Phylogenetic network of the mtDNA haplogroup U in Northern Finland based on sequence analysis of the complete coding region by conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis., S Finnilä, I E Hassinen, L Ala-Kokko, and K Majamaa (Article)
Cardiovascular evidence for an intermediate or higher metabolic rate in an ornithischian dinosaur., Peter Fisher MD, D A Russell, M K Stoskopf, R E Barrick, M Hammer, and A A Kuzmitz (Article)
Somatostatinoma of The Ampulla of Vater in Celiac Sprue., E.James Frick M.D., J R Kralstein, Michael Scarlato M.D., and Herbert C. Hoover Jr M.D (Article)
Comparison of the effectiveness of endocervical brushing vs curetting, I M. Galindo, Alan J. Shienbaum DO, E Grujie, C Hanau, and F U. Garcia (Article)
Regulation of human COL2A1 gene expression in chondrocytes. Identification of C-Krox-responsive elements and modulation by phenotype alteration., C Ghayor, J F Herrouin, C Chadjichristos, L Ala-Kokko, M Takigawa, J P Pujol, and P Galéra (Article)
Widely distributed mutations in the COL2A1 gene produce achondrogenesis type II/hypochondrogenesis., J Körkkö, D H Cohn, L Ala-Kokko, D Krakow, and D J Prockop (Article)
“Differential Expression of SHP-1 by Small B-cell Lymphomas.”, Palmen M. Kossev, Puthiyaveettil N. Raghunath, Kirsten S. Bellucci MD, Steven Schuster, John E. Tomaszewski, Adam Bagg, and Mariusz A. Wasik (Poster)
The TSC1 Tumour Suppressor Hamartin Regulates Cell Adhesion Through ERM Proteins and The GTPase Rho., Richard F. Lamb; Christian Roy; Tom J. Diefenbach; Harry V. Vinters MD; Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Daniel G. Jay; and Alan Hall (Article)
Characterization and clinical implications of marker chromosomes identified at prenatal diagnosis., M M Li, P N Howard-Peebles, L D Killos, L Fallon, E Listgarten, and W S Stanley (Article)
Analysis of KIT Mutation and Protein Expression in Fine Needle Aspirates of Gastrointestinal Stromal/Smooth Muscle Tumors., Sherry Q. Li MD; Timothy J. O'Leary MD, PhD; Leslie H. Sobin MD; Yener S. Erozan MD, FIAC; Dorothy L. Rosenthal MD, FIAC; and Ronald M. Przygodzki MD (Article)
Splicing mutations in the COL3 domain of collagen IX cause multiple epiphyseal dysplasia., J Lohiniva, P Paassilta, U Seppänen, O Vierimaa, S Kivirikko, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Autosomal recessive disorder otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia is associated with loss-of-function mutations in the COL11A2 gene., M Melkoniemi, H G Brunner, S Manouvrier, R Hennekam, A Superti-Furga, H Kääriäinen, R M Pauli, T van Essen, M L Warman, J Bonaventure, P Miny, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Quality assurance and risk reduction guidelines., D R Mody, D D Davey, M Branca, S S Raab, U G Schenck, M W Stanley, R G Wright, M Arbyn, D Beccati, J W Bishop, L M Collaço, S F Cramer, P Fitzgerald, J Heinrich, N C Jhala, G Montanari, K Kapila, S Naryshkin, and H Z Suprun (Article)
The regulatory protein PhoP controls susceptibility to the host inflammatory response in Shigella flexneri., J E Moss, Peter Fisher MD, B Vick, E A Groisman, and A Zychlinsky (Article)
Hepatitis B Vaccination Among Health Care Workers and Students of a Medical College., Khurram Nasir, Khurrarn Ahmad Khan, Warneez Mohyuddin Kadri, Shahzad Salim, Kashif Tufail, Sharif A. Ali MD, and Hina A. Sheikh MD (Article)
Overexpression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and MDM2 characterizes serous borderline ovarian tumors., J P Palazzo, F Monzon, M Burke, T Hyslop, C Dunton, A Barusevicius, D Capuzzi, and A J Kovatich (Article)
Breast filariasis--a case report., P Sehri, G Krishnanand, A Gupta, and Abir Mukherjee MD (Article)
