Unusual Granulomatous Pulmonary Involvement by Mycosis Fungoides, Mini G. Abraham MD,FCAP; Manjula Balasubramanian; P Crilley; and J Steve Hou (Presentation)
Characteristic Sinusoidal Distribution of Erythroblasts in Acute Erythroid Leukemia Evolving From Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Mini G. Abraham MD,FCAP; Manjula Balasubramanian; S Menachery; D Topolsky; and S J. Hou (Presentation)
Detecting The Large Sezary Cells by Flow Cytometry Increases the Diagnostic Sensitivity of Sezary Syndrome But Not Correlated With Patient Survival Status, Mini G. Abraham MD,FCAP; T Liu; C Boselli; E Vonderhaid; and S J. Hou (Poster)
Androgen receptor regulates expression of skeletal muscle-specific proteins and muscle cell types., Saleh Altuwaijri; Dong Kun Lee; Kuang-Hsiang Chuang; Huei-Ju Ting; Zhi-Ming Yang MD, PhD; Qingquan Xu; Meng-Yin Tsai; Shuyuan Yeh; LeRoy A Hanchett; Hong-Chiang Chang; and Chawnshang Chang (Article)
47,XXY with Associated Bilateral Renal Agenesis., Julieta E Barroeta, Gary A Stopyra, and Gary A. Stopyra MD (Article)
“D2-40 Immunoreactivity in Spindle Cell Tumors, a Specific Lymphatic Endothelial Marker?”, Kirsten S. Bellucci MD; Xiaowei Xu MD, PhD; C C R Lee MD, PhD; P L. Pasha; Rosalie Elenitsas; David E. Elder; and Paul J. Zhang (Poster)
Brain Biopsy, Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA (Book Chapter)
Stable expression of small interfering RNA sensitizes TEL-PDGFbetaR to inhibition with imatinib or rapamycin., Jing Chen, Nathan R Wall, Kerry K Brown PhD, Nicole Duclos, Doriano Fabbro, Donna Neuberg, James D Griffin, Yang Shi, and D Gary Gilliland (Article)
Immunohistochemical detection of Aspergillus species in pediatric tissue samples., John K Choi, Joanne Mauger, and Karin L McGowan (Article)
Cytomegalovirus prophylaxis with valganciclovir in kidney, pancreas-kidney, and pancreas transplantation., Gaetano Ciancio, George W Burke, Adela Mattiazzi, Zvi Leibovici, Lorraine Dowdy, David Roth, Warren Kupin, Anne Rosen, Delvis Jorge, Robert E Cirocco, and Joshua Miller (Article)
PRAM-1 is Required for Optimal Integrin-Dependent Neutrophil Function., Regina A. Clemens, Sally A. Newbrough, Elaine Y. Chung, Shereen Gheith, Andrew L. Singer, Gary A. Koretzky, and Erik J. Peterson (Article)
Cell division rates of primary human precursor B cells in culture reflect in vivo rates., Jonathan Cooperman, Robert Neely, David T Teachey, Stephen Grupp, and John Kim Choi (Article)
The Prognostic Significance of Multiple Morphologic Features and Biologic Markers in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast: a Study of a Large Cohort of Patients Treated with Surgery Alone., Dennis B. Cornfield MD; Juan P. Palazzo MD; Gordon F. Schwartz MD, MBA; Shanth A. Goonewardene M.D.; Albert J. Kovatich MS; Inna Chervoneva PhD; Terry Hyslop PhD; and Roland Schwarting MD (Article)
Fatal Myositis Due To The Microsporidian Brachiola Algerae, A Mosquito Pathogen., Christina M Coyle MD; Louis M Weiss MD, MPH; Luther Rhodes III MD; Ann Cali PhD; Peter M. Takvorian PhD; Daniel F. Brown MD, MBA; Govinda S. Visvesvara PhD; Lihua Xiao DVM, PhD; Jaan Naktin MD; Eric Young; Marcelo Gareca MD; Georgia Colasante MS, MT(ASCP), SM(NRM); and Murray Wittner MD, PhD (Article)
Gli proteins up-regulate the expression of basonuclin in Basal cell carcinoma., Chunhua Cui MD, Thomas Elsam, Qinjie Tian, John T Seykora, Marina Grachtchouk, Andrzej Dlugosz, and Hung Tseng (Article)
Estimation of ribosomal RNA transcription rate in situ., Chunhua Cui MD and Hung Tseng (Article)
Tolerance induction in composite facial allograft transplantation in the rat model., Yavuz Demir, Selahattin Ozmen, Aleksandra Klimczak, Abir Mukherjee MD, and Maria Siemionow (Article)
