuana use by oral fluid and urine analysis following single-dose administration of smoked and oral marijuana., R S Niedbala, K W Kardos, D F Fritch, S Kardos, T Fries, J Waga, J Robb, and E J Cone (Article)


The number of embryos available for transfer predicts successful pregnancy outcome in women over 39 years with normal ovarian hormonal reserve testing., M S Opsahl, K L Blauer, S H Black, S R Lincoln, L Thorsell, and R J Sherins (Article)


Identification of a novel common genetic risk factor for lumbar disk disease., P Paassilta, J Lohiniva, H H Göring, M Perälä, S S Räinä, J Karppinen, M Hakala, T Palm, H Kröger, I Kaitila, H Vanharanta, J Ott, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


Genetic variation in the 5q31 cytokine gene cluster confers susceptibility to Crohn disease., J D Rioux, M J Daly, M S Silverberg, K Lindblad, H Steinhart, Z Cohen, T Delmonte, Kerry K Brown PhD, K Miller, S Guschwan, E J Kulbokas, S O'Leary, E Winchester, K Dewar, T Green, V Stone, C Chow, A Cohen, D Langelier, G Lapointe, D Gaudet, J Faith, N Branco, S B Bull, R S McLeod, A M Griffiths, A Bitton, G R Greenberg, E S Lander, K A Siminovitch, and T J Hudson (Article)


Plasmacytoma with Aberrant Expression of Myeloid Markers, T-cell Markers, and Cytokeratin, Jung S. Shin, Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Article)


Molecular analysis of paternity., A C Sozer, C M Kelly, and D B Demers (Article)

Plasmacytoma with Aberrant Expression of Myeloid Markers, T-cell Markers, and Cytokeratin (Poster), Gary A. Stopyra MD, Hinke A.B. Multhaupt, Michael J. Warhol, and Jung S. Shin (Poster)


Cytokeratin 20 Immunoreactivity in Renal Oncocytomas, Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Article)

Cytokeratin 20 Immunoreactivity in Renal Oncocytomas (Poster), Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Poster)


Utility of CK7 and CK20 Immunohistochemistry in the Detection of Synchronous Breast and Colon Carcinoma in a Pleural Effusion: A Case Report and Supporting Survey of Archival Material, Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Article)


Utility of CK7 and CK20 in the Immunohistochemical Detection of Simultaneous Colon and Breast Carcinoma in a Pleural Effusion: a case report and supporting survey of archival material., Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Article)


Mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein causing pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia affect binding of calcium and collagen I, II, and IX., J Thur, K Rosenberg, D P Nitsche, T Pihlajamaa, L Ala-Kokko, D Heinegård, M Paulsson, and P Maurer (Article)


Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia: radiographic abnormalities correlated with genotype., S L Unger, M D Briggs, P Holden, B Zabel, L Ala-Kokko, P Paassilta, J Lohiniva, D L Rimoin, R S Lachman, and D H Cohn (Article)


Genomic organization of the human COL3A1 and COL5A2 genes: COL5A2 has evolved differently than the other minor fibrillar collagen genes., M Välkkilä, M Melkoniemi, L Kvist, H Kuivaniemi, G Tromp, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


cDNA cloning, genomic organization and expression of the novel human metallophosphoesterase gene MPPE1 on chromosome 18p11.2., J T Vuoristo and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


C18orf2, a novel, highly conserved intronless gene within intron 5 of the GNAL gene on chromosome 18p11., J T Vuoristo, W H Berrettini, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)


Application of Molecular Cytogenetic Techniques in a Case Study of Human Cutaneous Metastatic Melanoma., Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Thomas R. Dennis, Vernon K. Sondak, Paul S. Meltzer, and Jeffrey M. Trent (Article)

Factor V Leiden Genotype and Occurrence of Post-Traumatic Thromboembolic Complications, Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Kristie Chiscano, Theodore D. Bell BS, Nikhilesh Agarwal MD, and John Monk MD (Presentation)


Glucose Transporter Glut-1 is of Limited Value for Detecting Breast Carcinoma in Serous Effusions., Robert L. Zimmerman MD, Shanth A. Goonewardene MD, and Franz Fogt (Article)



The promise and risk of a new technology: The Lehigh Valley Hospital's experience with liquid-based cervical cytology, R Marshall Austin (Article)


Hyperplastic Polyps: "More Than Meets The Eye"? Report of Sixteen cases., Khawaja Azimuddin MD; John J. Stasik MD; Indru Khubchandani MD; Lester Rosen MD, FACS; Robert D. Riether MD; and Michael Scarlato (Article)


Sampling, sampling errors and specimen preparation., U Baandrup, J W Bishop, T A Bonfiglio, M Branca, M L Hutchinson, C R Laverty, J Ahmad, L T Illescas, J H Obwegeser, J Patnick, A Pogacnik, D L Rosenthal, H Z Suprun, A Verhest, and R M Richart (Article)


Recruitment of SLP-76 to the Membrane and Glycolipid-Enriched Membrane Microdomains Replaces the Requirement for Linker for Activation of T Cells in T Cell Receptor Signaling., Nancy J. Boerth; Jeffrey J. Sadler; Daniel E. Bauer; James L. Clements; Shereen M. Gheith MD, PhD; and Gary A. Koretzky (Article)


Increased spinal cholecystokinin activity after systemic resiniferatoxin: electrophysiological and in situ hybridization studies., Christian Broberger, Tunde Farkas MD, Arpad Szallasi, Jan M Lundberg, Tomas Hökfelt, Zsuzsanna Wiesenfeld-Hallin, and Xiao-Jun Xu (Article)


Follicular Lymphoma can be Distinguished from Benign Follicular Hyperplasia by Flow Cytometry Using Simultaneous Staining of Cytoplasmic BCL-2 and Cell Surface CD20., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Debra M. Mitchell MD, Nidal M. Almasri MD, John B. Anderson MT, Kim P. Ahrens BS, Elaine O. Dooley MT, and Raul C. Braylan MD (Article)


An IgM lambda antibody to Escherichia coli produces false-positive results in multiple immunometric assays., M Covinsky, O Laterza, J D Pfeifer, Tunde Farkas MD, and M G Scott (Article)


Competency assessment and proficiency testing., D D Davey, E McGoogan, T M Somrak, K A Allen, D Beccati, S F Cramer, W J Frable, N J Hauser, E M Hewer, J Lestadi, M K Lulla, D O'Rourke, and H Z Suprun (Article)


Diagnosing Plasma Cell Leukemia, Lisa E.A. Dwyer-Joyce MD and Vanlila K. Swami (Article)


Colorectal carcinomas with high microsatellite instability: defining a distinct immunologic and molecular entity with respect to prognostic markers., T B Edmonston, K H Cuesta, S Burkholder, A Barusevicius, D Rose, A J Kovatich, B Boman, R Fry, R Fishel, and J P Palazzo (Article)