Improvement of rejection-induced diastolic abnormalities in rat cardiac allografts with inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibition., P F Soto, C X Jia, D G Rabkin, J P Hart, Y M Carter, M J Sardo, D T Hsu, Peter Fisher MD, D J Pinsky, and H M Spotnitz (Article)
CD57 (Leu-7) Immunoreactivity in Liposarcoms, Gary A. Stopyra MD, Hinke A.B. Multhaupt, M Wallis-Crespo, and Michael J. Warhol (Article)
CD57 (Leu-7) Immunoreactivity in Liposarcomas (Poster)., Gary A. Stopyra MD, Hinke A.B. Multhaupt, and Michael J. Warhol (Poster)
Utility of CK7 and CK20 in the Immunohistochemical Detection of Simultaneous Colon and Breast Cancer in a Pleural Effusion (Poster), Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Poster)
Clinical significance of cell "cannibalism"., H Z Suprun (Article)
Sequence and genomic organization of the human G-protein Golfalpha gene (GNAL) on chromosome 18p11, a susceptibility region for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia., J T Vuoristo, W H Berrettini, J Overhauser, D J Prockop, T N Ferraro, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Comparative Genetic Patterns of Glioblastoma Multiforme: Potential Diagnostic Tool for Tumor Classification., Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Ahmed B. K. Rasheed PhD, Henry S. Friedman, Allan H. Friedman, and Sandra H. Bigner MD (Article)
“Differential Expression of SHP-1 by Small B-cell Lymphomas.", Xiaowei Xu MD, PhD; Kirsten S. Bellucci MD; Rosalie Elenitsas; and David E. Elder (Poster)
Lack of a phenotype in transgenic mice aberrantly expressing COL2A1 mRNA because of highly selective post-transcriptional down-regulation., C M Yuan, L Ala-Kokko, D Le Guellec, S Franc, A Fertala, J S Khillan, B P Sokolov, and D J Prockop (Article)
Diagnostic Value of a Second Generation CA 15-3 Antibody to Detect Adenocarcinoma in Body Cavity Effusions., Robert L. Zimmerman MD, Franz Fogt Dr.med, and Shanth A. Goonewardene M.D. (Article)
Diagnostic Utility of BCA-225 in Detecting Adenocarcinoma in Serous Effusions., Robert L. Zimmerman MD, Franz Fogt Dr.med, and Shanth A. Goonewardene MD (Article)
Splicing mutations of 54-bp exons in the COL11A1 gene cause Marshall syndrome, but other mutations cause overlapping Marshall/Stickler phenotypes., S Annunen, J Körkkö, M Czarny, M L Warman, H G Brunner, H Kääriäinen, J B Mulliken, L Tranebjaerg, D G Brooks, G F Cox, J R Cruysberg, M A Curtis, S L Davenport, C A Friedrich, I Kaitila, M R Krawczynski, A Latos-Bielenska, S Mukai, B R Olsen, N Shinno, M Somer, M Vikkula, J Zlotogora, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
An allele of COL9A2 associated with intervertebral disc disease., S Annunen, P Paassilta, J Lohiniva, M Perälä, T Pihlajamaa, J Karppinen, O Tervonen, H Kröger, S Lähde, H Vanharanta, L Ryhänen, H H Göring, J Ott, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy with Dementia: Cortical Pathology., Eileen H. Bigio MD; Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA; and Charles L. White III MD (Article)
Molecular Genetic Aspects of Oligodendrogliomas Including Analysis By Comparative Genomic Hybridization., Sandra H. Bigner MD, Mark R. Matthews, Ahmed B. K. Rasheed PhD, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Henry S. Friedman, Allan H. Friedman, Timothy T. Stenzel, Donald M. Dawes, Roger E. McLendon, and Darell D. Bigner MD (Article)
Morphologic and Molecular Genetic Aspects of Oligodendroglial Neoplasms., Sandra H. Bigner MD, Ahmed B K Rasheed PhD, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, and Roger E. McLendon (Article)
hMSH5: a human MutS homologue that forms a novel heterodimer with hMSH4 and is expressed during spermatogenesis., T Bocker, A Barusevicius, T Snowden, D Rasio, S Guerrette, D Robbins, C Schmidt, J Burczak, C M Croce, T Copeland, A J Kovatich, and R Fishel (Article)