Association of Pulmonary Artery Wall Hypertrophy with Pulmonary Hemodynamics in Severe Emphysema-A Morphometric Study, Heba Y. Durra MD; Jeremy A. Falk MD; Charalambos C. Solomides MD; and Gerard J. Criner MD, FCCP (Poster)
Small Airway Anatomy and Long Term Outcome Post Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS), Heba Y. Durra MD; Victor Kim MD; Charalambos C. Solomides MD; Satoshi Furukawa MD; and Gerard J. Criner MD, FCCP (Poster)
Cytologic diagnosis of intraocular lymphoma in vitreous aspirates., Tunde Farkas MD, J William Harbour, and Rosa M Dávila (Article)
Severe Hemolysis Resulting from D Incompatibility in a Case of ABO-Identical Liver Transplant., Mark K. Fung, Hina A. Sheikh MD, Bijan Eghtesad, and Ileana Lopez-Plaza (Article)
Tie2-Cre-induced inactivation of a conditional mutant Nf1 allele in mouse results in a myeloproliferative disorder that models juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia., Aaron D Gitler, Yi Kong, John K Choi, Yuan Zhu, Warren S Pear, and Jonathan A Epstein (Article)
Reactive Versus Neoplastic Lymphoid Follicles: Proliferation and Death Versus Quiescence and Staying Alive., David Glidden, Jillian R. Grau MD, and Adam Bagg (Article)
A Fatal Fulminant Accelerated Rejection in a Cardiac Transplant Recipient: In Serch of Activating Receptors of Cytotoxic Lymphocytes, Jillian R. Grau MD and K Kamoun (Presentation)
Lack of correlation between the type of COL1A1 or COL1A2 mutation and hearing loss in osteogenesis imperfecta patients., Heini Hartikka, Kaija Kuurila, Jarmo Körkkö, Ilkka Kaitila, Reidar Grénman, Seppo Pynnönen, James C Hyland, and Leena Ala-Kokko (Article)
Comparison of the Elvis TM HSV ID/Typing System, LightCycler-HSV 1/2 Detection Kit, and Conventional Shell Vial Culture for Detection and Typing of Herpes Simplex Virus from Clinical Samples, Roberta L. Hill; Jeffrey Wisotzkey PhD; David Bankert; Charles Vaughn; Sharon Holtzapple; Marie Smith; Susan Nelsen; Rebecca Peters; and Arthur E. Crist, Jr. (Presentation)
Winter swimming improves general well-being., Pirkko Huttunen, Leena Kokko, and Virpi Ylijukuri (Article)
Missense mutations in the beta strands of the single A-domain of matrilin-3 result in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia., G C Jackson, F S Barker, E Jakkula, M Czarny-Ratajczak, O Mäkitie, W G Cole, M J Wright, S F Smithson, M Suri, P Rogala, G R Mortier, C Baldock, A Wallace, R Elles, L Ala-Kokko, and M D Briggs (Article)
The fibril-associated collagen IX provides a novel mechanism for cell adhesion to cartilaginous matrix., Jarmo Käpylä, Juha Jäälinoja, Mira Tulla, Joni Ylöstalo, Liisa Nissinen, Tiina Viitasalo, Piia Vehviläinen, Varpu Marjomäki, Petri Nykvist, Anna-Marja Säämänen, Richard W Farndale, David E Birk, Leena Ala-Kokko, and Jyrki Heino (Article)
Skewed Th1/Th2 immune response to Sarcoptes scabiei., Peter N Lalli PhD, Marjorie S Morgan, and Larry G Arlian (Article)
Elevated Levels and Distinct Patterns of Expression of A-Type Cyclins and Their Associated Cyclin-Dependent Kinases in Male Germ Cell Tumors., Ching Liao, Sherry Li MD, XiangYuan Wang, Samantha Muhlrad, Anders Bjartell, and Debra J. Wolgemuth (Article)
Diagnostic Utility of CD10 in Differentiating Hepatocellular Carcinoma from Metastatic Carcinoma in Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) of the Liver., Fan Lin MD, PhD; Heba Y. Durra MD; and Steven Meschter MD (Article)
Testicular Seminoma 16 Years After Treatment for CNS Germinoma., Amit Maity, Hui-Kuo G Shu, Alexander R Judkins, Michael J Fisher, L Dwyer-Joyce MD, and David J Vaughn (Article)
Clinical and radiographic findings in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia caused by MATN3 mutations: description of 12 patients., Outi Mäkitie, Geert R Mortier, Malwina Czarny-Ratajczak, Michael J Wright, Mohnish Suri, Piotr Rogala, Margarida Freund, Gail C Jackson, Eveliina Jakkula, Leena Ala-Kokko, Michael D Briggs, and William G Cole (Article)
Correlation of 1p-19q-Defects in human gliomas With the Light Microscopic Appearance of Oligodendroglioma., Roger E. McLendon, Ahmed B. K. Rasheed PhD, Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, and James Herndon (Article)
Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy., T Melton (Article)
Prediction of sustained virological response in liver transplant recipients with recurrent hepatitis C virus following combination pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin therapy using tissue hepatitis C virus reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction testing., Guy W Neff, Christopher B O'Brien, Robert Cirocco, Marzia Montalbano, Maria de Medina, Phillip Ruiz, Amr S Khaled, Pablo A Bejarano, Kamran Safdar, Mary A Hill, Andreas G Tzakis, and Eugene R Schiff (Article)
Passive cannabis smoke exposure and oral fluid testing., Sam Niedbala, Keith Kardos, Sal Salamone, Dean Fritch, Matth Bronsgeest, and Edward J Cone (Article)
Heart allograft rejection: detection with breath alkanes in low levels (the HARDBALL study)., Michael Phillips, John P Boehmer, Renee N Cataneo, Taseer Cheema, Howard J Eisen, John T Fallon, Peter E Fisher MD, Alan Gass, Joel Greenberg, Jon Kobashigawa, Donna Mancini, Barry Rayburn, and Mark J Zucker (Article)
Prediction of heart transplant rejection with a breath test for markers of oxidative stress., Michael Phillips, John P Boehmer, Renee N Cataneo, Taseer Cheema, Howard J Eisen, John T Fallon, Peter E Fisher MD, Alan Gass, Joel Greenberg, Jon Kobashigawa, Donna Mancini, Barry Rayburn, and Mark J Zucker (Article)
Characterization of recombinant amino-terminal NC4 domain of human collagen IX: interaction with glycosaminoglycans and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein., Tero Pihlajamaa, Hilkka Lankinen, Joni Ylöstalo, Leena Valmu, Juha Jäälinoja, Frank Zaucke, Luitgard Spitznagel, Silke Gösling, Anne Puustinen, Matthias Mörgelin, Johan Peränen, Patrik Maurer, Leena Ala-Kokko, and Ilkka Kilpelaïnen (Article)
Polymorphisms in the Taste Receptor Gene (Tas1r3) Region are Associated with Saccharin Preference in 30 Mouse Strains., Danielle R. Reed, Sherry Li MD, Xia Li, Liquan Huang, Michael G. Tordoff, Rameen Starling-Roney M.D., Kiyomi Taniguchi, David B. West, Jeffery D. Ohmen, Gary K. Beauchamp, and Alexander A. Bachmanov (Article)
Genomewide search and association studies in a Finnish celiac disease population: Identification of a novel locus and replication of the HLA and CTLA4 loci., John D Rioux, Hannele Karinen, Kerry K Brown PhD, Sheila Guschwan McMahon, Päivi Kärkkäinen, Esko Janatuinen, Markku Heikkinen, Risto Julkunen, Jussi Pihlajamäki, Anita Naukkarinen, Veli-Matti Kosma, Mark J Daly, Eric S Lander, and Markku Laakso (Article)
Renal Siderosis in Donor Allograft: Pathologic and Clinical Sequelae., Sadia Salim, Haider Asad MD, Mysore S Anil Kumar, Joseph Brezin, Michael Heifets, and Billie Fyfe (Article)
Gene symbol: COL1A1. Disease: Osteogenesis imperfecta type I., I A Schafer, J Stein, J C Hyland, and B Clark (Article)
An attempted suppression of liberty., Joseph D Schulman (Article)
Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: Analysis of p53 and HPV Status in 46 Cases., Hina A. Sheikh MD, M Fishera, and J L. Fishera (Poster)
p63 Expression in Assessment of Bronchioloalveolar Proliferations of the Lung., Hina A. Sheikh MD, Kimberly Fuhrer, Kathleen Cieply, and Samuel Yousem (Poster)
P63 Expression in Assessment of Bronchioloalveolar Proliferations of the Lung., Hina A. Sheikh, Kimberly Fuhrer, Kathleen Cieply, and Samuel Yousem (Article)