Lewy body dementia., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA (Article)
The Lewy Body Variant of Alzheimer Disease Represents Combined Alzheimer Disease and Parkinson Disease Pathology., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA; M. Anas Dababo; Eileen H. Bigio MD; Richard C. Risser MS; and Charles L. White III MD (Book Chapter)
Subependymomas: Clinicopathologic Study of 14 Tumors, Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA and Elizabeth J. Rushing MD (Letter to the Editor)
Microangiopathy in kidney and simultaneous pancreas/kidney recipients treated with tacrolimus: evidence of endothelin and cytokine involvement., G W Burke, G Ciancio, R Cirocco, M Markou, L Olson, N Contreras, D Roth, V Esquenazi, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)
Cytokine, Chemokine and Chemokine Receptor mRNA Expression in Different Strains of Normal Mice: Implications for Establishment of a Th1/Th2 Bias., Peter C. Charles, Kirsten S. Bellucci MD, Barbara Cipriani, and Celia F. Brosnan (Article)
Kidney recipient CMV incidence in the gancyclovir era: monitoring viral DNA by a CMV-PCR assay., R E Cirocco, G Ciancio, V Esquenazi, G W Burke, and J Miller (Article)
Follicular Lymphoma Can Be Distinguished from Benign Follicular Hyperplasia by Flow Cytometry (FCM) using simultaneous Staining of Cytoplasmic bcl-2 and Cell Surface CD20, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Debra M. Mitchell MD, Nidal M. Almasri MD, John B. Anderson MT, Kim P. Ahrens BS, Elaine O. Dooley MT, and Raul C. Braylan MD (Poster)
Clinical experience with flow cytometric separation of human X- and Y-chromosome bearing sperm., E F Fugger (Article)
Prognostic Significance of Necrosis in Evaluating Risk For Recurrence of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast and Progression to Invasive Carcinoma: Survey of 166 Conservatively Treated Patients, Shanth A. Goonewardene MD; Juan P. Palazzo MD; Dennis B. Cornfield MD; and Gordon F. Schwartz MD, MBA (Presentation)
Clinicopathologic Features of Misplaced Glands in Colonic Polyps: Morphologic Spectrum and Association with Dysplasia, Shanth A. Goonewardene MD, Juan P. Palazzo MD, and Douglas Reale MD (Article)
Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis of Plasma Lipoprotein Levels in an Autoimmune Mouse Model : Interactions Between Lipoprotein Metabolism, Autoimmune Disease, and Atherogenesis., Lingjie Gu; Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; and Aldons J. Lusis (Article)
Insulin-like growth factor la and lb mRNA expression in human bone and human osteoblast-like cells, R Jackson and Jihong Sun MD (Poster)
In Vivo and In Vitro Expression of Local Growth Factors in Femur of Aging Women, R Jackson and Jihong Sun MD (Poster)
Co-localization of TSC1 and TSC2 Gene Products in Tubers of Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis., Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Jessica K. Emelin; Sung-Hye Park; and Harry V. Vinters MD (Article)
Expression of the TSC Gene Products, Tuberin and Hamartin, in Five Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytomas., Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD and Harry V. Vinters MD (Presentation)
Genetic-based and assisted reproductive technology of the 21st century., S L Jones (Article)
Characterization of Dystrophin and Utrophin Diversity In The Mouse., Carey N. Lumeng, Stephanie F. Phelps, Jill A. Rafael, Greg A. Cox, Tressia L. Hutchinson, Catherine R. Begy, Erika Adkins, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, and Jeffrey S. Chamberlain (Article)