Analysis of NM-23, A Proposed Tumor Metastasis Suppressor Gene in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas., Hina A. Sheikh MD, Justin Murphy, and Jennifer L. Hunt MD (Poster)
Neuromedin U: a Myb-regulated autocrine growth factor for human myeloid leukemias., Susan E Shetzline, Ravikumar Rallapalli, Kelley J Dowd, Shaomin Zou, Yuji Nakata, Cezary R Swider, Anna Kalota, John K Choi, and Alan M Gewirtz (Article)
Enophthalmos as Initial Manifestation of Occult, Mammogram-Negative Carcinoma of the Breast., Carol L. Shields MD, Gary A. Stopyra MD, Brian P. Marr MD, Mark L. Moster, Jerry A. Shields MD, and Gary A. Stopyra MD (Article)
Interleukin 1 polymorphisms and intervertebral disc degeneration., Svetlana Solovieva, Sanna Kouhia, Päivi Leino-Arjas, Leena Ala-Kokko, Katariina Luoma, Raili Raininko, Janna Saarela, and Hilkka Riihimäki (Article)
Identification of cyclin D3 as a direct target of E2A using DamID., Siyuan Song, Jonathan Cooperman, Danielle L Letting, Gerd A Blobel, and John Kim Choi (Article)
Hibernoma: Largest Single Series with Review of Histopathological, Molecular-Cytogenetic, Radiological, and Clinical Findings, Gary A. Stopyra MD and Harish S. Hosalkar MD (Poster)
Hospital-Reported Pneumococcal Susceptibility to Penicillin, Gary A. Stopyra MD, Joshua P. Metlay, Charles C. Branas, and Neil O. Fishman (Article)
Molecular Genotyping of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Can Predict Tumor Recurrence., Michael Tometsko, Laura Niehouse, Dalal Aldeeb, Patricia Swalsky, Sydney Finkelstein, E Leon Barnes, Jennifer L. Hunt MD, and Hina A. Sheikh MD (Article)
A stop codon mutation in COL11A2 induces exon skipping and leads to non-ocular Stickler syndrome., Mirka Marjanna Vuoristo, John Georgios Pappas, Valerie Jansen, and Leena Ala-Kokko (Article)
Comparative Genomic Hybridization Analysis of Astrocytomas: Prognostic and Diagnostic Implications., Rodney Wiltshire Ph.D, James E. Herndon, Annie Lloyd, Henry S. Friedman, Darell D. Bigner MD, Sandra H. Bigner MD, and Roger E. McLendon (Article)
Granuloma annulare with a mycosis fungoides-like distribution and palisaded granulomas of CD68-positive histiocytes., Hong Wu, Alan Barusevicius, and Stuart R Lessin (Article)
Cellular Nodules in Congenital Pattern Nevi., Xiaowei Xu MD, PhD; Kirsten S. Bellucci MD; Rosalie Elenitsas; and David E. Elder (Article)
Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid: a cytohistologic correlation and study of discrepant cases., Lourdes R Ylagan, Tunde Farkas MD, and Louis P Dehner (Article)
Two-color immunostaining of liver fine needle aspiration biopsies with CD34 and carcinoembryonic antigen. Potential utilization in the diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma vs. metastatic tumor., Michael Yoder MD, Robert L Zimmerman, and Marluce Bibbo (Article)
Identifying Fastidious Microorganisms Using 16S Ribosomal RNA Gene Sequence Analysis, Divya Ahuja; Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD; Arthur E. Crist, Jr.; and R Kahl (Presentation)
Association of Mannose-Binding Protein (MBP) Mutations with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Theodore D. Bell BS and Jeffrey Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)
Real-Time Analysis of the Mannose Binding Protein Gene, Theodore D. Bell BS and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)
The 5-Minute Neurology Consult, Daniel F. Brown MD and Herbert B. Newton MD, FAAN (Book Chapter)
New and Improved B Cell Isolation, Bala Carver MD, Marjorie Williams, Mark Hoffman, Nancy Holihan MB, Patricia Kimble BS, and Marilyn Wetmore (Poster)
Sp1 and Sp3 transcription factors mediate interleukin-1 beta down-regulation of human type II collagen gene expression in articular chondrocytes., Christos Chadjichristos, Chafik Ghayor, Magdalini Kypriotou, Grégoire Martin, Emmanuelle Renard, Leena Ala-Kokko, Gunthram Suske, Benoit de Crombrugghe, Jean-Pierre Pujol, and Philippe Galéra (Article)