MRI appearance of clear cell hidradenoma., C Maldjian, R Adam, A Bonakdarpour, T M Robinson, and Alan J. Shienbaum DO (Article)
Association between a shift in vaginal flora on Papanicolaou smear and acute chorioamnionitis and preterm delivery., S B Mass, John Brennan MD, N Silverman, and K H van Hoeven (Article)
COL9A3: A third locus for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia., P Paassilta, J Lohiniva, S Annunen, J Bonaventure, M Le Merrer, L Pai, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Complete sequence of the 23-kilobase human COL9A3 gene. Detection of Gly-X-Y triplet deletions that represent neutral variants., P Paassilta, T Pihlajamaa, S Annunen, R G Brewton, B M Wood, C C Johnson, J Liu, Y Gong, M L Warman, D J Prockop, R Mayne, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Characterization of recombinant human type IX collagen. Association of alpha chains into homotrimeric and heterotrimeric molecules., T Pihlajamaa, M Perälä, M M Vuoristo, M Nokelainen, M Bodo, T Schulthess, E Vuorio, R Timpl, J Engel, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Mutation of Pten/Mmac1 in mice causes neoplasia in multiple organ systems., K Podsypanina, L H Ellenson, A Nemes, J Gu, M Tamura, K M Yamada, C Cordon-Cardo, G Catoretti, Peter Fisher MD, and R Parsons (Article)
Molecular Pathogenesis of Malignant Gliomas., Ahmed B. K. Rasheed PhD, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, Sandra H. Bigner MD, and Darell D. Bigner MD (Article)
As we see it. Laboratory tests: use with care., R Savard, D Waggoner, B Anderson, and B Rokus (Article)
Cytopathology in the 21st century: a medical consultation or a laboratory test?, J J Shane (Article)
Outcome of Pregnancy in Asthmatic Women., Hina A. Sheikh MD, Khurram Nasir, and Sharif A. Ali MD (Article)
Coronary perfusate composition influences diastolic properties, myocardial water content, and histologic characteristics of the rat left ventricle., J P Starr, C X Jia, M M Amirhamzeh, D G Rabkin, J P Hart, D T Hsu, Peter Fisher MD, M Szabolcs, and H M Spotnitz (Article)
Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Patient With AIDS: A Case Report and Review., Gary A. Stopyra MD, Hinke A. B. Multhaupt, L Alexa, Michael A. Husson MD, Jean baptiste Stern, and Michael J. Warhol (Article)
Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Patient with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (Poster), Gary A. Stopyra MD, Michael J. Warhol, and Hinke A.B. Multhaupt (Poster)
Effects of systemic resiniferatoxin treatment on substance P mRNA in rat dorsal root ganglia and substance P receptor mRNA in the spinal dorsal horn., A Szallasi, Tunde Farkas MD, J B Tucker, J M Lundberg, T Hökfelt, and J E Krause (Article)
Cortical Dysplasia, Genetic Abnormalities and Neurocutaneous Syndromes., Harry V. Vinters MD; Sung-Hye Park; Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Paul S. Mischel; Michael G. Catania; and Christopher Kerfoot PhD (Article)
Prognostic Significance of p21 WAF1/CIP1 Expression in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast, D Webner; Juan P. Palazzo MD; Dennis B. Cornfield MD; Roland Schwarting MD; Gordon F. Schwartz MD, MBA; and Shanth A. Goonewardene M.D. (Presentation)
Placental Genotyping of the Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin 20210A and the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) C677T Alleles in IUGR Pregnancies., Jeff D. Wisotzkey PhD, Philip Bayliss, Elizabeth Rutherford, and Theodore D. Bell BS (Article)
MTHFR (C677T) Polymorphisms And Stage III Colon Cancer: Response To Therapy., Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD, Jeffrey Toman MD, Theodore D. Bell BS, John S. Monk MD, and David Jones MD (Article)