Relationship of Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin 20210A, MTHFR C677T and ACE D/D Genotypes and Occurrence of Thromboembolic Events in Trauma Patients, Kristie Chiscano, R Kahl, Candy Lint-Kessler, Theodore D. Bell BS, Michael Najarian, John Monk MD, Nikhilesh Agarwal MD, and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)
Developing Molecular Screening For Colon Cancer Using Real-Time PCR Mutational Analysis of DNA Isolated From Stool Samples, Kristie Chiscano, Candy Lint-Kessler, L P. Fielding, and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)
Congenital salivary gland anlage tumor of the nasopharynx., Erik G Cohen, Michael Yoder MD, Rebecca M Thomas, Denise Salerno, and Glenn Isaacson (Article)
Congenital salivary gland anlage tumor of the nasopharynx., Erik G Cohen, Michael Yoder MD, Rebecca M Thomas, Denise Salerno, and Glenn Isaacson (Article)
Update of the UMD-FBN1 mutation database and creation of an FBN1 polymorphism database., Gwenaëlle Collod-Béroud, Saga Le Bourdelles, Lesley Ades, Leena Ala-Kokko, Patrick Booms, Maureen Boxer, Anne Child, Paolo Comeglio, Anne De Paepe, James C Hyland, Katerine Holman, Ilkka Kaitila, Bart Loeys, Gabor Matyas, Lieve Nuytinck, Leena Peltonen, Terhi Rantamaki, Peter Robinson, Beat Steinmann, Claudine Junien, Christophe Béroud, and Catherine Boileau (Article)
The potential role of flow cytometry in the diagnosis of small cell carcinoma., Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Zach Liu, Wojciech Gorczyca, and James Weisberger (Article)
Diagnostic Utility of CD10 in Differenting Hepatocellular Carcinoma from Metastatic Carcinoma in Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) of the Liver (Poster), Heba Y. Durra MD; Fan Lin MD, phD; and Steven Meschter MD (Poster)
Loss of Expression of Tuberin and Hamartin in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex-Associated But Not in Sporadic Angiofibromas., Ingrid Fackler; Jeffrey E. DeClue; Heidi Rust; Phuong-Anh Vu; Heinz Kutzner; Arno Rütten; Steven Kaddu; Christian A. Sander; Matthias Volkenandt; Michael W. Johnson MD., PhD; Harry V. Vinters MD; and Ralf Wienecke (Article)
Differential expression of mammalian or viral promoter-driven gene in adherent versus suspension cells., Gong Feng MD, PhD; PatriciA Hicks; and Pi-Ling Chang (Article)
Severe Anti-Rh (D) Hemolysis Requiring Red Cell Exchange Following ABO-Identical Liver Transplantation., Mark K. Fung, Hina A. Sheikh MD, and Ileana Lopez-Plaza (Poster)
Translocation (X;20)(q13.1;q13.3) as a Primary Chromosomal Finding in Two Patients with Myelocytic Disorders., Brian A Gray, Dennis B. Cornfield MD, Angela Bent-Williams, and Robert T Zori (Article)
Validation of Real-Time PCR and PBP'2 Latex Agglutination Methods For Detection of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Roberta L. Hill; Jeffrey Wisotzkey PhD; Arthur E. Crist, Jr.; and Vijaya Tummala (Presentation)
Development of a quality, high throughput DNA analysis procedure for skeletal samples to assist with the identification of victims from the World Trade Center attacks., Mitchell M Holland, Christopher A Cave, Charity A Holland, and Todd W Bille (Article)
Atypical fibrous histiocytoma of the scrotum., Youming Huan MD, Jonathan Vapnek, and Pamela D Unger (Article)
The ShiA protein encoded by the Shigella flexneri SHI-2 pathogenicity island attenuates inflammation., Molly A Ingersoll, Jeremy E Moss, Yvette Weinrauch, Peter E Fisher MD, Eduardo A Groisman, and Arturo Zychlinsky (Article)
A recurrent R718W mutation in COMP results in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia with mild myopathy: clinical and pathogenetic overlap with collagen IX mutations., E Jakkula, J Lohiniva, A Capone, L Bonafe, M Marti, V Schuster, A Giedion, G Eich, E Boltshauser, L Ala-Kokko, and A Superti-Furga (Article)
Radiologic phenotypes in lumbar MR imaging for a gene defect in the COL9A3 gene of type IX collagen., Jaro Karppinen, Eija Pääkkö, Petteri Paassilta, Jaana Lohiniva, Mauno Kurunlahti, Osmo Tervonen, Pentti Nieminen, Harald H H Göring, Antti Malmivaara, Heikki Vanharanta, and Leena Ala-Kokko (Article)
DNA Sequencing and Real-Time PCR Analysis of the p53 and APC Gene Using Routine H&E Stained Colon Specimens, Candy Lint-Kessler and Jeffrey D. Wisotzkey PhD (Presentation)
Mapping of a new autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss locus (DFNB32) to chromosome 1p13.3-22.1., Saber Masmoudi, Abdelaziz Tlili, Marja Majava, Abdel Monem Ghorbel, Sébastien Chardenoux, Arnaud Lemainque, Zeineb Ben Zina, Jihene Moala, Minna Männikkö, Dominique Weil, Mark Lathrop, Leena Ala-Kokko, Mohamed Drira, Christine Petit, and Hammadi Ayadi (Article)
Immune responses and their regulation by donor bone marrow cells in clinical organ transplantation., James M Mathew, Rolando O Garcia-Morales, Manuel Carreno, Yide Jin, Laphalle Fuller, Bonnie Blomberg, Robert Cirocco, George W Burke, Gaetano Ciancio, Camillo Ricordi, Violet Esquenazi, Andreas G Tzakis, and Joshua Miller (Article)
Adenovirus infection in pediatric liver and intestinal transplant recipients: utility of DNA detection by PCR., Gwenn E McLaughlin, Spiros Delis, Lutifat Kashimawo, G Patricia Cantwell, Naveen Mittal, Robert E Cirocco, Phillip Ruiz, Tomoaki Kato, and Andreas G Tzakis (Article)
Collagen XI sequence variations in nonsyndromic cleft palate, Robin sequence and micrognathia., Miia Melkoniemi, Hannele Koillinen, Minna Männikkö, Matthew L Warman, Tero Pihlajamaa, Helena Kääriäinen, Jorma Rautio, Jyri Hukki, Joseph A Stofko, George J Cisneros, Deborah Krakow, Daniel H Cohn, Juha Kere, and Leena Ala-Kokko (Article)
Use of liver grafts from donors positive for antihepatitis B-core antibody (anti-HBc) in the era of prophylaxis with hepatitis-B immunoglobulin and lamivudine., Jose R Nery, Caio Nery-Avila, K Rajender Reddy, Robert Cirocco, Deborah Weppler, David M Levi, Seigo Nishida, Juan Madariaga, Tomoaki Kato, Phillip Ruiz, Eugene Schiff, and Andreas G Tzakis (Article)
Sequence variations in the collagen IX and XI genes are associated with degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis., N Noponen-Hietala, E Kyllönen, M Männikkö, E Ilkko, J Karppinen, J Ott, and L Ala-Kokko (Article)
High prevalence of 6-acetylmorphine in morphine-positive oral fluid specimens., Lance Presley, Michael Lehrer, William Seiter, Dawn Hahn, Barbara Rowland, Melissa Smith, Keith W Kardos, Dean Fritch, Sal Salamone, R Sam Niedbala, and Edward J Cone (Article)
Molecular Mutational Analysis of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma., Hina A. Sheikh MD, Kathleen Cieply, and Michael Tometsko (Poster)
Histologic Findings in Core Biopsies and Resection Specimens of Papillomas of the Breast., Hina A. Sheikh MD and D Dabbs (Poster)
Role of P63 in Assessment of Bronchioalveolar Proliferations of the Lung, Hina A. Sheikh MD, Kimberly Fuhrer, Kathleen Cieply, and Samuel Yousem (Poster)
Bilateral Orbital Myeloid Sarcoma as Initial Sign of Acute Myeloid leukemia: Case Report and Review of the Literature., Jerry A. Shields MD; Gary A. Stopyra MD; Brian P. Marr MD; Carol L. Shields MD; Wilbur Pan MD, PhD; Ralph C. Eagle Jr MD; Jay Bernstein MD; and Gary A. Stopyra MD (Article)
Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor of the Lung, Gary A. Stopyra MD (Article)
Effect of B-5 Fixation on Immunohistochemical Detection of CD79a and CD138 in Plasma Cell Neoplasms, Gary A. Stopyra MD (Poster)