Human G(olf) gene polymorphisms and vulnerability to bipolar disorder., W H Berrettini, J Vuoristo, T N Ferraro, R J Buono, D Wildenauer, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Sudden death due to sarcoid heart disease., L R Boglioli, M L Taff, S Funke, and I Mihalakis (Article)
“Cytokine and Chemokine Expression in Normal BALB/c and C57Bl/6 Mice.”, Celia F. Brosnan, Kirsten S. Bellucci MD, and Peter C. Charles (Poster)
Response., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA; Eileen H. Brown MD; and Charles L. White III MD (Letter to the Editor)
Supratentorial Giant Cell Ependymoma: A Case Report., Daniel F. Brown MD, David P. Chason, Lindsay F. Schwartz, Caetano P. Coimbra, and Elizabeth J. Rushing MD (Article)
Neuropathologic Evidence That The Lewy Body Variant of Alzheimer Disease Represents Coexistence of Alzheimer Disease and Idiopathic Parkinson Disease., Daniel F. Brown MD, M. Anas Dababo, Eileen H. Bigio MD, Richard C. Risser MS, Kathleen P. Eagan MS, Christa L. Hladik, and Charles L. White III MD (Article)
Hormone Receptor Immunoreactivity in Hemangioblastomas and Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinomas., Daniel F. Brown MD, M. Anas Dababo, Christa L. Hladik, Kathleen P. Eagan MS, Charles L. White III MD, and Elizabeth J. Rushing MD (Article)
Systemic Calciphylaxis Associated with Massive Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA; C F Denney; and D K Burns (Article)
Neocortical Synapse Density and Braak Stage in The Lewy Body Variant of Alzheimer Disease: A Comparison with Classic Alzheimer Disease and Normal Aging., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA; Richard C. Risser MS; Eileen H. Bigio MD; Patrick Tripp BA; Ashley Stiegler BA; Erin Welch BS; Kathleen P. Eagan MS; Christa L. Hladik; and Charles L. White III MD (Article)
Letter to the Editor In Reply., Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA and Elizabeth J. Rushing MD (Letter to the Editor)
Tacrolimus-related microangiopathy in kidney and simultaneous pancreas-kidney recipients: evidence of endothelin and cytokine involvement., G W Burke, G Ciancio, R Cirocco, M Markou, D Roth, V Esquenazi, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)
Evidence for microchimerism in peripheral blood, bone marrow, and skin following donor bone marrow/kidney-pancreas transplantation at 3 years., G W Burke, G Ciancio, R Garcia-Morales, C Ricordi, R Alejandro, D Roth, A Viciana, R Cirocco, G Fragulidis, M Markou, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)
Immunophenotyping and cellular immune responses of cadaveric donor bone marrow cells., M R Carreno, V Esquenazi, C Gomez, R Garcia-Morales, J Mathew, R Cirocco, A Alamo, H Gharagozloo, K Zucker, C Ricordi, L Fuller, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)
Diastolic properties, myocardial water content, and histologic condition of the rat left ventricle: effect of varied osmolarity of a coronary perfusate., Y M Carter, C X Jia, P F Soto, J P Starr, D G Rabkin, D T Hsu, Peter Fisher MD, and H M Spotnitz (Article)
Renal Transplantation: An Update., Bala Carver MD (Presentation)
Enhanced Sensitivity of PRA Testing and Monitoring of AHG Enhancement., Bala B. Carver MD, Marjorie Williams, Patricia Casey, Diane Hartzell, and Marilyn Wetmore (Article)
The Diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukemia Can Be Established by Flow Cytometric Analysis of Peripheral Blood, Even in Patients with Low Levels of Circulating Malignant Cells, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Debra M. Mitchell Nelson, Lisa M. Rimsza, Danielle Moller-Patti, and Raul C. Braylan (Poster)
Extrauterine Mixed Mesodermal Tumors. An immunohistochemical Study., Elizabeth A. Dellers MD, Philip T. Valente, Patricia R. Edmonds, and G Balsara (Presentation)
First-stage autosomal genome screen in extended pedigrees suggests genes predisposing to low bone mineral density on chromosomes 1p, 2p and 4q., M Devoto, K Shimoya, J Caminis, J Ott, A Tenenhouse, M P Whyte, L Sereda, S Hall, E Considine, C J Williams, G Tromp, H Kuivaniemi, L Ala-Kokko, D J Prockop, and L D Spotila (Article)
The promise and risk of a new technology: The Lehigh Valley Hospital's experience with liquid-based cervical cytology., William Dupree, H Z Suprun, D G Beckwith, J J Shane, and Vincent Lucente (Article)
In situ enzymatic oligonucleotide amplification of hepatitis C virus-RNA in liver biopsy specimens (reverse transcriptase in situ polymerase chain reaction) after orthotopic liver transplantation for hepatitis C-related liver disease., G P Fragulidis, R E Cirocco, D Weppler, M Berho, G Gillian, M Markou, A Viciana, V Esquenazi, J R Nery, J Miller, K R Reddy, and A G Tzakis (Article)
Continuing observations on the regulatory effects of donor-specific bone marrow cell infusions and chimerism in kidney transplant recipients., R Garcia-Morales, M Carreno, J Mathew, R Cirocco, K Zucker, G Ciancio, G Burke, D Roth, D Temple, L Fuller, V Esquenazi, L Eskind, N S Kenyon, C Ricordi, A Tzakis, and J Miller (Article)
Breast filariasis--an unusual presentation., A Gupta, Abir Mukherjee MD, and A B Harischandra (Article)
Molecular pathological analysis of testicular diffuse large cell lymphomas., J Hyland, J Lasota, M Jasinski, R O Petersen, S Nordling, and M Miettinen (Article)
Skeletal type-specific changes in IGF1 and IGF-BP4 abundance are seen after transection, but not after incomplete experimental SCI, R D. Jackson, Jihong Sun MD, M Beattie, and J Bresnahan (Poster)
Evidence of vascular growth associated with laser treatment of normal canine myocardium., T Kohmoto, C M DeRosa, N Yamamoto, Peter Fisher MD, P Failey, C R Smith, and D Burkhoff (Article)
Analysis of the COL1A1 and COL1A2 genes by PCR amplification and scanning by conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis identifies only COL1A1 mutations in 15 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta type I: identification of common sequences of null-allele mutations., J Körkkö, L Ala-Kokko, A De Paepe, L Nuytinck, J Earley, and D J Prockop (Article)
Conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis for simple and accurate detection of mutations: comparison with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and nucleotide sequencing., J Körkkö, S Annunen, T Pihlajamaa, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Use of conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis to detect single-base changes in the gene for COL10A1., J Körkkö, J Milunsky, D J Prockop, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
Quality assurance/control issues. International Academy of Cytology Task Force summary. Diagnostic Cytology Towards the 21st Century: An International Expert Conference and Tutorial., P A Krieger, E McGoogan, G P Vooijs, N S Amma, B Cochand-Priollet, T J Colgan, D D Davey, J W Geyer, R M Goodell, D H Grohs, S K Gupta, B A Jones, L G Koss, L J Mango, S M McCallum, M Nielsen, M Robinowitz, T Sauer, J L Schumann, K J Syrjänen, H Z Suprun, T Topalidis, P T Wertlake, and J Whittaker (Article)
Determination of Carotid Plaque Risk By Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization., Daniel J. Lee, Bernard Sigel, Vanlila K. Swami, Jeffery R. Justin, Vivian Gahtan MD, Sean P. O'Brien MD, Lisa E.A Dwyer-Joyce MD, Ernest J. Feleppa, Andrew B. Roberts, and Henry D. Berkowitz (Article)